Liu Xu's eyes were wide open, except for the wolf who had been staring at Nanase Ren, no one else noticed anything unusual.

"It smells like mother!"

Liu Xu sniffed it, and there was a faint fragrance.

" that's how it's wonderful..."

Completely disregarding Nanase Ren's wishes, the other people in the delivery room were also treated as air.


Liu Xu felt that he was hungry, so he rushed over and opened his mouth, which still hadn't opened his teeth.

Nanaselian is Liu Xu's favorite female character, so he is even more hungry.

"Ah... why are there so many obstacles!"

It wasn't until Nanase Ren's clothes were all wrinkled that Liu Xu reluctantly smacked his lips, looking completely unsatisfied.

At this time, Nanaselian handed Liu Xu to another nurse.

Liu Xu felt that he was hugged and hugged, until finally, he was hugged by an incredibly beautiful girl.

This is a little beauty, the purest beauty has nothing to do with the influence of life experience, nor the delicacy and elegance cultivated day by day. A flower with dewdrops waiting to bloom, and a touch of emerald green stream rippling between the bottom of the mountains and valleys are pleasing to the eye at a glance.

Her hair was not long, just past her shoulders, so it wouldn't make people focus on the long hair at first glance, causing the feeling of fluttering long hair, but it was soft enough and had the unique flavor of a girl.The big eyes flashed with agility like running water.

Although the little beauty's face is still a little childish, but her lips are red and her teeth are white, her eyes are like stars, and she can already see the beauty's embryo.

This is not critical.

Liu Xu roamed the dimensional world, slaying gods and demons. He had never seen such a beautiful woman, but he still recognized the girl's identity at the first sight.

The goddess in IS, Zhiban Chifuyu.

The Qiandong in Liu Xu's memory has a noble temperament, a calm tone, and a very beautiful appearance. She is a typical Yujie.

She has the beautiful and dignified appearance of a 20-year-old young woman, and her figure is very ideal, but she is relatively rigid and focuses on her goals. Unlike modern women who pursue fame and money, she never pays attention to things like appearance and money.

Seeing Chifuyu Orimura, Liu Xu knew very well that he was brought to the world of IS by the dream machine, and replaced Ichika Orimura, the heroine in the original book, as Chifuyu Orimura's younger brother.

In the beginning, Liu Xu traveled through the dimensional world and could only replace the weak existence of the world, but now he can support the rules and operations of countless dimensional worlds by himself.

Therefore, replacing the male lead and even the boss is a breeze.

Of course, Liu Xu has no control over everything, it is all done randomly by the dream machine.

In fact, it's not that Liu Xu can't be the master. With his mighty power over three thousand worlds, it's not easy to change a few two-dimensional worlds, or even just use the power of the void to create the desired beauties.

As long as you say the name, you can create a human according to the original work. For gods and demons, creating a human has never been difficult.

Because, people are originally the toys of gods and demons.


Nurses lounge.

"Hey, head nurse, what's wrong with you?"

"Hey, why are your eyes red? Did someone bully you?"

The door of the nurse's locker room was opened with a key, and two young nurses walked in talking and laughing.

They saw that Ren Nanase, who should be at work at this time, was in the lounge, and her eyes were a little red.

The two women were taken aback, thinking that she had suffered some kind of grievance, and they asked Nanase Ren with concern in unison.

Nanase Ren is very popular in the hospital, and of course there are many people who don't like her.

Just like: You can't make everyone like you, because not all people are human.

"It's nothing... I got iodine in my eyes, it's okay."

"The clothes were soiled by the patient just now, I'll change clothes..."

"Don't worry about me!"

Ren Nanase showed a far-fetched smile on her face, and raised her hand to wipe away the tears from the corners of her eyes.


Chapter 005 bite and hold on

Just now, Nanase Ren was alone in the nurse's lounge, taking advantage of the ten-minute break between shifts, taking advantage of the fact that no one else was there, and there was no one in the lounge, she quickly took off the nurse's uniform that was sticky to her body.

The nurse's gown has already been soaked through, and it feels very uncomfortable and uncomfortable to wear.

Not only the pads and bra were soaked, but even the front of the nurse's uniform was so wet that it could drip out. Fortunately, it was sucked by Liu Xu, otherwise it would have been embarrassing.

Nanase Lian was very grateful to Liu Xu for avoiding making a fool of herself in front of others. She simply ignored it. If it weren't for him as the instigator, she would never have fallen into such an embarrassing situation.

Fortunately, Nanase Ren had already made preparations when she came to work this morning. She brought a spare bra with her, and prepared several cushions. There are also spare nurse uniforms in the hospital, so she won't be too embarrassed.

After changing into clean and fresh clothes from inside to outside, Ren Nanase felt more comfortable, but when she thought of the strange feeling when she was holding Liu Xu just now, she felt strange in her heart.

What are you thinking!That's just a newborn baby!

Nanase Ren took a bite, but Xuan thought of something again, her eyes turned red, and tears fell down involuntarily.

"Honey...why did you leave me behind? You left me alone..."

"How happy our family would be if you were still alive!"

"Do you know how much my daughter and I miss you?"

Ren Nanase sighed sadly, and reached into her collar.

A beautiful heart-shaped pendant hung from her neck, lying quietly in front of Yue Xiong, touching her body more intimately than bra.

Ren Nanase pulled out the pendant, opened the front cover, and inside was a small photo.

Her husband's familiar face was smiling at her, and his kind eyes were full of love.

Ever since her husband died in a car accident, Nanase Ren has been raising her daughter independently. The hardships involved cannot be described in a few words.

Her husband was a former insurance manager, a job he had chosen as a blessing among misfortunes.

Because he often switched jobs in different insurance companies, Nanase Ren bought many insurance policies from him in order to support her husband's career. Unexpectedly, because of his death, the insurance policies became Nanase Ren's most precious gift.

After staring longingly for a while, Ren Nanase put the pendant back with a sad expression.

Since her husband passed away, this pendant has never left her body for a moment. It is in the position closest to her heart, and it is also the place her husband loved and missed most during his lifetime.

Before they had time to wipe away their tears, two little nurses opened the door and walked in.

Nanase Ren hurriedly concealed her emotions. Although she has a gentle personality and cares about face, she is a woman who does not want to show weakness in front of others.

"By the way, head nurse, is there something wrong with the child born today?"

"What's wrong? That kid is so cute!"


The two nurses hesitated.

"When he was born, he was not crying, but laughing!"

"Really? I'll go and see!"

As soon as she heard about the work, Ren Nanase immediately paid attention, forced herself to put aside her thoughts about her husband, picked up her mood, and hurried out.

Liu Xu was hugged by Chifuyu Orimura, feeling very warm. This is a kind of warmth different from the embrace of a mature woman Nanase Ren, with a sense of family and warmth.

Simply meeting the family, who is Orimura Chifuyu.


Liu Xu still needs to do various examinations for newborns. Now that the technology is highly developed, the possibility of newborn deaths and many birth infections has been basically ruled out.

The results of the examination came out on the spot, and all indicators were completely normal. Liu Xu is a very healthy child.

Transmigrating as Naiwa made Liu Xu very upset. As revenge, he had decided to drink Nai desperately, and he would not drink milk powder, but only Rennai.


In order to express his inner thoughts of wanting to drink, Liu Xu kept crying, but he might not be able to persuade him.

Orimura Chifuyu held the bottle in her hand, her head was covered with sweat, and her eyes were full of anxiety.

Orimura Chifuyu and Orimura Ichika have been a pair of orphan siblings since they were young, and they often took care of Orimura Ichika when he was young.

She is 9 years older than Ichika. When Ichika was in primary school, Orimura Chifuyu often sent him to school, taught him some simple knowledge, and fulfilled her elder sister's responsibility.

But strictly speaking, Yixia took care of Qiandong more.

Later, Orimura Chifuyu became a teacher of IS Academy, leading Ichika's class, and also the leader of the boarding group of IS High School. The students in the class liked her very much, and many of them were admitted to IS Academy because of her. .

On the outside, Orimura Chifuyu is a goddess, but at home, Liu Xu knows that this beauty, Yujie, lives a completely unkempt life, throwing washed bras everywhere, not the kind that is hungry enough to pass out, and will never take the initiative Cook.

Immediately Nanase Ren appeared, took Liu Xu from Orimura Chifuyu, and held him in her arms.

The little villain immediately became honest, smiled, and scratched Nanase Ren with both hands.

"Doctor, my brother keeps crying. I feed him Chongdi milk powder, but he doesn't drink it."

"Well, he may not like milk powder."

Nanase Ren hesitated for a moment, and said, "I just gave birth to a baby, and there is plenty of water, why don't I feed your brother my baby..."

Orimura Chifuyu is still a child now, so naturally she doesn't think so much, when she heard Nanase Ren Arimizu feeding Liu Xu, she immediately nodded in agreement.

In a separate ward.

Ren Nanase unbuttoned the nurse's uniform and began to feed the baby.

Liu Xu's eyes suddenly lit up. Nanase Lian was fine, thinking that the child was hungry, but the two nurses who had been paying attention to Liu Xu couldn't help but trembled, wondering inwardly: "What's wrong with this child's eyes?" It's so weird, it seems like I'm going to eat the head nurse."

Time passed by minute by minute.

Nanase Ren showed surprise on her face, she had never seen a newborn baby who was so edible.

As a worker in obstetrics and gynecology, Ren Nanase naturally knows that her delivery rate is relatively high among breastfeeding women. Generally, newborn babies only drink for a quarter of an hour at most.

But Liu Xu had been eating for more than half an hour, and he didn't seem to stop at all.

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