Suddenly, when the warhammer was about to hit the female captain, the female captain suddenly raised her head, with raging anger in her beautiful eyes, her silver teeth clenched, she grabbed the fallen gun and jumped up suddenly, her body Leaning back in mid-air, barely avoiding the attack of the war hammer.

Then, the female captain grabbed the right hand of the gun and swung it downwards. The domineering color of the weapon made the gun change into pure black, and it turned into a black shadow and flew out.


With a muffled sound, the major general's body suddenly trembled, and the warhammer slammed down on the deck, smashing a large hole out of the deck, and cracks appeared on the wooden deck.

As for the Major General's body, a hole appeared in his heart. Behind the hole was a spear stuck on the deck, with the tail still trembling violently.

The major general's original follow-up actions stopped, and he looked down at the gap in his heart, his eyes full of disbelief.

How is this going?Why did this woman suddenly burst out with such a strong fighting power?Why was she able to penetrate her heart with one move?What exactly is going on?

The female captain landed in mid-air, strode past the major general, and directly pulled up the pistol stuck on the deck and walked back.

"Dare to bully my sister, court death!"

When passing by the major general, the female captain said a cold word, which made the major general speechless. Is it because of this reason that she broke out such a powerful fighting force?What kind of group is this?There is such a vision of unity.

From the danger of the female captain in the front, the desperate rescue of the female soldiers, and the outbreak of the fighting power of the female captain in the back, this is a testimony to the unity of this unit!

With both hands off the warhammer, the major general's eyes gradually closed, his body collapsed with a bang, and blood continued to overflow along the wound.

The female captain didn't pay attention to the major general who had died. The major general slapped casually, but shouted to his subordinates: "Continue to attack and defeat all enemies!"


The female warriors responded loudly, and then looked for the next target, a battleship of the Celestial Dragons, about [-] meters in length, with many heavily armed soldiers on it, hundreds of them in number, a very good opponent.

The cruel scene of the female warriors made other people see it, and they seemed to understand something. If they waited like this, I am afraid they will suffer heavy losses in the end!

"I can't wait any longer, get rid of those female warriors first!"

A lieutenant general on a warship said so, and the officers around him nodded repeatedly. The combat power shown by the enemy was terrifying. It took only a short while to destroy the strength of the two warships. If we wait any longer, I don’t know what will happen What a scene.

Now there are five warships here in Casper Saint, two belonging to the Tianlong people, one pirate ship, and two warships, which can be regarded as very good combat effectiveness.

Just as the people on this warship were preparing to act, a group of flames fell from the sky, intercepting the navy soldiers who were about to approach the female soldiers.

"What are you doing in such a hurry? Let's play a game!"

A slightly playful voice and shadow came, and the lieutenant general looked up quickly, only to see a huge firebird flapping its wings in the air, looking down at them.

"Hmph, just trying to intercept us alone? Ridiculous!"

The lieutenant general scorned unceremoniously. As a powerful lieutenant general, he did have the capital to speak like this.

The other party is just a senior officer, not even a brigadier general, and he is several levels behind him, so why would he care?It must be known that he was able to obtain his current status through fighting step by step.

However, just when he finished saying this, one hundred and two people rushed to his warship and instantly turned into various beasts, which looked extremely scary.

"So what now? Do you think you can still intercept you?"

The firebird in the sky, that is, Colonel Patience Bell, laughed, and then landed, wrapped in flames, making the navy soldiers swallow hard, and felt a little guilty looking at the beasts in front of them. up.

These are all capable people, and they are all animal-type capable people. How can they fight?

"Don't be mad!"

The lieutenant general let out a loud roar, and then he jumped towards the sky, and he was parallel to the fire bird all of a sudden.


Chapter 2780 Looks like I can be the boss

Among Liu Xu's three battleships, only the battleship that the swordsmen were staying on hadn't fully shown up. It wasn't that they didn't want to show up, but it seemed that no one wanted to fight them.

The uniform dress of swordsmen, coupled with a variety of majestic swords, makes some people very obvious that they are definitely not easy to mess with.

When encountering cannonball attacks, these swordsmen are the most straightforward. They directly wave various swords and swords, and directly disintegrate those cannonballs in mid-air, and even the aftermath of the swords and swords will still be The cannons on those battleships were destroyed, scaring some people to avoid them.

"It seems that there is not much to fight!"

The swordsman Babury took a look and was very disappointed.

It's really funny that Barbury, who is brother of General Wano, also appeared in Liu Xu's fleet.

In fact, this is also a good thing. Barbury himself has a high reputation among the swordsmen of Wano Kingdom. If he is to lead the team, it will have a very good effect.

There are two hundred swordsmen, some of them are of the swordsman level, that is, the samurai level of the country of Wano. Such a force is concentrated on a battleship, how cruel it is.

Under such power, even the masters at the lieutenant level would feel numb when they saw it, so they ignored the battleship directly, and it was best not to confront them.

All of them are swordsmen, and if they want to play close combat, they will definitely suffer.

As long as these swordsmen are logged on to the warship, it is definitely a sad thing.

Therefore, it is very funny that these swordsmen have not killed a single enemy until now.

I also witnessed how cruel these swordsmen are in the minds of those generals, no one wants to fight them...

"Samurai Barbury, what shall we do?"

Several swordsmen couldn't hold back any longer, and hurriedly asked.

Seeing that people have already dealt with the two warships, if they wait any longer, they will lose their bones, let alone their flesh.

Barbury shrugged and said helplessly: "No way, these guys don't fight us at all."

In their line of sight, those warships have been avoiding them all the time, not giving them a chance to land at all. Even if they use a powerful slash, the power will be weakened a lot if they are separated by tens of meters.

After all, they are only strong at the level of swordsmen, which is different from big swordsmen like Hawkeye and Liu Xu.

Not to mention the eagle eyes of the great swordsman level are separated by tens of meters, even if they are hundreds of meters away, with a knife, the sword light will fly out, and it will definitely be able to split the warship into two.

This is the essential difference between Jianhao and bigger Jianhao. The difference in strength is too much.

"Samurai Barbury, how about a few of us diving there?"

A few swordsmen came up with a trick, which made Barbury roll his eyes. Could it be that you can still swim a warship?Do not be silly.

Directly rejected the plan of these swordsmen, Barbury issued orders again and again, and the battleship pursued at the fastest speed, rushing up to kill some enemies whenever there was a chance.

As the female fighters dealt with the enemy of one warship and the first team landed on another warship, the others seemed to be unable to sit still.

"Lord Lieutenant General, are we going to attack?"

A big assistant asked about the mid-forties next to him, and his cautious appearance made people laugh.

The lieutenant general turned his head, his face was actually covered with dense scars, and one of his eyes was gray-white, and a sword hung from his waist. He seemed to be a swordsman too.

"Are you teaching me?"

The Lieutenant General's vicious words made the Colonel's body tremble, and he almost collapsed on the ground.

He is an adjutant, and before him, the lieutenant general has no idea how many adjutants he has. It is rumored that those adjutants were all killed by him. The reason is very simple. The words he said made him dissatisfied.

This is a notorious lieutenant general in the navy headquarters, and his strength is also very strong, so the navy headquarters still tolerated these things about him.

However, this time the matter may not be so simple. It's fine to offend Liu Xu before, but now he came here to attack Vera under the instigation of the Tianlong people. Isn't this death?

"Hmph, I'll spare you this time. Attack immediately and kill those female warriors!"

With the command of the lieutenant general, the warship quickly moved towards another battleship of the Celestial Dragon, and the speed was not slower than that of the Nine Snake Pirate Ship.

Following his actions, the people on Liu Xu's warship seemed to be about to take action.

"Sister Hancock, your subordinates seem to be in trouble." Nami shouted from the deck.

Apart from those members who are unable to participate in the battle, only Liu Xu and other close people are left on this warship.

"These filthy men dare to attack Ai Jia's subordinates, Nami, drive over!"

Hancock turned his gaze, and a gleam flashed in his beautiful eyes.

The other people also nodded again and again, a warship led by a lieutenant general, there should be some capable guys on it, who can let them play well.

Nami quickly drove the warship to the side, and under the acceleration of the propeller, she had already intercepted the front of the warship in a blink of an eye.

The lieutenant general who was gradually stopped by Liu Xu twitched violently, bastard, who do you think you are?Without Liu Xu here, how dare you come to provoke me?Are you so eager to die?

There were also Zefa and others on the warship. At this moment, they could clearly see the expression of the lieutenant general. They knew what the other party was thinking without thinking too much, and they suddenly felt helpless.

It seems that this guy feels very good about himself, he looks like the boss of the sky, who is this for?Don't you know that there are many capable people on Liu Xu's warship?

"It seems that it's time to make a move, sniper, scientist, little brother, let's go!"

Zefa grinned, then led a few people to jump directly, jumping directly to the other side's warship.

"It seems that I can be the boss with my feet up."

Seeing how "lively" his subordinates were, Liu Xu whistled, turned his head and continued to slap his face.


Chapter 2781 He has quit the navy, but the navy still has his legend...

"Bang bang bang!"

When Zefa and the others just jumped up, the opponent's soldiers had already attacked again and again, the firearms in their hands attacked directly, and countless bullets flew out towards several people in the air.

Damn, you dare to be so blatant, is this not taking us seriously?Do you think we are the same as the soldiers led by the major generals?Beat you into a sieve in minutes!

The soldiers thought so, but Zefa and the others didn't think so.

"Are these things trying to tickle us?"

It's just mere bullets. How can they attack Zefa and others? Even if they do, how can they be injured?

Armed color domineering and elementalization were displayed among them, ignoring the bullets landing on the deck, four pairs of eyes swept over the soldiers on the deck, and finally landed on the middle one.Well, this guy still has some strength!

The lieutenant general looked at these people with a flash of surprise in his eyes, but he quickly stayed calm and said with a sneer, "Yo, I can't see that there is still some strength, scumbags."

Zefa and the others were speechless all of a sudden, a little strength?Scum?Damn, this guy can't even die like this!It's a bit like saying to an ant to an elephant: "Hey, you're still strong, weakling."

Courting death is purely seeking death, and the lieutenant general's words were ignored by several people.And the result of ignoring it was the lieutenant general's more arrogant attitude, sarcasm again and again.

"Why? Dissatisfied? Do you think you guys without military ranks can compete with me as a lieutenant general? A joke, a joke! Besides Liu Xu's strength, what power do you have? Living in Liu Xu's Under the brilliance, hehe, what can you do?"

The lieutenant general said this with a sense of superiority, it seems that his identity as a lieutenant general is very powerful, although he still agrees with Liu Xu's strength.But these partners of Liu Xu didn't seem to be in his eyes, and he directly despised them.

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