Who would believe that the major who pierced through the lieutenant general with one claw killed a lieutenant general?

The lieutenant general, who fell heavily on the deck, looked up and saw the smiles of the two men, and immediately understood what was going on.

Dare to feel that this was premeditated early in the morning, heh, I didn't expect to die in the hands of these three people in the end, what an irony!

After solving the biggest trouble on the warship, the three and the hundred team members began to slaughter those soldiers brutally, and the whole warship was suddenly crying.

On Liu Xu's side, a warship slowly approached the Tianlongren's warship while he was beating Nakasibo Sheng fiercely, but upon closer inspection, it was the only pirate ship here.

On the pirate ship, a middle-aged man about [-] years old looked at the battleship in front of him, and there was a flash of struggle in his eyes. This battleship is really unpleasant!

Beside him are more than a hundred pirates in different shapes, everyone looks very imposing, and it can be seen that they are somewhat capable guys.

"Captain, do you want to go and rescue now?" asked a shirtless pirate with a crossed scar running through his entire body.

Hearing the words, the captain turned his head and said, "Of course I'm going to rescue, and I've been waiting for so long. However, I'm just going alone, so you don't have to."

"Captain, what can I do!"

"Captain, take us with you!"

A group of pirates are not happy anymore, what does the captain mean?Why fight alone?

"Shut up, you will only hold back, or stay here obediently, or go find other opponents. This is an order, and whoever dares to disobey the order, you know the consequences."

The captain gave a cold drink, and the cold murderous intent infiltrated out, making everyone's heart beat fiercely a few times, almost forgetting that the captain came out of that place, killing someone without blinking an eye.


All the pirates responded loudly, and it was this response that made Liu Xu, who was slapping St. Casper angrily, turn his head and look at the pirate ship.

Elder Di Mo also let go of his hands covering his eyes, ecstasy appeared in his eyes, he was saved, finally saved.

In less than a while, the captain took a leap to the battleship and landed directly on the balcony.

"General Liu Xu, your opponent is me!"

The captain who just came to the balcony said something directly, but is he going to do it directly?

Liu Xu stopped slapping him, and stood up, ignoring the nearly unconscious Casper Saint, "Who are you? A pirate? Hehe, Casper Saint is really looking for everyone Ah, cats and dogs have appeared."

Don't be polite to the enemy. Excessive politeness is just hypocrisy.

"Qibukai Feriroroa, General Liu Xu, it seems that it is not a good thing to insult a Qibukai like this?"

The captain, Fieriro Roa, responded coldly, and pulled out a knife, the blade was red, and there were two faint blood grooves.


Only then did Liu Xu remember one thing, that is the brand new Qiwuhai.

Today's Qiwuhai has two more people he doesn't know, and one of them is Feriroroa. According to the information obtained, this Feriroroa is a Celestial Dragon. His identity is also mixed up in this new world.

"Feriroroa, save the patriarch immediately!"

Elder Di Mo became energetic all of a sudden, resisting the pain in his arm and stood up.

Ferry Roja glanced at him and said plainly: "I will naturally save him, at least not let him die. As for whether something will fall, I can't guarantee it."

Huh?This seems a bit interesting!

Liu Xu raised his brows, there might be some story behind it.

Tsk, listening to stories is the most loving thing.

When Elder Dimo ​​heard the other party's words, his face became gloomy, and finally he sighed deeply: "Ferrero Roja, don't forget the family's training for you. You can have such power and identity now, and it is also the family. A gift to you!"

"Shut up!" Feriroroa suddenly yelled angrily, as if a raging flame was about to ignite on his body, "Don't talk about the disgusting cultivation, I almost died countless times in that place. If I didn't kill other The person who has become the dregs of other people’s stomachs. Humph, cultivation? It’s really amazing cultivation! It’s really touching to let me out after two years of troubles!”

Liu Xu's eyes popped, where?nourish?Meow meow, this definitely has a good story.

Well, if you can, applaud and welcome these two people to tell stories!

"Ferrero Roa, the family put you in the forbidden area for your own good. Don't you still understand? There is no forbidden area, how can you stimulate your potential. Stupid!"

Elder Di Mo's face became more gloomy, but he also said something that surprised Liu Xu.Forbidden place?what is that?Why never heard of it?Could it be something made by the Casper Holy Family?

"Hahaha!" Feriroro laughed wildly, "That's just the place you use to cultivate ruthless killing machines. Cultivation? Don't be kidding. The forbidden area with a survival rate of less than one-thousandth is in your The mouth is actually a place to train people? Hmph!"

Ferry Roa snorted heavily, and if the situation allowed, he would definitely give this old guy a knife and completely end his life.


Chapter 2786 Do you want to bow down?

Hearing this, Elder Di Mo's face became calm, and he said: "Since you already know, why are you talking nonsense? Now I order you to rescue the patriarch. If you can't do it, then you just wait." Go back to the forbidden area! You must know that the family definitely has the power to let you return to the forbidden area!"

The words made Fieriro Roa's face change suddenly, the forbidden area was a place he didn't want to mention, and now this old guy threatened him with this thing, damn it.

"I see!"

Feriroa responded, and then directly slashed at Liu Xu.

In fact, this new king is one of the Seven Martial Seas, and he is also a very famous guy in the New World.

When the two were communicating, Liu Xu had already listened to this guy's heart through the power of the heart network, and couldn't help but sigh: "The Casper Holy Family is so interesting."

Feriroroa, an illegitimate son of the former patriarch of the Casper Holy Family, happened to be forty years old, and was a half-brother with Casper Saint.

Feriroroa, who was supposed to inherit the Casper Holy Family, missed the position of patriarch because of a blood problem.

All this was because his mother was just an ordinary person, a plaything of the patriarch, and it was an accident that he was born.

Just because his mother was an ordinary person, he was deprived of the right to inherit the position of patriarch.

In order to prevent him from causing trouble in the future, he was even thrown into the family's forbidden area, intending to use this to end his life.

The forbidden area of ​​the Casper Holy Family is a place full of bloody slaughter.

There is only endless slaughter there, and the survival rate there is only one in a thousand. Those who can survive there basically belong to the ranks of the strong.

Moreover, there will be someone specially assigned to brainwash them and become the family's killing machine.

Feriroroa is a relatively special existence, not only survived there, but also the family's brainwashing was unsuccessful, which allowed him to escape for two years.

In view of his strength, the Casper Holy Family also slowed down some attitudes and helped him get the status of Shichibukai under the king.

But the prerequisite is that you must be loyal to the family, and you must accept the family's call anytime and anywhere.

The Casper Holy Family, who were about to attack Vera, naturally summoned him back, but he still had a lot of resentment towards this family in his heart.

It was only due to some pressure from the family that this came here.

If he doesn't obey the order, then someone from the family will naturally bring him back to the forbidden land, and he is absolutely capable of bringing him back to the forbidden land!

Things are more sad, and he didn't come here voluntarily.

This is a tragic figure, but also a powerful guy.

In the past, Liu Xu might have taken him under his command, but now it is different, this guy is completely an enemy.

Regarding his tragic past, it could not be more appropriate to use one sentence to describe it: "What does it have to do with me? He is miserable. Do I have to be a saint to save him?"

If there is no idea of ​​rescuing the other party, naturally there will be no mercy for him.

Of course, if Feriroroa accepts his head now and bows to him, Liu Xu can also let him go.

The blood-red knife in Feriroroa's hand slashed down, and a scarlet light flew out, approaching Liu Xu quickly.

"Bounce you!"

Liu Xu said something briefly, and then the thunder knife was unsheathed, and a deep light flashed, and the scarlet light rebounded instantly, flying directly into the sky and disappearing.

Just using the blade, Liu Xu didn't use any ability, but relied on the power of the Thunder Saber to directly bounce this fierce blow away without any hesitation.

On the opposite side, Ferry Roya's eyes flashed brightly, and the attacking knife was blocked. Although he had been prepared in his heart, he never expected to be bounced back so easily by the other party. Is it the power of that knife?

He is also a master of knives, and he can still judge the strength of the opponent's weapon at once, which is also a very normal thing.

"The Twelve Workers of the Supreme Great Sword? No, the twelve workers of the Supreme Great Sword do not have such power. Even if it can be resisted, it is impossible to block the power of the Blood Sword, the same as the twelve workers of the Supreme Great Sword. "

Feriroroa thought in his heart that his weapon is also a weapon of the [-]th rank of the supreme sharp sword, and the bloody breath coming from the blade is even better than that of the previous Thunder Saber. A bloody knife, this is a bloodthirsty knife, beyond the reach of ordinary people!

"Your strength is very good, but it's a pity that you are the enemy! Well, how about it, let me ask you one more question at the end... Do you want to bow down?"

Liu Xu flicked the Thunder Knife and put it on his shoulder, looking very casual.

"Your knife is also very good!"

Feriroroa said something flat, and ignored the rest of the words.

The rage he faced with Elder Di Mo before has disappeared, and when facing the enemy, he is only calm and cold!

Liu Xu couldn't help but smile, the knife is very good?People are even nicer, you can consider giving it a try...

"Spring thunderstorm!"

Needless to say, the Thunder Knife slashed forward, and the purple-black blade was covered by lightning. Liu Xu attached the power of lightning to the weapon, swung it down with one hand, and a purple light with lightning shot out from the blade at high speed. , the waning moon-shaped knife light dragged a narrow and long crack on the balcony, and sawdust flew everywhere it passed.

The deep purple sword light shot out directly as if piercing the space. Feriroroa on the opposite side changed his face when he saw this situation. He is no stranger to such attacks from the other party. Many moves about Liu Xu have been published in some newspapers. able to see.

Ferry Roja, who knew that the opponent was powerful, did not dare to neglect, and when he changed his hand, a huge scarlet sword light swung out.

"Blood in the sky!"

The scarlet sword glow collided with Liu Xu's spring thunder in the blink of an eye, and then a burst of dazzling red light with the smell of blood appeared, instantly eroding the entire battleship.

What's more, the power of Chun Lei's violent death unexpectedly dimmed at this moment, and soon disappeared.


Chapter 2787 cut off your dog paw

"Oh? It's interesting!"

Seeing this situation, Liu Xu frowned. The bloody red light enveloped the battleship, and blood droplets appeared in every corner of the battleship, and these blood droplets quickly evaporated to form a mist that filled the air.

He accidentally inhaled a little mist, which made him feel dizzy. Could this be the power of that knife?

"[-] Million Volts Thunder Fury!"

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