When he was in the Holy Land, he had been beaten countless times, and these things had already spread in the Holy Land Marijoa.

Saint Casper now has the heart to die. Can the situation be the same when he was in the Holy Land?At most, he beat himself to the point of being unable to move and then threw him into the sea, but he never slapped himself in the face!Slap in the face, what an insult to his dignity!

"I must, must kill, you!"

Casper's eyes were full of tears and snot, and he could only express the resentment and unwillingness in his heart in this way. His eyes full of anger and killing intent were undisguised, just so naked.

"Let our patriarch go!"

At this time, some soldiers had already rushed up, pushed open the door on the balcony and charged directly, the scimitar in their hands unceremoniously chopped down towards Liu Xu.

With dozens of soldiers, this balcony can only accommodate dozens of soldiers, and extra people can't squeeze into it at all.

Liu Xu shrugged his shoulders. Don't these poor children understand?What can these things do to him?Also, who allowed you to come up?

"Get off!"

There was a flash of light in Liu Xu's eyes, and then his body turned into an afterimage, shuttled among these soldiers, and returned to the original position in the blink of an eye.

The soldiers stood still with their swords raised, and the angry expressions on their faces seemed to freeze at this moment, which made people look very strange.

Soon, the reaction of these soldiers told the world what speed is.

In just two seconds, these soldiers seemed to be hit by an invisible force, and they leaped directly over the guardrail of the balcony and fell heavily on the deck. At this time, the thick armor became a The burden is heavy on them.

Dozens of soldiers and trapeze-like performances stunned others, and the battle here was too fast for people to react to.

"Saint Cuthbert, remember, you will always be just a scumbag."

After saying this with a smile, Liu Xu turned around and started slapping the opponent angrily.

And that Elder Di Mo turned his head against the wall, a little unbearable. This kind of scene made him a little unbearable. The patriarch who was brought up by himself is now being slapped hard by his side, and he But I can't do anything, I can only look up to the sky and sigh, old patriarch, we are sorry for you!

"Clap! Clap!"

The crisp sound continued, and Liu Xu's hands continued to stimulate everyone's nerves without stopping.

The crazy "beating" on the huge battleship stunned everyone, especially the people on other warships and pirate ships. Who would have imagined such a scene?


Chapter 2775 First team, attack!


The head of the Tianlong clan was slapped angrily in the public, and it was continuous. Even if the soldiers and elders came out, they couldn't stop the other party's actions.Who would believe such a thing?

After watching the "playing beating" for a while, some people finally came to their senses, and the people on the six warships started to act, and launched an attack under the leadership of their leaders.

There are still countless artillery fires appearing, and it seems that there is a rhythm to blast down the three battleships.

Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, this position under the general represents a symbol of strength, and is the object of reverence by countless people. Even if it is placed anywhere, it is definitely a strong one.

Under the leadership of several lieutenant admirals of the navy headquarters, the morale of the sailors soared.

Although fundamentally speaking, they are not willing to confront the general Liu Xu, but now they are summoned by the Tianlong people. If they don't support it, then they will wait to go home and farm!

Or, be killed directly!

"Oh? Are you going to attack already?" Zefa's sharp eyes swept across the crowd, with a crazy fighting intent hanging from the corner of his mouth, "Let's fight!"

Hearing this, the people on the three battleships rushed up and fought back.

The countless artillery fire in the sky did not bring them much damage, but was just wasting the ammunition inventory.

"Team [-], attack!"

Patience Bell, the captain of the first team on the ship, roared loudly, and her whole body entered the fire bird state, and immediately flew into the sky.

"Exploding Ring of Fire!"

With an angry shout, the Firebird's wings vibrated, and a ring of fire like before appeared, quickly spreading to the edge of the cannonball, and the high-temperature flame instantly ignited the surrounding cannonballs.

"Bang bang bang!"

Countless artillery shells exploded in the air, dazzling sparks like rabbit velvet fireworks bloomed in the air, and thick black smoke drifted away in the wind.

The other members of the first team wailed and howled, and under the leadership of the two sub-captains, they entered the animal state one after another.

All kinds of ferocious beasts jumped up gradually, and jumped towards the warship ahead.

"Wind cannon!"

As soon as the team members landed on the warship, the bloody massacre began. Although they were all naval soldiers, they had different ways and did not conspire with each other. They were the masters of each other. They were the subordinates of Liu Xu's center, so naturally they would not pay attention to these He was originally a colleague.

A rapidly high-pressure rotating wind cannon spewed out of the mouth of a squad leader. The wind cannon with a diameter of more than one meter continued to rage forward. The surrounding air seemed to be pulled by the wind cannon, and a violent cyclone suddenly appeared, causing some The navy soldier stood unsteady and staggered.


The wind cannon landed on the deck and produced a violent explosion, and the shock wave spread out to the surroundings. The manic and raging wind tore the enemy's body to shreds, and the blood drifted down.

"Oh, what a perfect power."

The squad leader sneered, but soon a huge figure blocked his sight.

"A mere soldier dares to be so arrogant!"

The man was a general wearing a coat of justice, a major general on the warship, and he slashed at the squad leader with a majestic sword.

The squad leader who ate the cheetah fruit reacted very quickly, and easily avoided the opponent's knife, and turned to a wind cannon.

The other members of the first team are not slow, their strength has reached a limit in various beast-shaped states, and it is more appropriate to call them the king of soldiers.

The more than [-] soldiers on this warship did not even have a chance to resist, and the criss-crossed first team members showed their fierce combat effectiveness at this time.


A member of the first team who devoured the fruit of the centipede easily shredded the soldier's body with his sharp teeth, and the countless legs kicked the surrounding enemies directly.


Some soldiers almost broke their livers and gallbladders. Are these guys all devil fruit users?How can it be so crazy?How could their strength be so fierce?

On this warship only led by the major general, a sub-combat is fighting against the major general, and the other sub-commander and team members launched a bloody massacre against those soldiers and officers.

"Ding Ding Ding!"

The squad leader in Cheetah state is a little helpless. It's true that his speed is very sensitive, but he didn't expect that the opponent's speed is not slow, and he has armed domineering, although this armed domineering looks a little weaker.

The flickering claws of Han Mang were blocked by the major general, and the jet-black blade with the domineering color of the armed force caused him a lot of trouble, and even his sharp claws felt pain when it hit the blade. Incredible.

"come over!"

The sub-captain roared helplessly, and the other sub-captain left the battle upon hearing this, and quickly joined his battle circle.

"Bloodthirsty Bite!"

Another team leader in the tyrannosaurus state took a step, his huge body rushed towards the opponent, and bit down on the opponent's knife with his sharp teeth.

"Hmph, superficial!"

The major general despised it, and the power of swinging the knife increased a lot in an instant, but soon he questioned his confident knife.

I saw the Tyrannosaurus directly biting the blade, the hard blade remained motionless under his bite, no matter how powerful he was, he couldn't pull it out.


The major general's heart trembled. If he loses the sword, his combat effectiveness will drop a lot. Damn, what should I do?

At this moment, the original cheetah team leader suddenly appeared behind the Tyrannosaurus rex, sprinted a few times on the opponent's back, and rushed towards him.

"Cracking Claws!"

With a low roar, the cheetah squad leader waved his claws towards each other a few times, and saw a few white slashes suddenly appear, and the sharp claw-shaped slashes came to the major general in an instant with a sharp whistling sound.

It's too late... It's too late, the major general was shocked, the weapon is controlled by others, if you want to avoid the opponent's attack, you have to give up the weapon, but if you give up the weapon, the opponent's swift attack will come after all, and you will die when the time comes There is no burial place left.


Chapter 2777 Amazon female man


Empress Hancock sailed with Liu Xu on the sea, which made many female warriors in Amazon Lily feel weird, and they scrambled to sail with their Queen Hancock, so that they could see Her Majesty at the closest distance , and at the same time be able to protect Her Majesty the Queen at critical moments and protect Her Majesty's majesty.

The number of people that can be accommodated on a pirate ship is limited, and Hancock naturally will not let all the female warriors come, so only the elites are selected to come.

It is these elites who have made everyone realize how terrifying the power of Amazon Lily is. The female warriors here are basically domineering masters, some of them are seen and many are armed and domineering.

In Liu Xu's words, they are not Amazon girls, but Amazon girls.

Facing the overwhelming cannonballs, these female fighters' method is very simple, that is, they hit them directly, and their precise archery allows them to easily hit those high-speed flying cannonballs, so that the enemy's plan will fail at once.

"Log on to the warship and kill them!"

The captain of the female warriors gave a soft shout, and five hundred female warriors jumped over when the pirate ship approached, like magic soldiers and generals, and started their fierce battle as soon as they landed.


Several arrows flew out from the bow and arrow in the hands of a female warrior, and the arrows penetrated several enemies in front of them with a sharp air-piercing sound, hit the opponent's eyebrows accurately, and pierced their heads.

There is a big difference in equipment configuration between naval soldiers and Tianlong soldiers. The equipment configuration of naval soldiers is very simple clothing, not those heavy armors, so they lack strong defense power and can be easily attached Armed-colored domineering arrows pierced through the head.

"Scumbags, die!"

A few female soldiers shouted coquettishly, and attacked the enemy with machetes and guns in their hands, which made the navy soldiers angry all of a sudden, how dare you be so arrogant, little girl?

"Bang bang bang!"

Rifles are still very powerful in the hands of naval soldiers. Although they are just ordinary rifles, they can also form a powerful lethality.


The two female soldiers were caught off guard and cried out in pain, and their partners immediately pulled them over, slashing the weapons in their hands at the soldiers with rifles.


The long sword was cut off, and several soldiers were cut off by the female soldier before they even had time to react, and several heads flew into the air.


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