Ferocious, too ferocious, these dead men are merciless in attacking, even if the opponent is their own, they will not hesitate in the slightest.

They, like robots, will have no mercy.


Chapter 2759 There are still many unscientific things

"It's too cruel to even attack one's own people."

Nami frowned, but she couldn't bear it.She doesn't think it's a big deal for her to kill as many people as she can, because they are enemies after all.

And their situation is tantamount to being killed by their own partners, which is a bit of a pity.

"Nami, they are just enemies, don't pay too much attention to them." Hancock had appeared by her side, and hundreds of dead men had chased after them and surrounded them.

Nami smiled and said, "That's right, they are all enemies anyway."

As she spoke, she suppressed the unbearable feeling in her heart and attacked again.

"Ice and snow!"

The same situation as the city wall reappeared, the surrounding temperature dropped sharply, using shaving as a fast-moving move, constantly shuttled around the dead soldiers, and wherever they passed, the dead soldiers turned into ice sculptures.

Robin smiled lightly, the power of Sweet Fruit was mobilized, and quickly turned the enemy into stone statues, one was an ice sculpture, the other was a stone statue, but there were similarities.

"Don't run, stop obediently."

Bonnie kept chasing the base soldiers, like chasing sheep, and in front of her were those base soldiers who were desperately fleeing.

After hearing her words, these base soldiers became even more terrified. They wished they could grow two more legs to escape for their lives. They only hated that their parents didn't expect it when they gave birth to them!

Bonnie became even more angry, and shouted: "I told you to stand still and not hear it? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

The voice fell, and a blue-white beam of light would suddenly fall on the heads of those fleeing soldiers. No, it should not be said to be a beam of light, but an enchantment, each with a length and width of fifty meters and a height of hundreds of meters.

There was no sound, just like a ghost in the night, this barrier fell in an instant, besieging the soldiers in it, and there was no sound after falling, and it seemed that there was nothing out of the ordinary.

However, when the soldiers in front couldn't control their bodies and rushed over, there was only a "bang", and those soldiers were bounced back and fell heavily to the ground.

"Hmph, want to break through my barrier? Wait another hundred years! Fast forward time! Hahaha..."

Bonnie laughed loudly, then seemed to remember something, and abruptly suppressed the wild laughter behind her.

As the voice fell, the bodies of nearly a hundred soldiers suddenly became strange. Their hair turned gray quickly, their bodies began to hunched, and their muscles quickly relaxed. They looked like old men in their [-]s, trembling and unable to maintain their balance.

Bonnie gave him a contemptuous look, then slipped away decisively, looking for the next target.

Under the frenzied battle of these women and female warriors, the base with [-] soldiers and dead soldiers showed signs of collapse, a large number of soldiers died, and a large number of dead soldiers were terminated.

"Crazy, crazy, this world is too unscientific."

The director of the base was about to cry.

"There are still many unscientific things."

A female voice appeared next to his ears, making his face stiff.


"Everyone, since my emperor has entrusted me with this task, I hope you can cooperate as much as possible."

Zefa looked serious and looked like a general.

Rebecca followed him, naturally she obeyed absolutely.

Others, on the other hand, didn't seem to have much opinion.

Columbia bowed slightly and said, "Mr. Zefa, the respected captain has already handed over this matter to you. You can arrange it, and no one will refuse it."

"Ahaha... not bad, not bad, no one will refuse."

Breton also expressed his opinion, leaving only the younger brother Yankerman.

However, just as he was about to speak, Brayton had already punched him on the head, saying: "Shut up, little brother! Well, that's it."

Don't mention how wronged Yang Kemei is, can they still play happily together?

Although he is only in his teens, he is still an elite, so let him express his opinions, even if they are messy opinions!

Zefa grinned and said, "Since that's the case, then I'll start arranging this mission. We have [-] soldiers, and we can see that there are thousands of people in the opponent's base, so we can't just attack blindly. The enemy was caught off guard. Drive the ship to the rear of the base, the soldiers are in ambush, we attack from the front, eliminate a large number of enemies in the shortest time, and then let the soldiers surprise and easily solve the battle, how about it?”

Thousands of enemies?Oh, it seems that Zefa doesn't pay much attention to him, it's just thousands. He has seen the big scene, how about the tens of thousands of pirates?Not as hard to resist the past.

No one refused his plan, and the warship quietly came to the rear of the base.

"You guys are lurking, waiting for the signal! Snipers, scientists, little brother, girl, let's go!"

The five people sneaked in quickly. Like another base, it was surrounded by trees, and the base was inside. It only took ten minutes to sneak into the main gate from these twenty-meter-high trees.

"Scientist, you can try the nuclear bomb you said before. Snipers are in the air, ready to slash. Little brother, you are ready to engulf this base after the nuclear bomb explodes."

The three received the order, and Columbia quickly turned into a giant eagle and lifted off into the sky at an altitude of [-] meters.There was also flowing magma and thick smoke on Yankerman's body, which could trigger a volcanic eruption at any time.

Breton opened his abdomen and took out a colorful missile.

"Giant · Nuclear Bomb Explosion!"

With a loud shout, Breton threw the missile in his hand using the power of the giant fruit. The missile roared out and disappeared in front of his eyes instantly.


However, within a few seconds, a loud bang came along with a strong shock wave, and the ground began to vibrate violently.


Chapter 2760 Unilateral Massacre

Breton and the others already had foresight, lying on the ground properly to avoid the shock wave, carefully listening to the constant collapse and screams in front of them.

After a few minutes, Zefa and the others stood up again. Seeing the scene in front of him, Zefa nodded again and again, saying: "Very good power, one more attack can destroy this island..."

In front of them, rows of trees had been destroyed, and countless cracks appeared on the ground. In a huge military base, the plastered wall had been directly destroyed by a powerful force, and all the buildings in the base had collapsed. In the center of the impact appeared a bottomless pit with a diameter of [-] meters.

Countless people who looked like soldiers fell to the ground and wailed. The entire base is now like a purgatory on earth, with a lot of dust permeating it.

Sturdy, the damage caused by this nuclear bomb is really too sturdy, just one piece will almost destroy this military base.

The soldiers in the base still don't understand what's going on. Why did the base suddenly explode?Could it be that there is a problem with the arsenal?But it's not right, the explosion of the arsenal is not so powerful!

And just when they were still confused, something even more disturbing happened to them.

The temperature in the entire base suddenly rose, and the moisture in the air seemed to be evaporated instantly. Many soldiers could not bear the high temperature and took off their equipment.


In the large pit caused by the nuclear bomb, a red light rose, and then a red liquid with high temperature poured out of it. In a blink of an eye, the fiery red liquid with high temperature rushed out in all directions. A raging flame is lit.


"help me!"

The soldiers closest to the pothole were the first to be attacked. The hot magma engulfed their bodies. Under the high temperature of the magma, their bodies were quickly reduced to ashes, and they couldn't find a single slag.

This situation was spreading, and soon the magma covered almost half of the military base, and the scene looked particularly terrifying.

Outside, Zefa had already observed the situation there, and said lightly: "Rush in! Girl, be sure to follow me."

As he said that, he rushed out first, followed by Rebecca, Brayton, and Yankeman!

The people in the base screamed again and again. Today is a catastrophe of the end of the world for them. First, a violent explosion destroyed the base, and then the magma that suddenly appeared devoured the lives of countless people.

In just a few minutes, the number of people in this base dropped sharply to just over a thousand people. This is a terrifying number, and this is a terrifying speed.

The power of the nuclear bomb was best witnessed at this moment. A nuclear bomb went down and shredded more than [-] enemies directly, and the magma that emerged from the ground swallowed thousands of enemies. What a terrifying speed. ?

There were only more than a thousand enemies, and there was no pressure on Zefa and the others. They quickly rushed into the base and slaughtered them unilaterally.

"Crush the Blaster!"

The mechanical shredder lifted up, and continuously blasted fierce artillery fire from the muzzle, catching the dazed soldiers by surprise.

Rebecca is holding a knight's sword. This newly acquired knight's sword can be used flexibly in her hand, and can split the enemy's body in two with just a single stroke.

Yankerman's magma ability is also on display, with lava attached to each punch, which can easily turn an enemy's body into ashes.

Breton's attack was much simpler. The constant bombardment of guns and guns rolled forward like a bulldozer, smashing the enemy's body into a sieve.

As for that Columbia, at the moment he is incarnating in the form of a mighty giant eagle wandering in the sky, the giant eagle endows him with extremely strong eyesight, he can easily see every move below, and everyone is within his surveillance range.

"Mr. Zefa's strategy is really useful, it seems that I can't be too far behind."

Columbia thought silently in his heart that Zefa's strategy was indeed very effective. He eliminated countless enemies with his continuous attacks at the beginning, and now he rushed in and caught those enemies by surprise. It has an extremely shocking effect on the enemy's heart.

Four people wiped out hundreds of enemies in a blink of an eye. How fast is this?Like cutting machines, these soldiers are objects waiting to be cut.

In this fast battle, the soldiers at the base had no intention to fight at all, they only knew how to escape quickly, and only the remaining two hundred dead soldiers were still struggling to support.

The director of this military base is also in pain, and now the army is distracted, no matter how much he pleads and threatens, it is difficult for these soldiers to turn back and fight the enemy.

"Let's start with you first! I'm so sorry, everyone."

A smile flashed in Columbia's eyes in the sky, and he rushed down in the form of a giant eagle. His target was the soldiers who were organized to escape.

"Hast Gangfeng!"

The swooping Columbia's huge body had a wingspan of thirty meters, and the black wings slowly reflected light under the sunlight.

When it was tens of meters away from the ground, it suddenly stopped, and its wings flapped downwards violently.

With the flapping of his wings, gusts of wind flew out in the shape of a tornado, directly rolling towards the fleeing enemies below.

There are hidden slashes attached to the tornado, which can easily tear apart the enemy's body.


As the tornado landed, those fleeing enemies were enveloped in it, and there were bursts of shrill screams.

The Naxi hidden sharp blade contained in the tornado tore the soldiers' bodies into pieces, and the blood filled the tornado, and soon the tornado turned into a bloody tornado, it looked abnormal Infiltrate.

Too violent, this scene is a bit too violent, one hurricane destroyed the lives of hundreds of enemies, thanks to these soldiers who took off their equipment before, otherwise it would be really difficult to harvest so many lives all at once .

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