A female soldier with the appearance of a small captain shouted, and the surrounding female soldiers left the spot in an instant to look for other enemies.

Looking at the dozen or so navy soldiers around, the female soldier chuckled lightly, holding the two daggers tightly in her hands. When these navy soldiers rushed to her side, her body suddenly squatted down, and then she kicked her feet hard, and her body rotated. Take off quickly.


The two daggers spun in her hands like flying dragons, and the soldiers who rushed over surrounded her, and it was this action that cost them their lives.

The domineering dagger attached to the armed color cuts their bodies just like cutting tofu, smashing their bodies easily, and even the bones are directly shattered by the power of the dagger.


Landing steadily on the ground, the team leader glanced at it and continued to look for other enemies.After she left, the dozen or so soldiers who surrounded her suddenly fell to the ground, and everyone had numerous wounds on their bodies, as if they had been cut with thousands of knives, which looked extremely scary.

The captain of the female warriors nodded secretly, and looked at the team that had destroyed a warship, a arrogance emerged in her heart.

"Destroy the enemy as quickly as possible, don't lose to the first team, revitalize the reputation of Amazon Lily!"

The captain yelled, and the gun in his hand danced again and again, impenetrable. Before the surrounding naval soldiers approached her, they were shot in the heart by the gun and fell to the ground.

"Don't ignore the old man, little girl!"

A major general over two meters tall and about [-] years old blocked the female captain's gun at once, and a huge warhammer firmly suppressed the female captain's gun.

"Hmph, don't waste my time."

The female captain snorted, and shot at the opponent with a slack gun.

After pulling a few spears, the female captain raised her spear from bottom to top.

"Angry Dragon!"

Desperate gun draws a dazzling white awn.

The old major general had a serious face, and the warhammer slammed down hard, and the muscles in his arms swelled.


The spear was blocked by the war hammer, and the female captain's heart trembled. The vibration from the spear made her judge the opponent's ability at once. This is definitely a strong man of strength.

Withdrawing the gun, the female soldier took two steps back, and the gun shot straight ahead.

"Spirit snake!"

The Xing Gun suddenly vibrated continuously, and the Xing Gun made of steel actually has such an ability?

The major general frowned and took a few steps back. Are you playing tricks?It's really annoying, it really is a trick only a woman can play!

Facing the fast approaching gun in front, the major general struck out again with the hammer in his hand, concentrating all his strength on his arms, and smashed down on the gun fiercely.

The huge warhammer blasted down with incomparable power. Compared with this warhammer, the slender gun had little chance of winning.

However, when the Warhammer was about to collide with the gun, something happened that he didn't expect.

The pistol actually changed its trajectory, changing from parallel to downward attack, and the pistol turned black immediately, piercing his calf hard.


The major general groaned, and the attack of the warhammer suddenly weakened, and the female captain quickly retreated to avoid the attack of the warhammer.

"Hmph, it doesn't look like much."

The female captain contemptuously raised her spear and attacked again.

The major general shook his head, it seemed that he was really careless, to actually hurt this little girl, shame!

Immediately, he also raised his warhammer to fight with the opponent.


Chapter 2778 The Lion of the Tiger and Wolf, Commander of the Bare

The outburst of power of the female soldiers shocked these navy soldiers, and let them know that women are not only good at acting like a baby, but sometimes they can also burst out with powerful fighting power, which made the world tremble severely.

Although the informative domineering female warriors can't read people's hearts like Liu Xu's brutality, they can also predict the enemy.

The general of the navy headquarters, even if it is only a major general, is a strong-level existence no matter where it is placed.In this sea they have a world, but in a war they are not so perfect.

A lieutenant general had already been killed by two sub-captains of Liu Xu's No. [-] team. With such a result, the two sub-captains immediately came into the sight of many people.

Team leader?Major-level squad leader?Damn, when did Liu Xu's soldiers have such a high rank?

After taking a closer look at the soldiers, my good guy, none of them are third-class soldiers, all of them are Cao Chang, and there are even lieutenant-level soldiers. Why are Liu Xu's soldiers so tough?

It is not an easy thing to become a Chief Cao, it requires military exploits, and becoming a lieutenant means that you are already an officer.

Among the members of the first team, there were actually ten lieutenants under them, which completely surprised the naval officers and men brought by the Holy Casper.

The division of tigers and wolves, this is definitely a division of tigers and wolves!

For Amazon Lily's female warriors, close combat is what they are best at, and they can easily overthrow these navy soldiers.

Although their strength is inferior to the first team in terms of individual combat effectiveness, they are still very powerful.

In less than ten minutes, all the soldiers on the warship were knocked to the ground by the female soldiers, struggling constantly.

However, struggle is useless, struggle can only make them die faster.

The female captain who was fighting the major general saw this, her eyes flashed, and she shouted, "Kill them!"

Under her order, these female warriors did not hesitate to raise the butcher knives in their hands and slashed down at the struggling soldiers, completely ending their lives, the blood stained the entire deck, and the bloody breath stimulated every a person's nerves.

"Bastard, how dare you!"

The major general let out a loud roar, and the hammer in his hand slammed down, knocking away the spear in the female captain's hand.

How can someone who can become a major general be such a simple character?Although fighting on the ship limited a lot of his strength, he was also able to show decent strength.

The female captain only felt the gun in her hand tremble violently a few times, her heart beat violently, the force from the gun almost made her throw the gun away.

"What a powerful force!"

The female captain exclaimed, and then stepped back a few steps in a row. The major general was injured by her technique before, but it only made him move a little slower, and did not affect much of his combat effectiveness.

"I killed you!"

Seeing that all the soldiers under his command were slaughtered by the opponent's people, the major general's heart was raging with anger. The source of all sins was the woman in front of him.

The generals who came to attack Vera this time are actually very easy to explain, that is, they came under the order of the Tianlong people.

Can Tianlong people order the generals of the navy headquarters to attack the general's territory?This seems a bit unscientific!

But there is one thing that can be explained scientifically. In the past, Liu Xu forged countless hatreds in the Navy Headquarters, and eliminated many people in the past few years.

However, there are still some people who have not grasped their handles and cannot kill them in a short time.

Under Liu Xu's power, life for these generals was not easy.

So under the order of the Tianlong people, these people came here along the way, so these people also came here with selfishness.

If Liu Xu can be eliminated, then they don't have to worry about it in the future.

Even if the Navy Headquarters pursues it later, they have enough reasons to avoid punishment, and that is the Tianlong people!

Under such a seemingly good defense, these people naturally came here.

Now that all the soldiers under him have been wiped out, this major general has already forgotten his selfishness, and only knows to kill the person in front of him.What would it be like if the bare commander who had lost his soldiers returned to the Navy headquarters?The fate of taking off the title of major general every minute!

The roaring major general rushed towards the female captain, and his anger almost made him lose his mind.

The female captain snorted coldly, clenched the gun tightly with both hands.

"Hmph, let's see who kills who in the end!"

Not to be outdone, the female captain swung the spear in her hand again.

The Shun Spear was originally a weapon that had high requirements for controllability. It was mainly dexterous. The dexterous weapon combined with the characteristics of a female body made the Shun Spear show great power in the hands of the female captain.

"Spirit snake!"

The spirit snake strikes again, the spear vibrates again and again, and the body moves sideways quickly. This time, the spirit snake is different from the previous ones. It turns around the major general's body in all directions, looking for an opportunity to attack at any time. .

"Warhammer Dance!"

The major general, who understood the opponent's skills, snorted angrily, and turned to swing the warhammer continuously, forming an airtight defensive area around him.

"Block the block!"

The captain's spear was hit by the opponent's war hammer, and the hammer under the rapid swing was very powerful. When the spear was hit, it felt like being hit by a mountain. Let the captain loosen his hand, and the spear It fell down.


Chapter 2779

The captain's spear was hit by the opponent's war hammer, and the hammer under the rapid swing was very powerful. When the spear was hit, it felt like being hit by a mountain. Let the captain loosen his hand, and the spear It fell down.


The female captain's heart trembled. The opponent's power was so strong that she had no chance to resist it. Damn it, how could there be such a strong power?

"good chance!"

The major general's eyes flashed with brilliance, but he seized the opportunity accurately. He swung the warhammer again and blasted it at the female captain who had lost his weapon.

"team leader!"

Seeing this critical scene, the surrounding female soldiers rushed up immediately, and all kinds of weapons directly blasted at each other.

The weapons of the female warriors successfully blocked the heavy blow of the opponent, and finally saved the life of the female captain.


The dull sound was accompanied by a strong shock wave. The major general's body took a half step back, while the bodies of the female warriors who blocked him flew out, a mouthful of blood sprayed out from the mouth, and the blood mist drifted in the air. .

The seven female warriors were knocked into the air at the same time, and the major general's eyes flashed, and he charged up again.

And the female captain was stunned when the female warriors were repelled. The bright blood mist stimulated her nerves, making her heart beat slowly and her head half lowered.

The major general sneered when he saw this situation, has he lost his will to fight?What a fragile guy!Just use your life to pay homage to those who died!

Under the huge war hammer, there is no doubt that if it is hit by this hammer, it must be a scene of death without a corpse. The huge war hammer will definitely smash the body of this female captain.

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