Liu Xu couldn't calm down anymore. What's the matter? How could he meet such a guy?

"I refuse, there is no point in fighting you. You can consider Barbury, his strength is also very good, and he will be a good opponent."

Master Eke glanced at Barbury, then shook his head and said: "He can't, he has a lifetime of great power, but he doesn't have a flexible mind."

Barbury is embarrassed, is it appropriate to doubt his brain so directly?

"Your Excellency samurai, if you agree to fight with me, how about I help you introduce the generals of Wano country?"

Yo?This is a good bargaining chip, Liu Xu hesitated a little.

"Okay! Then see you in the arena!"

With that said, Liu Xu got up and left, heading straight for the arena.

Chapter 2745 Are you sure you want to challenge the world's number one swordsman?

The arena is full of enthusiasm and enthusiasm!

Today's arena is destined to attract the attention of the entire city, all because of one person's challenge.

It's breaking news that Master Ike challenges a powerful alien warrior.

How noble is the status of Master Eke, and now there is someone worthy of his shot?

Is a foreign samurai that powerful?No one knows, and no one has seen.

But now it is definitely worth looking forward to. Countless people in the city flocked to the arena, including old and young, women and children. The originally empty arena suddenly became crowded.

"I heard that the foreign warrior is a young man!"

"Yes, I heard that he has a kind of knife that surpasses Master Ek's most forged knife, the world's number one knife."

"Well, it is estimated that Master Ek can solve the battle within ten strokes."


The people were very enthusiastic, and they expressed their opinions one after another. It was almost a gamble here to win a game.

Liu Xu and Master Eke naturally ignored these people. On the No. [-] ring, their knives were already out of their sheaths. Master Eke's sword was a pure white Taidao with a slender blade as if There is snow drifting by.

"Your Excellency, warrior, please advise!" Master Eke rushed out after speaking, and slashed at Liu Xu's head fiercely.

Liu Xu's eyes lit up. This old man looks old, but his movements are still very flexible. The speed of running and sprinting is not weaker than that of young people. It seems that it is the result of a lot of exercise.

With one blow, the power was extraordinary, and suddenly the sound of the wind was driven to fall towards Liu Xu, and the surrounding air pressure suddenly increased. This knife seemed ordinary, but it carried a mighty power.

It's a very contradictory feeling, which makes people feel so depressed that they almost vomit blood, what kind of swordsmanship is he?How can there be such a depressing atmosphere?

The black star eyes didn't look at the pure white blade, but at the opponent's body.

Sharp, sharp and majestic, like an unsheathed knife, the knife in his hand is a part of his body.

Lei Dao lifted up to block, ready to meet the opponent's menacing knife.

However, when the knife was about to hit the thunder knife, it suddenly trembled, and a burst of white light flashed behind him. The dazzling light made people's eyes close.

It was at this moment that a white blade glow flew out from the pure white blade and directly hit the blade of Lei Dao.


With a crisp sound, Lei Dao abruptly caught the opponent's blade light, and Liu Xu stepped back sideways, unloading the powerful impact force of the blade light to the ground.


The pure white sword light was pulled to the ground and there was a loud noise. There was a crack of five to six meters long on the wide arena, and the ground was covered with gravel.

One strike was unsuccessful, and Master Eke attacked again and again. The white blade kept colliding with Thunder Knife, and the crisp sound stimulated everyone's eardrums.

"Are you accumulating and not firing? It's a good way, but it wastes too much time and energy. If one move fails, subsequent attacks will be useless."

Liu Xu directly pointed out the secret of the opponent's previous knife attack, which was to suppress the power of the sword light in the blade body, and trigger the suppressed sword light by shaking the blade body when it was about to hit the enemy, so that the enemy was caught off guard.

This is very effective in a duel, and it can often make the enemy let down his vigilance during the first attack, and then be buried in the blade glow.


The crowd around was in an uproar. How could this young warrior see through Master Eke's tricks all at once?And can you fight so easily?Talents are born in large numbers, the outside world is really talented.

"This young warrior is too powerful, and it may be difficult for Master Ek to defeat him at once."

"No, this young man may be able to defeat Master Eck. Didn't you see Master Eck's state just now? Treat him as a powerful warrior!"

"It makes sense, but I'm losing."

The crowd talked endlessly, Liu Xu's partners didn't bother to look at it anymore, this was a battle that was already doomed.

The world's number one swordsman, admiral of the navy headquarters, the future emperor of the sea, and the patriarch of the Tianlong people, how could he lose to this old man?

At that time Liu Xu forgot to ask: "Are you sure you want to challenge the world's number one swordsman?"

"How long do you think it will take to end the fight?"

Yankerman asked Columbia, looking bored.

"Dear Captain, maybe just one knife is enough. It won't take long to see when the Honorable Captain is ready to shoot."

Columbia smiled, and the golden vertical pupils could help him accurately capture various subtle changes on both sides of the war. Naturally, he could see some situations.

Yankeman stuck out his tongue, the boss is too cruel, is he teasing the old man now?

The situation is of course not like this. Liu Xu has always adopted a defensive stance since the battle until now, and was not in a hurry to attack.

Anyone who can be called a warrior in this country has reached the level of a swordsman. Through this master Ike, he can know the extent of the strength of the swordsmen in this country.

Very satisfied, this is a very satisfactory result.Every knife of Master Eke is very straightforward, and every knife is very deadly, although he keeps resisting it.

But it didn't wipe out his fighting spirit, on the contrary, it aroused his competitive spirit.

The pure white sword awns continue to bloom, giving the surrounding audience a visual feast.

"Okay, it's time to solve it."

Liu Xu thought silently, when Master Eke raised the knife again to release the light of the sword, he saw a little under his feet, his body seemed like a dragon swimming, and appeared beside Master Eke after a few horizontal movements, the thunder knife directly on his neck.


Master Ek's movements stopped, and he knew the cold feeling on his neck. He lost, and he lost very simply, and he had no chance to fight back.

The crowd who were expecting him to use the powerful blade light again also fell silent, everyone was stunned and couldn't believe it.

Master Ike, you lost? !

Chapter 2746


Having challenged countless powerful warriors, Master Ek, ​​who is well-known in the country, was defeated like this?Just a knife, just a mediocre knife to defeat him?

No one dared to believe such a situation, and even if they were beaten to death, they would not believe such a thing, but now the fact was defeated before their eyes, which stimulated their hearts.

The folk customs of Wano Country, a closed country, are very tough, and naturally they have a strong sense of self-esteem.The strong in their own country were defeated by outsiders, this is something they don't want to believe.

This incident greatly stimulated their self-esteem, and some people almost collapsed.Unscientific, how can this world be so unscientific?Even if it is to be defeated, it will take a vigorous battle to defeat, how can it be, how can it be so straightforward?

"Master Ek, ​​you lost, no doubt, you lost in speed and stubborn thinking. Your fighting style is bland, the only thing that catches your eye is that you can maintain such a speed for your age. , which is rare."

Liu Xu denied the opponent with one sentence. Through the observation just now, he could find out where the opponent's weakness was, and through observation, he could know what the opponent's fighting style was like.

The result is still a little regrettable. He doesn't have very unique skills. Most of the attacks rely on his speed, and he opens and closes, too straight, and there are not many skills at all.

"Really? We've already lost!"

Master Eke's body trembled, and he suddenly remembered the manuscript he had seen, the manuscript inherited from the dragon-slaying warrior Ryoma, and finally nodded.

"I didn't expect that after so many years of escaping, I was still the same as my ancestors said, with no skills at all."

With a deep sigh, the pure white sword was put away, and the body suddenly bent.

Liu Xu seemed to understand something, thinking of the sword hero Long Ma in the terrifying three-masted sailing ship, although the consciousness belonged to Brooke, it was also related to a certain extent.

The swordsman Ryoma's fighting skills are still very good, I believe he will also remember these skills.

But Master Eke, as his descendant, fights in a straight-forward manner without any skills at all, so this should be his own fighting style.

And the escape he said should be because he knew something about the swordsman Ryoma, and he was stimulated to change his job to become a blacksmith.

Hey, it seems that the old man has been irritated a lot!

"Don't be too sad, you still have the possibility of promotion, study more! Now, it's time to talk about the general, you mentioned it."

What I care most about is the general of the Wano country. The people of Wano country call their leader, that is, the king, the general.

It can also be seen from this point that that general is definitely a militant, at least a swordsman.

Master Eke nodded, then turned and left the arena, Liu Xu smiled and followed.

"Look! It's said to be a knife."

There was a little bit of a smug smile in Columbia's eyes, ah, since he got the power of this devil fruit, his observation ability has become more and more keen.

"Yes, yes, you are the eldest brother, you have the final say."

Yankman made complaints about it, but Brayton's iron fist was ushered in. Damn, everyone started clamoring for a sniper, and the younger brother should look like a younger brother.

Seeing that the key figures have retreated, and the onlookers left in a state of uncertainty, they need to think about today's affairs and comfort their hearts.


Back in the weapon shop again, under Liu Xu's constant urging, Master Eke prepared his bags, and the group headed straight out of the city.

The capital of Wano country is called Jiuri. This is a city with super defensive power. The number of swordsmen is also the largest in the country. There are many powerful samurai gathered here, and many gymnasiums have been opened. It is a very sturdy place. .

There was another person who followed Liu Xu and others, Barbury, this warrior, that is, the swordsman and strong man, also followed him, and he was twitching along the way. After the in-depth exchange, Liu Xu was speechless to him. .

This guy turned out to be the leader of the previous city, no wonder so many people know him, Ganqing is still an official.

"General, this is a powerful warrior from the Navy Headquarters."

Master Eke said to a middle-aged man who was also dressed as a samurai in front of him. This middle-aged man was wearing a samurai armor, and the knife at his waist was a naginata that resembled a white beard. He exuded a fierce look. breath.

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