Zefa suddenly felt very sad, a lieutenant general dared to be so shy in front of him, who gave him such courage?By the way, doesn't this guy know who he is?Really, he could say that.

"Scientist, this person is completely mentally ill, let's find a time to help him reform!" Zefa shook his head and said to Breton next to him.

Breton took it seriously. He thought he was a fork before he even started fighting. Didn't he see the situation just now?A few of them are armed and domineering, and, has the younger brother, a natural ability person, been forgotten by him?

The poor little brother, after all, is still the fault of his age. He is too young, and no one will pay attention to him.

"Brother scientist, can I fuck him first? Lieutenant General, it feels like a fork."

Yankeman is gearing up to kill a lieutenant general, which seems to be a very good thing!

Unexpectedly, Breton gave him a shudder and shouted: "Idiot, what do you know? Isn't he just a lieutenant general with a problem in his mind? Who knows if his lieutenant general is a fake, or he is based on nepotism?" Hmph, let's take a longer view. Look at the captain, the lieutenant general doesn't want to abuse him anymore, he directly abuses the Tianlong people. Even if we are weaker, we can't treat a lieutenant general with a brain problem as a strong enemy, understand Yet?"

Yankman felt a little wronged now, and he can't be blamed for it, he didn't know the way of it!In other words, the boss of the captain is too awesome, and he even directly abused the Tianlong people.Well, let's move forward with this goal!

"Understood, this silly lieutenant general is nothing, not worthy of attention!"


The whole warship was quiet, and unlike the lively situation on other warships, it was a bit strangely quiet here.

Those soldiers stared at these people dumbfounded. Well, can these guys stop being so arrogant?Even directly insulting the lieutenant general, it will be very difficult to deal with the lieutenant general when he gets angry!

In other words, why are all of General Liu Xu's subordinates so obsessed?Could it be that he has been with General Liu Xu for a long time and has been affected?Well, there is this possibility!

The lieutenant general's face was extremely gloomy, and in front of his hundreds of subordinates, he despised him so much.

However, their words soon made this thicker feel cold. How could he meet such a guy?

"Uncle Zefa, when you were the Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, did the lieutenant general look like this?"

Yankman was full of doubts, and he didn't know much about this naval headquarters. He took this opportunity to get to know it well.

Zefa shook his head and said: "No, how could those guys be like this. Even the red dog, yellow monkey, and Qingzhi I taught before, they are all very interesting little ghosts, and they will not be like him. "

Zefa?general?The three generals who were taught?

The lieutenant general was dumbfounded all of a sudden, his eyes were a little dull.

Zefa, why is this name so familiar!Ah, isn't that the former Admiral of the Navy Headquarters?It's a crime to meet this cruel guy.

In an instant, the lieutenant general's mentality changed, and he almost found a crack in the ground and got in.

What is a lieutenant general compared to the former admiral of the Navy headquarters?That doesn't even count as a fart, just now he was so embarrassed in front of others.

It's over, and now he must be cut to death by others.

The other soldiers were also dumbfounded for a moment, not even knowing that the weapons in their hands fell to the ground.

Former Navy Admiral Zefa?Damn, this is such a thunderous name!

He has retired from the Navy, but the Navy still has his legend...

"Okay, let's kill them directly! There are still a few enemies to deal with later. My emperor is still torturing the Tianlong people there, so I can't spoil his interest."

Zefa directly issued an order, but he was about to start working.

"Bang bang bang!"

The shredder was lifted, and countless Hailou stone bullets flew out of the shredder.


Chapter 2782 Ze implements the belief of not killing, and instead fights disabled!

Under Zefa's order, several people also started their swift attack.

They are all the strongest of the strong, and the weakest Yankeman already has the strength of a major general, not to mention the two of Breton and Columbia, who are absolutely strong at the lieutenant level.

And Zefa, after being modulated by the mad scientist, recovered more than half of his physical condition, and he is a proper general-level powerhouse.

Dozens of Hailou stone bullets flew out from the mechanical arm, and instantly swept across the soldiers who had not yet reacted. In the blink of an eye, dozens of them were already lying on the ground, and the speed was astounding.

"Hurricane Hurst!"

Columbia instantly flew into the sky like a beast, its wings vibrated, and two hurricanes fell directly on the soldiers on the deck.


When the hurricane fell, the soldiers screamed. The power of the hurricane brought them directly into it. The raging wind inside was like a sharp blade, directly crushing their bodies. The blood turned the two hurricanes into a bloody hurricane, which looked extremely terrifying. people.

Columbia's hast giant eagle fruit ability has been developed very well, and it can easily use powerful attacks. How can these ordinary soldiers be his opponents?

Breton, a mad scientist, is much simpler. If it is a long-range strike, a nuclear bomb will go directly to kill a whole ship. But now that he is on a warship, such a tyrannical attack cannot be used, otherwise Those who wait for themselves will also be blown away.

From this point of view, this nuclear bomb also has certain limitations.

Moreover, the manufacture of nuclear bombs is very troublesome, and he doesn't have many. It belongs to the kind of using one and missing one.

Although the nuclear bomb could not come in handy, his laser cannon was able to exert a very powerful force. The two yellow lights condensed in the palm of his hand and swept towards the soldiers. A violent explosion followed, and the laser of the yellow monkey The beam is similar, and the lethality is very sturdy, killing dozens of naval soldiers with ease.

The violent explosion came, and those who had been frightened by Zefa's identity before suddenly came to their senses and ran for their lives, and the scene looked a little chaotic.

Yankman slapped his forehead fiercely, Xie Te, it's not easy for these guys to get into a mess, and he was planning to prepare a big move to scare these people, but now it seems that it can't be used.

However, his rock berries also have strong advantages in close combat. One of them is high temperature, which directly enters the state of elementalization. Thick black smoke and hot magma appear on his arms. Those naval soldiers dare not approach him at all. , but was chased and beaten by him.

"Sky Fire Meteor Fist!"

Yankerman let out a strange cry, and swung his fists towards the front again and again. Countless magma fists flew from his arms and fell towards the navy soldiers. This was similar to the move Akainu used before.



The navy soldiers who were hit by the magma screamed again and again, but the high temperature of the magma quickly swallowed their bodies, making their screams only a short note.

The four talents just started to attack, which created such a fierce situation. The entire warship was surrounded by monstrous fires, and thick black smoke spread all over the warship.

There were originally more than [-] soldiers on this warship, but now four people started the first round of attack and directly killed hundreds of soldiers.

Fierce, really too fierce!

The lieutenant general's face turned pale, and the scars on his face were even more frightening.

It's just that he is terrified in his heart now.

General Zefa pressed this character in his heart, making him feel that breathing has become a difficult thing.

Originally, the reason why they came to besiege Villa this time was that Liu Xu's subordinates were not good enough. That is to say, as long as they united to kill a general-level Liu Xu, then everything would be over.

There may be a price to pay, but it's worth it.

It's just that a former general and strong man has appeared now. Is this God joking with him?Why is it so bad luck?

"Hey, don't be in a daze."

Zefa's voice came in front of him, and a shadow fell over him too.

"Ze, General Zefa!"

The lieutenant general took a few steps back again and again. Zefa, who was full of muscles and wearing sunglasses, put him under a lot of pressure. In front of Zefa, it was difficult for him to raise his will to fight...

This is the deterrent effect of reputation. They are also generals, but when some veteran generals appear on the stage, they can always bring more shocking feelings to others.

Zefa's previous deeds were horrific, which completely laid the foundation for him as a general, and he is also a super strong man who taught the three generals. Naturally, his reputation is very terrifying. It is no wonder that this middle school will lose the will to fight. Extenuating circumstances.

Zefa shook his head, this lieutenant general is too weak, and what is the person who loses his will to fight so easily to challenge the majesty of the emperor?

Too lazy to think about what this guy has, Zefa directly raised the mechanical arm to aim at his shoulder.


In a plain sentence, a yellow light appeared from the end of the mechanical arm, and it flew out in an instant, hitting the opponent's shoulder directly.


The lieutenant general cried out in pain, the shoulder was directly penetrated by the laser beam, and the laser beam directly penetrated the deck and submerged deeply into the sea water.

Laser beam?This is exactly the laser beam of the yellow ape, but the person using it now is Zefa.

With the presence of a mad scientist like Brayton, it was relatively easy to transform his mechanical arm into the power of a laser beam.

Zefa ignored how miserable the lieutenant general who fell to the ground and struggled, the mechanical arm continued to aim at the opponent, and the continuous laser beam blasted out, directly abolishing the opponent's limbs.

"It's done!"

Just when Zefa destroyed the opponent, Columbia suddenly appeared in front of the opponent, directly blasted the head of the lieutenant general, and gave Zefa a thumbs up.

Zefa smiled, and continued to attack other soldiers.

Zefa is still the one who implements the belief of "don't kill". Even in the face of these enemies, he just knocks people down.


Chapter 2783 Thought our animal department was easy to bully!

Under the joint attack of four people, hundreds of soldiers ended the battle in just four minutes. This was a bloody massacre.

So many people were eliminated in four minutes, and everyone on the other battleships was ashamed. God, what kind of monsters are these people? Why do they have such combat power?

Today, of the seven warships brought by St. Casper, only the power of four warships is still usable.

The power of the three warships that were destroyed, and how long has it been fighting until now?This is a horrific number, and the lives of nearly a thousand people have been terminated.

Moreover, this is still under the circumstances that the Swordsman team has not yet exerted its strength. This matter is a bit sad, and many people do not know how to look at this matter.

The first team members on the other, the last warship, intercepted the lieutenant general who was going to pursue the female warriors, making their plan fail.

The lieutenant general was about fifty years old. He was a calm and calm lieutenant general with a height of more than five meters, which surpassed all the members of the first team.

However, his height was ignored after they entered beast form.

Hundreds of navy soldiers stared at the members of the first team. These guys just wiped out a warship led by a major general. Their strength should not be underestimated!

The calm and capable lieutenant general's mind was running fast, and schemes appeared in his mind, but they were quickly rejected by him.

The strength of the ability user with the animal fire bird fruit in front of him is definitely not simple. If one is not careful, he may have to explain it here today.

This is a very smart guy, a guy with a lot of brains. When he didn't understand the opponent's strength, he didn't despise the opponent because he was a commander. Instead, he was more careful.

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