The roller coaster here is several times faster than the speed of sound, which is really unbearable for ordinary people.

"Ahem, let's go to the arena to have a look!"

Liu Xu thought of the arena. It seems that there are Rebecca's parents there, right?

Well, you can take a look and see what the battle is like inside.


The arena, which still maintains the same scene as Dressrosa, is not far from the bustling streets, and there are many people coming and going... As long as there are competitions and duels, there will naturally be gambling/gaming. Appeared, many people on the periphery have already opened, and the crowd is crowded.

It is naturally impossible for a noble person like Liu Xu to come here and squeeze in the stands like others, and led by the person in charge here to the high platform of the arena.

"This position is quite good."

Liu Xu simply said that this is the only stand here, and it is also the stand with the widest view. You can clearly see the situation of the dueling people below.

All kinds of fruits were already being delivered by fog servers around. After Liu Xu and the others sat down, they watched the battle in the arena.

The way of fighting in the arena has changed a bit compared to before. It is no longer a forced duel of life and death, but a choice.

Want to kill?Yes, after the consent of both parties, it can be a life-and-death duel under the witness of everyone.

At this moment, the battle below is a knight in armor and a swordsman fighting. The two of them come and go, and the fight is very lively.

Every move is extremely fierce and fatal.

"Is this what the arena looks like? It doesn't look very comfortable."

Hancock seemed to have thought of something. There used to be a similar arena in her kingdom, but it was not for life and death duels, but for sparring.

Liu Xu shook his head and briefly talked about the time of the arena. Hancock felt a little more comfortable, and stared at the battle below with his beautiful eyes.


Chapter 2797 Three thousand unbeaten records

The battle between knights and swordsmen does not seem to have much suspense.

Knights have thick armor and strong defense, while swordsmen don't have much armor except for a weapon, so they are much weaker from this point of view.

"This swordsman is going to lose."

Bonnie was biting a skewer of roast meat in her hand, and her speech was also slurred.

"No, that knight is going to lose."

After the words fell, among the two people fighting below, the knight shot through, but was avoided by the short swordsman, and cut off his arm with his sword.

The swordsman cut off the knight's arm, and the knight who lost his arm had no strength to resist, and he couldn't even hold the weapon, so how could he fight?

The referee directly announced the victory of the swordsman. The swordsman looked at all the people below and shouted loudly, "Who else will challenge?"

Arrogant, arrogant, fierce!This was the impression the swordsman gave, and the surrounding audience booed, but they were provoked by his attitude.

However, the swordsman looked so cool and madly dragged to the sky, he went his own way and was not moved at all.

"Come up if you don't agree, don't babble!"

The three-meter-tall swordsman roared loudly, and his voice overwhelmed the crowd's voice. Many people were surprised. Why is this guy's voice so loud?

"Xie Te, this young master wants to go down and fuck him, but he is so arrogant!"

Liu Xu's head was full of black lines. Is this guy a tease sent by a monkey?How arrogant?

Hancock and others were helpless for a while. Although it was uncomfortable to look at that guy, why should he lower his identity for that guy?

The crowd watching the battle was dissatisfied. This swordsman who appeared out of nowhere has already killed two people. In other words, he was just so arrogant after killing two people. Does he want to die?Are you arrogant in this place?

"Get out! Trash!"

Some people mobilized and even started to boycott this guy, but unfortunately, that didn't have any effect on him at all.

Just as the audience was getting more and more excited, a thick and deep voice came, suppressing all the voices at once.

"I come!"

These two simple words overjoyed the audience, he was going to make a move?

Liu Xu obviously heard the voice, and looked in that direction all of a sudden, his eyes lit up.

"It's really interesting that it will be Rebecca's father."

The girls were startled, Rebecca's little girl's father?He is also in this arena?Why haven't you heard of it before?In other words, she is still practicing with Zefa now, and she doesn't know when she will be able to increase her strength!

A one-legged swordsman, wearing a red cloak, carrying a large sword on his shoulders, curly black hair, a firm face, and a stern look, this image made everyone cheer.

"Cyrus! It's Cyrus!"

The audience shouted, hero, this is a hero, a legendary hero!

Cyrus has a very high achievement in this arena, and his achievement is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

The undefeated record of [-] games, this record is only owned by him in this entire arena, so, that is a legendary hero.

In this arena, he is almost like a king.

Cyrus is also Rebecca's father. He married Scarlet, the former princess of the Liku royal family in Dressrosa, and gave birth to the little girl Rebecca, but because the kingdom was captured, he also fell into this place. in the arena.

Almost every day someone challenges him, but every challenger is eventually defeated by him. Some may be similar in strength to him, but under his incomparable perseverance, he finally defeats the enemy with perseverance.

Such a number one person, Liu Xu still has some understanding.

In other words, after Rebecca came to his fleet, he had already sent someone to investigate his situation, and maybe something could be changed.

"Is this the little girl's father? It really doesn't look like him at all!"

Robin shook his head lightly and smiled. There was nothing similar to Rebecca in this man.

Liu Xu laughed dumbfounded, and said: "It's normal. Rebecca looks like her mother. She inherited her mother completely. Naturally, she doesn't have any similarities with her father. Uh-huh, it seems that the girl Rebecca returned She hasn’t come here since she arrived in Vera, I really don’t know what she’s thinking about.”

Rebecca once wanted to take back the ruling power of the Liku royal family, but with Liu Xu's existence, her actions could not be realized at all.

Now everyone in the entire kingdom knows of Liu Xu's existence, and no one thinks that the Liku royal family can regain the right to rule there.

"That's right!"

Robin chuckled, and turned his gaze to the two below.

Cyrus stepped into the ring with a calm expression, and a vague cold light flashed in his eyes.

The swordsman looked at Cyrus, also slashed the knife on his shoulder, smiled coldly, and said: "You are the Cyrus who is said to be undefeated in three thousand games? Very good, today I will end you .”

The swordsman rushed forward without waiting for the referee to make an announcement, and slashed down fiercely.


Cyrus snorted coldly and said, "I seldom kill people, but I don't mind killing you."

After finishing speaking, the big sword on his shoulder swung forward fiercely.


The swordsman's knife was resisted and remained, the crisp sound and the sudden rebound force surprised him.

His blade was actually blocked by the opponent's sword tip!God, what kind of eyesight, control, and speed are needed to do such a thing?

"Now, accept death obediently!" Cyrus said coldly.

He leaned forward sharply, gripping the sword tightly with both hands.

"Thunder Sword of Destruction!"

With a loud shout, the sword in Cyrus' hand swung down the mountain, and the swift and violent attack enveloped the swordsman's body like a violent storm.


The swordsman's pupils shrank, and it was too late when he wanted to resist. His body was instantly slashed by the big sword, and the intense pain followed, which made his consciousness go black, and he didn't even have any consciousness anymore.


Chapter 2798 Do you want to be the emperor's father-in-law?


The Thunder Destruction Sword slashed the opponent, and Cyrus heaved a sigh of relief. He killed this guy without wasting much time. This can't make him too excited. Just add a little more to the record.

"The battle is over, hehe, hey, call him up, um, and his woman!" Liu Xu said to the fog server waiting beside him.

The fog attendant bowed respectfully, and then quickly walked down the high platform.

The fighting in the arena is still going on, but all the fighting personnel have been replaced. On the high platform, the legendary hero of the arena, Cyrus and his wife Scarlet, are standing in front of Liu Xu, offering their sacrifices. their sincerity.

The three words Liu Xu are unique in the entire island of Vera. They are the recognized king and the existence at the pinnacle of world power.

Although the kingdom has no official name, and the island has no official name, this situation will soon change, and everyone thinks so.

"Your Majesty, may I ask what you want from us?"

Cyrus put down the great sword in his hand, showing the gesture that a subject should have.

Liu Xu smiled and said, "Don't be so nervous, I just came to confirm one thing with you this time. The name Rebecca is familiar to you, right?"

Rebecca?Cyrus shuddered, as did his wife Scarlett.


Scarlett is a woman after all, she couldn't sit still when it came to her daughter, and exclaimed.

Only then did Liu Xu take a serious look at this woman. She had almost the same appearance as Rebecca, but there was a little more vicissitudes in her expression, as if she had experienced all kinds of things in the world and saw through many things.

"That's right, it's your daughter Rebecca!" Liu Xu nodded and said, "Now Rebecca is a member of my fleet, and she is practicing with the former Admiral Zefa of the Navy Headquarters. What do you think?"

Huh?This seems like a good thing!A look of joy appeared on Scarlett's face. It has been a long time since her daughter left her side, and now she can hear the news that she is still alive. This is the best thing.

Cyrus was also slightly agitated, but he was a man who could control his emotions very well. He knelt down with one foot, his expression serious, and said: "Your Majesty, I can't repay your kindness, please allow me to join your fleet Of."

It was a bit unexpected that he would surrender so directly. Liu Xu's original plan did not include this person.

Now that everyone has already spoken, plus the relationship with that little girl Rebecca, forget it, let's arrange other things for him!

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