"Saint Casper, I'm really worried about your IQ. Have you forgotten how my young master taught you before? Tsk, your memory is failing at a young age. Either you have mental problems or your brain is deteriorating! After a while It's time to forget who I am for two years."

Liu Xu responded lightly, looking forward to what kind of reaction the other party would have.

Casper St. was so depressed that he almost spit out blood after hearing the other party's words. This guy Liu Xu would also be a poisonous snake guy, bastard, it's still the same as before, so annoying.

"Liu Xu, don't be arrogant there, you will be buried in the sea soon!"

Casper St., who couldn't think of any words to fight back, could only use this threat to vent his inner displeasure.

Liu Xu has the same eyebrows. Will he be buried in the sea today?Tsk tsk, just relying on these scum?

Thinking of this, Liu Xu rushed out with the razor, and immediately landed on the opponent's battleship, and appeared in front of St. Casper.


Casper St. instinctively took a few steps back, almost sitting on the ground with his ass.

Exciting, this is really exciting, this guy is here to challenge his nerves.


"Saint Casper, stay safe, this young master has come in person, what are you going to do?"

Liu Xu's words hit the opponent's heart like a giant hammer, making the opponent take a few steps back.

The elders and soldiers on the balcony immediately stood in front of him, looking alert.

The soldiers on the deck also noticed it and ran into the cabin one after another.

"Don't be so nervous, I haven't made a move yet! Don't worry, I will notify you when I make a move, so that you will be mentally prepared."

Liu Xu said with a chuckle, the attitude of not paying attention to these people at all made people surprised and angry, why is he so confident?Surrounded by so many people, how could he not be nervous at all?

"Liu Xu, I'm going to kill you!"

Someone stood in front of him, and Casper St. suddenly shivered, roaring again and again.

This state made Liu Xu's eyes brighten, good guy, it's still the same as before, still so dazed, still so stupid, it's impossible not to teach you a lesson for your dead parents.

Elder Di Mo sighed quietly, it seems that today is doomed, and he was intercepted by the other party halfway, what a crime, old patriarch, we are sorry for you.

Chapter 2773 Ginger is still old and spicy

As the soldiers below chased up, more than [-] people had surrounded Liu Xu, which seemed to be a gang fight.

More than [-] fierce and fully armed soldiers looked very imposing, plus a few elders and patriarchs in gorgeous costumes, it felt a bit like prostitution!

Too lazy to look at those soldiers, Liu Xu paid attention to that Elder Di Mo. The power of knowledge and domineering heart net enveloped him, and he could hear his inner thoughts.

"What a treacherous old man, what a visionary old man."

Liu Xu admired a few words in his heart. Although there are some Tianlong people who have known strategies for a long time, and they can use them well, but compared with this old man, they are far behind, except for Madeline who can directly Apart from ignoring him, this guy is the smartest one.

Great foresight, great strategy.

From his heart, Liu Xu discovered that this guy had already thought up no less than [-] ways to deal with Vera's matter, and each way also thought up some possible follow-up things.

After thinking about those methods on himself, Liu Xu finally came to a conclusion that this old man thought really well!

There is such an old man in the Casper Holy Family, no wonder the Casper Saint, who is muddy and does not support the wall, can develop this family into this way, which is really admirable.

If someone with a better mind becomes the patriarch, he can bring the family to a better future every minute!

"Saint Casper, you are a person who is extremely ignorant and ignorant. You leave a person who can give you advice and do things according to your own ideas."

Liu Xu sarcastically sarcastically made the people around him dumbfounded. What does it mean?Is anyone here that smart?When did the patriarch find someone who could advise him?

And Saint Kasper's face is ugly, this guy dares to laugh at himself like this, unforgivable, unforgivable!

On the contrary, Elder Di Mo seemed to understand something, his face changed again and again, and he looked at Liu Xu with deep shock in his eyes.

"This guy can actually read my heart! It's terrible!"

Elder Di Mo thought so in his heart, and overthrew many previous methods at once. Those methods ignored one point, that is Liu Xu's ability to read people's hearts.

"Kill him!"

St. Casper let out a roar, and his murderous intention suddenly rose.

"don't want……"

Elder Di Mo exclaimed, but it was already too late. Under the command of the patriarch, the surrounding soldiers had already rushed towards him like a tiger.

However, their movements soon came to a standstill.

A burst of invisible coercion suddenly appeared, instantly swept over the surrounding people, and directly pressed these soldiers and those elders to the ground, their consciousness darkened, and they fell into a coma.

Overlord-like arrogance, this is Liu Xu's overlord-like arrogance, which was directly used at this critical moment, stunning all these soldiers.

His overlord color is different from that of ordinary people. This is more of a domineering, kingly coercion, which directly shocks everyone from the depths of their hearts.

"what happened?"

St. Casper's eyes popped, what happened to these soldiers and elders?Why did they all fall down all of a sudden?Could it be that he was afraid of this guy's strength and pretended to be dizzy?He obviously didn't see the other party making a move just now!

But the well-informed Elder Di Mo understood something, his face was ugly, and his body trembled slightly.

Overlord, as it was rumored, this guy is a person with the aptitude of a king, a domineering owner of overlord who can only appear among millions of people.Damn, this is so hard to do.

"Saint Casper, what do you think Master Ben should say about you? It's not worrying to be such an old man."

Liu Xu shook his head again and again, looking very sad.

Elder Dimo ​​exhaled fiercely and stood in front of Saint Casper, with a serious expression: "Patriarch, leave here immediately, I will block him!"


St. Casper wanted to say something more, but Liu Xu was impatient, and stretched out his hand to push this Elder Dimo ​​away...

Suddenly, just when his hand was about to touch the opponent, Elder Di Mo's arm suddenly turned pure black, and he punched Liu Xu's hand.


A swift punch directly hit Liu Xu's hand, causing his arm to swing to the side. Elder Di Mo's muscles swelled up, and the veins on his forehead were exposed.

"Armed Color Hardened!"

An angry shout came from Elder Di Mo's mouth, and Liu Xu was a little surprised. This guy turned out to be an armed domineering owner?It seems that I was mistaken just now, and I didn't realize this.In other words, this old man's body is really tough, and he can still throw such a brutal punch at such an age.

Feeling the faint pain coming from his arm, Liu Xu also admired this old man in his heart.

I thought he didn't have much strength, so he didn't have much defense, but I didn't want to be tricked.

Sure enough, ginger is still old and spicy.

However, if you only have such a little bit of armament and domineering, it will be of no use.

His eyes stayed on the body of Elder Dimo, who had turned black all over, and his fists also turned into pure black.


With a punch, Elder Dimo's expression changed, and it was also a punch.At the moment when the two fists collided, his face became ugly, and his right hand, which was stretched straight, actually bent.


With a crisp sound, Elder Di Mo let out a muffled groan. He flew backwards and slammed into the wall of the balcony. His right hand trembled in an irregular state. Liu Xu punched his arm. It was broken.

Liu Xu, who had crippled one of his opponent's arms, walked directly in front of the dumbfounded Casper, raised his hand, and swung...


Chapter 2774 If someone hits you on the right cheek, even turn the left cheek and let him hit you......


The crisp sound resounded like a piece of music, and Liu Xu's hand kept slapping down without stopping.

In his heart it was a beautiful and joyful symphony, in the hearts of others it was a thunderclap, constantly echoing in their ears, shaking their hearts and challenging their psychological tolerance.

The Celestial Dragon was slapped?The patriarch of the Celestial Dragon was slapped?Is the world crazy?Even if it is an enemy, at most it is to defeat the opponent, and now it is indeed directly despising the opponent spiritually and insulting the opponent directly in terms of personality.

Liu Xu, why do you dare to do this?Who gave you such courage?The elders and soldiers couldn't believe what they saw and heard, that such a severe humiliation would happen to their patriarch.

St. Casper was also dumbfounded, and was directly stunned by Liu Xu. His eyes were dull and he let Liu Xu move left and right. His heart was already puzzled, and his brain was already blank.

This kind of thing, this kind of thing is too bullying.

The aloof patriarch of the Celestial Dragons, Saint Casper, one of the pinnacles of the world's power, is being humiliated so severely at this moment.

This kind of behavior is like tearing off the other party's already scarred wound, raging fiercely in the other party's heart.

Liu Xu was already in a good mood, this rhythm was very good, and he was very satisfied with the feeling of wantonly humiliating the enemy.

As for whether that will cause dissatisfaction among others, that is not within the scope of consideration.

This man, who has already formed a hatred with him, can let him live happily for more than a year, which is already a great gift.

The soldiers and generals on the deck looked stupidly at the patriarch on the balcony who had been slapped in the face. Fear spread in their hearts, but they soon recovered and rushed in like ghosts and wolf howls.

"Holy Cuthber, Bible Matthew 5:38-42, Jesus taught us that 'If someone slaps you on the right cheek, turn the other cheek and let him slap you...'."


Liu Xu switched sides and slapped him with a backhand, his eyes full of mischief.

St. Casper's head was still shaking from side to side. After hearing Liu Xu's words, it took a few seconds to recover from the shock. Suddenly, a tingling pain came from his face. The feeling made him almost unable to resist stretching out his hand to tear the flesh off his face.


With a scream, Saint Casper finally reacted, and the man fell to the ground. The tingling sensation made his muscles twitch, and he covered his face with his hands.

"You, you, bastard!"

St. Cuthbert's voice was a little fuzzy, and his entire face was swollen. Now it is a perfect image to describe him as a pig's head.

Liu Xu squatted down and laughed, his bright smile made people feel that he was a harmless young man, but what he did now made these people feel like a demon in hell, making them at a loss as to what to do. Terrified.

"Didn't you get used to it when you were in the Holy Land Marijoa? You shouldn't refuse this young master's kindness to you, right?"

In the holy land of Maliqiaoya, Liu Xu stayed there for not a short time, and it was at that time that he got to know this Casper Saint, this man who kept trying to pursue Madeline but never succeeded.

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