In this nautical world, there are too many people pretending to be pigs and eating tigers.

After being stimulated by the other party's language, he jumped up abruptly. The height of the jump was parallel to that of Peixins, who was tens of meters high. This amazing bouncing force made people deeply shocked.


Pulling out the sword, a huge and luxurious sword was pulled out from behind him, and it was chopped off with one blow.

A bright light flashed in Peixinsi's eyes, and then she flapped her wings and flew back, narrowly dodging the opponent's sword attack.

However, just as he was about to fight back, a beam of sword light flew out from the sword, and it came to him in an instant.

"King Yan!"

The speed of Jianmang was so fast that Peixinsi had no time to avoid it. Therefore, the power of the Firebird Fruit was instantly mobilized. Dozens of small fire rings surrounded his body and quickly formed a pair of wings. The flame wings moved towards him. Fan to the front, intercepted the whistling sword glow.


The sword light hit the flame wings, and the fierce pressure suppressed the power of the flames, and kept extinguishing those flames, but the final result was that the flame wings blocked the power of the sword lights, and finally drifted away.

The lieutenant general made a cut, his body also fell on the deck, his feet bent slightly, and he bounced up again, parallel to Peixins again.

"Oh? The power of the devil fruit? About the power of the legs?"

Patience pondered in her heart, but she had already seen that this guy was also a strong man with devil fruit ability, so it seemed that it was not easy to handle it now.

"Exploding Ring of Fire!"

A ring of flames appeared around the body, which quickly spread out.

"Be obedient and catch him without a fight, Colonel!"

The lieutenant general snorted coldly, and cut off the sword again. This time, the sword was covered with armed domineering aura, and instantly cut off the flame, and a fierce sword light appeared again, directly blasting towards the opponent.

Pei Xinsi frowned, and she is also a devil fruit capable person and an armed domineering owner. This battle may not be so easy.

In fact, it is already a great honor for a general to be able to fight against a lieutenant general. Even if he is defeated in the end, it can also prove that his strength has reached a certain level.

Now there is this idea of ​​not being able to lose, but it is also influenced by Liu Xu.

After Liu Xu came to this world, especially after leading these soldiers, every battle he fought went smoothly. Even if he encountered some troubles and fought hard, he could still win in the end.

The animal-type abilities are different from the natural-type ones. The natural-type ones are immune to physical attacks, and generally speaking, the swordsmen wielded by those swordsmen are simply physical attacks, unless the power of the devil fruit is added. Or domineering will change the mood, thereby hurting the natural ability.

The animal system is not like the nature system, that is to say, physical attacks are still effective against them.

Of course, there are some that are more special.

For example, Marco's ability can quickly recover after being attacked, which is a bit like being immune to attacks, but as long as it exceeds his tolerance, he will also have to kneel.

This sword beam must not be accepted!

An idea appeared in Peixinsi's mind, and without saying a word, she fluttered her wings to dodge to her side.

The huge sword light whizzed past him, and Peixinsi could feel the powerful power contained in it.

"Think our animal department is easy to bully!"

Patience let out a cold snort, and then the power of the Firebird Fruit began to circulate crazily, her body was covered by more flames, and the surrounding air instantly became hot.

"Doomsday Storm!"

Patience looked up to the sky and let out a long cry, and her wings quickly expanded even larger, turning into wings that were more than [-] meters long.

Countless fireballs shot out from those wings and flew directly towards the jumping lieutenant general, the whole sky seemed to be glowing red at this moment.

"Huh? It's not easy!"

The lieutenant general's eyes flashed, but he was surprised by the power of this move.

Seeing that the hundreds of fireballs were about to hit him, the lieutenant general's eyes turned hard, he turned his body and turned his head down, stepped on his left foot with his right foot, and flew downward like a cannonball.


Chapter 2784 I can't do it in my heart

"Bang bang bang!"

The fireball lost its target and finally landed on the sea. The high-temperature flame instantly evaporated the seawater, creating a vacuum of hundreds of meters.

Sturdy, this power is really sturdy!

The power of the Firebird Fruit has been witnessed in this one. Although it doesn't seem to be very good now, only hundreds of meters of seawater have evaporated, but this is already a very good result. After all, it took them a relatively long time to get the Devil Fruit. Less, as long as it takes a certain amount of time to cultivate, it will definitely be able to exert more powerful power, and the amount of seawater that can evaporate will definitely be more.

The lieutenant general, who used his body as a focal point to avoid the attack, made a lot of people's eyes light up with his hand. Good guy, it's really a fool to have such a way to avoid it.

This kind of move is somewhat similar to Ti Yunzong's ability, and it is also a small skill, and he has a devil fruit that can increase the strength of his legs, so it is not surprising that it has such an effect.

After releasing a big move, Peixins exhaled fiercely. It was indeed a bit of a pitfall to use such a powerful move now, but it was also a testimony to his strength.

"It's a very strong flame, but it still doesn't have much effect after all, the speed is too slow."

The lieutenant general below sneered, calm and calm, he immediately saw the weakness of the opponent, and the opponent probably couldn't use such a move many times.

"Really? What if we are added?"

Suddenly, two voices appeared beside him at the same time, which shocked him, and he jumped up instinctively, with a jump of tens of meters high.

When he just jumped away, a sharp claw-shaped slash passed from his original position, and finally landed on the warship building, blasting a large hole in the wall.

Two sub-captains!

The two sub-captains appeared at the same time, but they directly forced each other into the air.

"Going into the air is not the best option in these conditions!"

The leader of the Cheetah Division laughed, opened his mouth and a wind cannon passed, and the wind cannon quickly approached the opponent.

The captain of the Tyrannosaurus also jumped up. Although his jumping strength was not enough to compete with the opponent in the Tyrannosaurus state, he was able to block the opponent's falling trajectory to a certain extent, thus increasing the chance of attacking for his teammates.

Peixins in the sky also noticed this, and a smile flashed in her eyes, good guy, this is what I want.

Immediately, several fireballs slammed down, blocking the opponent's rising space.

"It's a good cooperation, these three boys have good intentions."

Liu Xu, who was continuing to slap St. Casper, saw this situation, his face was full of smiles, and no less than one hundred soldiers had already fallen beside him. All these soldiers passed out without exception, but He was directly stunned by his domineering look.

Looking at St. Cuthber again, I am afraid that even if his parents emerge from the ground now, they will not recognize this guy as their son.

Ahem, or rather, he couldn't recognize that this guy was still a human being.

His head was so swollen that it couldn't be described as a pig's head, and he was still muttering something in three big rhythms.

"Huh? How dare you scold me? Hmph, I can't do it in my heart."

Liu Xu's heart network accurately captured the other party's heart, and without a word, he slapped consecutively, and the crisp sound of "pop" echoed in the ears of everyone on the battleship.

Elder Di Mo already covered his eyes and couldn't bear to watch this scene. The scene was so brutal that even an old man like him couldn't bear it.

Old patriarch, it's really our fault that we failed to help you protect the young patriarch.Forgive us, the young patriarch has been beaten into an unknown creature.

The hearts of the lieutenant generals who were attacked up and down sank, these three people are now in the rhythm of besieging!

Damn it, if they came one by one, he would definitely not have any pressure. Now that three people came at once, it must be hard to resist.

"Kangaroo Cyclone!"

Encountered by the three-way siege, the lieutenant general couldn't bear it anymore, and directly used his fruit ability, but he entered the human-beast shape, his head turned into a kangaroo, his limbs were also elongated, and a strong tail was added to the back of his body.

With a twist of the body, the body in mid-air spun strangely, and the speed was so fast that it even produced a hurricane.

Countless slashes flew out of him, blasting in all directions at [-] degrees.

"Damn it, it's dangerous!"

The leader of the rising tyrannosaurus almost knelt down. This guy is also a devil fruit ability user of the animal department?sinned.

The slash came head-on, the leader of the Tyrannosaurus Division didn't dare to be careless, the muscles of his body bulged, and his defense power increased rapidly.


Several slashes landed on him, and the leader of the Tyrannosaurus Division instinctively protected his head. The slashes sent his body ruthlessly onto the deck, smashing the deck into pieces and falling into the lower space.

"Good guy, look at me, Cracking Wind Claw!"

The cheetah squad leader's heart jumped, and the continuous wind-splitting claws waved out. Nearly ten slashes directly shattered the slashes that fell from the sky, which made him feel a little relieved.

Peixinsi in the sky is much simpler, the opponent's move can only smash his fireball, if you want to attack him, it is not enough.


As soon as the countless slashes disappeared, Peixins gave the order, and then charged downwards.


The leader of the Tyrannosaurus Rex also broke through the deck at this time and rose directly into the sky.

The leader of the cheetah team rolled his eyes, and his limbs tightly grasped the body of the leader of the tyrannosaurus team.

"Hmph, does it work?"

The lieutenant general in the kangaroo state used the moon step to stay in the air properly, and directly despised these people.

"Sweep the tail!"

With two simple words, the kangaroo's huge tail swept across, forming another whirlwind, but this time the whirlwind wrapped around him for defense.

The bodies of the captain of the Tyrannosaurus and Patience collided with the whirlwind at the same time, and a powerful force kept pushing them away, forcing them to increase their strength.


Chapter 2785

After a long stalemate, the two bodies were pushed away by the whirlwind, and the whirlwind had disappeared.

Seeing the two people flying upside down, the lieutenant general snorted coldly, and the chief and major wanted to fight him?

What a joke!

However, his expression suddenly changed, and he lowered his head, looking at the figure that suddenly appeared in front of him, and then a burst of unspeakable pain swept through his body, and the lieutenant general's body suddenly fell from the air.

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