Her hair is tied with a ribbon into a so-called women's ponytail, which flutters and flutters as she swings the bamboo sword.


Little Lolita suddenly dodged to bully her, raised the bamboo sword above her head with both hands, and hit Xiao Zhengtai with a standard downward chop.

"Junior Sister, you have become more and more proficient in this move of 'Splitting Huashan'."

Xiao Zhengtai was not panicked, the corners of her mouth were slightly upturned, and instead of retreating, she raised her sword to meet him.

At the moment when the two bamboo swords were about to collide, Xiao Zhengtai's hand holding the sword suddenly let go.

The expected impact point suddenly disappeared, Little Lolita's sword did not stop her, and she slashed down fiercely, but she felt that she had used the wrong strength.

This feeling is uncomfortable, like a hard punch, only to hit the air.

Xiao Zhengtai used a false block to make his opponent use the wrong strength, and at the same time as he abandoned the sword, he made a wrong step and came around behind Xiao Loli.

When little Lolita reacted, the bamboo sword held by Xiaozhengtai's other hand was already lightly pressed against her neck.

Victory and defeat!

"Hey, you can't do this!"

Xiao Zhengtai put away the bamboo sword, held it in her forehand, and leaned against her shoulder lightly, undulating slightly.

"Using such a big move like 'Splitting Huashan' at such a close distance will put pressure on the opponent, but against opponents with strong psychological quality, it is easy to be dodged..." Ignoring the stinky face of the little loli With a stinky face, Xiao Zhengtai smiled and pointed out her mistake just now, "And the distance and timing of the 'to the enemy is far, but to me' you made just now are not right!"

"is it?"

The little loli who was called Huan snorted coldly, turned around suddenly, and at the same time swung the bamboo sword in her hand, sweeping towards Xiao Zhengtai's right waist.

With a "snap", the bamboo sword that Xiao Zhengtai had been leaning on his shoulder had been activated at some point, and he made a light chop, hitting the front of Xiao Loli's bamboo sword.

Without much effort, Xiao Zhengtai deflected Xiao Loli's attack, while his bamboo sword swung upward along the blade of her bamboo sword.

If it were two real swords, dazzling flames would definitely burst out at this time.

Xiao Zhengtai blocked Xiao Loli's attack, and the movement of swinging the sword upwards forced her to abandon the sword. After Xiao Luoli let go of the bamboo sword and fell to the ground, Xiao Zhengtai's bamboo sword gently touched her again. between items.

"Hi, I won again, remember what you said!" The black-haired and black-eyed young lady smiled brightly: "I'll leave you alone for homework, don't be foolish."

"Hey, Yixia, he has a single sword, but you use two swords, it's not fair at all..."

He stared at the young lady with pouting lips and puffy cheeks. No child likes to do homework, let alone double.

"If you don't think you are good at martial arts, then you can use the three-sword style!" Xiao Zhengtai, who was called Yixia, said with a smile: "I know a great swordsman who uses the three-sword style, and he is invincible all over the world!"

"So powerful? Better than Master Kasaka?"

Ruo frowned and frowned, with a look of disbelief.

"Well, better than Master Kasaka!"

Xiaozheng put away the bamboo sword, and hooked his fingers at He.

"Is there really such a person? Kosaka-sensei is known as the 'son of the sword and weapons'!"

Chu obviously didn't believe it, in her mind, Master Xiangsaka Shigure was the most powerful person in the world.

"Zoro is the second combat power of the Straw Hat Pirates, second only to Luffy!"

"Zoro? Luffy? Isn't that the anime character in "One Piece"? Ah...you're kidding me again..."

"Hehe, I would like to admit defeat. If you don't come over, I can go over!"

Xiao Zhengtai saw that He pretended not to see her waving, so she took the initiative to walk in front of her and flicked her forehead lightly.

"Hey, Yixia, you hit someone on the head again, what if you hit him stupidly?"

Ruo covered her forehead and looked at Xiao Zhengtai with resentment on her face.

"At the beginning, I let you choose. If you lose and let me kiss, it won't hurt. You don't want to."

Mrs. Xiaozheng shrugged her shoulders, and said with a childish voice: "If you are really stupid, I will marry you!"


Hearing what Xiao Zhengtai said, her pretty face blushed, and she was about to explode.

She is arrogant.

"Hahaha, okay, I won't tease you anymore."

Looking at the cute appearance of Ruo, Mrs. Zheng couldn't help sighing in her heart, and thought to herself: "Hi, it will take a few years until your hair grows to your waist!"

"It's getting late. I'm going back to cook. Why do other people have gentle and lovely sisters to take care of younger brothers, but my younger brother has to take care of the female tyrant sister!"

Xiaozheng complained to He while packing up his things, but judging by his appearance, he was completely enjoying it.

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow!"

After finishing speaking, Xiao Zhengtai left the dojo, leaving only He who was silently watching his back in a daze.

"Before I knew it, it's been almost nine years since I came to this world! I was so excited when I was operating the dream machine, and I didn't set an age, but when I traveled to the world of IS, it turned out to be a newborn milk baby..."

Liu Xu walked on the road illuminated by the setting sun, looked up at the fiery sunset, and unconsciously started talking to himself.

His name in this world is Orimura Ichika, and the little loli just now is his childhood sweetheart, Shino no Yuaru.

Chapter 003 Nanase Love

When Liu Xu opened his eyes, he was no longer in the Palace of Eternal Life, but came to a strange environment, an unknown world.

Not afraid, Liu Xu only felt that his whole body was full of strength, and he shouted loudly: "Girls, I'm coming!"

"Ah ah... ah..."

Liu Xu was stunned, the words in his voice were all in Martian script, and no one could understand them except himself.

Become a baby yourself?

Liu Xu opened his eyes full of bewilderment, from hazy to clear, Liu Xu looked left and right, wandering around.

Visually, this should be a hospital ward, surrounded by modern equipment.

At this time, Liu Xu was able to confirm one thing, he traveled to a modern civilized society, and this world is a world with highly developed technology.

When Liu Xu woke up completely, calmed down from the excitement of escaping from the huge and many jobs in the countless dimensional world, and recovered his normal thinking ability, he found himself being held in the arms of a beautiful nurse.

This is a beautiful female nurse. The neat pink nurse uniform looks particularly eye-catching, giving people a bright feeling.

The beauty holding Liu Xu in her arms has just turned [-] years old this year. She is a head nurse at St. Juliana Hospital. Not only is she naturally beautiful, but she is also an oriental. .

Not to mention anything else, just because of her great mind, Liu Xu has already forgiven her for adopting the princess hug to him without his consent.

The beautiful nurse's plain face was almost free of makeup, and she was completely devoid of the coquettish look of heavy makeup. Her purple hair was pinned up high with a hairpin, making her look very refreshing and neat.

Liu Xu opened his infinitely cute eyes, and stretched out two tender little hands, trying to grab something.

According to the regulations of the hospital, all medical staff hang a nameplate when they go to work. Not only is their frontal color photo pasted on it, but also their positions and names are clearly printed.

The head nurse of the obstetrics and gynecology department, Ren Nanase.

Ren Nanase, as long as he is a man, when he sees this name, he will think of that cheerful and gentle angel in white.

Mature version of Ren Nanase?

Isn't her hair the kind of long brown hair with a little red, why did it turn purple?

Is this Nanase Ren from "Night Shift Sick Building"?

Liu Xu looked at it for a while, but came to no conclusion.

Regardless of whether this Nanaselian is that Nanaselian, Liu Xu doesn't care about it now, he only knows that there is a smell in the other party that he is attached to, a smell that makes Liu Xu feel unable to extricate himself.

"It seems that children are not bad, they can take advantage of beautiful women openly, and they can also say everything in their hearts... Beauty, give me a smile... Hahahaha..."

Liu Xu's triumphant declaration was heard by everyone in the delivery room as loud, meaningless "ahh..." yells.

Liu Xu's head was pressed against the head nurse. Although Nanase Ren felt the oppression, her fair face flushed slightly, but she didn't have any thoughts about the newborn baby.

Usually, if you have encountered such a situation, especially when taking a bus or subway, as long as there are too many people, someone will take advantage of Nanase Ren. In the past, the head nurse always used her arms to protect herself and did not give anyone Opportunities for people to fudge.

But today there is a newborn baby in her arms, Ren Nanase naturally would not have thought that this child has a soul that makes the gods of the heavens tremble, and she doesn't know that she has been taken advantage of.

Nanaseren thinks that Liu Xu is very cute, he is very energetic from birth, completely different from those babies who sleep soundly from birth.

Also just became a mother, Nanase Ren's face was filled with the brilliance of motherhood, and she hugged Liu Xu tightly, worried that he would fall or get cold.

"Wow! Ahhhhhhh..."

"Little guy, you've been so lively since you were born, how can you stand up to you when you get older?"

"Yeah, if I grow up, you won't be able to bear it..."

Hearing Liu Xu yelled "Ahh..." again, his voice was full of joy and joy.

It was the first time Nanase Ren encountered such a situation.

"The person is thin, but unexpectedly, it seems that all the nutrients have been absorbed here... Is this also one of the attributes of the second dimension?"

Liu Xu spoke words that only he himself could understand.


Chapter 004 Goddess Sister, Replace the Male Lead

Suddenly, Liu Xu felt very moist.

Ren Nanase also just gave birth to a baby and is breastfeeding.

"What's going on? Could it be..."

Liu Xu froze for a moment in disbelief, then suddenly remembered something.

His eyes suddenly lit up, and his mental strength fluctuated violently.

The lights in the delivery room suddenly became flickering, as if there was a short circuit, not only the delivery room, but also the electrical equipment in the entire hospital building experienced voltage instability.

This kind of situation that often occurred in the old days has basically disappeared in today's era of explosive growth with rapid technological changes and rapid development. I didn't expect it to happen again today because of Liu Xu's relationship.

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