

Liu Xu suddenly lost his support, his head made close contact with the floor, and he bulged up.

Liu Xu followed into the kitchen, seeing Orimura Chifuyu busy cooking with her behind her back, looking at her dazzling snow-white arms and thighs, and the entire exposed skin, swallowing saliva.

After admiring the beauty of the apron girl for a long time, Liu Xu took off his coat, strode over, put Orimura Chifuyu on his body, and surrounded her tightly.

Orimura Chifuyu glanced at him, pretended to be puzzled and said, "Ichika, you wrap me like this, I'm very hot."

"Hot? Hot and you wander around the house naked?"

It's not that Liu Xu doesn't want to look at Orimura Chifuyu's body, but he finds that his nasal cavity is a little itchy. If he looks at it for a while, he will definitely have a nosebleed again.

Because Liu Xu didn't just watch, his brain automatically made up some very healthy movements, such as pop.pop.pop, pop.pop.pop.pop, pop.pop.pop.pop...

"They wear it! They wear it inside, and they wear it outside..." Qiandong said aggrievedly.

"Can a bra and an apron be called clothes?" Liu Xu rolled his eyes wildly.

"Why can't you scream, the same is made of cloth, and the places that should be covered are also covered." Qiandong argued hard.

"I'm really defeated by you. I'm going to the bathroom. Put on your clothes quickly."

Liu Xu clutched his nose, which was spouting nosebleeds again, and left the kitchen.

Seeing Liu Xu's reaction, Orimura Chifuyu chuckled and continued to work in front of the stove.

Chapter 014 Goddess, Himiko

Liu Xu rushed to the bathroom, washed his face with cold water, took a few deep breaths, and murmured, "Miss Qiandong's figure is really good! It's a terrific rhythm."

"time to eat."

Orimura Chifuyu's call came from outside.

"Have you got your clothes on yet?"

Liu Xu poked out half of his head from the bathroom.

"Wear it, little fool."

Orimura Chifuyu was wearing a pink pajamas, Liu Xu heaved a sigh of relief, and then sat down at the table.

"Oh, by the way, hurry up and ask the godmother to come down for dinner?"

"Godmother is here?"

Liu Xu was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized that this was the case.

No wonder Orimura Chifuyu cooks herself today, and she clearly said that she would not come back for dinner, but when she went home by herself, she saw Orimura Chifuyu busy cooking in the kitchen.

However, having said that, Orimura Chifuyu's character is also different from the image of Iceberg Yujie in IS. This probably has something to do with some of her future experiences!

Sister Bingshan and the cold-faced instructor were not made in a day.

Before Liu Xu could go upstairs, as soon as he stood up, Nanase Ren went downstairs.

Because he grew up on Nanaseren's breast milk, Liu Xu simply accepted Nanaseren as his godmother.

A simple shirt with a short skirt outlines a graceful and beautiful figure, and also sets off an extraordinary temperament. She is pure and flawless, like a goddess, beautiful, gorgeous, and noble.

Behind Ren Nanase followed a girl with a beautiful face and exquisite facial features. She was Liu Xu's god-sister, Himiko.

This blond beauty with giant breasts that don't match her age is Himiko, the heroine of "Blaster Game", but in the IS world, she has become Nanase Ren's daughter.

The moment Himiko appeared, Liu Xu felt as if his own time had stopped, and the beauty of the girl in front of him made Liu Xu lose his words.

She is like flowing golden sand like a golden waterfall hanging behind her head. The same beautiful blue pupils have a depth that can draw people into them, fair skin, and an extremely delicate and indescribable face.

If there is anything else that can describe Himiko, it is "elf", a girl who looks like an elf.

This is the moment when Liu Xu and Himiko meet again.

Liu Xu just stared at Himiko blankly, unable to say a word.

Time passed like this, and after about half a minute, Orimura Chifuyu's voice came from Liu Xu's ear, it was still impolite to stare at other girls for such a long time.

But Ren Nanase didn't care. In her eyes, Liu Xu and Himiko were both her children, and they were childhood sweethearts in another sense.

However, what makes Liu Xu very depressed is that the relationship between him and Himiko is not harmonious.

Liu Xu really wanted to improve the unharmonious relationship between the two, but what made him very tangled and helpless was that the reason for their incompatible relationship was that Liu Xu had taken Nanaseren's milk, which caused Himiko to only Can drink powdered milk.

It is obviously impossible for Liu Xu to give up drinking Nanaseren's milk, so the conflict between the two is completely irreconcilable.

The four sat at the table.

"Try it, my sister's craftsmanship has not deteriorated."

Orimura Chifuyu picks up vegetables for Liu Xu.

Liu Xu took a sip, and the taste was very good, but with such good cooking skills, he could only eat it a few times a year, and he was very upset.

He gave a thumbs up: "Miss Qiandong, your cooking skills are really getting better and better, comparable to chefs in big restaurants."

"Himiko also eat more, you are so thin, you should eat more meat."

Orimura Chifuyu gave Himiko a piece of pork ribs.

"Where did you lose weight?"

Although Himiko is still a little girl, she has developed very well and is indeed not thin.

"Isn't that thin?"

Orimura Chifuyu poked him in front of Himiko Tsukihisa, jokingly said, "You are so thin that only this is left..."


Himiko let out a coquettish cry, a blush color appeared on her pretty face, she was so charming.

She hugged Yue Xiong in both hands, and glared at Orimura Chifuyu angrily. Because of Liu Xu's relationship, Himiko's attitude towards Orimura Chifuyu was not very friendly, so Orimura Chifuyu would play tricks on her whenever she had a chance.

Liu Xu watched Orimura Chifuyu's movements, and saw her long loose hair hanging down to the neckline of her pajamas due to her leaning over, revealing a deep career line...


Liu Xu couldn't help but spitting, but fortunately he turned his head quickly, which prevented the table full of food from being poisoned by him.


Ren Nanase and Chifuyu Orimura both laughed.


Himiko rolled his eyes at him.

Li Xunen's face was flushed, and her eyes rolled wildly. In this situation, if he can still remain calm, then there is a problem, okay?

After dinner, Liu Xu took the initiative to wash the dishes, while the three women watched TV in the living room, and then took a bath.

Liu Xu was the last one.

While taking off his clothes, he came to the shelf where the change of clothes was placed. Seeing that several baskets filled with clothes were filled with all kinds of women's clothes, his heart moved.

After taking off his clothes and putting them in an empty basket, Liu Xu couldn't help but have an evil thought.

Finding Himiko's clothes, Liu Xu smiled evilly, feeling a prank in his heart.

Looking around in the basket, Liu Xu couldn't help laughing, Himiko looks innocent, and the ones he likes are also cute, and the color is even more light pink.

"Maybe it's a matter of age!"

Liu Xu commented secretly in his heart.

Suddenly, a thought flashed in Liu Xu's mind, why didn't he take the opportunity to find out Himiko's real size?

If you know the inner size of Himiko, wouldn't it be an extra trump card to argue with her in the future?

Take this as her punishment for being rude to her brother!

Although it seems a bit unkind to spy on someone's privacy, and it's my god-sister who was stolen. However, stealing. Peeping at a beautiful woman's privacy is a kind of thought in the subconscious mind of men. Now that there is an opportunity, Liu Xu naturally has nothing to do. worried.

33 inches, C-CUP, Liu Xu looked at the size bar, couldn't help swallowing.

Himiko is an elementary school student!

Although this figure is not yet proud of the two-dimensional world, but at her age, it is enough to make women in the three-dimensional world feel inferior to death!

It's a rare opportunity, why don't you know the size of Chifuyu-san and godmother?

This thought made Liu Xu feel guilty about committing a crime, but curiosity and excitement prevailed, so he stretched out his hand viciously...

Chapter 015 Ghost presses the bed?The evil spirits are gone!

"Ding ding ding... ding ding ding..."

In the early morning, the alarm clock that disturbed the dream sounded in the quiet room.

The bright sunlight outside the house slanted in through the shutters that were not too dense, and shone on the large single bed in the room.


Liu Xu groaned vaguely, trying to reach out his hand to cover the glare of the morning light.

In a daze, Liu Xu heard a pleasant magnetic voice, only to hear someone whispering: "Yi Xia, didn't you hear the alarm ring? Why don't you get up?"

Immediately afterwards, a burst of intoxicating aroma poured into the lungs from the nose.

Liu Xu closed his eyes, raised the tip of his nose and sniffed lightly, thinking, "Sister Qiandong? The scent of orchids..."

Although his head is not fully awake yet, Liu Xu is familiar with routinely waking up the window every morning.

Just as he was considering whether to act like a spoiled child in front of the violent Orimura Chifuyu, lie in the bed for a few minutes, and sleep a little longer, another gentle and dignified voice came again: "Ichika, if you don't get up again, you will be late for school Oh! Alas, calling him in such a soft voice is of no use at all."

Orimura Chifuyu yelled "Ah" in his ear, and then another more intense fragrance poured into his nose.

Liu Xu was about to raise his nose to confirm the type and owner of the scent, when he suddenly called out "Ouch".

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