This is also... too unreasonable.

Although the two nurses had never fed Nai, they also knew that it was abnormal for Liu Xu to drink for such a long time.

"Head nurse, this child has been drinking for such a long time, won't he hold on?"

Nanaselian didn't know if Liu Xu was holding on, anyway, she was almost out of Nai Shui for him to eat, but the bear in her hand just couldn't let go, and wouldn't let go.

Chapter 006 Happy Daily

Ren Nanase saw the baby in her arms let go of her mouth, and hurriedly returned him to Chifuyu Orimura, and then stroked Yue Xiongbu, who was in pain from being trampled, with a relaxed expression on her face. Those who knew thought what had happened to her!

Orimura Chifuyu didn't feel anything about Liu Xu's extraordinary talent. She walked up to Nanase Ren and said, "Head nurse, thank you."

"Oh, no, nothing..."

Although Ren Nanase was tortured enough, she didn't feel swollen, and it was much more comfortable than hanging two water bags just now.

If it wasn't for Liu Xu biting too hard and eating fast and anxiously, Ren Nanase would actually be willing to feed him.

After all, even if you don't feed, Ren Nanase has to empty out the excess, and squeeze it little by little with your hands or utensils, which is not as convenient as feeding the baby.

"Brother won't be hungry for a while, right?"

"No way!"

Before Nanaseren could open her mouth, the two nurses next to her said in a hurry: "The newborn baby has eaten so much, if he is still's too creepy..."

"Cough cough..."

Nanase Ren coughed lightly, interrupting the unrestrained speech of the two nurses. One of them observed the words and expressions, and hurriedly put back the word "monster" blurted out by his companion, and changed his words: "It's too much appetite..."

Facts have proved that Liu Xu's appetite is really good.

In just three hours, when Nanase Ren felt bloated again, Liu Xu was hungry again, and he resolutely refused to eat milk powder.

Orimura Chifuyu hugged Liu Xu, and hurriedly ran out to look for Nanase Ren again.

"Why are you hungry again?"

Ren Nanase sat down on the chair while talking, holding the crying baby in Orimura Chifuyu's arms, and said softly: "Hey, don't cry, don't cry, auntie, hello!" How are you?"

While speaking, Ren Nanase's hand reached under her skirt, and she untied the nurse's uniform.

Ren Nanase looked down at the baby in her arms with low eyebrows, and without hesitation lifted up the front of her clothes in front of Chifuyu Orimura and began to feed Liu Xu.

When Liu Xu finally calmed down, Orimura Chifuyu breathed a sigh of relief.

"Auntie, you said my brother has grown up, is he a little pervert?"

Orimura Chifuyu stopped calling Nanase Ren the head nurse, and changed her name to Auntie.

"Which child doesn't do that!"

Nanase Ren smiled lightly.

"Really? Great!"

Orimura Chifuyu is still young after all, the temperament of a goddess is still brewing, and generally speaking, she still has a girlish heart.

"of course it's true."

Nanase Ren burst out laughing, then lowered her head and began to gently pat the baby's small body.

As time went by, Liu Xu seemed to fall asleep while eating, because his little hands had gradually become tame and stopped moving.

Ren Nanase gently stood up, walked to the bed with the baby in her arms, and placed it on the small quilt.

From then on, Nanaselian became Liu Xu's wet nurse, and because of this, he had an extra "sister" who was born two weeks earlier than himself.

As for his parents, Liu Xu really didn't know. He hadn't seen his parents since he was born.

Orimura Chifuyu never mentioned this matter to Liu Xu, nor did he take the initiative to ask about it.

The whole family depends on Orimura Chifuyu, who is still in elementary school, taking on the responsibilities that should belong to her parents alone. Later, with the help of the neighboring Shinono House, the lives of the young Orimura siblings began to improve.

Liu Xu lived the life of an ordinary person. If he was the Lord of Gods and King of Kings before, he could transform this world into a Kingdom of God with just one thought, and everything in the Kingdom of God would be his.

But now, as an ordinary person with strong spiritual power, Liu Xu enjoys this ordinary life very much.

Through Xiao Zhizhi and his wife who helped their siblings, Liu Xu also met the first heroine——Xiao Zhizhi.

Of course, there is also that certain off-line rabbit who showed extraordinary talents in elementary school-the developer of the future IS, Shinonosuke.

Unknowingly, time passed in Liu Xu's happy and ordinary life.

Now, Liu Xu is eight years and nine months old, and the moment when he is nine years old, which represents the change of the world, is approaching, and there are still three months left.

After thinking about it, Liu Xu suddenly realized: "Oops, I just want to go back to cook, forget that there is no food in the refrigerator, and go to the supermarket... If I don't hurry up, Miss Qiandong will kill me! "

Just like that, Liu Xu ran to the supermarket at full speed, with a cloud of dust behind him.

At 7 o'clock in the evening, Orimura's house.

"I am back."

With the sound of the door opening and a majestic female voice, Chifuyu Orimura, who had just finished part-time work, walked in.

"Welcome back, Chifuyu-san."

What came to Orimura Chifuyu's ears was a very familiar but still reassuring voice.

There were three plates of simple side dishes and two bowls of rice on the table. Judging by the small amount of heat that came out from time to time, it must have just been cooked!

Also, the younger brother sitting at the table who always had a warm smile on his face, seeing the warm smile on Liu Xu's face, Orimura Chifuyu's serious expression softened.

"Jingle bell... Jingle bell..."

An extremely discordant sound sounded, it was the bell for the end of get out of class.

Students like the bell after class the most. Of course, Liu Xu is not among them.

Liu Xu, who was sleeping soundly on his desk, was woken up by the ringing of the bell, feeling very upset.

"What? Class is over again!"

Liu Xu opened his dazed eyes, wiped his drooling sweat, and casually swept the book under his head to the ground.

At this time, the originally quiet classroom was as elegant and quiet as a crematorium. With the departure of the teaching teacher, it boiled instantly.

The experiment of the violent reaction of magnesium and aluminum done by the chemistry teacher just now did not have this effect.

The entire classroom was full of relieved chirping, frolicking, and very loud noises.

These bear kids are sick cats in get out of class and crazy cats after class.

A few boys who were more lively on weekdays, who seemed to be suffering from hyperactivity disorder, yelled even more, rushed out of the classroom with their shoulders hooked, and rushed towards the playground happily, breathing free air.

Liu Xu yawned, rubbed his eyes, and stretched.

After sleeping for the whole class, Liu Xu felt his body was a little stiff, so he was going to go out for some activities, see the beautiful teachers at school, and relieve his physical fatigue.

This is a woman's world, but women are divided into big and small. Liu Xu is not those brats in school who only know how to be mischievous and don't know what to appreciate.

Although there are lively and lovely girls everywhere in the school, Liu Xu doesn't have much interest in the yellow-haired girls in elementary school, even including Xiao Zhishen.

Elementary school students, you have to be more beasts to have ideas.

Liu Xu and Xiao Zhizhi often slept together and took a bath together, but he never used his brains.

When you arrive at IS Academy, the green fruits will ripen.

When ripe, the fruit is tender and tasty.

Chapter 007

The little girl Liu Xu is not interested, but those senior girls, female teachers, female school doctors, and female principals who come to practice as students, Liu Xu is very interested!

They can always attract Liu Xu's attention.


The backrest of the seat was heavily loaded on the table of the classmate behind him. As soon as Liu Xu stood up from the seat, he saw Xiao Zhirui walking towards him.

Although she is still young, Shinozhiru has already begun to show the peerless demeanor of the future first heroine.

Stunning beauty, beginning to emerge.

Shinozhiru has a fair melon face, wearing a school skirt, the skirt swaying slightly with her light steps, giving people a sense of elegance and grace, just like a beautiful little fairy.

"Hey! Why did I become a baby boy when I crossed over this time!"

Seeing such a beautiful woman, Liu Xu felt nothing at all, and couldn't help but sigh.

Seeing Xiao Zhizhi approaching him step by step, Liu Xu's heart tightened, and he thought: "This little enemy is here again!"

Pretending that there was a blind spot in his vision and he couldn't see anything, Liu Xu quickly turned around and was about to sneak out through the back door of the classroom.

But just as he turned around, before his feet had time to step out, he heard a soft call from behind.


Shinozhiru's voice is not that kind of gentle and sweet, but it is very comfortable to listen to.

Do you want to pretend to be selectively deaf and suddenly can't hear your own name?

Liu Xu, who was named by Xiao Zhizhi, knew that he couldn't escape, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and turn around. The expression on his face was unwilling, as if he was being forced into prostitution.

Xiao Zhizhi walked slowly in front of Liu Xu, and the girl's pretty body was very close to him.

Liu Xu smelled the smell of Xiao Zhizhi's body, and this smell was neither shampoo nor shower gel, but the girlish fragrance emanating from her body, like the faint fragrance of epiphyllum at night.

Xiao Zhizhen didn't say anything, just a movement, stretching out her jade hand, palm facing upwards.

Her pretty little hand stretched out in front of Liu Xu, as if asking him for something?

"Here it goes again, mygod, is it over yet?"

Liu Xu was full of slander in his heart, glanced at Xiao Zhirui's little hand stretched out in front of him, and asked knowingly, "What are you going to do?"

Xiao Zhizhi seemed to know that Liu Xu would have such a reaction, and had no intention of answering his question at all, pursing his lips lightly, staring at Liu Xu with eyes that were as clear and pure as the snowy water of Mount Fuji, his little hand was still stretched out in front of him .

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