Chapter 2795 Uh, I'm going to wash my hands...

"Well, then I'm going to the military base to watch the training of the second and third teams, lest they be lazy."

Tina hesitated for a while, and finally decided to go to the military base to take a look.

The training of the Liu Xu Fleet is basically handled by Tina, who has worked out a perfect training plan. Now is the time to look at the results of the second and third teams.

"No, let's go out and play together."

Liu Xu refused.


"Nothing to worry about, just relax."

Liu Xu said as he pulled Tina over, turned over and pressed down.

In the early morning of the next day, Liu Xu got up early to get ready, looked at the sleeping women, and tiptoed out of the room to the kitchen.

The breakfast is mainly light, and I made a few light things in one go, and even the follow-up desserts are ready.

"Come on, hurry up."

Liu Xu pushed the dining car back to the dormitory. Several women were still lying in a mess, with tired faces. It was obvious that they had experienced a brutal battle, which made them listless.

As for someone, now he is full of energy.

A few women were crazy last night. They unblocked all kinds of tricks and made him feel happy. The more they fought, the more courageous they became, and now they are even more energetic.

"Huh? Don't..."

Kitten Nami's closed eyes opened a crack, and she continued to close her eyes after saying something vaguely, apparently she hasn't had enough rest yet!

Liu Xu raised his eyebrows, ahem, this rhythm is a bit wrong!

"Hurry up and get up, ready to go play."

Liu Xu withdrew his voice and shouted, trying to wake up these sleeping women in this way.

Unfortunately, it still doesn't work.

Even the big secretary Tina opened and closed her eyes in a daze, as did Robin, the mysterious and charming beauty. She opened one eye to look at it, turned her head and went back to sleep.

"Ahem, if this is the case, then the young master will use some extraordinary means."

Liu Xu smirked, turned and walked over, and swam around the kitten Nami with both hands.


Nami who was attacked suddenly screamed, the feeling was obvious, just like last night, oh my god, why is he so crazy?It's still broad daylight, how can it be like this?

The kitten Nami woke up properly, and Liu Xu attacked the other women step by step, enjoying the strange refreshment amidst the screams of the women.

Looking at the beauties who sat up and covered their bodies with their hands, Liu Xu smiled and said, "Wouldn't it be better to get up early? I have to do it myself. Uh, I'll wash my hands..."

With that said, he slipped decisively.

His words made the red clouds on the faces of several women more obvious, ahem, who made his hands like that just now?

Several women looked at each other suspiciously, and finally locked onto Bonnie's body.

"Ah, little maid, it's you?" Nami laughed directly, and the others also laughed softly.

Bonnie lowered her head, she really couldn't stand being treated like that by Lord Liu Xu just now.

When Liu Xu returned, he saw a few women laughing and laughing, regardless of their appearance.

Liu Xu's heart warmed up. The most important thing is for several women to get along in harmony, so that he can concentrate on his work without any worries.

A breakfast gradually came to an end in a charming atmosphere. After all the girls were fully dressed, Liu Xu raised his arms, and the six resolutely walked out of the palace.

The capital, Vila, is a thriving city and the economic center of the entire kingdom.

This island is not very big, but several cities have been established on this island, and a large area has been reclaimed.

The capital, Vera, has become a place of multiculturalism since the nationals of Dressrosa came here, where the two cultures blend with each other.

But this city is definitely not just these two cultures, there are also residents from other islands who have relocated to join Vila, and the various cultures are vividly reflected here.

This place is filled with an exotic feeling, which makes people fascinated by this city unconsciously.

"That, I want that!"

Bonnie pointed to the food street in front of her, and the pleasant aroma wafted in the wind, which made her, a foodie, completely unable to calm down.

It's rare to have such an opportunity, and we must satisfy our stomachs all at once.

She has been properly trained by Liu Xu to be a little maid, whether it is in terms of life or diet, she is based on Liu Xu. For example, in terms of diet, she must serve Liu Xu to enjoy it. After Liu Xu finishes eating She just started eating.

There are also various words and deeds, each of which reflects the results of Liu Xu's training.

Now that he brings everyone out to play, Liu Xu naturally won't restrict her too much, she can eat as much as she wants, and she won't get fat anyway.Just, what do you mean by pointing at the whole food street?Don't you still want to book the venue?

Liu Xu was very sad, and said helplessly, "Which one? There are so many foods in the food street, which one are you referring to?"

Bonnie was also embarrassed by this question, biting a flawless finger in her mouth, her face wrinkled.

"That, I don't know..."


Liu Xu couldn't calm down anymore, and several women also laughed, Sister Bonnie, you are so interesting, if you don't know, go and have a look!

Just when Liu Xu was about to speak, Na Boni spoke again.


"Well, since you don't know, then try a little bit of each!"

As he spoke, he swallowed hard, unable to take his eyes off the delicacies no matter what.

Liu Xu staggered and almost fell, try each of them?

God, there are at least a thousand kinds of food here, can you try it?

However, the little maid's words have been spoken, so it's better to give her a moment!

"Okay, let's go!"

Bonnie cheered and ran out decisively first. Nami thought about it and ran over decisively. She also likes food and so on!

Looking at the two beauties running wildly in front of him, Liu Xu smiled and continued to turn around with a few women.


Chapter 2796 Your Majesty

"Xu, I'm going to buy some books and read them."

The sharp-eyed Robin found a bookstore that looked like an old one, and he became interested immediately.

"Oh? Let's go! Hancock, let's go there for a while."

Liu Xu agreed with a smile, and took the remaining two women around to other places.

To play is to have no scruples and put aside all worries.

The trip to the capital ended in one day, and Liu Xu had already made plans to visit several other cities.

The rhythm of leisure can't be stopped, just like eating something, it can't be stopped at all.

Liu Xu and others have already rushed to another city leisurely. This is a city basically composed of Dressrosa citizens, so it is full of customs and customs of tropical islands. It is like an amusement park, with A variety of addictive games, puppet house, playground, arena and more.

This is undoubtedly a city that can make people feel completely relaxed. This is a city that is extremely leisurely, and the pace of life is very slow.

It is a rare thing to completely let go of all affairs and come out to play. Many people seem to be very excited and happy when playing, but they are still thinking about work, which is inevitably a bit of a fly in the ointment.

This time he came out with five of his own women, especially when he came to this city. The smile on Liu Xu's face has never stopped since he entered here. Seeing a few women playing freely, his heart is also Extra excited.

Men are actually very easy to be satisfied in many times. They can make their women happy and give them a stable and prosperous life. This is the satisfaction of men, the true inner satisfaction.

What's the point of life if you have an infinitely rich life without a woman, or if your woman is unhappy?

"Don't run too fast, be careful."

Liu Xu yelled from a long distance away, and turned into a "housekeeper", nagging, which made several women laugh.

"Xu, it's so fun."

Tina held a fan in her hand and fanned it, which added a strange charm to her calmness.

At this moment, she was not wearing the coat of justice, and neither was Liu Xu.

There was a smile in Hancock's eyes, and he looked at those around him who had lowered their heads or turned their heads, and sighed deeply in his heart.

In the minds of these people, their own men are already super gods. If they were in other places, those men would definitely look at her with eyes that she was very uncomfortable with.

And the people here, after seeing these charming women, turned their heads and didn't dare to look directly at them.

They are all the king's women.

Liu Xu walked forward with a smile, and at the same time nodded to those around him.

"Your Majesty, I see Your Majesty."

A little girl yelled at her friends with strong excitement on her face, but she never got a response. This made her tangled up, and when she turned her head to look, she felt depressed.

These little friends looked at His Majesty one by one, the little eyes made her very uncomfortable, but there was nothing she could do.

"Your Majesty is the same as the one in the newspaper, so amazing."

A middle-aged man holding a hoe sighed, and the people around him despised him, "Damn, what's the matter with you if you are so powerful?"Don't you know that His Majesty's strength has already killed two Four Emperors?

This is his kingdom. In his kingdom, his prestige reaches a limit. Here, some of his things are promoted every day to establish his supreme authority.

Walking to Hancock and the others, Liu Xu wiped off the non-existent sweat and said with a smile: "Why are you running so fast? Well, this playground is quite interesting. Let's play here now, and then go to the competition later. over there."

Several women naturally did not have any objection, and they played in this playground properly.

The facilities of the playground are basically the same, such as carousel, roller coaster, surfing, Ferris wheel, bungee jumping and so on.

After finishing these games and getting off the roller coaster, Liu Xu stretched his muscles and looked at the women with calm faces and sighed. They all have practiced. Look at the other people, all of them vomited. Like something.

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