Horror appeared in the eyes of Warwick who hit the wall. Liu Xu, an ability user, actually relied on the strength of his arm to catch his own battle axe?How is this possible?His battle ax has been tempered, continuously compressed and improved. It weighs up to [-] catties. It is not easy for ordinary people to carry it, or some strong people will be bounced away after resisting his ax. How can this guy's strength be so powerful? So tough?

Is this guy humiliating him?

"Liu Xu, don't be rampant."

Warwick roared again and again, raised his tomahawk again and rushed over and jumped up. The two-meter-long tomahawk slashed down again and again, and phantoms of the tomahawk appeared. The speed was astonishing.

This is not what Liu Xu wants to pay attention to. What he pays attention to is the change of this battle axe. The original black and gold battle ax has turned into pure black at this time, and the armed color is domineering. Is this guy still an armed domineering owner?What a bonus.


Chapter 2755

"The strength and speed are good, but it's a pity that it is still difficult to compete with those super strong men."

Shaking his head, Liu Xu stretched out a hand again, and accurately grasped the main body of the battle ax in the phantom that filled the sky.

Warwick's body stagnated in mid-air, his face stiffened, he failed, failed again, and was grabbed by the opponent's axe with one hand. Was this guy sent by God to punish him?

This time, Liu Xu didn't give him a chance. He pulled his hand behind him, and Warwick's body in the air was driven towards him by the battle axe.

When the opponent was about to hit his body, he stabbed his left hand forward in a pistol position.

"Finger Gun · Shockwave!"

A plain word came out of his mouth, and a strong and sharp shock wave came from Liu Xu's fingertips, which instantly hit the opponent's heart, and the shock wave penetrated his body, completely crushing his heart.

The heart was shattered, and Warwick's eyes were filled with dead ashes, his eyes widened angrily, blood flowed down the hole the size of the mouth of the bowl, and the breath of life was quickly lost.

Throwing the tomahawk and Warwick's corpse aside, Liu Xu aimed his eyes at the six Celestial subordinates who were huddled in the corner, shook his head slightly and raised a hand, but purple light flew out from his palm.

The purple light that flew out instantly turned into a deep purple bird with a one-meter wingspan and rushed forward. In a blink of an eye, it penetrated the bodies of these six people, and tens of millions of volts of lightning destroyed their bodies wantonly, turning them into The smallest dust.

After killing six people with one blow, Liu Xu turned and left without the slightest hesitation. He smashed the heavy stone gate in front with his palm. Now it's time to deal with the other guys.

The Craig Chamber of Commerce that controls the country?Really interesting existence, raised so much money in one fell swoop, and now these things will be their own.

It is normal for a family of Tianlong people to raise billions of funds, plus the industries they control, there is no doubt that their net worth is tens of billions.

Just like Roswald St. in Chambord Islands, that guy gave Liu Xu [-] billion in minutes to buy his own life. From this, we can see how rich they are.

Controlling six Tianlongren families, how terrifying is Liu Xu's current industry?How terrifying is his net worth?Even he himself didn't know this.Every day his funds are rising crazily, and new industries are born every day.Overwhelmingly rich?No, this is an inaccurate description of him.

The palace is a holy place in the hearts of every citizen and a place of pilgrimage for every official.

Outside the thick wall, a figure quickly turned inside.

Another small island on the side of Noele Island is still the same tropical island as Noele Island. It covers an area of ​​about [-] square kilometers. Except for the trees, everything has been transformed into a military base.

All kinds of military facilities are very complete. Looking down from above, many soldiers are gathering urgently. Outside the [-]-meter-high wall outside the military base, several women lead a group of female soldiers in military uniforms to constantly attack the crumbling gate.

On the fence, the rifles in the hands of hundreds of soldiers pulled the triggers down one after another, trying to stop the female soldiers who kept charging in.

However, all this seems to be in vain.

At the front, Hancock is a sweet fruit person who can turn everything into petrification. As long as you hit it, whether you are a living creature or an inanimate object, you will be petrified.

"Sister Hancock, I'm going to deal with those soldiers above."

Nami giggled, and rushed out without waiting for Hancock's consent.

Hancock felt helpless for a while. Although she was the eldest sister here, she still had nothing to do with these very close sisters.

Especially this eccentric Nami, there is nothing to do with her.

Unless you use the power of your own devil fruit and your peerless appearance to capture the other party, it will be difficult to make her obedient.

Nami, who used the Navy's six-style shaved, could only see a phantom flashing past, and it was impossible to accurately judge the trajectory of the opponent's landing.

The [-]-meter-high wall is not a big problem for the owner of the Navy Type [-], and the [-]-meter altitude can be easily reached by using shaving and moon steps.

The soldiers who were shooting down only saw a phantom flashing past, and their hearts were raised in their throats. How could this woman be so fast?

"Everyone, I'm here."

Nami's voice came from behind these soldiers, making those soldiers almost blow their hair. Damn, how could she let her appear behind her?

Just when they were about to turn around, a cold current suddenly invaded their bodies, causing them to froze instantly, sluggishly in place, and a thin layer of ice appeared on the surface of their bodies.

And in their bodies, the blood has coagulated.

The surrounding temperature suddenly dropped to tens of degrees below zero, and a layer of ice condensed on the city wall.

As the breeze blew, the soldiers not far away felt a biting cold.

"Ice and snow!"

Nami's voice rang again, but she set a name for her move.

A storm fruit ability user, nature-type, can freely control the storm, which is a perfectly suitable ability for a navigator like her.

Controlling the storm, as long as it is used properly, it can evolve countless abilities, and the condensed ice is one of them.

In fact, the condensed ice just uses the power of the storm to reduce the temperature of the surrounding air. The temperature drops. As long as there is moisture, it may freeze. This is a normal thing.

A pair of beautiful eyes looked at the soldiers who had turned their heads not far away, Nami used the power of shaving again, and the power of the storm fruit was also quickly reducing the temperature around her body.

Turning into an afterimage, Nami's body rushed towards the soldiers, and everything she passed along the way was condensed into ice. Whether it was soldiers, city walls, weapons, etc., the surface of her body was covered by ice.


Chapter 2756 Sturdy


Within a few breaths, the hundreds of soldiers on the city wall had all been frozen, and no one could escape the power of the Storm Fruit ability user Nami.

Nami's strength has been improved very well when she was in the holy land of Marijoya. After more than a year of hard training, her strength has directly reached the general level, and she is also super powerful at the lieutenant level.

This kind of power is already a rare thing for a woman like her. Now, with the power of the natural devil fruit like the storm fruit, her power has increased again. Even among the lieutenant generals, she is very strong. The presence.

After solving the soldiers on the city wall, Nami looked at the thousands of soldiers and dead soldiers who had gathered in the base again, hesitated and returned to Hancock's side.

"Sister Hancock, I have already dealt with the soldiers above, and those people inside will not be able to walk on the city wall unless they want to become ice sculptures."

Nami said with a smile, her words also revealed the continuity of her power. The ice condensed under the influence of the storm fruit can keep the surrounding temperature lower. Do you want to enter that area?

Yes, as long as your body can withstand the ultra-low temperature.

Hancock glanced at her and said softly: "Nami, you can't be so naughty in the future, you will agree to the concubine, right?"

A gentle word coupled with a beautiful face and eyes that can touch the weakest link in people's hearts, made Nami fall directly, her face flushed, and she lowered her head.

"Got it, Sister Hancock."

There was a smile in Hancock's eyes, and his face returned to his usual haughty look.

"Let this military base disappear now!"

The voice fell, and the big secretary Tina took the initiative to step forward, aiming both hands at the closed gate of the base.

"The sill prison · double punch!"

The sill's fruit's ability was used, and the arms turned into black iron bars extended, and the arms merged again, and the two iron bars merged together to form a sharp iron bar at the front, and slammed directly into the gate.


The black iron fence hit the iron gate with a height of more than ten meters. Under the impact of the force of her threshold fruit, the iron gate with a height of more than ten meters was like fragile glass, and was directly smashed by the iron fence.


With a muffled sound, the entire gate was directly smashed by Tina, and the female warriors behind them rushed out immediately. The weapons in their hands included swords, spears, bows and arrows, etc., without a word, they attacked the soldiers and dead men inside.

And the soldiers inside almost jumped up the moment the gate was shattered. Such a thick gate can be shattered all at once. Are these women monsters?Why are you all so tough?


With the order of the leader of the base, these soldiers and dead men endured the fear in their hearts and directly confronted them.

Five hundred female warriors and five women against five thousand soldiers and dead soldiers in a military base, this does not seem to have much suspense, and it will be easily eliminated.

However, it was these [-] female soldiers and a few other women who made these [-] soldiers and dead soldiers feel fear. From the moment they entered the island of this military base, they were doomed to be extraordinary in strength.

Horrible, too scary, the surrounding Naxi defense facilities were actually destroyed by them, and all kinds of obstacles set up along the way were ignored by them, which greatly stimulated their hearts, and also witnessed these female warriors. How sturdy.

However, it took a little time for these female warriors to break down obstacles and destroy military facilities. It was this time that gave the soldiers in the base the opportunity to assemble, and also gave the leader the opportunity to inform others.

After breaking the iron gate, [-] female soldiers rushed in and fought directly with the soldiers inside.

Five thousand soldiers and dead men fought at once, and firearms and swords were the mainstay of the world's fighting.

The Hancock girls outside looked at the soldiers and female warriors who were fighting together, and rushed in without saying a word.

"Captive Arrow!"

Hancock took the brunt of the brunt, and shot many arrows from the pink heart and swept directly at the soldiers in front. The soldiers hit by the arrows turned into a stone statue and stayed in place.

This move of hers is a large-scale attack, the direction can be changed at any time, and it can also attack distant enemies anytime, anywhere.

"What a dirty man."

Empress Hancock petrified the soldiers in front of her, put away the arrows of the captives, put one hand on her hips, and pointed at the heads of the sculptures in front of her with the other, completely despising these men.

Her actions made the female warriors of the Nine Snake Pirates admire them. Two pink hearts appeared in their eyes, and their hearts had been handed over to her captive.

The Empress is known as the most beautiful woman in the world. Her appearance, temperament, and ability are all first-class, and few people can compete with her.Coupled with her status as a queen, these female warriors were completely surrendered at once.

Even the base soldiers who saw her not far away were all men, and they all had ideas. When faced with such a peerless appearance and that aloof queen temperament, their hearts gradually sank.

"What a beautiful woman."



Some soldiers couldn't help but marvel and were completely conquered by the Empress.But being absent in battle is a very dangerous thing, and the female warriors around them can easily end their lives.

"It's very disrespectful to show such an expression to Master Snake, there is only one man in this world who can do that."

A female warrior captain snorted coldly, and chopped off the heads of the two soldiers in front with a sword.

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