"What's up?"

"Why are you stretching your arms so long?"

"Xiao Zhizhi, your hands are so beautiful, you can touch them in the future!"

"Ahem, classmate, what do you want to do?"

"Could it be...you have no money?"

"Don't look for me if you don't have money!"

"Well, I'm actually very busy. If you don't talk, then I'm leaving!"

As Liu Xu said that, he wanted to run away, but as soon as he moved, Xiao Zhizhi's delicate body moved with him, blocking him.

"Hi, when you compete with swords, you are as fast as you are now, maybe I will be the one who loses."

Liu Xu had a bitter face, just like a peddler on the street who was kicked out by the urban management.

Xiao Zhizhi's little hand stretched out in front of Liu Xu changed places at this moment, instead of reaching out to stop him, he directly grabbed his arm.

From the beginning to the present, the atmosphere is very strange.

Liu Xu was talking to himself, talking to himself.

Xiao Zhihong didn't say a word, and remained silent.

Liu Xu had an expressive expression, while Xiao Zhizhen kept silent for ten minutes, just looking at him quietly with her clear eyes that were as clear as glass.

Now, perhaps because of pulling Liu Xu's arm, Xiao Zhijuan's fair face had a faint blush, which was very touching.

Moreover, it's the end of get out of class now, and the classmates are not blind, and elementary school students, especially the elementary school students in Japanese anime, actually have complicated ideas, as you can see by watching Conan.

Although Xiao Zhirui is arrogant, but as a primary school student, after all, her arrogant attributes have not been fully developed yet, and her arrogant attributes have been developed during the six years since she left Liu Xu.

Liu Xu was completely defeated by Xiao Zhizhi's unchanging response to all changes. Every time she retreated in front of Xiao Zhizhi, she behaved like this.

Of course, Liu Xu, as a time traveler, knows that this kind of situation will not happen in the IS Academy in the future, and Shinoyuki usually hits him with a punch, and directly OKs Orimura Kazuka.

Childhood sweethearts are so troublesome!

If it was another girl, Liu Xu would hardly pay attention to her. If he dared to touch him like this, he would definitely strip her naked and make the other party kneel down to make amends.

But, why is Shino no Yukari!

Moreover, in fact, this matter is not under the control of Xiao Zhizhi, but because they are childhood sweethearts, this task falls on Xiao Zhizhi.

Of course, Liu Xu didn't know that it was actually Xiao Zhizhi who recommended him on his own initiative.

Liu Xu knew that he couldn't be fooled by playing tricks, so he felt very helpless, so he had to pretend to be suddenly enlightened and said, "Hui, you want to collect your homework, right?"

A smile flashed across Xiao Zhizhi's clear and transparent eyes as pure as ice water, which seemed to be a response to Liu Xu's words, and also an affirmation of himself, winning again!

Whether it's a blessing or a curse, and it's a disaster that can't be avoided, Liu Xu is a little entangled in his heart, and his depressed mood is fully displayed on his face.

"This, actually... well, I'm really sorry, I left it at home last night and forgot to bring it..."

Liu Xu felt a little dizzy when he thought of the homework he had accumulated for a week and the homework he hadn't done at all.

I am the Lord of the Gods, the King of Kings!Nima, do you still need to do homework?If those gods and demons found out, wouldn't they be laughing to death?

Liu Xu felt his temples twitch and he had a headache.

It wasn't every time that Xiao Zhizhi could be tricked into helping him with his homework. Last time he won the sword competition, Liu Xu asked Xiao Zhizhi to help him with his homework.

Under normal circumstances, Xiao Zhizhi would practice hard for a week, and then he would let go and continue the sword competition in the form of a bet.


Chapter 008 Protracted War

Xiao Zhizhi still looked at Liu Xu with her lips pursed, and said nothing.

Xiao Zhichen had heard too much of Liu Xu's excuse, and it was not new at all.

At the very beginning, I heard what Liu Xu said, "I had a stomachache at night, and I went to the hospital with appendicitis", "I was hit by a car on the way home, and my schoolbag fell into the ditch and I couldn't find it", "Although I won the sword competition, I suffered serious internal injuries. I don't have the strength to hold a pen", "I got a disease that would kill me when I did my homework", "I was abducted by aliens" and many other excuses. Xiao Zhizhi foolishly believed it, but later found out that he was all deceitful.

"How about... Let's talk about it tomorrow!" Liu Xu patted Yue Xiong's mouth and promised, "Tomorrow, I will definitely remember to bring homework..."

This is a protracted battle about homework.

Liu Xu is now using a delaying tactic, procrastinating if he can, and procrastinating if he can't delay the creation of conditions.

As for tomorrow, uh, it's still early tomorrow, let's talk about it tomorrow!

Xiao Zhirui's beautiful big eyes flickered again, her soft lips were pursed, and she still didn't speak, as if she didn't bother to answer, but also seemed to be a silent protest.

"Do you think you are Euclid Wood Hellsides?"

Liu Xu simply couldn't stand Xiao Zhizheng looking at him so quietly, now she is the demeanor of the real number one heroine.

There is a feeling of "he is strong, let him be strong, the breeze blows the hills. He lets him do whatever he wants, and the bright moon shines on the river."

It doesn't make sense!

If Xiao Zhizhi really understood such a profound way of martial arts, even if he could still win the sword competition, it would definitely be more difficult, and it would not be as easy and enjoyable as it is now.

Liu Xu felt that this reason could not be explained at all.

"Ecclewood Hellsides?"

Xiao Zhizhi finally spoke, and it seemed that she was not invincible, Liu Xu was relieved.

"Ucclewood Hellsides is a necromancer who never speaks, because her words will be transformed into power and affect the people around her (speaking is equal to the skill of indiscriminate range), so she uses a book Use a small book instead, and use the equipment on your body to restrain your own strength." Liu Xu talked eloquently, talking about getting carried away, "箒 sauce, she is in my Crystal Palace, and I have the opportunity to introduce you to each other."

"Crystal Palace?"

Shinoyuki blinked her eyes, her purple black forked ponytail swayed slightly behind her head.

"Cough cough..."

Liu Xu was choked. After talking so much, how could he be so sensitive to this vocabulary, which was born for the crackdown and used to replace the big harem?

Feeling helpless, Liu Xu knew that even if she broke the sky, if Xiao Zhizhi was not satisfied today, she might hold her arm until the class bell rang again and would not let go.

"Okay, okay, I was really defeated by you."

After taking a long breath, he decided to go all out. Liu Xu said frankly, "Let me tell you the truth, but I didn't do my homework."

"did not do?"

Xiao Zhirui frowned delicately and looked at him with her head tilted.

"Yes." Liu Xu nodded with a heavy face.

"Why didn't you do it?" Shinozhiru broke the casserole and asked the end.

"Well, how should I put it, it's actually because the air quality is bad, the smog is serious, and the damage and pollution to the environment by human beings is too serious recently."


"You want my homework now, and I can't hand it in." Liu Xu spread his hands, and said, "Tell me, what should I do?"

After listening to Liu Xu's words, Xiao Zhizhi gently let go of his little hand holding his arm.

"Yixia, do your homework!"

Xiao Zhirui's voice was very soft, and his tone seemed to have a hint of discussion, but after careful reflection, it was not negotiable.


Liu Xu felt that doing homework was more tiring than slaying gods, demons, Buddhas and demons back then, and his brain cells lined up neatly to die.


Shinozhiru just nodded lightly, looking directly at him with clear eyes.

These are a pair of extremely beautiful big eyes. The long and thin eyelashes are slightly curled up, and the pupils are watery, pure and flawless.

Liu Xu and Xiao Zhizhi looked at each other, looking into those gentle and charming eyes like autumn water, the shimmering light was flowing, very beautiful.

But such a pair of beautiful and exquisite eyes gave Liu Xu an invisible pressure.

Liu Xu felt a pain in his head, so he probably didn't do his homework for a week!

This chick appeared too timely, and she couldn't run by herself, so lying on the table and pretending to be an ostrich didn't seem like a good idea.

Mandarin, society, arithmetic, science, music, painting, home economics...


This is the second dimension, why is it as inhumane as the third dimension?

Japanese elementary school students live such a miserable life, isn't this the same as in China?

Do you want to live?You made me anxious, believe it or not, I stopped playing and went straight back to work at the Palace of Eternal Life...

Of course, Liu Xu was just joking. After finally finishing Saber's ideological work, he turned a blind eye and let himself be lazy and take a vacation. How could he go back without even pushing a girl?

Shinonokura, Cecilia Alcatel, Huang Lingyin, Charlotte De Noah, Raphra Budiwei, and Chifuyu-san are all waiting for me. Going back with such a lonely family, the wives and concubines in the family must think that something is wrong with Liu Xu's body.

At the very least, it takes three thousand weak water, and you can drink it dry in one gulp!

"This...Actually, homework in elementary school is really difficult. There are many questions that I can't do..."

"Can't do it? It's okay, I've done it all, and I can teach you what you can't do."

"I, I didn't bring my homework."

"I'll lend it to you first."

"I don't have a pen."

"I have."


Pan sauce, where did your arrogance go?

Liu Xu looked at Xiao Zhizhi speechlessly, please, your attributes are not like this.

"Yi Xia, the next class is self-study, you can just finish your homework."

There was a faint smile on the corner of Xiao Zhizhi's lips. Although she spoke softly, she was actually helping Liu Xu make a decision.

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