"Desert Sword!"

The arm turned into a huge sand blade and slashed out, and Crocodile's move with unparalleled power cut off four icicles one after another.


The last icicle was intercepted by him, but the last icicle was not cut off by his desert sword, but flew towards him with the power of the desert sword.


Crocodile cursed secretly, Qingzhi's strength was too much higher than him, and if he continued to delay like this, he would suffer later.

If you want to escape now, you can only use other people to stop this guy.

He is a powerful conspirator, a conspirator who only trusts himself, whether it is a partner or someone else, as long as his interests are involved, he will give up the other party at the first time.

Even if that guy is his subordinate, as long as he offends him, he will be killed.

Thinking about something in his heart, Crocodile's eyes turned to the people in the Baroque studio, and the haze flashed in his eyes.

But soon resentment appeared in his eyes, damn, these subordinates were actually held back by the enemy, how can this make his plan implement?sinned.And when did this guy, Doflamingo, rush over there?It's horrible.

In his sight, the people of the Baroque studio have been restrained by the people of the Don Quixote family. Compared with these pirates who used to only hang out in the first half of the great route, the strength of the Don Quixote family Being more powerful is simply not something they can compete with.

Coupled with the gap in numbers, and now that Doflamingo has joined the fray, there is absolutely no possibility for the Baroque Studios to escape.

There is also the zombie army of Moonlight Moria. Now the hundreds of zombies are being restrained by the navy soldiers and generals brought by Qingzhi, and there are people from the second and third teams of Liu Xu fighting, and there is no The battle may be over in a short time.

Clever brain was spinning rapidly, Crocodile was already a little anxious, the plan could not be implemented, what should I do now?Psychological offensive?Well, maybe this one can have it.

"Qingzhi, I'm afraid the purpose of your visit this time is not so simple! Kizaru said before that you came for the devil fruit, so what do you want the devil fruit to do? Humph!"

Crocodile, who was thinking about it, said such a thing, which made Qingzhi speechless. What happened to this child?Even if they came for the devil fruit, so what?Two generals shot at the same time, does that mean anything?Do you want to use this thing to threaten?That's too funny!

"Hmph, if you don't speak, you are acquiescing. Qingzhi, you must already know Kaido's army of capable people. Does your naval headquarters also want to create an army of capable people? Hahaha, I don't know what will happen if this news is exposed?"

Crocodile seemed to see hope, and he said something threatening again, staring at the expressionless face of the other party, but his heart was stunned.

Qingzhi is speechless again, are you saying this to make us kill you?In order to prevent the news from being exposed, it seems that I can only kill you. How can a dead person keep a secret forever.However, Crocodile's later words made him dismiss this idea.

"Liu Xu created the devil fruit processing factory by himself. Do you think he has no purpose? As far as I know, you only know about this devil fruit processing factory recently. So, what about the devil fruits he developed before? I'm afraid, you guys Liu Xu, the great thunder god general of the last days, isn't his purpose pure? Is it to control the world? To overthrow the world government? Is it for the treasure of the One Piece, or for the throne of the One Piece?"

After these words, Qingzhi's face changed, and he shouted: "Crocodahl, you better not talk nonsense, or I will kill you immediately."

For the first time, this was the first time that Qingzhi was so angry after he came here, and said so openly that he wanted to kill the other party, which made the other party seem to have noticed something.

"It seems that your relationship with Liu Xu is not simple!"

Crocodile's words made Qingzhi's face change again, damn it, why is this guy's brain so bright?However, this guy is trying to die!

"Cooperative relationship? Colleagues? Friends? Tsk tsk, it seems to have a lot to do with the inside! Tell me, should I inform other people to release this information?"

Crocodile sneered and took out a phone bug.

"Damn it, this guy wants to die."

Suddenly, Qingzhi seemed to relax and sighed inwardly.

"The relationship between Liu Xu and me is also the general of the Navy headquarters. What do you think? If there is a relationship, it means that he and I are special. Are you satisfied with this answer?"

Crocodile's eyes flashed, and he continued to be on guard.

"Oh? It's special isn't it?"

"That's right, anyway, you have to die here today." Qingzhi was murderous, "Phone bug? Hmph, a boring trick. The Ice Age!"


Chapter 2771

In the waters outside Vera Island, seven battleships headed towards the island in a mighty, slow speed, and one of the huge battleships was particularly eye-catching.

The battleship is [-] meters long and has a steel structure. The bow is a black flying dragon, and the flag on the main mast is also the image of a flying dragon.

There are hundreds of soldiers in bronze armor on the battleship, with unified scimitars, majestic and majestic.

On the balcony of the fifth floor, a young man with pink hair looked at the soldiers below and nodded. These were all elites under his command, and each of them was a soldier who had been tempered.

Beside him was an old man with a serious expression and a dignified body.

The old man was whispering something at the moment, and the young man's face gradually showed impatience.

"Elder Di Mo, do you think it is possible for Liu Xu to come back? Don't be kidding. Before he comes back, this place has been leveled by me. Don't be so nervous, just go slowly. Hmph, wait until this place is resolved before you lay a net of heaven and earth." , wait for that bastard to cast himself into the trap and kill him, from now on I will be the most powerful among the Tianlong people. Madeline, hahaha!"

The young man, that is, Saint Kasper laughed wildly, and the elder Dimo ​​next to him sighed secretly, Patriarch, you are still too young after all, and now you want to make a quick decision, why do you want to be so slow?It has been several days since I came out of the Holy Land, and now I have arrived at Vera.Originally, this time can be shortened by half!

"Patriarch, Liu Xu's power is mysterious and unpredictable. After all, the people we brought don't have much power. If the time comes..."

Elder Di Mo was worried, but Saint Casper became even more impatient when he heard it. His brows knit together and said, "Elder Di Mo, what do you mean by pouring cold water on him? Hmph, there are Qiwuhai, and there are admirals. Are we still afraid that Liu Xu won't succeed with him?"

Elder Dimo, who has countless troubles in his heart, is even more sad. What is going on? Why is the patriarch's temper getting worse and worse now?Are you not listening to your own advice?Hey, it seems that you have been carried away by hatred. Could it be that a few words can make you lose your mind?

"Patriarch, this time all the elites of the family have come out. Although there are Qiwuhai and the navy generals, Liu Xu's power is too strong, and he has a very close relationship with the general of the navy headquarters. If we overturn his territory, I'm afraid he will The admiral of the Ultimate Navy Headquarters will come to make trouble, and then the situation will be difficult to deal with."

The wise old man has already thought of all kinds of possibilities, and the Admiral of the Navy Headquarters is what troubles him the most.

But St. Casper obviously didn't buy it. He yelled back and said angrily, "How dare they? Dare they participate in the internal affairs of the Tianlong people? Who gave them such courage?"

Elder Di Mo was speechless now, looked at the few warships beside him, and finally sighed deeply.Lord patriarch, is your brain kicked by a donkey?Under your order, these generals of the Navy headquarters dared to flirt with Liu Xu, a guy with various identities, let alone the two generals of the Navy headquarters?You, why didn't you see this situation clearly!

Elder Dimo, who no longer knew what to say, shook his head and retreated behind him. The matter was too sad. He had to think of a way to overcome the difficulties that may arise in the future.

However, now he is destined to not have so much time to think about these things.

In the sea area about ten kilometers away from them, three warships were quickly heading here, and one of the dark purple warships about [-] meters was very eye-catching, especially the naval flag that was penetrated by a purple lightning bolt. Conspicuous.

"Dear Mr. Captain, I have been able to confirm that it is the Holy Family of Casper, as well as the navy and the pirate ship."

Columbia had completed a round of reconnaissance and returned to the warship, reporting everything it had seen.

Liu Xu also looked at the seven warships ahead with a telescope, with a cold killing intent hanging from the corner of his mouth.

"Come after it, since everyone has sent it to the door, I'll be too sorry for them if they don't kill it."

The three warships quickly increased their speed, and Hancock and the others also frowned. What they were worried about was not the seven warships, but the situation of Vera.

Villa is currently being attacked by two powerful enemies. If there is a conflict with the members of the Casper Holy Family here, will the rescue time be delayed?

"Xu, do you want to go back to Vera first?" Hancock said slightly sadly.

In her mind, Vera was their most important place in the New World, and it was a little more important than this Casper St.

Liu Xu was also tangled, and after a while he said: "No, let's get rid of St. Casper first. Villa has the support of Flamingo and the Don Quixote family. There shouldn't be any problems for the time being." ...Moreover, St. Casper must have led a lot of strong people over this time, and it would be really dangerous if they were allowed to enter Villa."

After making up my mind, I must end the opponent right here.A powerful Celestial Dragon family led the Qibuhai, the Navy and the superpowers in the family. This is definitely a force that cannot be ignored.

He has an advantage when fighting at sea, that is his powerful lightning power, sea water is also conductive, and he can use this to kill the opponent.

Hancock nodded, and what he said became clear. It seems that this time Vera is really facing huge difficulties.

As the speed of the three warships increased, they quickly approached the seven warships.

Such a quick approach naturally attracted the other party's attention, and soon a watchman reported the matter.

"Oh? Liu Xu's warship? Heh, it seems that the enemy's road is really narrow. Turn around and kill him here! Capable person? A landlubber. I want to see what you can do."

Saint Cuthbert was overjoyed, and he actually met the other party here. This is simply the grace of God, giving him a perfect opportunity to kill the other party.

Under his order, the seven warships quickly turned their direction, and at the same time, the overwhelming shells also bombed out at the first time.


Chapter 2772 I really worry about your IQ

The bombardment bombarded the sky and the sky, and Liu Xu's three warships were modified by the mad scientist Brayton to be very manoeuvrable, and their speed has also been improved in many aspects, and they still have advantages in evasion.

However, that could only evade a small number of shells, and most of the shells were still hard to resist.

"Take it back!"

Liu Xu shouted loudly, and the people on the three battleships started to defend.

I saw that the hundreds of soldiers gradually turned into various ferocious animals in an instant, including wolves, tigers, lions, dragons, and white elephants. He whizzed out from his body, directly intercepting the shells that were about to fall on the gradually, and they had already started to explode in mid-air.

The aftermath of the explosion of dozens of shells can definitely destroy a battleship. At this time, a bird suddenly sprang out from the animal-type capable troops, and its fiery red wings flashed again and again, and flew out from a ring of fire between the wings. In an instant, he fell into the shock wave.


After the ring of fire entered it, there was an explosion of distance. The power of the shock wave was continuously offset by the power of the ring of fire, and even pushed in the direction of the seven battleships, but the distance was relatively far and could not reach there.

Liu Xu has been paying attention to this person for a long time. The animal is the fruit of the fire bird, which is somewhat similar to the ability of the phoenix Marco, but it is fundamentally different.

His fruit can release high-temperature flames, but it cannot have the power of regeneration like Marco, so there is an essential difference.

The captain of the first team is now an officer at the rank of chief officer. With such abilities in the Navy headquarters, he can become a general at the rank of major general.

However, after following Liu Xu for a long time, he was naturally unwilling to leave this warship.Liu Xu was not willing to part with such a powerful subordinate, and was happy to ignore the other party's promotion.

Patience Bell was recommended by Liu Xu to become the Chief of the Navy Headquarters, which was already a very high honor for a person who was born as a soldier.

At the top, it is the level of brigadier general, and then it is the level of major general.

After reaching the brigadier general, he can no longer stay on Liu Xu's warship, which is why he is still the commander.

On the Nine Snake Pirates, the female warriors responded to the fire suppression by a very simple method, that is, they used bows and arrows attached to the armed domineering to resist, and easily intercepted those shells.

Accurate archery and beautiful appearance make these female warriors a beautiful landscape on the sea.

The members of the Swordsman Team were much simpler. A few sword beams or sword beams passed by, and those cannonballs were completely suppressed, witnessing how superb their swordsmanship was.

The continuous cannonballs were blocked, and the seven warships on the opposite side gave up the bombardment of the cannonballs and leaned towards this side instead.

Liu Xu smiled when he saw this situation. Do you want to fight at close quarters if you can't suppress the firepower?Very good, let's try to see who will fail in the end!

Several warships approached slowly, and stopped when the distance was about [-] meters away. If they went further, they had to try whose warship was stronger.

As soon as the battleship stopped, St. Casper on the Tianlongren battleship roared loudly, saying: "Liu Xu, be obedient and catch him without a fight, I will consider giving you a good time!"

When the roaring ship reached the warship here, Liu Xu immediately covered his eyes. Did this unlucky boy not understand the situation?To dare to threaten this young master like this, could it be that he forgot the lesson he was taught before?

Several battleships and pirate ships surrounded the three battleships, and no matter from which direction they could launch a storm-like attack.

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