The deep light disappeared, and Liu Xulei put the knife back into its sheath, turned around and looked towards the sky.

The flying dragon vibrated its wings and flew in the sky, bathed in thunder and lightning, looking uncomfortable and happy.

The thunder and lightning didn't seem to cause much damage to its body, but instead provided it with endless power.

"It's over." Liu Xu said.

One sentence stunned the three generals, is it over?what's over?Could it be that the flying dragon couldn't be chopped off?Hey, it really can't be compared with the legendary swordsman Ryoma!

Just when they were extremely disappointed, the body of the nearly [-]-meter-long flying dragon swimming in the sky suddenly stopped, and then a shrill dragon cry came from its mouth, and a line of blood appeared on the body from the head to the tail. .

As this line of blood spread to the tail, countless blood poured out from the flying dragon's body and poured down from the sky. The whole body was split into two and turned into two halves.

There seemed to be a rain of blood in the sky. The flying dragon with a body length of nearly [-] meters was cut off, and countless blood spilled down, which was decomposed by the violent electrons in the air and turned into ashes.


The body of the flying dragon fell heavily to the ground, and the rocky ground trembled violently, stirring up dust all over the sky.

"This this……"

The general was dumbfounded, it's that simple?That's it?Does he really have a powerful force comparable to the Dragon Slaying Warrior?God, can you stop being so exaggerated?

Crisp and neat, Liu Xu's movements are so crisp and neat, directly chopping down the flying dragon, which proves the extent of his strength.

"I wonder if this dragon meat is delicious?"

Bonnie looked at the body of the flying dragon and salivated. I have never eaten dragon meat, so I really want to try it.

The general swallowed hard, gorgeous, the action just now is too gorgeous when I think of it, such a direct knife, such a straightforward knife, without the slightest sloppy, just swipe directly like this, everything is over.

"Powerful dragon-slaying warrior, your strength has been witnessed, and our cooperation has officially come into effect."

Liu Xu grinned and said: "Of course, our cooperation is now officially in effect. I will help you deal with Kaido's matter. Now, start to build a strong swordsman army to follow me, no problem?"

"No problem, of course no problem. It is their honor to be able to learn from the great Dragon Slaying Warrior."

A general who can achieve the position of the king of a country is naturally not a dull person. There are advantages and disadvantages. Now that Wano is facing the threat of Kaido, it needs the help of a strong man.

Moreover, let the elite swordsmen in the country follow each other, maybe they can learn something from him, and in the end, it is his kingdom that will benefit.

But, is it really that simple?Liu Xu would do such a stupid thing?

No effort, no gain, this sentence is the last word everywhere!


Chapter 2749

It is not an easy task to form a strong swordsman unit. What Liu Xu wants is the elite among the elites, who can replace his navy soldiers when they are training for devil fruit.

Naturally, a round of knockout rounds began in Jiuli City. Liu Xu's request was very simple, the strongest and the best-minded talents could be selected.

Those who came with impure purpose, sorry, can only leave.

The selection is in full swing here, while in another sea area, an existence that makes the new world tremble is encountering a little trouble.

Kaido the Four Emperors vs Admiral Qingzhi and Kizaru of the Navy Headquarters.

As for the outcome of this battle...

Two warships were destroyed, hundreds of naval soldiers and some officers died in the sea, Qing Zhi and Huang Yuan fled with the remaining ships and people.

On the other side, Liu Xu is holding two Devil Fruits in his hands at the moment, and in front of him are Caesar, Brayton, and Nami.

"Master, these two are the giant fruit and the storm fruit." Caesar said respectfully: "The research has been completed and matured, but the power has yet to be developed."

Liu Xu nodded and looked at the two fruits carefully. He couldn't feel the power in them, but since he said it, there should be no problem.

"Braton, Nami, eat these two fruits! Then develop the power in them and see how far they can be developed."

Nami and Breton already knew about the Devil Fruit, they took the Devil Fruit indifferently, and then returned to their room.

After both of them left, Liu Xu asked, "Caesar, what's the situation with Vera now?"

"Master, Vera's situation is basically good, and it is growing at a predetermined rate. It's just that some people seem to be investigating Vera's situation recently, and there are always some strange people. Some are sent by nearby kingdoms and towns, Some are pirates, and some are not identified."

Caesar told the situation of Vera. The kingdom of Vera will encounter some obstacles while developing and growing. It is normal for some inexplicable people to appear.However, according to Vera's current strength, it is not very difficult to find out the identities of these people, so why do some people with unclear identities still appear?

"Is the identity unclear?"

Liu Xu pondered, but also understood what, it seems that what should come is still coming!

"You go back! Tell Doflamingo and the others to be more careful, control those unidentified ones if they can be controlled, and kill those who cannot be controlled."

When Liu Xu gave the order, Caesar responded quickly and left quickly, leaving Liu Xu alone in the room thinking about something.

Perhaps, some things should be accelerated.

The Casper Holy Family, the family that had already threatened Liu Xu and was threatened back by Liu Xu, naturally had their own power in the New World.

And the other two families, the Kulai family and the Craig family, are not bad, at least they can flourish in the New World.

The three Celestial Dragon families join forces to deal with a kingdom. Under normal circumstances, this is the rhythm of destroying the country every minute.

However, when facing this kingdom, they felt like they were facing a formidable enemy, and they dared not be careless.

It can be judged from Caesar's words that there should be no other forces that can make them unable to detect except the Tianlongren family.

Perhaps, there is also a mysterious revolutionary army force.

The revolutionary army has disappeared since Liu Xu took away an important stronghold in the new world, and they have never been seen again, which makes the revolutionary army even more mysterious.

Being able to avoid the detection of the Tianlong family, it can be seen that they have done a very good job of keeping secrets.

Badman has already heard the news that the forces of Saint Casper have entered the new world. This is a very serious question. How many strong men has he brought?How many troops did you bring?

Will a young patriarch bring all his strength for this battle?

"Nami, go to Kate Town first!"

After thinking about it, Liu Xu still made up his mind that this matter must be dealt with in the shortest possible time. If it can be successful, then apart from his own, there will be ten Tianlong family members left, which is relatively easy to solve.


Kate Town, a town located on the small island of Wold, is a relatively prosperous town and the economic center of several nearby islands.

According to the information obtained by Liu Xu, this is where the power of the Kulai family is located. The entire town has a population of about [-], and the [-] people are all the power of the Kulai family. It can be seen that this family is developing personnel. Still has a lot of power.

Of course, it is impossible to say that the [-] people are Tianlong people, but that the [-] people belong to the strength of the Kulai family.

It only took half a day to sail to the small town of Wald, and Liu Xu's three warships had already docked on the coast of Wald Island.

Three?That's right, there are now three battleships!

"My lord, how do we solve this time?"

"Kill the town of Kate and kill it directly to the scum, ahem, this young master is so pure and kind."

Liu Xu had a bright smile on his face, but the words he said were so murderous, but the last sentence that was trying to cover up made people a little speechless.

A person who can say that he is pure and kind must not be so pure and kind.

"Understood, my emperor!"

Zefa would never refuse any order from Liu Xu. Since it was the words of his own emperor, he would ruthlessly bombard the town to the brim.

"Everyone, look at that small town and fire!"

Liu Xu let out a loud roar, and the soldiers on the warship quickly prepared the laser cannon, and fired without hesitation after adjusting the angle.

The yellow light condensed at the muzzle of the gun, and the dazzling glare made people's eyes gradually close.


Chapter 2750


"Bang bang bang!"

The twelve laser cannons in the front row made a loud noise, and twelve laser beams flew out.

The laser beam swept across the sky, dragged a long tail and flew towards the town, and the sharp sound of breaking the air made the people in the town look up at the sky.

In their eyes, twelve groups of yellow light spots quickly approached them, penetrated countless buildings in the blink of an eye, and finally exploded.


At the moment when the laser beam exploded, the dazzling light and blazing fire engulfed everything around it, and instantly engulfed those who had not yet reacted.

"There are enemy attacks, there are enemy attacks!"

Some people reacted and shouted again and again, and the people around them woke up and quickly rushed into the various stores, and all kinds of weapons were carried out from inside.

"Find out the intruders and kill them!"

Some acted as the perfect leaders, leading the townspeople in their search.

Liu Xu's mind network power has clearly sensed the psychological activities of those people inside, no need to talk nonsense, the laser cannons continued to bombard.

"Bryton, send an ICBM!"

Brayton took a step forward upon hearing this, opened the mechanical arm, and took out a green missile from inside.

"Giant ICBM!"

With a loud shout, the blue veins on his forehead were exposed, and the ICBM in his hand was thrown towards the town.

The green intercontinental missile was no slower than the laser cannon's attack speed, and fell in front of those who rushed out of the town in an instant.

"Huh? What is that?"

Some sharp-eyed people have already seen the existence of intercontinental missiles and exclaimed immediately.

The other people also looked over, but they were puzzled, what is this little thing?bomb?It doesn't seem to have much power!

However, they didn't realize how foolish their idea was until the ICBMs started to show their power.


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