Brother Doflamingo smiled, the ability of the string fruit was used directly, and the surrounding things changed into white lines and flew towards the two people in front of them like a huge wave.

The whistling white waves made Moonlight Moriah's body back a few steps, and Crocodile sneered.


Chapter 2763 Qiwuhai is not a vegetarian

"What a boring trick."


With a loud roar, the power of the rustling fruit was frantically mobilized, and some surrounding areas quickly entered a state of desertification.

With the power of the rustling fruit, a sandstorm was formed, and the sudden sandstorm was controlled to roll towards the huge white wave in front.

As the storm intensified, the power of the sandstorm caused a thin layer of sand to appear on the entire square, and the air was also filled with fine dust particles.


The white giant wave formed by Xiang slammed into the sand storm, and the collision of the two forces produced an instant shock wave carrying the fine sand and continuously spreading around, directly overturning some of the people fighting in the distance.

The white giant waves and the sandstorm stalemate, Doflamingo's face suddenly gloomy, this guy's power is very strong, it seems that he has hidden a deep power in the past.

Crocodile was very calm, and seemed to have expected such a scene for a long time, and he was not nervous at all, and his eyes gestured to Moonlight Moriah.

Moonlight Moria understood, nodded, and saw that his shadow on the ground suddenly turned into countless bats and flew towards Doflamingo, and the overwhelming bats tended to drown him.

"Qiwuhai is indeed not a vegetarian, and it is even more troublesome for the two to join forces."

Doflamingo despised for a moment, the union of the two former Shichibukai was not a joke, but unfortunately, his subordinates did not have anyone who could compete with them, otherwise he would have been able to hold back one of them.

Now, I can only delay the time as much as possible, and wait until my master arrives, all of this will no longer be a trouble.

Resolutely giving up the attack of the giant waves and white lines, Doflamingo hit the ground with one foot, and his body flew backwards.

Resolutely giving up the attack of the giant waves and white lines, Doflamingo tapped on one foot and flew backwards, avoiding the bats that were constantly hovering and flying down to surround him.

What are the consequences of taking the initiative to withdraw first when the two forces confront each other?That's a brief stagnation of power and some being ejected by the opponent's power.

At this moment, although Doflamingo was fortunate to have escaped the other party's attack, the obvious pain from his body still made him frown. This time it hurts a lot!Damn it, it's too troublesome to face the joint attack of these two people.

There are pros and cons. It is the best thing to be able to avoid Moonlight Moria's attack. Once surrounded by those scattered bats, it is very troublesome to get out of trouble.

As long as you are trapped by the enemy for a while during the battle, you will immediately usher in the opponent's crazy attack.

Under the situation of equal strength, this is a very dangerous thing.

Especially now that there are two guys who seem to be not too far behind in strength, this is a very sad thing.

As long as you are trapped, the consequences will be unimaginable!

"Hehehe... Doflamingo, who is known as one of the most powerful Shichibukai, sometimes escapes."

Moonlight Moria laughed wantonly, which was very cool for him.

When Liu Xu said that Doflamingo was going to kill him, he already had murderous intentions for this guy, and the strength of the other party surpassed him.

It is really refreshing to be able to force him to escape now.

Crocodile sneered, and the white line of the giant wave lost Doflamingo's control and was quickly destroyed by the sandstorm, which turned and continued to charge towards Doflamingo's position.

The scattered bats in the sky are still circling, and they may dive down at any time to surround the enemy.

Doflamingo despised him deeply. It's really shameless for two people to say such a thing together.

However, this taught me a lesson. It was a mistake, a huge mistake, to discover their existence after being rushed here by these people. It is necessary to strengthen Villa's defense in the future to avoid such a situation from happening again.

"Haihara Baibo!"

Gritting his teeth fiercely, Doflamingo's thread fruit showed its power again, and pressed his hands on the ground. Under his strength, the entire ground formed thin lines, and then these lines moved forward like a rolling wave. The sandstorm rushed over, and at the same time, part of the thread flew into the sky, directly penetrating towards the flying bats.

This time, the same situation as before did not occur. Baibo's power is to turn the whole ground into lines, that is to say, the ground under the two people's feet has already turned into lines, and those lines are still wrapped around their bodies. Let them have no reason to attack.

Under such circumstances, it is already a very good thing to be able to protect yourself.

The rising lines around it directly penetrated the sandstorm, making the power of the sandstorm disappear quickly, leaving only some fine sand floating in the air.

Those scattered bats in the air didn't have time to avoid the line's attack, they were penetrated by the line in a blink of an eye and returned to the shadow of Moonlight Moriah.

The attack this time worked very well, pinning the two of them down at once.

It's just, is there something so easy to restrain?

Crocodile, whose feet were entangled by Baibo's thread, snorted coldly.


Pressing one hand on those lines, I saw these strange smoke rise, and these lines were quickly drifting away, but they were directly weathered by the power of the rustling fruit, and could not continue to cause damage to him at all.

The other hand pressed the lines on Moonlight Moriah's body next to him. The same thing happened. The lines on the other party's body quickly drifted away, and the two retreated to the rear at the same time.

"Erosed Samsara!"

After standing still, Crocodile shouted and pressed his hands on the ground. He saw that the lines under his feet quickly weathered and turned into fine sand. Then, the power of eroding Samsara spread forward, and all the lines he passed were It turned into fine sand, and some of the surrounding ones kept sinking.

The cycle of erosion is a large-scale attack unique to the natural sand fruit. After the hand touches the ground, use the dry crack to absorb the moisture of the touched creature or object and gradually spread to the surrounding area. After activation, it has the horror that even rocks can be pulverized into sand. After using the power, the surrounding buildings will gradually desert and sink, and the ground will become a dry and cracked wasteland as if it were dead.


Chapter 2764 Line Line vs Sand Shadow

Doflamingo was surprised by such a terrifying power. If this trend continues, Baibo will be eroded away soon. At that time, the entire palace will be turned into a desert, and even the city of Vera will be the same. At that time, it will be difficult for him to explain.

As Vera developed into a kingdom, it naturally developed many cities. There are still good conditions on this island, enough for them to grow rapidly.

And Villa is now the capital.

This kingdom does not yet have an exact name, and outsiders have always called it Vera, but this is not the correct name.

Pressing his hands on the ground again, Bai Bo's power was activated again, but this meant that he was going to stalemate with the opponent.

There are two people with fruit abilities, one is of the natural type and the other is of the superhuman type, but they both have the power to change the environment.

These two forces are deadlocked on the ground, and neither will let the other.

In terms of individual strength alone, Doflamingo is stronger than them, but if the two are combined, it would be very mysterious.

As long as they cooperate a little, they can easily kill him.

It is an indisputable fact that he can't beat the two Qiwuhais, and he can only admit it.

Moonlight Moria looked at this enemy with evil eyes, and when he rolled his eyes, he had another idea.

"Shadow Box!"

The shadows were turned into scattered bats again, and those scattered bats hovered and dived towards Doflamingo's side.

However, this time, Doflamingo has been careful, how could it be so easy to let the other party succeed in a sneak attack?

At the moment when the scattered bats fell, part of Baibo's lines flew directly up, penetrating the bats directly.

However, Moonlight Moria's voice came again.

"Shadow Warrior!"

A person suddenly appeared in front of the pierced flying bats in the air, and then those flying bats disappeared immediately.

The person who appeared was Moonlight Moriah.


Doflamingo's heart trembled, why did this guy suddenly appear here?Bastard, is it a fast movement similar to Navy Six?

In fact, this is just the application of Moonlight Moria's shadow fruit, the shadow warrior can make him and his shadow swap positions, so he can appear here directly.

During his astonished moment, the huge body of Moonlight Moriah had already fallen from the sky, and he could only hear a loud shout during the fall.

"Shadow Gun!"

The voice fell, and I saw that his shadow on the ground suddenly turned into a spear and attacked Doflamingo directly from the ground.

The sudden change made Brother Doflamingo unexpected. The opponent's attack is definitely not easy. Maybe he may be overshadowed by this move, so he should retreat decisively!

Once again made up his mind, Doflamingo was forced to release Bai Bo's power and rolled his body to the side. At this time, the spear turned into a shadow slammed into his original position.


There was a loud noise, and the ground suddenly trembled violently. The place hit by the Shadow Horn gun seemed to have been hit by a meteorite, and the entire place was sunken, and the Shadow Horn gun was deeply embedded in it.

Such an effect can be produced in one blow, which shows that the power of the shadow horn gun is indeed terrifying.

It should be noted that the power of this shadow horn gun can directly penetrate a huge giant.

The giant family has a very sturdy defense!

Doflamingo was so hated that he almost wanted to swallow this guy. This guy always attacked when he and Crocodile were deadlocked, so he had to give up the confrontation and endure some attacks.

The power of eroding reincarnation spread to him a little when he released Bai Bo, causing his body to surge with qi and blood, and he almost vomited blood from depression.

If he could choose, he would definitely kill this guy first, crumple this tumbler-like guy into a ball, and kick him on the moon. This is the way to let him vent his anger.

"Have you been dodged again? What a pity, hehehe..."

Moonlight Moria is so shameless now, as long as he can kill this guy and get the devil fruit, then he can do anything, no matter what method is used, as long as it is completed.

Under his control, the Shadow Horn Spear that had been firmly embedded in the ground gradually pulled out, turned around and continued to rush towards Doflamingo.

At the same time, Crocodile in the rear also continued to attack, and the power of eroding reincarnation continued to spread to Doflamingo's position. Even if he couldn't kill him all at once, it would still bring him great trouble.

Sure enough, the two teamed up to attack again, which made Doflamingo obviously feel a little sad.

Can these two guys be any more shameless?However, no matter how shameless the two are, as long as they can win, it doesn't matter what method they use.

The world of the jungle is like this, no matter what means you use, you have the right to speak if you can achieve the final victory.

Doflamingo sighed inwardly, backed up a few steps, and stopped suddenly when he pushed to the same level as Shadow Horn Spear and Eroding Samsara.

"Thousand Arrows Pierce the Heart, Feather Strike, Line!"

Opening his hands, he saw thousands of lines suddenly rise from the ground. These lines are different from the previous ones. They are the lines wrapped around the armed domineering lines.

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