Now, without any assistants with him, Liu Xu rushed directly towards the capital by himself.

Regardless of the shocking world, the body quickly entered the elemental state and turned into a dark purple piece of training towards the direction of the capital.

"Wow, Superman!"

"No, that's God."

"Don't talk nonsense, it's obviously a devil fruit ability user."

There was an explosion on the beach, and countless people started arguing, but it was caused by Liu Xu's actions.

As the political power center of a country, the capital is naturally the most prosperous city and the most heavily defended place.

With the help of lightning power, Liu Xu rushed directly into the capital, leaving the soldiers patrolling the city walls too late to react, or it was difficult to see his figure at all, even if they saw him, they would I thought it was just my eyesight.

"I can't tell, it's not bad here."

After entering the royal capital, Liu Xu looked at the surrounding environment. This place is comparable to that of the Eastern Sun Kingdom. It is a very good royal capital, with pedestrians coming and going, and street vendors in full swing.

With a mutter, Liu Xu's heart network power unfolded again, and the entire capital was instantly within his sensing range, and the already noisy environment around him became even more noisy in his heart network. Countless voices echoed in his mind, It made it difficult for him to distinguish the truth from the truth, and he could only eliminate it bit by bit to find the most important clues.

Within his sensing range, even the heavily guarded royal palace couldn't stop it, and it was easy for him to spy on it and make it clear.

But unfortunately, nothing more valuable was heard in the palace.

On the noisy street outside, some voices caught his attention.

"This time the patriarch, the Kulai family and the Casper Holy Family joined forces, is it a blessing or a curse?"

"It's very mysterious. Vera is Liu Xu's territory. It is almost impossible to attack it. It can only be attacked if there is some kind of strategy. Moreover, we have to face Liu Xu's powerful force."

"Not only Liu Xu, but also Doflamingo. That guy has become Liu Xu's subordinate and is now in Vera. He is a strong opponent."

A few voices were caught by him keenly, and the things he talked about made his eyes light up. Good guy, after wasting more than an hour, he finally found the right master. These people should be the people of the Craig family. wrong.

Three families united?Oh, then we have to see whose side God is on.The five Tianlongren families can all be attacked, let alone your three families?If thirteen families joined forces, it would be really troublesome, but for three families, there is still no pressure.

His eyes locked on a location, a restaurant with a luxurious facade, and the power of Xinwang shrouded the positions of the previous few people, and he could quickly identify it.


Chapter 2753 Chamber of Commerce

"By the way, how is the progress of the Chamber of Commerce this time? Actions against Vera require huge expenditures. Vera is developing rapidly, and it is not so simple to control there."

"The funds of the Chamber of Commerce have already been prepared. Some of them are used to hire some powerful people, and the rest are used for military expenses, as well as the maintenance costs of the base. These have been arranged properly. There is another fund for Vera's reception. Pull is a piece of fat, but it can't be cheaper than the other two."

"Yes, the patriarch's order has been issued, and we must compete for the largest territory. I heard that there is another important thing, that is, the devil fruit. Vera has a factory for making devil fruit, which must be obtained. Others things, it doesn't really matter."


The others were stunned, Devil Fruit Processing Factory?Isn't this a joke?Why haven't you heard of it before?

"Hmph, the Casper Holy Family thought that no one would know about it. It's not the same as exposed now. After all, it's still too young to be told by the patriarch after a few words. It's ridiculous."

In a dark room in the restaurant, there is only one long table and a dozen chairs. At this moment, seven people are sitting here, all dressed in fancy clothes, and they seem to be rich or expensive.

The person who spoke before was a middle-aged man in his fifties, tall and thin, with two small beards, and his facial features gave him a biting image.

The other people have different shapes, some with warm smiles, some with expressionless faces, and some with dark eyes. Almost all of life can be seen through these people.

"This time, our Craig Chamber of Commerce has a good advantage. We are not far from Villa, and the Holy Family of Casper is relatively far away in the New World. This is an advantage. Although the Holy Family of Casper brought There are quite a few strong men, but with the name of our Craig Chamber of Commerce, it is not easy to summon some strong pirates. Five billion Baileys are enough to summon a lot of bounties Hundreds of millions of powerful pirates, hahaha..."

Hearing this, the other people also laughed, as if they could already see the bright future of their chamber of commerce.

At this moment, the voice of a phone bug came from the pocket of the thin senior.

"Bolu Bolu... Bolu Bolu..."

The voice of the phone bug sounded very untimely at this time, which stopped the middle-aged man from laughing wildly, with a displeased expression on his face.

Taking out the phone bug in his pocket, the middle-aged man shouted angrily, "What's the matter?"

A slightly anxious voice quickly came from the phone bug: "Your Excellency Galali, we have been attacked, and Base No. [-] has been attacked."

Base [-] has been attacked?This sentence made the faces of the people present stunned for a moment, and the middle-aged man, that is, Saint Galari, suddenly roared.

"What's the situation, report it immediately."

"Yes! Your Excellency Saint Galali. Just now we were attacked by pirates. The other party was a group of powerful pirates, all of whom were women. , we are hard to resist."

The people who reported it are all crying now. It should have been a leisurely time as usual, why would a pirate suddenly attack?And the attack turned out to be female pirates. The number of [-] people just resisted their [-] powerful soldiers and dead soldiers. The other party relied on the power of the devil fruit and the power of domineering to kill them and almost lost their helmets. Abandon armor.

Shame, really shame.

They won't be happy if they win in the end, because it will be a tragic victory, and they will lose face to others, and they will be bullied by hundreds of women. This is too embarrassing.

"You said, five hundred women resisted five thousand of you?"

St. Galari was furious, wishing he could kill this reporting guy right now, five thousand men can't beat five hundred women?Can this matter not be so funny?Or, did they usually train dogs?It's so scumbag?

"Yes, five hundred powerful female pirates with domineering body, this should be a premeditated attack, Lord Galari, please instruct!"

When the person who reported heard that the other party was already angry, he almost threw the phone bug in his hand, Tianlong people, the other party is Tianlong people!Moreover, he is the person in charge of the Craig family stationed in the New World. If the other party is unhappy, he will become a slave every minute and live the most miserable life ever since.

"Premeditately kill you, instructions? Do you still need instructions? No matter what the cost, block them for me, and I will send the soldiers here to support them."

Galali is very holy, this guy still needs to give instructions?If the base is attacked, of course, it is to resist desperately and deal with the enemy.Damn it, how could he be attacked by pirates at this time?

My God, don't let anything happen at this critical moment. If the base is destroyed, they will have a hard time taking action against Vera. At that time, the great patriarch will definitely not mind being skinned and cramped, and even Eat his flesh and blood directly.

Thinking of the brutality of the patriarch, Saint Galari couldn't sit still.

"You have heard what you said just now, Warwick. Immediately dispatch [-] soldiers to support and minimize the loss of the base."


A sturdy middle-aged man stood up after hearing the words, with a sturdy aura on his body, it seems that he should be from a military background.

"Everyone, now mobilize your strength, let me investigate this pirate group, I want all of them to become the most despicable slaves!"

The gloom in the eyes of Saint Galali was even more obvious. As the head of the Craig family in the new world, he had no need to say much about his power. Anyone present was within his control.


Several people also know the seriousness of the matter. At this critical moment of preparing to deal with Vera, they must not lose the chain.

Chapter 2754 Battle Axe

The seven people got up and prepared to leave, but at this moment a voice suddenly came.

"Everyone, is it interesting to go in such a hurry? Why don't you sit down and chat with me?"

The voice fell, and at the only exit of the darkroom, the huge and heavy stone door had been opened, and a young man in black and white shorts was leaning against the doorpost, looking at them leisurely.

Liu Xu, Liu Xu, who used Xinwang Arrows, naturally heard the voice of the phone bug, and he knew it in his heart. It seems that Hancock and the others have already started to act.

Tsk, I didn't expect Hancock and the others to fire the first shot, what a surprise!

Hancock's side has started to move, so Zefa's side should almost start to move.

Hundreds of people against five thousand?This seems to be very disparate, and it also seems very mysterious!

However, Liu Xu is still very confident. The soldiers under him are all first-class experts. There is absolutely no problem in killing those guys, the only thing is the length of time and the size of the loss.

Liu Xu couldn't sit still when he heard St. Galali ordered Warwick to deploy a [-]-man army for support. God knows what the consequences will be if the [-]-man army joins, so he rushed in decisively.

"who are you?"

Warwick, who was walking in the front, roared, and someone actually appeared in the dark room.

Damn, did someone leak the news?Bastard, who the hell?

"Liu Xu, why is it you?"

Others didn't recognize it, but Galari Sheng did.

As the head of a Celestial Dragon family in the New World, there was no reason why he would not know what the family's enemies looked like, so he recognized them.

"Why can't it be me? Ah, it looks like you guys are planning to attack this young master's territory! Heck, are you willing to attack someone as righteous as this young master? It seems that you are the heinous villains! You know, villains are very It’s easy to be struck by lightning from the sky, you have to be careful. One day when you are walking on the road, a thunderbolt from the blue will kill you to the scum, that will be a very pleasant thing.”

Liu Xu hurt seven people unceremoniously, seeing the faces of these people as if they had eaten something, he felt secretly refreshed.Want to attack this young master's territory?I really don't know if I'm dead or alive.

"Liu Xu, this is the territory of the Clay family, don't be too arrogant."

"Yeah, I'm so scared, since that's the case, then this young master can only ask you to hang up first."

As soon as the voice fell, a dark purple arc flashed around Liu Xu's body, instantly illuminating the darkroom.

The seven members belonging to the Craig family of the Celestial Dragon have a supreme status in this kingdom, and even have a very high status in the underground world of the entire new world.

There are not many guards around, and there are only seven of them in the darkroom.

"You said, if you died suddenly here, would someone come to collect your corpse?"

Liu Xu was surrounded by deep purple arcs, and the dark room was brightly lit. The seven people looked serious. Liu Xu is a capable person!

"Liu Xu, even if it costs our lives, I will kill you."

Warwick, who was the leader, roared again, and pulled out a battle ax from behind. There were sharp protrusions on the top and front of the black and gold battle ax, which had increased a lot of lethality.

The length of the battle ax reaches [-] meters, and there is no doubt about the explosive and destructive power of the thick battle ax.

With one blow of the axe, the [-]-meter-high Warwick swelled with muscles all over his body, and the clothes on his upper body were directly crushed by the bulging muscles. The strong muscles full of explosive power could make many women salivate.

The heavy and sharp battle axe slashed down with a whistling sound, and the whistling sound so sharp that it seemed to penetrate the eardrum went straight into the human heart.

Liu Xu swept his eyes away, good guy, this guy is quite capable, he looks like a reckless man who sells meat, but he also maintains defense while attacking, impeccable.

He rushed forward with a short body, and saw him reaching out with lightning speed. He grabbed the handle of the battle ax with one hand, and a deep and continuous force was transmitted to his hand, which made people deeply feel the power of this guy reached to what extent.

He is also a strong powerhouse. People who use battle axes usually fight in a straight line. They don't pay too much attention to fancy moves, but only focus on how much lethality they have.

Stretching out one foot and kicking the opponent's abdomen, Warwick's body, which was constantly exerting strength, trembled, and then flew backwards, hitting the wall hard.

The other six guys have already retreated to the corner. They are just the subordinates of the high-ranking Celestial Dragons. They are very good at making them play tricks, but for fighting, forget it!

As the saying goes, there are specialties in the surgery industry. They only need to use their brains, not their hands and feet.

Liu Xu walked into the dark room, and the heavy stone door was also closed. The whole room was illuminated by deep purple light. There was only one exit here, and he blocked it, so these people would not be able to get out.

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