The palaces of Wano Kingdom are similar to those in ancient Japan. They are all low-rise small houses with long and narrow corridors, and they all sit on tatami mats.

"Master Ek, ​​this is the powerful warrior you said? It looks ordinary."

The general glanced at Liu Xu casually and didn't care.

Liu Xu grinned, oops, it seems that these people in Wano Country are basically the same, it is really a crime to judge that they are not good just based on the first glance.

"General, even though he is young, he is definitely a strong man, not weaker than the powerful existence of the dragon-slaying warrior sword hero Longma. This is what I have witnessed with my own eyes, and he is very powerful."

It was not Master Eck who spoke, but Barbury.

The general frowned tightly, and then asked with a little doubt: "Brother, is what you said true?"

Um?brother?Could Barbury be the general's eldest brother?Is this a joke?

"Of course, I have witnessed it with my own eyes, as many people have seen, that Master Ek has been defeated by him."

Having said that, the general turned serious and bowed to Liu Xu.

"How presumptuous, I didn't even know that you are a powerful warrior. Excuse me, are you here this time?"

This is the state of Wano Kingdom. If you don't know who you are, you will be arrogant, but if you know that you are strong, then you will be in awe every minute.

Liu Xu grinned, not caring about his previous attitude, and said: "It's very simple, Wano Country has been closed for so many years, and it's time to open up, otherwise it won't be able to keep up with the pace of the times. Cooperate with me to build a powerful team." How about the swordsman army?"

Chapter 2747 Failure to cooperate or perish

Cooperation, that's what Liu Xu came here for.

A closed country that wants to rely on its own strength to develop, a country that has reached a bottleneck.

Closed the country and isolated from the world.

Although this can quickly increase their strength to a certain extent, it will easily reach the bottleneck.

The current Wano country is in such a state, and there is not much power to break through again.

The overall strength of this country is still very good, but that is only relative to ordinary countries.

But for those powerful forces, such power is still not enough.

This will be a powerful weapon against some ordinary soldiers or something!

In a country where all the people practice martial arts and admire the culture of swordsmen, their strength will exceed the imagination of many people.

If the power of this country can be integrated and adapted, it is easy to obtain a powerful army.

This is his purpose, and it is also the ultimate purpose of coming to Wano Kingdom this time, the purpose that must be accomplished!

Hearing that Liu Xu intended to cooperate with them, the general immediately hesitated. It was not only the practice of his predecessors, but also his idea.

It is enough to silently strengthen your own strength, why should you cooperate with him?

Moreover, to cooperate for no reason must be something important.

"Your Excellency Samurai, what do you mean? Why do you want to cooperate with Wano Country?"

Liu Xu had already thought about the countermeasures, and said immediately: "It's actually very simple. There are two purposes. One is that I really need a force that can resist ordinary troops. After all, I can't always deal with some miscellaneous things. It will be very annoying if they get rid of them. The other purpose is to not want the country of Wano to perish.”


Is it necessary to be so direct, so crisp?Against the strength of ordinary troops?let them go?Does this underestimate them?Also, when will Wano country end?

The general's face became ugly, but he still held his breath and said, "Your Excellency samurai, what do you mean by humiliating my kingdom so much?"

Even the faces of Barbery and Master Eke are equally ugly. After all, Wano is their country, how can someone be allowed to be presumptuous here?

"Your Excellency Samurai, I respect you as a strong man, but I will never let you humiliate our country like this!"

Barbury's face was ashen, and now he regrets it a little. He should have fought as soon as they met before, even if they were desperate.

Hancock and the others had weird expressions on their faces. Why did Liu Xu say that?Could it be the power of prophecy?Wano country will suffer a catastrophe?

Every time they think of Liu Xu's power to predict the future, they are puzzled. How can such power appear in a person?This is a bit like the magician who can divination through tarot cards.

"Captain, wouldn't it be nice to be so direct?"

Breton is a little embarrassed, Mr. Captain, this is the rhythm of the battle!

Liu Xu shook his head directly to stop the follow-up words of several partners, and said: "No, this is an objective fact. Not to mention the Golden Lion, even that guy Kaido will not give up capturing this country. A man with so many Do you think they will let it go? Kaido will arrive soon.”

"Wait, who is Kaido you are talking about?"

Master Eke stood up, with a frightening light in his cloudy eyes.

Oh?There is an inside story!

"You know the character Kaido?"

"Of course I know, I've heard of it before, maybe a month ago! Kaido, one of the Four Emperors who rule the New World, possesses incomparably powerful power!"

Four emperors?The four emperors who ruled the new world?The generals and Barbury looked even more ugly. Although they were in a closed state, they still existed for such power, just as they knew the existence of the Navy Headquarters.

"You said Kaido would attack Wano?"

The general's face is serious, this guy can't be a gimmick, can he?

Liu Xu smiled lightly and said: "Of course, I believe he is already on his way here. If you don't believe it, it's okay. I will take my people and leave. You can go to meet him when the time comes...It's okay, he There are only a few hundred devil fruit ability users under him."

Damn, don't you say this is going to die?The general now has the urge to slap him to death. Hundreds of capable people?A capable person is worth several of his good swordsmen.

"No cooperation? Okay! Then the negotiation breaks down, so be it!"

With that said, Liu Xu turned around decisively, and all the partners naturally cooperated tacitly, turning around and leaving.

Ignoring a few people with ugly faces, he left directly, and when he reached the door, the general couldn't help it.

"Wait a moment!"

A shout stopped Liu Xu's footsteps and made his heart laugh wildly. Poor guy, you can't help it after all.

"What? My young master's time is precious."

The general walked up to him, with a little uneasiness on his face, and said, "I believe in you, but you have to show enough sincerity. I won't use my people to make fun of me. I won't put all the bets on you." On you, unless you have that ability."

"Ability? Isn't this simple? How about trying to destroy this city with one knife?"

Liu Xu laughed, do you want to see strength?OK, let me show you.


Destroy this city with one knife?are you joking?This city is so huge, and there are countless fortifications, do you think it is so good?

However, it seems that there is no need to use this city to make jokes!

The general rolled his eyes and said: "There is a way to try. The sword hero Longma in ancient times was called the Dragon Slaying Warrior because he once chopped off the flying dragon in the sky. You can try it too. We just found out If you kill a flying dragon, you cut him down, and we will cooperate directly."

Dragon?There are still things?Liu Xu struggled for a moment, would it be the same as the Millennium Dragon?


Chapter 2748 New Dragon Slaying Warrior


Most of the dragons in this world are similar to the flying dragons in the west. They are dragons with two wings, and they are relatively powerful. It is difficult for ordinary people to fight against them.

"Is it Zhanlong? Then let's go!"

Saying that, Liu Xu left, and the general quickly followed him, "Slaying the dragon, is it really such an easy thing to do?"

The dragon's lair, about [-] kilometers away from Jiuli City, is a barren place. This is a basin, with high and low rocks stretching as far as the eye can see. Under a huge rock, a dark hole is very conspicuous. .

"Is that the dragon's lair?"

The power of Liu Xu's heart net gradually spread out, and he soon reached the edge of the hole. There was no sign of life around, so the flying dragon should be inside.

The general and the others came here, looking at the dragon's lair with a slightly flinching expression, as if the things inside frightened them.

"Yes, that's the lair of the flying dragon. During thunderstorms, the flying dragon will come out to wreak havoc, and nearby villages and cities will be attacked."

"That's it, then I understand."

Liu Xu responded and looked at the clear sky. His body quickly entered an elemental state, and thunderclouds began to condense in the sky.

The originally clear and bright sky turned gloomy in an instant, and the deep purple thunderclouds began to condense, and the rumbling thunder resounded through the sky.

"Well, what's going on here?"

The generals are not calm anymore, is he not only a swordsman, but also a capable person?Oh Shet, can you stop being so provocative?

Liu Xu ignored them and flew directly into the sky, and the tumbling thundercloud instantly became irritable.

Columbia and others have seen this situation many times, and said calmly: "Mr. Captain's strength is not what you can imagine, just watch it."

The generals were speechless, do you want to be so exciting?

And Liu Xu in the sky stared at the dark hole with his eyes, and pointed his finger at the hole. In an instant, countless thunder and lightning fell from the tumbling thundercloud.

"Boom boom boom!"

The thunder and lightning with thick arms fell, spreading around the entire hole, and all within a radius of several hundred meters were filled with lightning.

As the thunder and lightning fell, there was a loud and clear dragon chant from the entrance of the cave.


Immediately, a gust of wind condensed at the entrance of the cave, changing the trajectory of part of the thunder and lightning. A huge black shadow appeared at the huge entrance of the cave, and the wings flew into the sky.

Only then did Liu Xu see clearly what appeared. It was exactly what he had imagined. It was exactly the image of a western dragon, with a strong and streamlined body, knotted muscles, scarlet eyes shining with terrifying light, and a body length of nearly four feet. Hundred meters, this is a giant!

The image is very good, and it looks like a very good mount, but it is obviously not suitable for you to think about these things.

The moment the flying dragon entered the sky, Liu Xulei drew his saber out of its sheath.


The deep light flickered as it was unsheathed, and Liu Xu's body turned into a dark purple horse and flew away, intersecting with the flying dragon that flew into the sky in an instant, and landed in front of the generals and the others.


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