"That's right, only Master Liu Xu is worthy of Master She Ji in this world."

The other female warrior also meant the same thing. She let go of the bowstring, and two arrows flew out, piercing the bodies of the enemies in front of her.


Chapter 2757 Contrast

The Nine Snake Pirates and the entire Amazon Lily have a peculiar feeling for Liu Xu. This feeling was changed through the propaganda of the empress Hancock, which made Liu Xu have a very high status in the Amazon Lily.

Coupled with his status as admiral of the Navy headquarters and head of the Tianlong people, Liu Xu's status in Amazon Lily's mind is not even weaker than that of Empress Hancock.

"Bastard! Kill! Kill!"

The director of the base is about to collapse. What is going on? Why are these hundreds of female warriors so powerful?Don't they even compare to women?

"Who dares to take a step back, kill Wushe!"

The bloody and tough words came out, and those soldiers who had already started to retreat resolutely continued to fight.

If they run away now, the patriarch of the Tianlong people will pursue them later, so even if they escape to the ends of the earth, they will not be able to avoid the other party's pursuit.

Instead of living a life of darkness in the future, it is better to fight a war now.

Among the [-] people, [-] are specially trained dead men. These dead men are completely headed by the patriarch of the Tianlong people. Now that the base is under attack, they naturally have no possibility of taking a half step back...

The strength of these dead soldiers is also very good, at least much stronger than those soldiers.

"Lanjiao Bailian!"

Nami's target was locked on the bodies of these dead men. Without a word, she rushed over and jumped into the air. The first shot was the white lotus in the sixth form. Countless white crescent-shaped slashes flew out from the soles of her feet, and instantly landed on the dead men below. The body, one after another, a huge number, like layers of white lotus, instantly covering these dead men within fifty meters.


Even the most rigorously trained soldiers couldn't survive the incessant attack. The beautiful blooming white lotus took their lives, and in a blink of an eye, dozens of dead soldiers were killed.

After Bai Lian's attack, Nami looked at other places, a strange look flashed in her eyes, she hadn't used her power properly for a long time, and now it's time to get angry.

The body slowly descended from the air, and a small tornado appeared under her feet, and the tornado drove her body down.

This is another application of the storm fruit ability. Since they can control the storm attack, they should also be able to control the storm assist!

However, just as she was about to fall to the ground, more than a dozen dead men came from around, and the swords in their hands stabbed upwards at the same time.

"Huh? Fifty rounds of flowers bloom!"

Robin, who was dozens of meters apart, spotted these people for the first time, and folded his hands in front of him.

The voice fell, and two more arms grew out of the arms of the dozen or so dead soldiers who stabbed their weapons into the air, and two arms appeared behind them. They grabbed their arms and twisted, and they held the weapons. His hand snapped and hung down weakly.


With a crisp sound, the two arms on the back directly twisted their necks.

"Thanks, Robin!"

Nami, who landed, waved her hand towards Robin's position, and then began to look for the enemy again.

It is a blessing to have sisters you can rely on.

Robin looked at the direction she left and shook his head, then looked at the more than [-] soldiers who had surrounded him, and sighed helplessly.

"Woman, be obedient and get caught!"

A soldier roared, and the others booed again and again.

"Sorry, gentlemen!" Robin shook his head and chuckled, keeping his arms folded in front of him still, and continued: "Hundred Flowers · Piercing!"

Then her gentle voice fell, and an arm suddenly extended in the ground in front of these soldiers. The palm of the hand rushed upwards in a sharp shape, and penetrated their throats in an instant.

Simply, Robin's movements are very straightforward, and her strength has also been greatly improved. Now she has entered the ranks of the strong, and she is also a strong female, which has attracted the attention of many people.

Nico Robin, the former son of the devil, has developed into what he is now, which is too surprising.

The woman who was supposed to die at the hands of the World Government or the Navy Headquarters is now able to move freely and be respected in the Holy Land Marigioa.What a huge contrast is this?What kind of heaven-defying existence is this?

"Robin's strength has improved a lot!"

Hancock naturally saw her situation here, easily dealt with the surrounding enemies with simple and rude methods, and maintained such a calm demeanor.

This reminded her of countless stormy nights. This woman full of mystery also looked so calm at the beginning, but when she finally couldn't bear it, she showed madness that surprised everyone.

Huge contrast, could it be that she is a boring/sexy beauty?Whenever he thinks of this, Hancock's fair face turns red, Robin, you are such a fascinating woman!

But for Tina, the ability of the threshold fruit is more reflected in catching the enemy, but it is obviously difficult to gain a foothold in the new world with blind catching methods.

For this reason, in more than a year, she created a lot of abilities by herself, about the application of the ability of the threshold fruit.

Surrounded by more than a hundred people, it seems that compared with other women, the strict, calm, and composed woman looks more bullying.

Well, these soldiers had such an idea.

It's just, could things go the way they thought?Obviously not possible.

Even though she was surrounded by so many enemies, Tina's face did not panic at all. Instead, she had a little sneer and excitement. Finally, she could try these abilities that she had researched.

"The sill prison, the flower of thorns!"

The voice fell, and a small circle appeared on her waist, and there were dense spikes on the black circle.

Um?What does she want?Do you know that your own strength is not enough, and you have imprisoned yourself?Well, this woman would like to.

However, as Tina's arms stretched out left and right, the black circle around her waist quickly expanded and spread out to the surroundings, and the spikes on it also quickly enlarged and lengthened.


Chapter 2758 Fierce


The surrounding soldiers trembled, the muscles on their faces tangled together, and their bodies bent down.

A wound appeared in their abdomen, and the wound penetrated their bodies. A huge black iron thorn pierced their abdomen and pierced towards the soldiers behind them.

It also directly solved the surrounding enemies in an instant, Tina released the ability of the threshold fruit, and the black circle quickly disappeared.

The flower of thorns, this is the application of the ability of the threshold fruit, the thorns grow on the summoned circle, and use the power of expansion and diffusion to penetrate the enemy's body and form a fatal blow.

As for the extent to which the large-scale killing ability can be expanded, it depends on how long her own strength can support it.

Cruel, so brutal.

The four women have already shown such a strong attack power, so what about the others?What about the other Bonnie?

Bonnie's fighting method is much simpler. Her ability is to change the age of a person's body at will. As long as she is touched by her, or attacked by her moves, it will be sad without exception.

"Really, the old man should go to rest obediently!"

Bonnie despised the soldiers around them. All of these soldiers had gray hair, beards that almost fell to the ground, their backs could not be straightened, and their eyes were dull. They looked at Bonnie and shook their heads to show that they couldn't hear clearly.

"Tch, I'm so annoying."

Bonnie looked down again, and directly kicked and slashed in mid-air with Lan's feet, killing these aged soldiers.

old man?There are such old soldiers in this military base?This is so unexpected.

After eliminating these soldiers, Bonnie looked at the other enemies and rushed over without saying a word.However, those soldiers withdrew decisively and ran away.

Damn, this woman is so terrifying, more terrifying than other women.He turned his brothers into old men all of a sudden, and turned into old men. Is it still necessary to fight?Killed in minutes.

This is her fruit power, the power of being able to control her age at will, making these soldiers completely terrified.

"It seems that everyone is working hard, Aijia soldiers, how about you?"

Hancock chuckled, and immediately returned to his previous haughty look.

When the female warriors of Amazon Lily heard this, they fought even more fiercely as if they had been beaten with blood.

"Oh, Shet! What the hell is going on, gunner? Bomb, bomb!"

The director of the base couldn't bear it any longer. If they continued to follow this trend, they wouldn't have to think about their lives.

"Director, there are still our brothers there!" Several soldiers hesitated for a moment, but the director of the base roared directly, "Execute the order, do you want to watch more brothers die?"

The few soldiers who were yelled at were excited, and decisively adjusted the angle of the fort. With a few loud noises, the cannons on the fort finally began to exert their power.

"Captive Arrow!"

Hancock noticed the shells falling from the turret, and directly created a pink heart. From the heart, countless pink arrows flew towards these shells. Those shells touched by the arrows "boom" With a bang, it was directly petrified and fell to the ground hard. Only some shells were lucky to escape the arrow attack.

Lucky?Was it really lucky to escape?

It was soon revealed that the shells that were not petrified by arrows fell to the ground and exploded suddenly. In an instant, sparks and shock waves swept through everything around them. Only a series of screams could be heard. Countless people fell to the ground and struggled. The deep mountain has been covered with flames, and the shock wave blasted their limbs, and few people were able to escape.

"Ignorant ants."

Hancock despised these people again, and looked carefully at the place where the explosion occurred. Those who fell on the ground were all base soldiers and dead soldiers. This made some people understand something.

Empress Hancock's captive arrow just avoided the shells that would land on the soldiers at the base, while all the shells that might injure her subordinates hit all of them, and fell to the ground after being petrified.

In such a chaotic situation, being able to strike so calmly and accurately, I have to say that her control is really sturdy.

Under such circumstances, an emotion was brewing in this base, and it quickly erupted, "Bastard, you don't care about our lives and deaths."

Some soldiers were constantly roaring, and some even wanted to rush up to have a theory with the director of the base, but the powerful dead soldiers stood in front of them, so they could only give up.

The director of the base had already expected someone to resist, and snorted coldly: "Sacrificing a small number of people and saving the lives of most people is not a problem. What? Do you want to question my decision? Hmph, continue bombing. !"

Under the strong order, even if the soldiers on the fort were reluctant in their hearts, even if they had any opinions, they could only execute the order and accept his domination obediently.

What is the identity of the director of the base here?That is their ruler, who completely controls their lives. As long as they have any possibility of disobeying the order, those powerful dead men will come to slaughter them every minute.

"Brothers, I can only blame you for your bad luck."

The soldiers on the turret mourned for a while, and then there were continuous shell attacks, which made the resisting soldiers below jump up. This bastard really didn't care about their lives.

More than [-] soldiers got angry and rushed directly to the position of the director of the base. As long as they got on the stand, they would be able to catch that bastard and beat him up.

However, just when they were about to rush over, more than a dozen dead soldiers rushed over, flipped the sword in their hands a few times, left an afterimage on their bodies, and left the place.

In less than a few seconds after they left, the soldiers who remained in the shock state trembled, and the rushing body turned into several knots, and blood splattered.

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