"Did you kill these two? Looking at the little eyes full of anger and panic, tsk tsk, kicked the iron plate..."

Liu Xu walked over and squatted down, looking at the demon-like Moonlight Moriah.


Chapter 2791 Killing Qiwuhai is like playing...

Small eyes?Comfortable?There are countless black lines hanging from the head of this wretched man, Huang Yuan. Sure enough, no matter how wretched he is in front of this man, he will have nothing to do!

"General Liu Xu, you are really getting more and more humorous."

Huang Yuan complained a little, and his feet left Moonlight Moriah's head, letting the other party breathe a sigh of relief.

Damn, if he continues to be humiliated like this, he will be ashamed to face a group of subordinates.

However, just when he breathed a sigh of relief, Liu Xu stood up, stepped on his face with one foot, and crushed him several times.

"Are you tired? Master Ben will help you, there is no charge!"

Liu Xu stepped on the other person's face, but there was a bright smile on his face.

At this time, Hancock and others had rushed over and directly joined the battle circle on the square.

Huang Yuan was completely speechless, Liu Xu's character made him very helpless, it's okay if he doesn't offend this guy, but if he offends him, I'm afraid he will have a very hard time in the future.

The current Moonlight Moria is the best proof. He has come to die on other people's territory, and this guy must kneel.


Qingzhi on the other side directly kicked Crocodile under his feet, and slammed into Moonlight Moriah's body, while Liu Xu's cry still firmly stepped on the opponent's face.

"Well, Qingzhi is very smart and knows what this young master is going to do."

Liu Xu chuckled, the haze and cold killing intent in his eyes made the two people below tremble.

When the two generals appeared, they knew that they didn't have much chance to escape. Now that Liu Xu has come out, needless to say, there is absolutely no chance to escape. This guy who can kill even the Four Emperors, kill Qi Wuhai like playing...

Moonlight Moria was trampled on Liu Xu's face, but he didn't dare to move half a point. The armed and domineering Liu Xu had already been blessed on his feet. As long as he made any action that dissatisfied him, he would definitely Could blow his head off.

Qingzhi walked over slowly, he didn't care about the battles of the other people in the square, if it was before, he might need to intervene, but now that Liu Xu's men have come, there is no need for him to take action at all.

"Hey, who gave you the courage to come to this young master's territory? Tell me, if you can give this young master a satisfactory answer, maybe it will make you feel comfortable."

Liu Xu's foot crushed hard again, and Moonlight Moriah groaned a few times, but couldn't speak.

Crocodile was not trampled in the face by Liu Xu, but he dare not even stand up now.

With the three generals by his side, any action would be blocked immediately, and would even be killed by these three in an instant.

"Devil fruit, we are here for the devil fruit."

Crocodile's voice was very low, with a faint trill.

A conspirator who has been lurking for many years, a conspirator with great ambition, at this moment his ingenuity seems to be fragmented, and it is not useful at all.

Liu Xu nodded, pinching his chin with one hand and said calmly: "Isn't this nonsense you said? It's not for the devil fruit, is it still for coming here to drink tea? Uh huh? Tell me, the one who disappeared for more than a year What are you doing all the time?"

After thinking about it for a while, I know that these two people must have other reasons to come here, otherwise they wouldn't be so mentally retarded to choose to oppose themselves.

I met these two guys more than a year ago. At that time, they didn't even have the courage to fight against me. How dare I confront me now?

Liu Xu's words silenced Crocodile, his eyes rolled wildly, as if he was thinking about something.

"Hancock, kill the baroque studio first!"

Liu Xu turned his head directly to command Hancock in the distance. Hancock shifted his target when he heard the words, and the [-] people directly attacked the people in the Baroque studio.

The members of the Swordsman Squad now have a chance to fight, and the battle can be described as extremely ferocious.

I saw the sword energy in the square, and the dilapidated square was even more miserable after being bombarded by the sword light and sword light. Countless cracks with a depth of several meters appeared on the square, and the fierce air pressure filled the square In every corner of the world, those pirates all feel creepy.

These guys are too fierce, and they are all swordsmen. This is the rhythm of killing people!

The two hundred swordsmen directly restrained the people in the entire Baroque studio. The fierce swordsman made these people have no place to stand, and many of them were wiped out in an instant.

Coupled with the intervention of strong players such as Zefa and Hancock, they felt tremendous pressure, and they didn't even have a chance to fight back.

Such a ferocious fighting method made Crocodile swallow hard, and it was a pity that he had worked so hard to get it out.

A faint light flashed in Huang Yuan's small eyes, Liu Xu's strength has increased again!Moreover, when did he have so many swordsmen under his command?These guys are definitely not elites from the Navy headquarters, so where did he get them?

"General Liu Xu, I'm afraid you have a lot more things to explain now..." Huang Yuan said half-jokingly.

Liu Xu smiled calmly, Huang Yuan, are you a wretched man caring about my young master?Or do you have other goals?Tsk tsk, so what is the purpose of this?

"Do you think I need to explain something to someone now? Instead, the two of you are going to explain to me why I'm in this place?"

He severely despised the other party, and reminded this guy of his current identity.

Sure enough, he was embarrassed when Liu Xu said that, and he immediately remembered the identity of this guy, that's really amazing!The default sea emperor, that is the same position as the admiral of the navy headquarters.And he is also the patriarch of the six Tianlongren families, tsk tsk, they are all human, why is there such a big gap?And our age is much older than him!


Chapter 2792 Scarlet Earl?

After being choked back so directly by the other party, the wretched yellow monkey's expression did not change at all, and the smile was still on his face.

"It's really not necessary, but the old man forgot."

Sleek, treacherous!

Liu Xu contemptuously felt in his heart. There was really nothing he could do with this guy. He still didn't know what this bastard was thinking. He was really depressed.

"Okay, it's time for you two to talk about your affairs."

Liu Xu moved his foot away, and took a deep breath for the blushing Moonlight Moriah.

"Sand Crocodile, tell me. Well, if this young master is not satisfied at all, then you can become a dead crocodile. I really want to see what a dead crocodile looks like."

Crocodile trembled fiercely, this guy is definitely not joking, as long as he is not satisfied, he will definitely kill himself.

After thinking about it, he came up with a surprising name.

"Actually, we were dispatched by the lonely Red."

"What? The Scarlet Earl?"

The three of Liu Xu didn't think so at first, but they immediately thought of something and couldn't help but exclaimed.

Red, a pirate with different names such as the Red Earl and Lonely Red, is from the same generation as Roger, Whitebeard and others, and has a level of power that one person can compete with several of them.

Two years ago, he was imprisoned at the bottom of the underwater prison. He escaped from the prison when the battle on the top broke out, returned to the new world, and made the name of the four emperors.

He is a very powerful person, there is no doubt about it, and he is also a guy with lofty aspirations, the throne of One Piece, immortal!

Immortality is a very peculiar concept, and it is not the first time it has appeared in this world.

For example, the fruit of surgery owned by Luo, one of the current Qiwuhai, can give others eternal life, but it cannot be used infinitely.

Moreover, that ability is very limited, and it seems that it cannot be used on oneself.

And what he pursues is another kind of devil fruit power.

The vampire form of the animal is a bat fruit, and how it can obtain the ability of immortality remains to be verified.

Occupying a route, Reid naturally became the fourth emperor. Because of his previous name, and the power of the bat fruit he has now returned to his youth, it is appropriate to become a fourth emperor.

Strong, super strong!

Liu Xu was shocked in his heart, these two guys were actually sent by him?So, are these two guys in a cooperative relationship with Red or a master-servant relationship?

The two predecessors, Qiwuhai, who disappeared for more than a year, must be very interesting what they encountered in the past year or so.

"Lonely Red? Interesting, so tell me how you met him."

Crocodile glanced at him, then briefly explained their story.

Since they were expelled by Liu Xu in Dressrosa last time, the two have been wandering here on the Great Airway, striving to gain stronger power, but their luck was very bad, and they unexpectedly met Moonlight Moria The former enemy, Kaido the Four Emperors!

There was a battle between the three, but soon the two of them couldn't resist under Kaido's extremely powerful strength, and were directly seriously injured.

At this moment, Reid appeared, rescued the two and healed them in one fell swoop, otherwise they would have died long ago.

Later, under the coercion and temptation of the other party, the two became his subordinates.

What Red promised them is also very interesting, that is, future immortality, eternal immortality.

For this, the two of them were willing to go all out.

But I also understand that this is just a promise made by Reid. As for whether it will be realized in the future, that is another matter.

After listening to what he said, Liu Xu was also speechless. Should I say that these two people are lucky or should I say their luck is bad?

You can meet a super strong like Kaido even when you are walking around, and you are almost killed by him.

Even if he narrowly escaped death, now he has to give up his countless previous honors and become Red's subordinate, working hard for him.Tsk tsk, what a tortuous life!

But another very important question has arisen, that is, what does Reid want these Devil Fruits to do?Does he also want to create an army of devil fruit capable users?Oh, Shet, see if this young master won't kill you.

"Then, it means that Reid sent you to take the Devil Fruit now. Well, does that guy know that this is my young master's territory?"

Crocodile glanced at it, then simply nodded.

"I know, but I don't care."

"Meow meow, my young master won't be surnamed Liu if I don't fuck him to death!"

Liu Xu immediately exploded like a gunpowder keg being lit. The lonely Red, this guy even let these two guys come to grab the devil fruit when he knew it was his territory. Has war been declared naked?

"General Liu Xu, calm down."

Qing Zhi tried to persuade each other, although the laziness of these words made people want to beat him up, can you be persuaded by such a tone?No matter how it sounds, it sounds like it is urging people to hurry up and have a fight with the other party.

"You don't need to tell me, I will definitely kill that guy. Humph, he ran out of such a comfortable place in the Undersea Prison even if he didn't stay in such a comfortable place. Sin, he has been in charge of food and control for so many years, but he is not grateful. Dare to come here looking for trouble?"

Hate it, Liu Xu immediately lost his affection for this four emperors who had never met before, and he made a proper knot.

Eat and live?Do you care about freedom?Huang Yuan's forehead was dripping with cold sweat, he shook his head and said, "General Liu Xu, let's ignore these things, let's talk about this incident between the old man and Qingzhi!"

But he was already tired of listening to the conversation between the two, and wanted to directly communicate about this time.

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