Qing Zhi paid attention to the pirates and soldiers around him, his body was constantly releasing air-conditioning, as long as there were people close to him, they would all be frozen.

There are hundreds of naval soldiers behind him, looking majestic.

Coming to the side of the yellow ape, Qingzhi glanced at Crocodile and the two, decisively ignoring them, and turned her gaze to Doflamingo.

"General Liu Xu hasn't come back yet?"

Doflamingo swallowed hard, and the two generals appeared here. This is the rhythm to commit crimes, and this is the rhythm to make him collapse.

What are they here for?Devil Fruit?Owner?God, this thing is too complicated to think clearly.

"Not yet, but it should be soon."

Doflamingo let out a sharp breath.

"Don't be nervous, we are here to help you, and wait for Liu Xu to arrive by the way."

Qingzhi spoke at this time, and Doflamingo was stunned for a moment by what he said, and then he burst out laughing wildly.

"咈咈咈咈咈... Help me? Eh... I see, in the words of the master, you are the rescuers brought by the monkey..."

Happiness came too fast, it was a bit unbearable, and these two guys came to help him, so this matter is much simpler.

However, Qingzhi is a better guy, unlike Huang Yuan, who played the three of them around and almost scared him to death.

And the other two don't think so, come to help this guy?Damn, I definitely can't stay here any longer, it will be troublesome when I get killed.


Chapter 2767 Sand vs Ice

"Withdraw! Desert Sword!"

Crocodile let out a low voice, and then his arm turned into a sand blade and then gigantic and released, and the sharp sand blade quickly whistled away in the direction of the three of the Kizaru.

Moonlight Moria withdrew immediately, and the zombie army quickly assembled under his call, and kept rushing towards the three of Kizaru, and then he and Crocodile withdrew decisively.

Qingzhi turned around and looked at the desert sword that kept approaching. It was also the power of the natural department. This guy must also be hiding a good power.

But, it's not even close.

"It seems like we've been ignored!"

Huang Yuan smiled, and the smile was so obscene no matter how you looked at it.

Qingzhi shook his head, then stood in front of the two and stretched out a hand, only to see countless cold air gushing out from his arm.

"Freezing time!"

With a few lazy words, the desert sword had already arrived in front of him. However, when Qingzhi released countless cold air, the speed of the desert sword stopped, and a little bit of ice appeared on the surface of his body.

Soon, the entire desert sword was frozen and fell directly to the ground.

"Catch them!"

Qingzhi rushed out after saying a word. He is the laziest of the three generals, but there is no need to doubt his strength, it is absolutely appropriate, and their strength cannot be adulterated.

Huang Yuan shrugged his shoulders. This is really not what he likes. What he likes most is to reap the benefits of fishing, just like some people go to drink.

At the beginning, I always said that I don't know how to drink, but when others are almost drunk, I will take action. I will decisively pick up the cup and drink one cup after another, and easily drink the person to the ground, and complete a magical make-up knife.

This is his character, I really don't want to participate in this matter!

It's just that Qingzhi has spoken, and he proposed to come to Vera, so he is naturally embarrassed to watch others exhausted.

The body quickly became photonized, and a strong and dazzling yellow light appeared, and the whole person quickly rushed towards the two retreating people in front. As for those zombie legions, let's just ignore them gorgeously!

These scumbags are not worthy of his hand.


The speed of Kizaru who entered the photonization was much faster than Qingzhi, and appeared in front of Moonlight Moria in an instant, kicked him and flew backwards, even faster than when he escaped.


Crocodile was startled, the yellow ape was so fast, it appeared beside him all of a sudden, damn it, it's going to be difficult now.

However, Kizaru turned his head to look at him, then ignored him and resolutely chased after Moonlight Moria.

Crocodile didn't understand, what did this guy mean?Is it the release of the fruit to start?But he quickly understood what was going on. After he was stunned for a while, Qingzhi had already caught up. As the surrounding temperature dropped sharply, Sand Crocodile walked faster and wanted to escape the opponent's attack.

It's just that his speed is still a little slow, and there is not much time for him to be thorough.

"Arc Moon Sand Dunes!"

In desperation, Crocodile could only turn around, and cut down the crescent-shaped sand blade with its giant arm. The crescent-shaped sand dune is extremely sharp, and under the power of the sand-shaved fruit, as long as it can cut the enemy , can easily absorb the water in the opponent's body and turn it into a mummy.


The curved moon-shaped dune slashed on the ice spear in front, and immediately blocked the whistling ice spear, unable to advance any further.

Two thorns spears, this is the power of Qingzhi's frozen fruit, this is a long-distance killing trick, with incomparable hardness and penetration, when it hits the enemy, it can freeze the enemy, which is very fierce.

The two thorn spears and the curved moon-shaped sand dunes confronted, Qingzhi also rushed over, and without saying a word, used Shaved to appear behind the opponent, and stretched out his domineering hand with armed color.

"Pointing to the spear, spear!"

Qingzhi's right hand sprinted over with a whistling sound, and the surrounding air was almost torn apart, showing the extraordinary power of this move.

Crocodile's pupils shrank, motherfucker, this situation is difficult to deal with, how can this guy be so fast?Damn, it's the use of Navy Six again.

The Sixth Form of the Navy is a unique physical technique of the navy. It is a physical technique that surpasses the limits of the human body. It possesses a variety of powerful skills. The generals and officers in the basic navy will use some of them more or less.

However, the Sixth Form of the Navy, which is enhanced with armed domineering, is different, and not everyone can learn it.

With the domineering and powerful attack power of the armed color, the power of the finger gun has increased a lot.

Can't wait any longer, Crocodile didn't even think about it, just rolled to the side and avoided the opponent's finger gun.

Pointing to the shot at the air, Qingzhi did not immediately pursue the sand crocodile, but stood there watching the confrontation between the two thorn spears and the curved moon-shaped sand dunes, with a little satisfaction in his eyes.

There were not many bright spots in the confrontation between the two thorn spears and the curved moon-shaped dunes. The curved moon-shaped sand dunes could not compete with the two thorn spears at all, and soon turned into fine sand and dissipated under the hardness of the two thorn spears.

"Former Shichibu Kaisha Crocodile Crocodile, I formally arrest you with the justice of the Navy!"

Qingzhi turned her head to look at the sand crocodile, and her words made the other person feel cool.

At the moment, Kizaru is chasing after Moonlight Moriah, and his expression looks very relaxed. Although the opponent's shadow fruit ability is very troublesome, even his own shadow will be cut off accidentally, but he also has an absolute advantage. is speed.

Moonlight Moria's tumbler-like body moves very slowly, and his attack speed is also very slow. It is easy to avoid his attack.

Fighting Moonlight Moriah is what he wants to do, what a joy it is!

If Liu Xu were here, he would definitely have to complain deeply.

The reason for this is that the opponent's strength is relatively weak, at least a little weaker than Crocodile. After all, the sand crocodile is a natural type, and it is still more troublesome to fight against the natural type.


Chapter 2768 Light vs Shadow

"Flash Kick!"

It suddenly appeared behind Moonlight Moriah again, kicking down with a yellow flash of right foot.

Moonlight Moriah has the heart to cry now. One general helped Doflamingo already made them want to escape. Now that two generals are here, this is the rhythm of committing crimes!

By the way, when did Liu Xu have such a good relationship with these two generals?Why doesn't he know?

"Shadow Mage!"

The rapidly approaching flash kick made Moonlight Moria dare not be careless, and quickly summoned her own shadow clone.


Kizaru kicked the Shadow Mage and directly kicked the Shadow Mage out!

The sudden appearance of two generals in the capital Vera was a very eye-catching thing, and it also caused a great impact on the two predecessors, Qiwuhai, who came to invade.

The strength of the general represents a peak, represents the peak in this world.

Huang Yuan kicked Moonlight Moria's shadow mage flying with a flash kick, causing the opponent to tremble violently.

Shadow Mage is a very successful and powerful move for him. It can not only ignore any damage when defending, but also provide assistance when attacking, and give the enemy a fatal blow at critical moments.

Now, Huang Yuan kicked him away with one kick, how could he not be surprised?

The shadow mage was kicked hundreds of meters and fell to the ground. Moonlight Moria was shocked and hurried over.

It's just that the yellow ape entered the photon again and appeared beside him, one hand pointed at his head, and a yellow light rose from the fingertips.

"You are so slow!"

A sentence made Moonlight Moria's heart almost jump out, the dazzling light stimulated his nerves, and the dazzling and iconic yellow light reminded him that the opponent used such a move in the battle of the top to kill countless pirates. .

"Shadow Warrior!"

"Laser beam!"

The two voices sounded at the same time, and Moonlight Moriah's body twisted for a while, and instantly turned into pitch black.

And the laser beams between the yellow apes have also flown out, like an energy storm, a powerful cyclone swept everything around at the moment of launch.

The laser beam penetrated Moonlight Moriah's body with unparalleled power, but the yellow ape frowned when it penetrated his body.

Something is wrong, it doesn't feel like hitting the opponent's body, but like hitting the air, what's going on?

Soon, the Moonlight Moria in front of him told him what was going on.

The laser beam that hit his body passed through his body as if it hadn't hit anything, and landed on the wall in the square behind.


The laser beam penetrated the wall in the blink of an eye, and has been penetrating several buildings before exploding suddenly. The violent shock wave and firelight generated by the explosion made the surrounding people terrified, and it was directly thrown away, causing countless casualties.

Kizaru's power is so crazy, these low-level pirates and soldiers are like ants in his eyes, so he rarely takes the initiative to attack these low-level pirates.

The pure black moonlight Moriah, who had been penetrated through the body, suddenly stretched out his hands and attacked the yellow ape.

"Hmm...that's weird."

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