
Chapter 2761 Devil Fruit Troop

Columbia shook his head. After his attack this time, these hundreds of enemies had no chance of surviving.

There are only about [-] dead soldiers and hundreds of soldiers left in this base. I believe the battle will end soon.

No longer looking at the situation inside the tornado, Columbia raised its head to the sky and let out a long cry, which spread far away and could be clearly heard several kilometers away.

"Huh? It's the password of Your Excellency Sniper!"

The soldiers lurking behind the military base heard the long cry, and immediately got up and rushed over.

"Everyone give me [-] points of energy, don't be ashamed, you know?"

A navy captain who looked like a captain roared, and the soldiers behind him quickly responded loudly, there is no need to say anything embarrassing, they have followed Liu Xu for quite a long time, and the honor of the first team will always belong to them .

After rushing all the way, over the wall that had been collapsed, these hundred soldiers rushed out like tigers, and the target was the base soldiers who were retreating here.

"Shoot me!"

The captain roared, and the hundred soldiers under him simultaneously raised their guns and pulled the triggers.

All of a sudden, a dazzling flame burst out from the muzzle of the gun, and flames, shock waves, and strong wind flew out of the muzzle.

"Asshole, where did these people come from? Rush over."

The fleeing soldiers let out a mournful roar, but when they saw that they were dressed in uniform, they immediately understood that these were also soldiers, about a hundred of them, so there shouldn't be any pressure. There were hundreds of them on my side!

But when the first team members pulled the trigger, they hurriedly stopped, and their hearts were already waking up. Are these soldiers devils?Can a gun shoot a column of fire?Can there be a gust of wind?Can it send shock waves?

Damn, I can't calm down anymore, if I keep calm, my life will be lost.

"Get out of the way!"

One person roared, and then ran to the side, and the others also quickly retreated to the side when they heard this.

However, their speed was still slow after all, and flames, strong winds, and shock waves descended on them all at once.


Another shrill scream rang out incessantly. After so many years of meticulous training, the members of the first team, coupled with these transformed firearms, were able to kill them easily.Moreover, there is the power of devil fruit!

Team One, Liu Xu's first Devil Fruit team!

The hundred first team members are full of wildness and explosiveness like beasts. Coupled with the leadership of the first team captain and two sub-captains, for these hundreds of base soldiers who want to escape, it is simply not enough. There is no pressure whatsoever.

The advanced equipment and the power of the Devil Fruit make these first team members the elite among the elites, and they can even be called kings of soldiers.

In less than a short while, one hundred and three people had already smashed the hundreds of base soldiers to the ground, grieved everywhere.

The director of the base is divided, conspiracy, this is definitely a conspiracy, hateful, why are these people appearing here?Why is God doing this to him?

A flash of determination flashed across his eyes, and the base director pulled out a dagger and stabbed it into his heart. After stirring it hard, the blood dripped down the dagger, and bloodshots appeared in his mouth.

With his eyes wide open, the base locked and ended his life in such a way, which is a bit embarrassing.It's just that the reality is so cruel, they must be mentally prepared.

In the tide of this age, no one can be sure that he will always be at peace.

Under the rapid destruction of the base, no one could survive, and thousands of lives ended under the hands of more than [-] people.

"The battle was perfect. Count the number of people and report the battle situation."

Zefa grinned, and there was a touch of madness at the corner of his mouth. Although he never killed anyone in this battle, Rebecca beside him cooperated to deal with these enemies.

The first team quickly tidied up the battlefield, and soon the battle situation came out.

The enemy lost more than [-], but this side has nothing to lose. Complete victory, this is a complete victory!

After counting the battle situation, Zefa looked around again, shook his head and left.

Although there are countless munitions here, it is obviously not suitable to carry them now. It is the last word to go to that kingdom obediently and meet the emperor.

However, after they left the base island, they encountered Hancock's pirate ship on the sea. After thinking about it, they knew that the opponent had also ended the battle. They couldn't help admiring. !

After rendezvous with Hancock, the two battleships quickly headed to Knole Island, the island where the Kopler Kingdom is located, and they encountered the Swordsman Squad on the way.

And where is Liu Xu here?

At the moment he is waiting on the island's beach, relaxing in a beach chair.

"Huh? Already here?"

Liu Xu, who was lying on the beach chair and dozed off, felt something, and turned his eyes to the sea, where three warships appeared in sight, slowly heading here.

In less than a while, it was docked on the beach. Liu Xu shrugged and stood up, walking towards the people who were gradually coming down from above.

Liu Xu shouted after dozens of meters away, and said, "Everyone, why are you so fast? It's beyond my young master's expectation."

"Huh? Captain?"

Breton was surprised, why is the captain here?Could it be that they are here waiting for them to gather and start working?

"Xu, you solved the battle so quickly?"

Hancock seemed to understand something, and there was a charming smile on the corner of his mouth. This man is really getting stronger and stronger, no matter in every aspect, he is just so powerful.

Liu Xu smiled brightly and said: "Of course, it's just to solve a few miscellaneous things. On the contrary, your work is relatively hard. Speaking of it, I'm lazy."

After that, he briefly talked about what he had done, leaving several people silent. Is this also called laziness?Killed the person in charge of the Tianlong people here, and at the same time killed dozens of officials who were connected with the Tianlong people. What a cruel thing, the whole kingdom is so big, how many places do you have to cross to kill it?

Sure enough, the captain's speed has reached a sky-defying realm, and he has solved these people so quickly.


Chapter 2762 It's all the fault of the devil fruit

"Guys, now that the matter of the Craig family is settled, let's go to Vera now! Hehe, Moonlight Moria? Crocodile? These two guys are a little bit of a beating, so we have to teach them a lesson."

After Liu Xu finished speaking, everyone returned to the battleship, and the three battleships hurried towards Vera.

The two predecessors, Qiwuhai, who once united in the new world to seize Doflamingo's territory, suddenly announced their withdrawal from Qiwuhai more than a year ago, and have since disappeared. What happened? thing?What's going on in this?No one knows, and no one can guess.

It seems that the two people are covered by a mysterious veil, making it difficult for people to guess their thoughts.

Liu Xu, who used to think that he knew the two of them well, is now confused. They both know that Doflamingo is his subordinate, and that Vera is his territory. What about dying?What exactly caused such a huge change between the two?

Unable to think clearly, Liu Xu thought about various possibilities, but in the end he couldn't figure it out. In the end, it could only be attributed to the butterfly effect.

With doubts, Liu Xu's battleship braved the wind and waves, and quickly moved towards Vera.

On his way to Vera, in another sea area, there were also three warships, but these three warships were the iconic naval headquarters warships.

Two people are on the bow of one of the warships, looking at the island ahead.

"Finally, what are you going to do?"


In Villa, Doflamingo and others who moved here have long been accustomed to life here. For the Don Quixote family, this is their home.

It's just that these people are obviously not so easy to mix with. The fast-growing Villa was attacked by a powerful enemy after all, and it was an unexpected powerful enemy, which was really depressing.

In the palace, Moonlight Moriah and Crocodile surrounded Doflamingo. In the extremely wide square of the palace, there were scenes of battles everywhere, and it was full of the smoke of war.

There are many members of the Don Quixote family, but this time there are also many enemies, especially the zombie army brought by Moonlight Moria, which is even more powerful than everyone expected.

It seems that the strength of this zombie army is much stronger than that in the top battle.

Moreover, the people in the baroque studio brought by Kroc Dardo are not weak, it is a tough battle.

Compared with those strong men in the other side, the members of the Don Quixote family seem to be much less.

In addition, the members of the first team who were stationed here had already been transferred back by Liu Xu, so the defense here suddenly became much more empty.

The members of the first team were originally divided into Sky Island and Vera, but Liu Xu brought this team to his side to lead it personally just for the needs of the navigation later.

The combat effectiveness of the members of the second and third teams is also good, but after all, there are not so many Devil Fruits that can provide them with food, so their combat power is not comparable to that of the first team. This is a huge gap.

Therefore, Liu Xu left these two troops here in Vera, in order to wait for the processing of the devil fruit to be eaten by them as soon as possible, so as to quickly improve their combat effectiveness.

"Moonlight Moriah, Crocodile, what do you two mean, and why are you attacking Vera? You should know whose territory Vera belongs to!"

Doflamingo looked at the two people in front of him with gloomy eyes, burning with rage.

He absolutely obeys Liu Xu, but it is still very difficult to change his personality.

Besides Liu Xu and others, do you want him to maintain respect for others?

I'm sorry, let's talk again with your identity and strength!

Crocodile sneered, and said: "Doflamingo, we know whose territory this is, but we also know what is here. Hand over the devil fruit, and we will leave immediately."

So it was the devil fruit that caused it again?The two came for the devil fruit again?

Doflamingo's face was gloomy, and his eyes were even darker.

Good guy, the matter here has been publicized?Bastard, who is promoting it?

Will it be the Four Emperors?No, they shouldn't advertise the existence of Devil Fruits everywhere, it's not good for them, so who is it?

There are a lot of doubts in my heart, and I can't figure out who is the one who disclosed this matter for a while.

"Don't you two want to start a war with my master?"

Doflamingo was tentative, and at the same time a threat.

No, Moonlight Moria on the opposite side laughed wickedly, and said: "Liu Xu's power is very strong, but whether he can survive is still a question. We just need to get the Devil Fruit, and we don't care about other things. Hee hee hee hee..."

Doflamingo's heart skipped a beat, something was wrong. These two people knew the relationship between the master and themselves. This matter was very hidden. Until now, not many people knew about it. What is going on?

Even if the outside world knows about his relationship with Liu Xu, they basically think it is a cooperation or a relationship between a boss and a subordinate. No one will know that it is a master-servant relationship.But now, there are only a few people who know that he and Liu Xu are in a master-servant relationship.

Oh Shet, it must have something to do with them?Could it be that these two guys have already cooperated with those guys?If so, it is really a very troublesome thing.

"Stop talking nonsense, just obediently hand over the devil fruit."

Crocodile was a little impatient, and urged him hard.

"Devil Fruit? Okay, then here it is for you. The Great Wave White Line!"

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