Chapter 2743 Rebecca, choose a weapon!

Now that he has already spoken, there is no reason to go back on it. Master Ek believes that he has done a good job.Therefore, he generally does not promise anything.

"Come on! Let the old man see how your weapon is."

Master Eck's face darkened.

Babury really wanted to praise him angrily, he was so courageous, he even tricked Master Ike into it, how much courage it took!

"Captain, good job!"

Brayton is gearing up, although it has nothing to do with him, but it is a very refreshing rhythm at first glance.

"My lord, everything is justice!"

There is no need to doubt Zefa's loyalty. Who can do it like him?

The words of your buddies make others sound very sad, Master Ek, ​​how did you meet these people?Is today your disaster day?Hey.

"Thunder Knife! Look out, old man!"

The corner of Liu Xu's mouth twitched, and then he took the Thunder Knife hanging from his waist and put it on the counter. Master Eke's originally angry face changed suddenly, and a gleam of light and enthusiasm appeared in his eyes.

"Okay, what a strong momentum."

The layman looks at the excitement and the insider looks at the doorway.

Before the knife was out of its sheath, Master Eke could feel the obvious aura coming from the blade. It was indeed a different response, which was beyond comparison with ordinary knives.

Touching the blade with trembling hands, Master Eke swallowed hard, perfect, this knife is so perfect, the momentum alone cannot be compared with the weapons in his shop.

Seeing his situation, some people suddenly became amazed. It was the first time in many years that Master Eck could be so excited.

Even when Master Eck forged the strongest weapon, he never showed such an excited look.

In his words, there is still a gap between the knives he forged and the strongest knives in the world.

Could that knife surpass the strongest weapon he forged?Some people's eyes flashed with inexplicable expressions, unbelievable.

With one hand on the handle of the knife, Master Ek's hands were exposed with blue veins, and there were thick calluses on his hands. The calluses on the tiger's mouth could make people judge at a glance that he was a swordsman who has used swords for many years.


The blade was pulled out a little, and the deep purple light instantly illuminated the entire store. The strong thunder light closed almost everyone's eyes, making it difficult to look directly.


The light disappeared, and the Thunder Knife had already returned to its sheath. Master Ike was panting heavily, his chest heaved violently, and his lips/lips trembled a little.

"Good knife! Good knife!"

Master Eck was amazed again and again.

Barbury's eyes flickered, and he asked sharply, "Master Ek, ​​what grade of knife is this?"

"Supreme block to twelve workers, but it doesn't look like it. It seems to have surpassed this level. It's really unclear."

"The imperial sword is the only one in the world!"

Liu Xu's voice sounded, and he told the grade of this knife in one sentence, which greatly stimulated several people.

Master Eke was startled, muttering something, and finally laughed, and said: "Imperial-level big sword, imperial-level big sword, haha, not bad, not bad, very suitable for this title."

The wild smile and wild eyes made the customers in the store uneasy. When an old man laughed like this, he was very worried that he would just smoke it like this. If he did it like this, would you like to help him?

"Sell me this knife! I will use all the weapons in the store to trade with you. There are three weapons of the highest grade of [-]-level swords, seven of the [-]-level swords, and ten of the [-]-level swords. It is all the weapons that I spent my whole life forging, and I will exchange this one with you."

Master Eke suddenly said such a sentence, so frightened that Liu Xu didn't say anything, and directly elementalized the thunder knife in his hand, tied it around his waist properly, and meowed, what a wretched old man, unexpectedly If you want to use such broken copper and rotten iron to despise our precious sword, go to hell!

Master Eke was dumbfounded. Looking at his empty hands, he wanted to cry, but was taken back by the other party, and the speed was so fast that he didn't even have time to react.

Bastard, this young man doesn't respect the old and the young.

Barbery was also dumbfounded, Master Eke, why do you still have a [-]-level sword of the Supreme Sharp Knife?Why don't we know?Why are you hiding so deep?I think that when we knelt in front of your door for a month, when we couldn't hold on and almost died, your old man came out with a knife with a painful face, saying that it was the strongest knife forged by your old man. Twenty-one quick knives, only this one, I will give it to you because of your sincerity.

Now, why do you have three supreme knives with twelve workers, and other great knives with twenty-one?What exactly is going on?

"Damn old man, there is only this one in the world of the imperial high-speed knife. Hmph, don't talk about you, even if you exchange all the other famous knives in the world, you can't change it."

Liu Xu directly despised it, embarrassing Master Eke, who didn't know how to speak.

"Now, this young master is going to take the bet that belongs to me, you, do you have any opinion?"

Master Eke is embarrassed, this, is there any opinion on this?

"It looks like you gave the old man the strongest knife I've seen, choose it yourself!"

Master Eke pretended to be calm, waved his hand generously, and then lay down on the counter, crying countless times in his heart.

"Then I will accept it with a smile. Rebecca, the weapon you need is a big sword? Hehe, choose one for you."

After saying that, he walked to the iron shelf and carefully selected.

And Rebecca trembled, this guy wants to choose weapons for himself?When was he so good?Could it be some conspiracy?

Conscience of heaven and earth, so-and-so really has no conspiracy!


There are naturally the most swords in the weapons store. There are many fine irons on the sales shelves, and each one seems to be of similar strength.

Liu Xu turned around, and there was no weapon he wanted on these sales shelves.

Chapter 2744 The Challenge of the Descendants of the Dragon Slaying Warrior


The big sword, the sword used by Rebecca is the kind of knight sword similar to that of ancient Rome. I haven't seen a few here.

However, he soon gained something.

There was a secret compartment hidden at the bottom of a shelf, which made him happy, the old man, after all, he still couldn't escape the eyes of this young master.

Gently press a small button on the shelf, and the hidden compartment at the bottom opens, making the few people around to watch dumbfounded.

This skilled technique, this familiar control, how could it be so premeditated?

Liu Xu didn't care what other people thought, and squatted down directly. There were ten swords below them, their sharp edges were exposed, and there was a faint flash of light. They were all high-level weapons.

With a quick glance, Liu Xu directly picked up three of them, a thick blood-red knife, shaped like an eagle-eyed black knife.

A dexterous tachi, a knight sword like the one Rebecca used before.


Holding the three weapons, he walked directly to the counter and put them down, Liu Xu said: "I want these three, ahem, it's done."

Master Eke raised his head and muttered, "Take it if you like it!"

But when his eyes inadvertently glanced at the hands above the three weapons, his expression changed immediately, and he was about to grab the three weapons when he stretched out his hand.

But his speed was still a bit slower, Liu Xu was one step ahead of him, grabbed the weapon in his hand, and threw the knight sword to Rebecca, who was so frightened that he quickly picked it up.

"Bastard, you, you actually took away all three of my weapons of the [-]th level of the supreme sharp knife."

Master Eke couldn't help but let out a loud roar, and this roar made the faces of the customers here change. This is what Master Eke said before, his life's hard work?Heh, it's interesting now, the rhythm of losing the wife and breaking the army!

Liu Xu rolled his eyes at him, and said relaxedly: "This is the bet. You lost the bet. What? Don't you want to admit it? Ah, the famous master Eke didn't even admit it?"

Master Eke was so angry that he almost vomited blood. There are only twelve known swords in the world, and two of them are in his hands, namely the blood-red sword and the Taidao and other knight swords were also made by him, but no one knew about it.

It took him all his life to create these three knives, how could they be taken away all at once?

But a bet is a bet, and if you lose, you lose. I have to finish the appointment with tears in my eyes!

With two knives hanging from his waist, Liu Xu was very calm. Although he didn't like the two-sword and three-sword style, it might come in handy in the future. Why not do it for fun?

"Wait a moment!"

Seeing that the opponent was about to withdraw, Master Eke yelled loudly, and Liu Xu's footsteps stopped accordingly.

"What? Do you still want to snatch it?"

Liu Xu was a little wary, the old man was disrespectful, and he might blackmail him later.

Master Ek shook his head and said: "No, since it is something that has already been sent, then I will not come back. It's just that I want to talk to you, and talk to you as a swordsman."

Oh?That's where it gets interesting.Liu Xu raised his eyebrows, it seems that the old man is still a little interesting.

"Get out, get out."

Seeing that Liu Xu had no intention of objecting, Master Eke immediately started to drive people away, and drove the customers out of the store, leaving only Liu Xu's people and that strange-looking Barbury.


The wooden door was directly closed by Master Ek, ​​who rubbed his nose and guided everyone to the back hall.

The back hall is better, wider and cleaner than the front hall.

As soon as everyone sat down, Master Eck began a long personal speech.

The content of the speech was very interesting. It actually revealed the identity of his ancestor from the very beginning, the descendant of the dragon-slaying warrior sword hero Longma.

Master Eke was also a powerful swordsman, and he was very famous in Wano when he was young, challenging countless strong men.

But such a challenging life only lasted less than ten years before it ended, and he changed his job to become a blacksmith, devoting himself to forging the strongest weapons.

And he has also achieved very high achievements, and these three weapons of the [-]th grade of the supreme sword are the best proof.

His deeds are very ordinary, and there are not many surprises.As for the strange thing, he is a descendant of Dragon Slaying Warrior, a swordsman engaged in the forging industry, it's as simple as that.

However, he is also a swordsman who has been pursuing breakthroughs all his life, and there are not many warriors worthy of his shot in this country.

"So, you mean to challenge me?"

Liu Xu was surprised, this old man is quite old, why bother!This appearance looks to be seventy or eighty, what if one accidentally becomes disabled?

"Yes, mighty warrior, please agree to my request!"

With that said, Master Eke changed from his previous grumpy appearance, and bowed deeply.

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