She turned her head slightly and took a look, when Xiao Zhizhi saw Liu Xu who was not far behind her, her big beautiful eyes flickered for a moment.

Shinozhiru didn't stop, and continued to walk forward.

However, her footsteps became slower and slower, so slow that even Liu Xu felt that she was about to stand still.

"Is this the little girl's thoughts?"

The corners of Liu Xu's mouth turned up slightly, so he simply took two quick steps and walked side by side with her.

Xiao Zhirui glanced at Liu Xu and didn't speak, but there was a sweet smile in his eyes.

When the two arrived at the gate of Xiao Zhizhi's house, Liu Xu was about to say goodbye to her when a young woman with a good figure walked out of the courtyard.

When Liu Xu saw clearly this beautiful young woman who was full of charm and allurement, Liu Xu's heart jumped for joy.

Her long hair hangs down to her waist like a waterfall, and the green curly long hair is scattered in a way that no one has ever seen before. Coupled with that beautiful and refined face, it gives people a kind of Wannuo. The purity and beauty.

What's more terrible is that the hair is a little frizzy.

This kind of hazy feeling makes people feel like a dream.

When a smile appeared on her alluring face, and when Liu Xu was gently swept over by her beauty, the haze of her moist hair and her own charm and charm instantly blended together perfectly, forming an unstoppable magic.

A woman who suffocates Liu Xu.

"Yi Xia, you forgot to do your homework again?"


"This time, I didn't close the window at night, and the homework was blown away?" Jinguji Chengmei smiled, as if she knew Liu Xu's misdeeds very well, "Put it in the schoolbag and bring some homework with you. But a supernatural event that disappeared when I opened the schoolbag?"

Hearing Jinguji Chengmei's ridicule, Liu Xu's tender face blushed for the first time, but Xiao Zhizhi stole a glance at him, pursed his lips, and looked like a smile that was not a smile.

"Teacher Jinguji, I'm fine... I'll go back first..."

Because the girl came home so late, Liu Xu was naturally embarrassed to stay here, and he was facing Jingongji Chengmei, a mature young woman who liked to make fun of himself, so he was going to get out of the way.

Jingongji Chengmei stretched out her hand to hold Liu Xu's arm, and said with a smile, "You and Huan haven't eaten yet, have you? You must be starving. Let's go home with the teacher and have dinner first."

"Teacher Jinguji, need, my sister is waiting for me at home!"

Liu Xu shook his head. Although Orimura Chifuyu didn't go home for dinner, it didn't mean she would be late at home. If the tyrant elder sister came home and saw no one at home, how would he explain it?

In fact, how to explain is not the key, because it doesn't matter how Liu Xu explains it.

As long as being beaten up by Sister Qiandong makes her feel refreshed physically and mentally, even if Liu Xu said that she was kidnapped by ET aliens and went to an alien planet for experiments, she would believe it.

Jingongji Chengmei listened to Liu Xu's words, pondered for a moment, nodded and said: "Well, yes, your sister must be very anxious if you didn't come home so late, so the teacher will send you back first."

When Liu Xu heard that Jingongji Chengmei was going to send him off, his heart skipped a beat, and there was a hint of anticipation in his heart.

At this time, Jinguji Chengmei turned her head to Shinozhiru and said: "Ru, Auntie is going to take Yixia home, you go back first, the food is hot on the stove, you can eat it after you turn off the fire... ..."


Xiao Zhirui agreed, followed the wave of her eyes, looked at Liu Xu, and said, "See you in one summer..."

After finishing speaking, she turned and entered the room without waiting for Liu Xu's response.

Liu Xu didn't wait long at the gate of Xiaozhi's house when he saw Chengmei Jinguji coming out pushing a motorcycle.

Jinguji Chengmei waved to Liu Xu and signaled him to get on the motorcycle.

How about sitting in front?Or take the back seat?

Walking to Jingongji Chengmei's side, Liu Xu's heart was pounding, and in his heart, he was looking forward to sitting in front.

Then, Liu Xu got his wish.

On the way home, Liu Xu, who was straddling the front of the motorcycle, leaned on Jinguji Chengmei's arms naturally, generously and comfortably. The night breeze was blowing, giving people a sense of freshness and comfort.

Smelling the good body fragrance from Jinguji Chengmei's body, and feeling the amazing flexibility of her pair on his back, he wished that the journey home would be longer.

Liu Xu's mood at this time must be the same as when Mingjiao advocated Wuji and Zhao Min, the princess of the Yuan Dynasty, were riding on the road together: "How he hopes that this road will never end, so that they can always be on the road together." Together, forever."

At this time, Liu Xu also realized the benefits of being young.

Just like eating Nanase Ren's milk back then, if she changed her identity as a teenager, even if Nanase Ren was successfully pushed, it is not impossible for Nanase Ren to take the initiative to do so.

I really didn't expect that after Ren Nanase, I would have the opportunity to have such a close contact with Narumi Jinguji. At this moment, Liu Xu was very happy, and Narumi Jinguji appeared, so Xincheng Remi, Fujisawa Ako Such popular beauties as Kodama and Kodama may also be in the world of IS!

Naturally, Jinguji Chengmei didn't know the inner thoughts of the little boy in front of her, and she didn't know that the orchid breath she exhaled was stirring the little boy's heartstrings all the time.

You know, in Liu Xu's understanding, apart from Nanase Ren in Ye Qin Bingdong's original novel, his favorite is the mature woman Jinguji Chengmei, which can be said to be extremely impressive.

In Liu Xu's eyes, Jinguji Chengmei is not only beautiful, but also very temperamental, and also has a good figure like a devil.

Deep in Liu Xu's heart, he is full of affection for Jinguji Chengmei, and it can even be said to be love.

This memory is unforgettable. Until Liu Xu came into contact with more two-dimensional H animations and H comics, he would never forget the beautiful Jinguji Chengmei.

But now in the IS world, as a music teacher, Jinguji Chengmei always speaks softly and extremely gentle. In Liu Xu's impression, it seems that she has never seen her angry.

A gentle and beautiful beautiful teacher like Jinguji Chengmei is naturally Liu Xu's favorite. At the current stage, when the original beauties in the IS world are just radish heads, Jinguji Chengmei and Nanase Ren There is a fatal attraction to him.

When Jinguji Chengmei appeared in front of Liu Xu, his appreciation angle for her now has also changed a lot.

Jinguji Chengmei's frowns and smiles, her sweet voice, and the touching charm revealed by her gestures, every time he sees her, he has an indescribably strange feeling in his heart, a feeling that he wants to pursue Jinguji. The impulse to become beautiful.

Chapter 013 There are inside and outside...

In school, the only class Liu Xu didn't skip was the music class. For him, even if he just had a look at Jinguji Chengmei, even if he just listened to her beautiful singing voice, it was a kind of enjoyment.

This charming and beautiful teacher turned out to be Xiao Zhirui's aunt, which was unexpected to Liu Xu. Of course, in the IS world where Xiao Zhirui's parents are soy sauce characters, Jinguji Chengmei became the guardian of the future No. [-] heroine , it is not surprising to take care of her daily life.

"It's really comfortable!"

Liu Xu squeezed his body into Jingongji Chengmei's arms. At this moment, he was already in a fog, and his heart was full of beauty.

"Hoo dong dong..." There was a flurry of tremors, it turned out that the road was under construction.

Jinguji Chengmei's hands were tightly shaken, and only in this way could the motorcycle not deviate from the sudden bumps.

If she was alone, Jingongji Chengmei would not be worried about anything, but now there is a child in the car, her body is tense, and the whole body is lowered, Yue Xiongbu pressed on Liu Xu's back and said: " Yixia, sit still, this road is a bit bumpy."

"Teacher, it's okay, I will pay attention."

Jingongji Chengmei was attached to Liu Xu's back, rising and falling with the ups and downs of the road, as if he was massaging his back. Liu Xu wished that the road would be a little more bumpy, so he would not be afraid.

However, the road under construction is not long, and Liu Xu's home is actually not a few steps away from Xiao Zhizhi's home. It takes more than ten minutes to walk, and it is faster to ride a motorcycle. arrive.

Jingongji Chengmei sent Liu Xu home. Although the latter was reluctant to leave, she still smiled and told him to remember to do his homework in the future, and then left.

Liu Xu opened the door with a key, and put his schoolbag on the table while changing his shoes.

"I am back!"

Seeing the lights on at home, Liu Xu yelled into the living room.

"Why did you come back so late?"

From far away from the kitchen came the clear and sweet sound of Orimura Chifuyu's silver bell.

Liu Xu curled his lips and said to himself: "It's rare for me to come back late, but you only come back three or four days a week when you're drunk..."

"I heard!"

Orimura Chifuyu's voice came from the kitchen.

Liu Xu shivered, and the smell of dishes wafted from the kitchen, making his index finger twitch.

Sister Qiandong cooks in person. Generally speaking, Liu Xu can only enjoy this kind of treatment on his birthday.

Opening the kitchen door, Liu Xu wanted to see what Chifuyu Orimura was cooking, but when he opened the door, he backed up a few steps in fright.

"Miss Chifuyu, what are you doing?"

When Liu Xu's eyes fell on Orimura Chifuyu, he was speechless.

Friends who like to watch animation and Japanese dramas must be familiar with the following scenes.

When the hero comes home after a tiring day, the wife will wear an apron and ask shyly, "Honey, do you want to eat first, take a bath first, or eat me first?"

I believe this sentence must have evoked the thoughts of many men.

And the Orimura Chifuyu in front of Liu Xu in front of her is the image of the apron girl, and she can't be any smaller, her perfect figure can be seen at a glance, even though she has an apron on her body, it makes her more sexy.

At this moment, Liu Xu thought of Saeko Busujima in the world of "School of the Dead"!


After seeing the image of Orimura Chifuyu's apron girl with her back facing her, Liu Xu couldn't hold back, and sprayed out saliva and nosebleed at the same time.

As an iron-blooded straight man and a pure man, Liu Xu didn't resist the stimulation of this apron for a moment, and his nose bleeds immediately.

Of course, this is completely understandable!

Orimura Chifuyu is a well-deserved goddess in the IS world!

Orimura Chifuyu was startled when she heard the sudden voice behind her. When she turned around and saw Liu Xu who was still bleeding from her nostrils with a surprised face, she let out a "puchi" and laughed.

Orimura Chifuyu put the pastry in her hand on the stove, wiped her hands on the apron in front of her body, and because of this effect, Liu Xu felt a blur in front of her eyes for a moment, and fell down spraying a red rainbow .

"Are you OK?"

Orimura Chifuyu let out a coquettish cry, and hurried up to support Liu Xu who was about to fall, with a mischievous smile quietly hanging on the corner of her mouth.

Lying in Orimura Chifuyu's arms, feeling her tenderness and softness, Liu Xu had another burst of nosebleeds.

Seeing Liu Xu like this, Orimura Chifuyu smiled even more, it seems that her charm is not small!

Pretending to be very ignorant, Orimura Chifuyu took the napkin to help Liu Xu wipe away the nosebleed, and then blocked the nostrils with the napkin.

Liu Xu took a few deep breaths, trying to calm down his heartbeat and mood. After a lot of effort, he finally slowed down.

The moment just now was really exciting for him. If this kind of excitement happened a few more times, it is estimated that Liu Xu would die of blood loss and travel through time again.

"Hey, what does it smell like?"

Liu Xu moved his nose and smelled a burning smell.

"Ouch, my dish!"

After Orimura Chifuyu finished speaking, she stood up, turned and ran.

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