After these thousands of lines appeared, the left and right sides of his body appeared in the form of flamingos and attacked directly forward. The dense lines formed wings covering a range of more than [-] meters around, and hit the shadow horn gun in front of him head-on. .


Thousands of lines collided with the shadow gun, and in an instant, the air was shocked, and a white vapor visible to the naked eye appeared in the center of the collision, but it was produced by the collision of two forces.

The erosive reincarnation in the rear also rushed here, and the ground quickly dried and cracked into fine sand. This is the power of his natural rustling fruit, which is indeed fierce enough...


Suddenly, Doflamingo shouted loudly, Qianjian's piercing power was strengthened again, and he pushed the Shadow Horn Spear away at once, and then blasted down the eroded Samsara below.


Chapter 2765 The reinforcements are...he?

"Bang bang bang!"

Thousands of lines fell from the air, cutting off the power of eroding reincarnation at once, and the lines attached to the armed color and domineering are perfect for those with natural devil fruit abilities, who can easily grab the opponent's body.

However, now his line is used to block the expansion of the erosion cycle, and it has achieved good results.

However, just when he successfully blocked the opponent's expansion, Moonlight Moria who was beside Crocodile suddenly laughed.

As he pointed his right hand at Doflamingo, the pushed Shadow Horn Spear changed direction again and rushed directly towards Doflamingo below.


Doflamingo was horrified, how could this shadow be used like this?God, I almost forgot that this thing is still a shadow after all, as long as the other party doesn't take it back, then this thing can be hard to destroy.

The shadow gun approached quickly, but he didn't have much time and strength to block the opponent's attack. Almost all of his strength was used on Qianjian piercing the heart. Where can there be any strength to block this rapid attack?

The sharp spear kept approaching, and Doflamingo's heart was already filled with despair. The master didn't come back. Is he still going to die here today?No, how could it have perished so quickly?

With deep unwillingness in his heart, he desperately mobilized his strength to resist, but he still didn't have enough time after all!

Just when the Shadow Horn Gun was about to hit him, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him. The man raised his foot, a dazzling light flashed, and the roaring Shadow Horn Gun was caught by him. Kick and fly.


Hope appeared in Doflamingo's heart. It seemed that the master had returned. Finally, he came back at this most critical moment. He had a chance to survive.

However, the voice of someone coming soon shattered his hope.

"Yeah...that's weird, this foot really hurts!"

Not the master's voice!Doflamingo's face became stiff, isn't he the master?So who will save him at this critical moment?Is it for the devil fruit again?

Appearing in front of him was a tall man in a navy justice coat, black curly hair, a yellow-and-white striped suit, a beard, thick lips, and a pair of sunglasses.

Justice coat?navy?Yellow and white striped suit?Don't think too much, the identity of this person has come out, the Navy Headquarters General Kizaru!

It seems that this is a very strange thing for the Admiral Kizaru of the Navy to appear here.And he also rescued Doflamingo, one of the King's Seven Wuhais, which is even more strange.

In the past, the admirals of the Navy Headquarters and the Qiwuhai seldom interacted with each other, except for some special tasks that required cooperation. At other times, these Qiwuhai were pirates in their minds.

If a Shichibukai is in danger, and the admiral of the Navy Headquarters has passed by, according to past experience, the most he can do is stay and watch the show, um, that's it.

In the eyes of Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, the existence of Qibuhai and the Navy Headquarters is just a cooperative relationship.

In today's era where Qiwuhai changes so frequently, it won't matter if a few die.

Therefore, this action of the yellow monkey seems very strange.

Brother Doflaming doesn't understand, and neither does Moonlight Moriah and Crocodile. What does this guy mean?Is there any purpose?

In other words, Kizaru has always been a very wretched black-bellied man. He always looks at things from the corner of a bystander, so as to put himself in the most favorable place. When the enemy loses both sides, they take advantage of the fisherman.

Now that he would come out so simply, hey, this person's thinking is too weird, it's hard to figure it out!

"Huang Yuan, what are you doing here?"

Moonlight Moriah was able to end the enemy's shadow horn gun and was kicked away by the opponent, which made him a little regretful, and at the same time was full of anger.

What was already about to be completed, but now such a big trouble has occurred, and I don't know if it can be completed.

"Well, is it strange that this old man is here? It's the fact that you two pirates are here. That's something worth paying attention to, isn't it?"

Kizaru was still speaking at that slow pace, and what he said made the two of them jump. Damn, isn't this guy trying to kill them?

Only now that I think about it, it seems that the two of them have given up their status as king Qiwuhai and become an official pirate.

Under such circumstances, people who encountered the navy would probably not ignore them like before, but would come directly to hunt and kill themselves.

Tsk, an admiral of the Navy headquarters is chasing down the two of them?This seems to be a very sad thing!

Crocodile's eyes have swept around, as if looking for a way to escape.

He clearly knew that if he chose the wrong escape route, he would be easily killed by Huang Yuan.

Yellow ape, that is the guy called the flash man, they have little chance of escaping at the speed of light.

Therefore, the route is very important.

"Huang Yuan, there is no relationship between us, you see..."

Moonlight Moriah also understood the importance of the matter, so she immediately changed her words, and her original aggressive tone also changed all of a sudden.

But Huang Yuan shook his head with a wretched and helpless look.

"Originally, the old man didn't want to be troublesome, but if he saw the pirates not being caught, he seemed a little sorry for the military uniform. So, you were caught by me, how?"

This doesn't sound like a lot of lethality, but the small eyes are a bit unbearable. This guy is definitely not as simple as just wanting to arrest them, maybe he has the mind to kill them.

"Yellow monkey, what do you mean?"

Crocodile's face was gloomy, and his eyes burst into a murderous look.

Chapter 2766 You are rescuers brought by monkeys...

The purpose of coming here is to snatch the devil fruit. It was already very promising, but now it was destroyed by the appearance of this guy.

It is not a wise act to fight against a strong man like the admiral of the navy headquarters. After all, the admiral's strength is too strong, far surpassing them.

Whether it is safe to leave here is a question now, how can this make him not angry?

Huang Yuan still had the obscene look with his thick lips curled up, and many people couldn't understand what he was thinking in his heart.

It is said that he is wretched, and he can fight for the justice of the navy, and he is just, and he does not care about others during the battle, but only cares about his own life and death.

Well, this is a very sad thing.

"What do you mean? Don't you understand? Of course the old man wants to arrest you. Of course, if you resist too fiercely, the old man can only kill you. So, you are as obedient as cats." !"

Huang Yuan had a smile on his face, but this smile made the two of them sick, obedient like a cat?This is insulting them!In other words, does this guy think they have no possibility of escaping?

Poor, these two people have been made up by Huang Yuan so that they only think about the possibility of escaping.

This is the absolute gap in strength. It seems that it is really not a difficult thing for a strong general level to kill them.

Kizaru ignored the ugly expressions of the two of them, and continued to say to himself: "Yeah... It's strange, why hasn't that guy appeared yet? What if someone runs away?"



The hearts of the two were violently beat a few times, that guy?who?Did he come here with other things to do?Who in the end deserves his shot?

Even Brother Doflaming felt a little uneasy. This guy Huang Yuan didn't have much contact with him. To some extent, this guy was very upset to see him!

After all, what he did before was exaggerated, and the high-level personnel of the Navy headquarters were absolutely clear about it.

Therefore, if this guy wants to take the opportunity to teach him a lesson, he will definitely not die or be half disabled.

Well, shouldn't it be time to unite with those two guys?

At least, you have to last until the master comes back!

Poor Doflamingo, but he didn't think of another relationship, that is, the relationship between Liu Xu and Huang Yuan, who are also admirals of the Navy headquarters, and the two have experienced some very "pleasant" things. How could Huang Yuan take revenge?

"Huang Yuan, hurry up and get things done! We will take care of Vera's affairs by ourselves."

Doflamingo said tentatively, and he also stood up cautiously.

Huang Yuan turned his head, narrowed his eyes with a smile, and said, "What are you afraid of? Afraid that the old man will kill you first?"


I almost sprayed my rice, can you please stop talking like that?This is a rhythm that scares people to death!In other words, if you want to fight, hurry up, what are you procrastinating here for?

Elsewhere in the square, the fighting was still going on, and it seemed that Kizaru appeared here without being noticed by them, and all kinds of dazzling sparks and explosions continued.

"Don't be nervous, the old man is not here to kill you, don't worry!"

Huang Yuan shouted again, this sentence made Doflamingo heave a sigh of relief, didn't he come to kill him?OK, that's great!

It seems that this guy, Kizaru, has taken the absolute initiative as soon as he comes here, and the lives of several people are in his hands, and it looks like he can end it at any time.

And his words also made the other two almost fry, wishing they would give birth to a pair of wings and slip away decisively.

"But... what's the matter with your devil fruit processing factory? Can you take the old man to visit?"


Doflamingo sprayed again, devil fruit processing factory?Is this guy here for the devil fruit processing factory?God, why did he do such a crime, it's over, if this guy is here to destroy the devil fruit processing factory, then even if he has ten lives, he can't stop him!

"General Huang Yuan, don't scare them."

At this time, another lazy voice came, and with the arrival of this voice, the temperature of the surrounding air dropped sharply.

The yellow ape had the same eyebrows, and the thick lips were raised even more viciously.

"It's finally here, your speed is really slow, the old man has been waiting for a while."

The three of them looked in the direction of the voice, but saw a tall man wearing a white suit vest and a dark blue shirt, with a green eye patch on his forehead, and a justice coat on his body.

At this moment, he was walking over from the gate of the square, and all the pirates and soldiers along the way were frozen.


The three of them shouted, it turned out to be this guy, my God, is it this guy that Kizaru was waiting for?It's a sin, this little heart can't bear it anymore.

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