"Cyrus, I don't need you anymore in my fleet, but this kingdom needs you. From now on, you should be the captain of the guard in this kingdom! Cough cough, that little girl Rebecca still has that kind of thinking, I I hope you can change her mind, the Liku royal family has no possibility of re-emerging, and it will be the best choice to spend the future life in peace and stability."

The teaching of his parents is much better than that of an outsider like him. Rebecca will definitely have something to do with the revival of the Liku royal family, so now the value of these two people is reflected, and I hope there will be a good result.

Scarlet was silent for a long time, finally sighed quietly, and said: "Your Majesty, we understand. We will teach her well, and when she comes back..."

"No, I'm already here."

Before he finished speaking, a clear and stubborn voice came, Liu Xu's eyes flashed, poor child, why did you come here now?


They are not unfamiliar with their daughter's voice, and they can judge it immediately.

The person who came was Rebecca, still wearing the same attire as before, with the big sword Liu Xu gave her on her back.

Rebecca walked to her parents and whispered, "Father, mother."

After finishing speaking, his eyes turned to Liu Xu, with complex lights shining in his eyes.

This man, what kind of man is he?They even found their parents, damn it.

Looking into Cyrus' eyes like this, he grabbed her shoulder calmly and said softly: "Rebecca, don't be rude to Your Majesty. Since you have heard what you just said, then make a choice." !"

Castlet also put one hand on her other shoulder, and said: "My child, it is difficult to win back the regime that has been overthrown. There is only an isolated island in Dressrosa, an island where no one lives. The glory of the Liku royal family will never be repeated."

Rebecca's body trembled violently, she suddenly roared, and said loudly: "Why? Why? Don't you insist on it? That belongs to Grandpa's kingdom, don't you really insist on it?"

Liu Xu shook his head when he heard it, and said, "When is the time for retribution? The throne of the Liku royal family was bestowed by the Don Quixote family, so it is normal for Doflamingo to take it back. Remember, Liku The royal family of Ku was not the royal family of Dressrosa from the beginning!"

Cyrus nodded, and said: "Yes, your majesty is right. Rebecca, it has been so long, and it is meaningless to dwell on these matters. It is a great favor for your majesty to let you follow him. You have to seize the opportunity well. His Majesty is a very good person, so seize this opportunity well."

Rebecca bit her lip, is he a nice person?No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like it.

But, it seemed, really, maybe, it seemed like he was being nice to himself.

Liu Xu is already ashamed, brother Cyrus, what do you mean by saying that?Does your daughter have any relationship with Master Ben?That's just an ordinary member, so why talk so ambiguously?

Do you want to be the emperor's father-in-law?


〇Extra: Zhengyan Infinite Stratos

Chapter 001 Dream Machine

"Your sister, do you want to die...I'm going on vacation..."

In the "Palace of Eternal Life", a hall with magic crystals on the ground, god wood as the base, and demon-level magic cores as decorations, a young man is buried in the extremely gorgeous and exaggerated large bone office. at the table.

Oh, that's the spine of the abyss dragon!

The young man was sweating profusely, with six pairs of twelve wings of light consisting of light and dark elements spread out on his back, in the strongest fighting state.

More than five hundred years have passed since the great war that affected the heavens and the world.

Whether it is a mortal, a fairy, or a god or demon, they are all highly adaptable. Maybe it is because of the fact that they are faced with, or maybe it is because of Liu Xu's unrivaled strength on the other side, whether they are willing or not.

In short, the present heavens and myriad worlds are very harmonious.

Of course, there is no big right and wrong, but there are still constant conflicts.

This is the nature of living beings, and there is nothing anyone can do about it. There is no distinction between humans and gods when fighting for strength. Even if Liu Xu controls the heavens, encountering such a thing would be nerve-wracking.

Before Liu Xu's eyes, the Sifang Tiandi seal kept rising and falling, and the documents on the table were opened, stamped, and thrown aside...

This mechanical process has lasted for half an hour.

However, the efficiency of Liu Xu's work is completely inferior to the process of generating documents. He has not even completed one-tenth of today's workload, but the subsequent documents sent through the teleportation array have piled up like a mountain.

"Wife, how can you be so cruel, leave me alone here to work hard, and organize a group to travel to the plane..."

The many incidents in the heavens and the world are extremely complicated, and the various documents alone almost fill up the largest hall in the "Palace of Eternal Life", and Liu Xu has to separate himself to suppress all kinds of red Area (dangerous) monsters, shadow creatures...

"If I had known, I wouldn't seek revenge from the two clans of monsters and demons, and instead robbed a Demon God Emperor. I thought it would be awesome, but it turned out that he was really hardworking!"

He kept complaining, and in desperation, Liu Xu had no choice but to struggle in the pile of documents every day, waving the Sifang Tiandi seal.

The Sifang Tiandi Seal is made of very special substances, and when using them, huge power must be injected into them respectively. Whether it is light or darkness, or chaos, or neutrality, the only requirement is perfection and purity.

As a result, Liu Xu's work became even more arduous, and his back and arms were sore and weak every day.

"Oh, it's so hard for a man!"

"I want to rest...I want to sleep..."

"I finally know why those gods and demons like to sleep so much."

"The wives have all gone to various dimensions to travel, and no one has sex... What can you do if you don't sleep?"

"Yeah, what can you do if you don't sleep, Nima, while talking, I want to sleep again, I think I will go to sleep."

Under the infusion of Liu Xu's magic power, the Sifang Tiandi Seal shone with pure white holy light, pitch-black dark light, blazing explosive flames, and dark blue electricity, dancing non-stop on the mountains of documents.

At this moment, a graceful and graceful figure came in from the hall door and stopped in front of the table, and then a voice as clear as ice shattered: "Xu, you are still busy here, do you want to help? "

Liu Xu raised his head from the pile of documents and saw that the beautiful woman standing in front of the table was Saber. At this time, there was a rare smile of Huijie on her usually cold jade face, with a star-like beauty. There was even more brilliance in her eyes, obviously she was trying to suppress herself from laughing out loud.

"I know I'm very frustrated now, you can laugh if you want!" Liu Xu rolled her eyes angrily, and said, "It's not surprising that girls like cc, Rei Miyamoto, and Lala are trying to trick me. , I didn't expect that even Saber, you would join forces with them, knowing that I am very busy but just watching jokes from the sidelines, you are really my most loyal bodyguard!"

Saber smiled slightly, and said: "Xu, Saber knows she was wrong, please forgive me?"

In fact, Liu Xu didn't really blame her, but when he just wanted to get up, he felt that it would be too embarrassing to forgive Saber like this, so he tried his best to maintain a flat expression on his face, and said coldly: "Let me forgive you. , then help me bring the dream machine over."

"Xu, you want to be lazy again?"

"Ahem..." Liu Xu coughed and said seriously, "It's not laziness, it's rest."

Saber looked at Liu Xu, hesitated for a moment, and asked, "Then how long are you going to rest?"

"One... one day!"

Liu Xu really wanted to talk about it for a year, but considering that Saber might turn around and leave, he could only temporarily change his words sadly.

"So long!"

Saber showed a troubled look.

"One day passes quickly. I promise to take a day off, and then I will work hard..." Liu Xu raised a finger, gritted his teeth and said, "One week. Civil servants are always on weekends! The master of the world, every week does not even have a day off, if I knew that during the World War, I would have let the water go..."

"Okay, stop complaining, I'll bring you the dream machine."

"Oh yeah!"

Liu Xu killed gods and demons in the heavens and worlds, and his power shook the heavens.

In the end, he suppressed hundreds of millions of races and became the lord of the heavens and myriad realms. Myriad realms came to congratulate him, and hundreds of millions of races surrendered, sending congratulatory gifts one after another.

In the treasury, there are as many as five core materials that can be used to make artifacts to suppress the heavens. Liu Xu can't wait to wipe out the race that sent these core materials.

Nima, do you think that Lao Tzu's workload is not big enough?

The four Sifangtiandiyin are already so tired that I look like a dog, and you still send five?

This is a conspiracy!

Those crystals and ores that contain powerful energy exude gorgeous colors and brilliant light.

There are many of them, Liu Xu can't even call them by name.

These rare materials accounted for about two-thirds of the warehouse, and there were some equipment from various professions, all of which were high-quality goods.

The dream machine is the clan artifact of the Dream Pirates.

"Your sister, why do you send these artifacts and crystals? You can't eat them, and you can't use them for fighting. The attack power of the artifacts is comparable to my fist?"

"You should give the girl away!"

"Aren't you just worried about my wife calling? Don't worry, I'm a wife-afraid person?"

Can't wait for Saber to get it, Liu Xu just teleported and disappeared in the Hall of Eternal Life.

After installing the dream machine, I randomly selected a random world, and then sealed [-]% of my abilities, allowing myself to enter the world of dreams.

Liu Xu couldn't help thinking curiously, what kind of dreamy life would it be to welcome him?


Chapter 002 Crossing the IS World

The setting sun is all over the sky, a land that is pampered by colorful clouds every day, how happy are the people living here?

A piece of tranquil red, even a flower that blooms in full bloom under the setting sun is so contented and proud.

The earth's environment has been greatly improved due to the rapid advancement of science and technology, and the transformation plan of the moon and Mars has also been put on the agenda and even started to be implemented.

In a residential area full of semi-detached houses sits an ashram that is intentionally lush.

The advancement of science and technology is not only reflected in the improvement of the environment and various convenient means of transportation, but also in weapons, gene modulation, and various heat weapons, which are powerful and easy to operate.

In this era, traditional skills are relatively declining, and fewer and fewer people are willing to learn ancient martial arts.



In the dojo, there was a crashing sound.

A little Zhengtai, who was about eight or nine years old, was holding two bamboo swords in both hands, using the double-sword style to attack from the opponent's bamboo sword at a low level.

Little Zhengtai has messy black hair, black pupils, and a sunny smile on his face.

Even under the attack of the opponent's sword that was as fast as a sword, Xiao Zhengtai was able to do a job with ease, and even looked at the opponent with distracted eyes.

Xiaozhengtai's opponent is a beautiful little loli, who is about the same age as him.

The little loli raised her small face, but her immature face carried an awe that didn't match her age. She had exquisite facial features, coupled with a well-developed figure, she was simply a beautiful angel.

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