Chapter 2789 When will Yang Ying's memory be restored?

"Crazy thunder shakes the sky!"

The Thunder Knife in his hand was held high above his head, and it spun quickly under the traction of the lightning force. The surrounding air gradually formed a cyclone, and nine blades of light flew out from the blade, flying forward in a diffuse form.

The nine sword lights quickly hit the pirate ship under the terrified eyes of those pirates, and the tyrannical power contained in it instantly spread throughout the entire pirate ship. With the continuous "creaking" sound, the entire pirate ship disintegrated , the raging sharp sword light strangled the pirates inside, completely ending their lives.


Qi Wuhai perish!The admiral perishes!Celestial Dragon Man Casper Saint perishes!

After ending the people on the pirate ship, Liu Xu looked to the other side, which was a battleship of the Tianlong people.

In his sight, the battleship has been directly destroyed by the female soldiers under Hancock, and this small war has officially ended here.

Countless corpses and the wreckage of warships floated on the sea, and the bloody atmosphere permeated this sea area, and the sea water was dyed red.

Liu Xu let out a deep breath, this war is finally over, although a little time wasted, but the result is very satisfying, killing all the forces brought by St. Casper.

At the same time, it also created an opportunity for Madeline in the Holy Land Marijoya, and believed that he would soon be the ruler of the nine Tianlong clans.

At that time, it will be much easier to deal with the other ten Tianlongren families. At least, after confirming such an identity, those Tianlongren families will restrain themselves a lot.

"Xu, hurry back to Vera now or..."

As soon as he returned to the warship, Hancock walked over. In this war, these women did not take action, but were very leisurely, because they didn't need to take action at all.

In Liu Xu's thinking, there is no need for these women who belong to him to be stained with blood, including Madeline.

The ups and downs outside only need a man to resist, no matter how hard or tired he is, he can bear it, there is no need for these women to suffer along with him.

It's just that none of his women seem to be simple.

There are the former patriarch of the Celestial Dragon, the Amazon Lily Queen, and women of all kinds of noble temperament. Their strength and achievements are beyond the reach of many people in their lifetime.

Under such circumstances, is it possible for these women to stay at home obediently?

Furthermore, these women also had the heart to let Liu Xu work hard outside alone, so they naturally wanted to follow.

There is actually no need to ask Hancock's question, Liu Xu nodded directly, "Let's go! Hurry back to Villa now, I hope there is still time. Hehe, Crocodile and Moonlight Moriah They came here to seek death, and even dared to attack this young master’s territory, this time we must teach them a lesson. If they can’t give a reasonable statement, then kill them!”

A ferocious aura emerged from Liu Xu's body, but he had a murderous intention towards the two former Qi Wuhai.

No high-ranking person will allow some young people to run wild on their own territory, especially such things as attacking the territory, that is even more not allowed.

The three warships quickly approached the coast of the island of Vera, and they quickly ran away from Vera when they dropped their anchors.

And in the sea area that is relatively not that far away from here, Kaido is riding a bamboo raft, slapping the sea with his hands and approaching Vera.

Kaido, who fought with the two generals, showed the power that the four emperors should have, and forced the two generals to flee. This is his fierce power, the power of the four emperors in the new world.


"Madeline, now that I have dismantled the power of the Casper Holy Family, the Kulai Family, and the Craig Family, you take over these three families. By the way, the Casper Holy Family has a forbidden area for you Pay attention, there are some strong people inside, the strength is relatively strong, probably at the level of Qiwuhai. The little things I gave you before can come in handy, just find a chance to let them eat them."

Liu Xu has already contacted Madeline and notified her of what happened here.

Then he laughed when he thought of the forbidden area of ​​the Casper Holy Family. Since there are still some strong people there, he can only take advantage of himself now.

"Is it that thing called 'Gu Worm'? I understand."

Madeline's cold voice came, like her usual queen style, not so much nonsense.

Liu Xu nodded again and again, and said: "It should take a few days to subdue it. Don't be too tired, pay attention to rest."

After a little concern, Madeline's body in the Holy Land trembled, this man really became more and more considerate!

Thinking of the first time they met and the previous situations, Madeline had a charming smile on her lips.

"It's okay. It's my wish to subdue these families. It's time to unify so many Tianlongren families."

It has always been her wish to subdue these families. Since Liu Xu was announced as the head of her family, her affairs have indeed become a lot easier. Liu Xu is in charge of many things.

She is also very happy about this situation. When a woman is necessary, she will hand over these things to her man. She can still be herself, but she will no longer manage those things.

"I said, pay attention to rest!"

Liu Xu frowned tightly. Didn't this stupid woman understand what she meant?The power of the three families has been abolished, and they can be subdued easily without working so hard.

"Got it, go get busy!"

After saying that, Madeline hung up the phone, got up and began to arrange the reception of the three families.

Liu Xu on the way to Vera was speechless, this woman must have started to get busy again.

What a crime, why is she still like this after all these years?Nothing has changed.

Is it true that Yang Ying's memory can only come back if the world is conquered?


Chapter 2790 I kicked the iron plate...

"Xu, Madeline, she..."

Hancock hesitated to speak, she was grateful to Madeline, or in other words, the queen of the Amazon Lily had already been taken down by the other party when they met for the first time, and was completely led by the other party Nose go.

Even if she woke up later, it was too late.

In this regard, she can only maintain her original state and do whatever she needs to do.

"It's okay, she should be fine."

Liu Xu shook his head. Talking about these things is too irritating, so he should hurry up and get rid of all the things here, and when the time comes, he will teach Madeline well and let her obediently be a little woman.

Regardless of whether his memory has recovered...


The combined strength of the three warships is about [-] people, which is a strong force.

The members of the Swordsmen Squad were all holding their breaths. They didn't have any results in the battle just now. Those enemies didn't give them a chance to show off. When they saw them approaching, they decisively slipped away.

This made them gather a wave of anger. It is interesting for a swordsman to witness his own strength!

Perhaps the battle in the capital that Mr. Liu Xu mentioned could allow them to display their super strength and let them have a good fight.

About [-] people quickly approached the capital of Vera, but the more they went there, the more they felt that something was wrong. It seemed a little too peaceful?

It should be a very ferocious thing for two predecessors, Qiwuhai, to attack. Why haven't they seen those civilians fleeing?what's going on?

"Is the battle over?"

Liu Xu's face changed, and the joint attack of the two former Shichibukai would probably kill Doflamingo.

Although the Don Quixote family has many strong men, they are all relative terms.

The Zombie Legion under Moonlight Moria and the Baroque Studio under Crocodile also have strong people there.

Leaving aside those men, Doflamingo alone would never be able to resist the simultaneous attack of the two.

Thinking of these things, Liu Xu unconsciously stepped up a lot, and gradually left those subordinates behind.

"What happened to the captain?"

Yankeman scratched his head, this matter is tangled, so nervous?

Hancock looked at Liu Xu's gradually disappearing figure and understood, and shouted: "Everyone, speed up, the capital is in danger!"

As he said that, his footsteps quickened, and the speed of the entire troop increased a lot.

In the capital Villa Palace Square, the battle here has come to an end.

Qingzhi's Frozen Fruit vs. Crocodile's Shasha Fruit, under the situation of disparity in strength, you don't even have to think about it. After half an hour of fighting, this guy was completely turned to the ground, and one leg was frozen. Reluctantly raised the white flag.

And Moonlight Moriah is even simpler, the wretched man Huang Yuan is like bullying the opponent. From time to time, a few laser beams will be used to scare him, and a few flash kicks will kick the opponent away, making Moonlight Moriah look ashamed , but there is really no way.

After all, this power gap is not so easy to overcome, even if he uses skills, it is still difficult to obtain satisfactory results.

After playing for a while, Kiabou seemed to think that the game was no fun anymore. He simply stunned the opponent with a few consecutive flash kicks. .

The time when the two of them were overthrown happened to be when Liu Xu arrived here, and he was speechless all of a sudden, mother, what rhythm is this?Didn't you say you were attacked by two bastards?Why is it so peaceful here?How did the battle end so quickly?When did Vera become so powerful?

In his line of sight, the originally magnificent square was already in ruins, with flames and thick smoke everywhere, the ground was also full of potholes, and countless pirates, soldiers, etc. fell to the ground.

There are still some soldiers and pirates fighting, but the scale does not seem to be large.

When his eyes turned to Doflamingo again, he immediately became angry.

"Meow meow, this bastard doesn't want to pick the big guy, what are you doing with these little soldiers?"

Cursing bitterly, he quickly searched for the figures of the two former Shichibukai, but it seemed difficult to find them!Instead, he found two other very familiar guys, Huang Yuan and Qing Zhi!

"What are these two doing? Are you so bored that you come here?"

Liu Xu was full of doubts, his eyes turned to the feet of the two of them, and he almost vomited.

I saw that Crocodile and Moonlight Moria, who should be majestic and majestic, are being trampled under their feet by the two of them at the moment, and Kizaru is fine, but brother Qingzhi, when did you like to step on other people's heads?Was it infected by the yellow ape?

Tangled, tangled to the point that it almost hurts my liver.

At this moment, someone from the Baroque studio rushed to his side and punched him without hesitation.

"Huh? Get out!"

Sensing the whistling wind beside him, Liu Xu also came back to his senses, kicked the attacker away without looking at it, and walked towards the two of them in good mood.

"Qingzhi, Huangyuan, what are you two doing here?"

Liu Xu walked over quickly, but before anyone arrived, the voice came first.

Huang Yuan and the others had already noticed Liu Xu's arrival, and turned their heads to look at him, but their feet did not leave the head below.

"General Liu Xu, your movements are too slow."

The smile on Huang Yuan's face became more obvious.

Qingzhi's face is calm, he is naturally very familiar with Liu Xu, and he still has a very strange relationship.

He had previously notified Madeline in the navy headquarters and helped him solve a difficult problem.

Liu Xu gave the other party a supercilious look. What do these two people mean? They are so arrogant when they come to my young master's territory.

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