This time the matter was very serious, so serious that neither of them could stand it anymore.

However, Liu Xu didn't buy it.


Chapter 2793 Make Qibuhai all his own

Glancing at him, Liu Xu gave him the back of his head, and said, "What about you? Let's talk later! Let's deal with the scum first. Uh-huh, crocodile, clown, I know that it takes a lot of money to make trouble in Master Ben's place." What price?"

The words full of murderous intent made the hair of the two stand up. This guy, is he coming?

Shaking his head, Crocodile's mind was running fast, thinking about any strategy that could escape, but after weighing the opponent's strength, he could only deny it.

Liu Xu regretted it for a while, and regretted, "I don't know? Then the young master will tell you!"

After the words fell, Liu Xu quickly pulled out the thunder knife hanging from his waist, and saw a burst of deep light burst out, instantly illuminating the entire square.

Two heads were flying in the light, and blood was flying in the air.

The two predecessors, Qiwuhai, recognized as strong men, were decapitated in a deep light, ending their lives.

At the moment of death, both of them still had unwillingness and doubts in their eyes. They couldn't believe that this day would come so soon.

Everyone who sails the world knows they're going to die one day, and hardly ever die too peacefully, too peacefully.

The biggest possibility is to be killed by someone, but no one would have thought that this day would come so soon.

Ending the lives of the two people without hesitation, Liu Xulei put his sword back into its sheath, looked coldly at the detached bodies of the two, and snorted heavily.

They've all been knocked on the door, which ends what they've already been the lightest and kindest thing to do.If it was in the past, it would definitely be to catch these two guys, beat them fiercely, and torture them to death before ending their lives.

The battle on the square also came to an end very quickly. The joining of Liu Xu and others accelerated the end of the battle, and all the people from the Zombie Legion and the Baroque Studio were beheaded.

"Half of Qiwuhai has been killed, do you want to make up for the rest with your own people? Well, turn all of Qiwuhai into your own people!"

Liu Xu ordered Doflamingo and others to start to restore Vera's condition, and turned to Qingzhi and Huang Yuan.

"Now you can talk about the things you came to find me, um, let's go inside and do it!"

As he spoke, he led the two of them to a large hall in the palace.

The two who came with Liu Xu were speechless all the way, not because they didn't want to talk, but because of Liu Xu's attitude, they lost their temper at all.

"On our way here, we met Kaido, one of the Four Emperors, and there was a fight."

After entering the main hall, Qing Zhi simply told the story, including the purpose of this time.

The reason for coming to Liu Xu this time is actually very simple. In addition to the matter of the holy land of Marijoya, there is also Vera's devil fruit processing factory.

The original holy land of Marijoa was the center of political power for the World Government, where there was not much fighting and no bloodshed.

But now it is different, many of Madeline's policies to subdue those Tianlong clans are iron-blooded suppression, which has caused the Holy Land Marijoya to be on the verge of war, and may erupt at any time.

It is much easier to come to Liu Xu, that is to discuss a way to settle the matter of the Holy Land Mariejoya, so as to prevent the war in the Holy Land Mariejoya from appearing in advance.

Liu Xu has nothing to do about this situation, and the Holy Land Maliqiaoya is also the territory of the Tianlong people.

Even if there is the seat of the world government, they have no power to control the affairs of the Tianlong people, and the same is true for the five old stars.

Can five powerful old men attack the Tianlong people?That is obviously impossible!

So they could only come to Liu Xu and try to suppress this matter as much as possible.

The other thing is about the devil fruit processing factory. This matter has been spread in the holy land of Marijoya. After learning the news, all the families of the Tianlong people have united. Prepare to compete for the status of Sea Emperor!

"Competing for the Sea Emperor's position? Do they have the ability?"

Liu Xu frowned tightly. He didn't want to suppress the flames of war in the holy land of Marijoya too much, and even let the battle there break out, so that they could be completely ended in the shortest possible time.

There are not many annexation incidents between families, and it is very common to eat other families.

But this matter has never appeared in Tianlong people before, because of Liu Xu's arrival, all this has changed.

Huang Yuan's small eyes scanned Liu Xu's body, and he tapped his thick lips and said wretchedly: "Yes, of course they have the ability to compete for the position of Emperor of the Sea. Those Tianlong clans are very powerful, and at least some of them have already fought with each other. Some powerful people in the new world unite, and their strength is quite terrifying. Moreover, among the Tianlong people, several strong people have recently emerged. The weakest has the power of the lieutenant general level, and the strong one even has the power of the general level. The old man thinks These should be the hidden powerhouses of the Tianlong people, General Liu Xu, I don't know what choice you should make?"

"It's that simple to kill them. Hmph, there are only ten families left. By the way, how could you two be beaten so badly by Kaido?"

Liu Xu sneered at first, and then quickly changed his face, which made people sigh that the speed of this guy's face change was almost as fast as that of a certain place.

Huang Yuan is embarrassed, there are only ten families left?Damn, dare you kill three clans when we came here?Gee, can you stop so fast?

"General Liu Xu, that's a sad thing, I don't want to say it, I don't want to say it. Now Kaido may be coming this way, you have to be prepared. Kaido's power is too strong!"

When talking about Kaido, Kizaru also had lingering fears. How many years has this happened?Even when Whitebeard attacked the Navy headquarters, he did not have such a situation.But now after fighting Kaido, he would have such emotions, which made Liu Xu's eyes sparkle.


Chapter 2794 Men are working hard!

The previous Kaido and the golden lion were scared away by him and did not show their real power.So, what is the limit of Kaido's power?

"Do the Tianlong people want to use the devil fruit processing factory to make an argument? Very good, then let them come! I want to see what they can say. Hmph, if you are not convinced, then come and snatch it." have a look."

The Tianlong people knew about the devil fruit processing factory, which was unexpected and expected.

The powerful intelligence system can easily discover the changes here in Vera, and you can know the situation here just by checking.

Qingzhi shook her head and said: "General Liu Xu, it's better to pay more attention to Kaido's dynamics at the moment, I think he might come here."

Irritability, this thing is so annoying!

"Understood, that young master is waiting for him here for a while, it's better not to disappoint me."


The news that Kaido might come to Villa made Liu Xu cautious. Although it was very easy to face the two generals, he was already on guard.

Don't be blinded by a simple battle. The retreat of Kaido and Golden Lion is probably due to the black thunder and lightning that made them unpredictable. Now if you think about it, maybe the two may join forces again. Give him a hard blow.

Therefore, when facing such a strong person, one must not be careless.

You must know that Jingzhou was lost carelessly!

Not knowing when the other party will come, and not sure whether he will definitely come here, Liu Xu can only choose to wait.

And those two powerful generals were also kept by him, in order to witness the battle with Kaido.

Originally sailing on the Golden Lion route, he was going to overthrow the pirates there, but now that Kaido and the lonely Red came to him all of a sudden, Liu Xu could only postpone the matter of the Golden Lion.


At night, in the bedroom, several women have come to the room obediently and started the same theme as usual.

The temperature in the room suddenly rose, and a strange and daydreaming atmosphere permeated the air.

Liu Xu grabbed Hancock in front of him, and at the same time pressed on Robin, a mysterious and mature beauty, and began to play the exciting main theme.

Men are working hard!

During the day, fight enemies outside; at night, fight your wife in bed...


After the battle, Liu Xu held Hancock and Nami in his arms, exhaled heavily, and began to think about Kaido again in his mind.

Hancock looked up at the man he wanted to follow all his life, and her heart throbbed when she saw his frown. How many people can understand the hard work of this man?

The outside world only saw his scenery, but did not see his dedication behind the scenes.

Everything now was laid down by him himself, how many people know the danger?

Stretching out a slender hand as if to smooth the man's frowning brows, Hancock changed his image of a queen in front of others, instead, he looked like a gentle and virtuous wife.

"What are you thinking? Don't be so tired, go to bed early."

The voice was very gentle, so gentle that the other women were surprised. Turning their heads to look at Liu Xu, they happened to see the furrowed brows and deep starry eyes. Their hearts trembled and they fell silent.

Liu Xu let Hancock's little hand move between his brows, and gently rubbed Guanghua's back with one hand, and said softly: "I didn't think about anything, I just wondered if I should accompany you here for a while. Now, how come the clubhouse is built by us, it’s time to take a stroll and take a look.”

Hancock tilted his head, and the look in his eyes was obvious: "Fudge, you are fooling."

But she was very smart, so she quickly withdrew her eyes and said softly, "So it's like this, um, it's really time to go shopping."

It's okay to be tacit, some things are tacit, but it would be too damaging and boring to say it.

The smart Robin had already thought of something, squeezed to Liu Xu's side, and smiled slightly: "Xu, shall we go to the library to have a look tomorrow?"

library?Uh, this is one of her hobbies. Apart from these things, she doesn't seem to have many hobbies.Liu Xu was speechless for a moment, then nodded.

"Okay, okay, let's go to the library! Ahem, we are also people who love to study!"

Such funny words made several women laugh, this, this is still so humorous, lively and funny!

"Hee hee, I like to go to the beach. Well, it would be better with some oranges."

Little stars twinkled in Nami's eyes, as if she was worshiping something.

However, Liu Xu directly shattered her idea.

"Don't go, definitely don't go to the beach. Don't you feel irritated by sailing on the sea every day? You still want to go to the beach? Oh, my God. It's better to have a good time here when you finally get to the land."

Don't even think about it, how can I go to the beach to play again?It's still more comfortable here, you can try various snacks, and take a look at the development here, isn't this a good thing?Well, and the amusement park, the bastard Doflamingo is sure to make those things.

Nami pouted her mouth and rolled her eyes, what is it, Beach Ting is doing well!

"Ahem, at worst, I'll take you to buy oranges. Buy in large quantities! By the way, it's time to prepare the supplies this time, so let's add some supplies by the way and see if there's anything I need to buy. Well, buy, buy!"

Liu Xu easily diverted Nami's attention. The woman is still very satisfied with shopping, and the atmosphere was easily stirred up.

"Lord Liu Xu...I want food, buy food..."

Bonnie, a gluttonous girl, can't help it anymore. With cat ears on her head, she speaks so delicately that it makes the pores of her body open, refreshing!

"No problem, isn't it just food? The whole Villa is our territory. Whatever food you want to eat, even if you say it, it will definitely meet your requirements!"

Liu Xu quickly agreed to this trivial matter, and he didn't believe that a place as big as Vera couldn't fill your stomach.


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