The intercontinental missile fell, and the specially-made explosives inside began to explode immediately. The loud noise at that moment made the ears of countless people roar, and then an extremely strong and overbearing shock wave rushed towards these people.


These people who rushed to the gate of the town screamed again and again, the shock wave kept tearing their bodies, and every corner of the body was ravaged by the shock wave, tearing their bodies to pieces.

"Very nice scene."

Liu Xu smiled while holding the binoculars. The shock waves and flames produced by the explosion of the intercontinental missiles were so fierce that they could block the Kulai family members who came out of the impact at once. Fry over.

"Kids, keep bombing!"

Liu Xu roared, the soldiers continued to adjust their angles, and the laser cannons bombed again, even the members of the Nine Snake Pirates, dense firepower covering the entire town.

With full firepower, the battleship transformed by the mad scientist Brayton has greatly improved both in firepower and sailing speed.

Especially the main ship, the length of which has been modified to reach as much as [-] meters, and the firepower has been carefully built by him, and the coverage of firepower has reached an astonishing level.

The three battleships opened fire at the same time, and the firepower network covered the entire town. The continuous falling artillery fire caused the entire town to fall into panic. From the initial righteous indignation to the current fear, this is a huge and rapid change.

No one can break through the coverage of the firepower network. As long as a large number of enemies start to attack, Colombia's ICBMs will directly bomb, or the bombs will be transported to the enemy's sky through Colombia's fruit ability, and then directly dropped, reaching and clustering. Bomb-like effect.

The gunfire flew together, and the blazing flames devoured everything in the town. The fire light reflected on Liu Xu's calm face, bringing out a touch of indifference in the face of life and death.

The sky above the town was filled with panic, and a large number of Tianlongren subordinates ran out, and quickly organized into a defensive formation under the leadership of a few captain-like figures.

However, this doesn't do anything.

The firepower network covered the town of Wald. As time passed, the panic in the town gradually subsided, but this was not because the artillery attack had been effectively prevented, but because the people in the town were basically dead and wounded. do.

"Finally, let's give you some gifts!"

Liu Xuxinwang detected that there were still some people hiding in the underground air-raid shelters in the town, and directly drew out the thunder knife.

"Spring thunderstorm!"

Liu Xu leaped into the air, and the purple-black blade was covered by lightning. He added the power of lightning to the weapon and swung it down with one hand. A purple blade glow with lightning shot out from the blade rapidly, and the crescent-shaped blade glow was dragged on the ground A narrow and long crack opened the ground where it passed, and the fine stone chips turned into the tiniest dust.

Thunder Knife, a weapon born for fighting, has various powerful innate advantages, and can easily perform various powerful sword moves.


The place where the spring thunderstorm passed left a faint purple arc, and the slash instantly crossed the island and sank into the distant sea, stirring up a surge of surging waves.

But within a few seconds, the island that was struck by the spring thunderstorm began to experience violent turmoil, houses began to collapse, mountains began to slide, the ground began to collapse, and sea water poured into the island along the cracks that appeared.


With the Thunder Saber back in its sheath, the turbulence of the entire island reached its peak, and a crack that penetrated the entire island appeared in the middle. With a loud noise, the entire island was divided into two and sank to both sides.

Destroy the island, this is the rhythm of destroying the island. Liu Xu destroyed the island with a single strike with the power of the spring thunder, which proved how powerful the Thunder Saber is.

"It's amazing, is this the power of Liu Xu's warrior?"

On another battleship, a samurai in a kimono let out an exclamation.

"Dragon Slaying Warrior? I'm afraid he has already surpassed Dragon Slashing Warrior. Warrior Liu Xu can definitely be called the strongest swordsman." Another swordsman said so.


Chapter 2751 Ways

He held the long sword tightly in his hand. It would be great if he could get the direct hand of the other party, and what an honor it would be.

There are [-] people on this battleship, each of them is a swordsman wearing a sword, basically wearing a kimono, these people are the elites who came out of Wano country.

At the request of Liu Xu, the elites there had already been selected in Wano Country, and finally [-] swordsmen were selected to join his fleet, becoming an independent swordsman team.

These two hundred people are definitely the elites of the Wano Kingdom. The people Liu Xu personally selected cannot be weak.

The island was completely silent, Liu Xu stopped looking there, and turned to Nami and said: "Go to Nolle Island, where the Craig family is stationed, and there are two military bases around Nolle Island, which is more troublesome. "

Nami nodded in response, then took the helm, found the record pointer of Nolle Island, and cut it decisively.

The speed of destroying the island was very fast. Liu Xu personally executed the final knife, and destroyed the only residence of the Kulai family in the New World with lightning speed. This speed exceeded everyone's expectations.

Other people would naturally not know about the situation here before notifying the Holy Land Marijoya in time.

Perhaps, when some people sailed here and found that an island was missing, maybe the Holy Land Marigioa would know what happened here.

However, that's all for the future, and now Liu Xu has rushed to another island, Nolle Island, the island of the Craig family, an island guarded by two military bases, which looks very powerful.

Just when he was confident and ready to quickly kill the family, the phone bug from Vera changed his face.

"Master, Vera has been attacked by a powerful enemy!"

There was anxiety in Doflamingo's face, and the sound of killing could be vaguely heard from the phone bug.

Liu Xu's complexion suddenly turned ugly. Damn, did that guy Casper St. already start to attack?How much power did he bring, so that even the Don Quixote family could not resist?Could it be that some other lieutenant general of the Navy headquarters has been invited?Or did they invite some experts from the world government?Damn, can't it be such a tricky thing?

"The Casper Holy Family has already started?"

"No, it's not the members of the Casper Holy Family, but two other guys, Moonlight Moria's Zombie Legion and Crocodile's Baroque Studio."

Brother Doflaming's words made Liu Xu stunned all of a sudden, and meowed, how could it be these two people?Haven't these two guys been gone for a while?Why did it appear again?And dare to attack Vera, do these two guys deserve to be beaten?

The matter was a bit beyond imagination, Liu Xu needed a little time to think, so he said: "Try to block them, I will rush over after I finish dealing with the matter here."

After speaking, he hung up the phone bug.

Nami's sailing speed also increased all of a sudden, and she rushed to Nole Island at full speed.

The two original Shichibukai, Moonlight Moria and Crocodile, have been delisted. No, it should be said that they have given up the name of Qiwuhai. This is a very surprising thing.

More than a year ago, they suddenly announced in a high-profile way that they would give up the title of Qiwuhai, and then they disappeared. No one saw them in the new world, and no one mentioned their names again.

These two people seem to have disappeared out of thin air.

However, now they appeared in people's sight again, and as soon as they appeared, they came to the newly rising kingdom of Vera, which made many people puzzled.

Where is Vera?That was the place where Liu Xu personally took it down, and now there is Doflamingo guarding there. The two of them attacked there so blatantly, could it be that they wanted to make enemies with Liu Xu?

Liu Xu's thoughts were disturbed along the way, and the appearance of these two people disrupted his plan.

Of the two, one had a grudge against Doflamingo, and it would be easier to explain if he attacked.

And the other one, that is, Crocodile, this guy had a deal with him before, and he was a partner.

It's basically a well-known fact that Vera is his turf.So, what exactly is Crocodile?Joining with Moonlight Moria, could it be that Moonlight Moria gave him enough benefits?Or are you ready to occupy Vera and divide the territory?

Mysteries appeared again, and Liu Xu's heart was completely entangled. What is the purpose of these two people?Cough cough, maybe they are impatient and want to find some excitement in life.

Putting aside these irritating things, according to the news from Badman, Nolle Island is a medium-sized island with a small kingdom named Kopler Kingdom, which has a population of more than [-] and is distributed among many towns.

This is the kingdom controlled by the Craig family. The military and economy here are all in the hands of the Craig family. It is the only stronghold of the Craig family in the New World.

A lot of information can be drawn from this bit of information. Unlike the Kulai family, the Craig family controls an entire kingdom, which means that there are many ordinary people, and these people are not subordinate forces of the Tianlongren family. So, can this be destroyed like Kate Town?

Obviously not, he would not hesitate to slaughter [-] Tianlong subordinates, but he couldn't bear to slaughter so many ordinary people, it was an inhumane thing.

"Hancock, let's change to another way when the time comes! Just like the East Sun Kingdom, we just need to eliminate the power of the Tianlongren." Liu Xuchao said to the people who gathered and waited for his arrangements.

Choosing this way is different from what happened in Kate Town. As long as the enemy's forces are eliminated, other ordinary people don't need to attack them.

Hancock and the others nodded at the same time. They had also seen Badman's information. Naturally, they clearly understood the number of people in that kingdom.


Chapter 2752

"There are two military bases around Nolle Island that belong to the Craig family. When the time comes, you just prepare to attack there. Leave the affairs in the kingdom to me. We don't have much time, so we have to hurry up."


There are two military bases around Nuo's island, which are full of powerful soldiers and dead soldiers cultivated by the Craig family. This information has shown clearly.

Eliminate these two military bases, and then kill the leaders of the Celestial Dragons in the kingdom, then the power of the Craig family in the New World will be declared over, and then Madeline in the holy land Marijoya will be able to easily take over The two families took over.

At the same time, there is the Casper Holy Family.

"Zefa, Columbia they will give you to lead."

"Yes, my emperor."


Nolle Island is not far from Wald Island, and it only takes half a day to form under normal circumstances.

Under Nami and others' full-fledged sailing, this time was shortened a lot, and it took about two hours to arrive.

This is a tropical island with blue sky and blue sea. From far away, you can see the tourists and residents playing and laughing on the beach. The first impression of this island is very comfortable.

A medium-sized island can already build several cities and accommodate hundreds of thousands or even millions of people.

Some large islands can accommodate even more, millions of them are very easy.

And a very large island, let alone.

The three warships approached the beach slowly, and the people on the beach all paid attention. How could there be warships coming to this place?

This beach is prohibited by order, it should be docked elsewhere!

"Hancock, Zefa, you start to act!"

Liu Xu ignored those doubtful people. With an order, Hancock and the others set up the arrangement in an instant. Liu Xu jumped off the warship alone. Hancock's pirate ship and the main ship sailed away from the beach. The swordsman's battleship stayed behind.

"Your characters are staying here, pay attention to observe the two military bases, and support immediately if there is any abnormality!"


Each person plays a specific role, and each person's mission is preordained. After carefully assigning this mission, Liu Xu quickly deployed the power of the heart network to bring the tourists who are still in doubt on the beach. , The thoughts of the residents are fully controlled.

The power of Xinwang can achieve the same effect as mind reading, and it can know people's hearts and hear people's voices.

Among the countless inner voices, Liu Xu quickly ruled out some irrelevant information, and controlled all the information about this country in his hands.

The speed and method of collecting information in this way are much better than others, and you can easily get the information you want.

When he was in the Eastern Sun Kingdom, Liu Xu controlled the Eastern Sun Kingdom by directly attacking the capital.

When they were in the Meilijian Kingdom, they also attacked the capital, and set up traps to keep hundreds of thousands of troops out, and finally wiped out the entire Meilijian Kingdom.

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