Liu Xu looked at Xiao Zhizhi who was sitting next to her. The distance between the two was very close. Looking at her from the side, she could clearly see Xiao Zhizhi's slightly upturned eyelashes. Trembling. Trembling, like a butterfly flapping its wings.

Although she is still a little girl, the first heroine's goddess attributes have been initially awakened, her cheeks are like snow, her soft lips are lightly pursed, and her white, swan-like neck outlines a graceful curve, which is dazzlingly beautiful.

At this time, Xiao Zhizhi was holding a book in his hand, with a peaceful and focused expression, forming a quiet and beautiful picture scroll, which made it difficult to disturb or destroy it.

The girl next door has just grown up!

After a little hesitation, Liu Xu still decided to destroy this beautiful scenery, after all, that arrogant Xiao Zhizhi is the real goddess in his heart.

"Hey, who is that..."

Hey, pretend you didn't hear me?

"Childhood sweetheart..."


When did Xiao Zhirui secretly learn her ultimate move, selective neglect?

Liu Xu stretched out his hand, and lightly poked Xiao Zhizhi's white arm lightly.

Xiao Zhizhi's skin is delicate and lustrous, and has a warm jade-like texture, which makes Liu Xu's fingertips feel like being absorbed, and can't linger.

There was a touch of warmth and delicateness from the fingertips, Liu Xu couldn't help sighing in his heart, it's so tender!

Xiao Zhizhi finally reacted, and saw her long and slightly curled eyelashes trembling slightly, looking up at Liu Xu.

Xiao Zhizhi didn't speak, her eyes were as clear as ever, but her beautiful black eyebrows were slightly frowned, as if expressing her inner dissatisfaction to Liu Xu.

Defeated by her eyes again, Liu Xu felt depressed. The future Xiao Zhizhi succeeded in opening up the tsundere attribute and gave up this invincible eye offensive. It is really a great fortune in his life!

"箒..." Liu Xu called out a serious name, and tried his best to make his expression serious, "So... what are the problems in the homework?"

Xiao Zhichen glanced at Liu Xu in a bad mood, stretched out his slender hand, and opened the stack of the most up-to-date homework books in front of him.

Liu Xu's eyes were immediately greeted by the beautiful fonts, densely packed, all of which were listed homework topics, which made Liu Xu's eyes dazzle for a while.

Nani?Why are there so many homework?

Don't Japanese schools reduce the burden on students?

Just reading this homework book, Liu Xu's scalp tingled for a while, and he had the illusion that he had returned to the Great Heavenly Dynasty.

At this time, Xiao Zhizhi glanced at Liu Xu intentionally or unintentionally, his big eyes flickering, as if to blame him for not knowing that he had opened his homework book to read.

"Isn't this going to be a class?"

Where did Liu Xu notice Xiao Zhizhen's slightly annoyed eyes, and he was so busy with the headache.

When he was having a headache about why he had so much homework to do, there were a few titters from the front row.

Liu Xu looked up and saw that many students in the front row were turning their heads frequently. There were men and women. Some of the snickering boys were winking at him with gloating looks on their faces.

"It's childish!"

Liu Xu pursed his lips, he knew in his heart that it was fake that these classmates who couldn't even pronounce their names were gloating, and it was true that they wanted to attract the attention of the beautiful Xiao Zhizhi beside him.

Don't look at these little kids who are still in the fourth grade of primary school, but they are all very precocious. When they have nothing to do to get together and talk nonsense, the most popular topic is which girl in the class is the best looking?Or ask each other who is the girl they like the most?

A beautiful, gentle, and pleasing girl like Xiao Zhizhi, many boys in the class, including boys from other grades, like her very much.

It's just that although these boys like it in their hearts, they want to show a look of indifference on the surface.

Chapter 011 God also has to do homework

Take Liu Xu and Xiao Zhizhi as an example, ever since the two were designated by the class teacher as mutual support partners, Liu Xu, a backward student, has aroused the contempt of many boys in the class, and some of the boys would make fun of him when they have nothing to do , There are even students from other classes making trouble for him.

However, after Liu Xu taught them with his fist three times in a row, the students from the foreign class became honest, and even called him Big Brother Liu Xu when they saw him.

As for the classmates in the class, those who didn't do anything, at most were booing or something, Liu Xu didn't care about them like them.

Under the supervision of Xiao Zhizhi, a childhood sweetheart, Liu Xu dawdled for a while, and had to calm down and start doing homework.

For Liu Xu, homework in the fourth grade of elementary school is just a matter of minutes, and even more advanced magic theories are not difficult for him.

"Brush brush..."

Liu Xu put his head down and worked hard, writing like a snake, almost without pause.

It didn't take long, and the math homework accumulated for a week was done.

He casually threw the completed homework onto the desk of Shinoyuki Su, and continued to do Chinese.

Xiao Zhirui turned over the math homework he had done, checked it carefully, and flipped through it page by page. To her surprise, she didn't find a single wrong question.

Xiao Zhizhi couldn't help but glance at Liu Xu.

Regarding Liu Xu's performance, Xiao Zhijuan has always been a little puzzled. He usually doesn't like to study, and he doesn't listen carefully to lectures.

"Is the homework difficult?"

"But, he can obviously finish his homework well?"

"Why does he do this? Why do I have to push back and forth every time I ask him to hand in homework?"

"Why can't he listen to the teacher and study hard?"

When Xiao Zhizhi thought of this, there was a trace of resentment in his heart. Every time he took the initiative to urge Liu Xu to ask for homework, he was either hiding from himself, or talking nonsense to find excuses to prevaricate himself, which is very dishonest!

Xiao Zhizhi couldn't help but glance at Liu Xu again, and there was a vague smile in those beautiful eyes.

It's really ridiculous when you think about it, his recent excuses haven't worked out!

Xiao Zhizhi has experienced the test of "Wolf is coming" time and time again, and now no matter whether Liu Xu's reasons are true or not, she attributes them all to him as lying and ignores them.

"Here, this is Chinese!"

Without raising his head, Liu Xu threw the finished Chinese homework on the table in front of Xiao Zhizhi, and then picked up a homework book and wrote hard.

"Done again?"

Xiao Zhizhen was slightly startled, opened the Chinese homework book, looked at the beautiful handwriting on the homework book, and sighed faintly.

"Oh, Yixia is really smart..."

"Why doesn't he put his intelligence on study?"

"As long as he works a little harder, he won't be a backward student!"

The stars are shining in the night sky, and the silver plate-like full moon emits silvery white light, pouring on the quiet playground.

"It's finally done. Although the questions are answered mechanically, it takes a lot of time! You might as well just give me a comprehensive question that contains various knowledge points. I can solve it right away, and it's OK..."

Liu Xu was walking on the empty playground. There was basically no one in the school now, except for club activities and cleaning.

"Next time, don't procrastinate from doing your homework."

Liu Xu heaved a sigh of relief. It was not the first time he had made such a decision, but he was not able to stick to it once.

Alas, God also has to do homework, who will believe it?

At this time, there was a slight sound of footsteps behind him, and Liu Xu didn't need to turn his head to know that it was Xiao Zhizhen following him.

The playground was empty and quiet, with the night wind blowing from time to time, making the leaves rustle. Even adults would feel a sense of dread in this environment, but not only Liu Xu was not afraid, even Xiao Zhizhi is also not afraid at all.

Although she will lose to Liu Xu every time, Xiao Zhirui's swordsmanship is already very powerful, not to mention that she has no rivals among her peers, even swordsmen who are two or three years older than her are no match for Xiao Zhirui. .

"It's a good thing Chifuyu-sister won't go home for dinner today. Otherwise, if I go back so late, and find that I haven't made dinner after returning home, my sister will definitely beat me into a pig's head..."

Liu Xu murmured to himself, and walked forward with his head buried, while Xiao Zhizhen followed behind him, neither far nor close.

When Liu Xu deliberately quickened his pace, Xiao Zhizhi followed suit.

He slowed down, and she also slowed down, in short, not to let Liu Xu out of her sight.

Listening to the footsteps following closely behind, Liu Xu felt amused in his heart.

It's true that the two were childhood sweethearts, but the fact that Liu Xu and Xiao Zhizhi were able to get so close was because of his own personality charm.

How to get along with women is a science, how to get along with elementary school girls is a profound knowledge.

With Liu Xu's current EQ, he can push a mature woman, let alone a little girl. The only thing limiting him is this damn little kid's body.

Otherwise, as Nanase Ren is still breastfeeding Liu Xu, it is a miracle that the two have not had a super-friendly relationship.

Walking out of the school gate, it is a relatively quiet street.

The street lights are bright, and there are single-family houses on both sides of the street.

The two walked silently on this quiet street, one in front and one behind, with cars whizzing by from time to time.

At the end of this street, there is a fork, one to the left and one to the right.

Liu Xu turned to the road on the left.

Although their homes are very close, they are not in the same direction, one on the left and one on the right.

At this time, the familiar slight footsteps behind her had disappeared.

As Liu Xu walked, he always felt that something was missing in his heart, and looked back uncontrollably.

Under the night, she could faintly see the back of Xiao Zhizhi, she was walking slowly, the dim light on the side of the road stretched her shadow very long.

Seeing Xiao Zhizhi's somewhat lonely back gradually disappearing into the night, Liu Xu's heart softened for no reason.

Forget it, Chifuyu doesn't go home for dinner anyway, and it's because of him that Xiao Zhirui made it home so late, if there is any danger along the way, I'd better send her off!

Liu Xu randomly found an excuse for himself that seemed plausible, turned around and walked towards the road that Xiao Zhizhi took.

Although Liu Xu knew very well in his heart that if there really was a thief who robbed the Tao, the one who ended up lying on the ground and had to be sent to the hospital must not be Xiao Zhizhi.

It didn't take long to quicken his pace, and Xiao Zhirui's back appeared in Liu Xu's eyes again, beautiful and tall.

Liu Xu didn't greet her either, but just kept a certain distance and followed her silently.

Chapter 012

On both sides of the street, pedestrians pass by from time to time, and people can be seen coming in and out of restaurants and shops on both sides of the road.

The two didn't walk very far one after the other, Shinozhiru seemed to feel something.

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