He only felt his body sinking down, and at the same time found that his nose had lost the function of smelling women.

Liu Xu opened his eyes suddenly, overcame the momentary blindness caused by the glare of the sun, and only then could he see clearly the bright red cherry lips in front of him, biting his nose tightly.

"Are the ghosts pressing on the bed? The evil spirits are scattered!"

Liu Xu painstakingly pulled his nose out of the fragrant little mouth, and fell back.

It was only then that she realized that there was a sunny and charming mature young woman in front of her, her long pink-purple cloud-like hair draped over her shoulders, and her whole body exuded a lazy charm.

Nanase Lian lay on Liu Xu's body, looking at him with bright eyes.

"Hey, godmother, early..."

Liu Xu smiled awkwardly and raised his hand to say hello.

"Is it still early? You don't even check what time it is. If you don't get up again, I can guarantee that you will be late today."

Although Ren Nanase said that she didn't have a good temper towards her well-known lazy godson, she still lay intimately on his body separated by a thin quilt.

Nanase Ren supported her chin with both hands, and looked at Liu Xu with great interest. Her slender, bumpy and delicate body was very close to him through the thin quilt.


Liu Xu raised his head slightly, and saw that the white loose pajamas were casually put on Nanase Renmiaoman's delicate body. Looking at it from this angle, over the top of her long-haired head, one could even see...

It was so beautiful, he stared at it.

"Sure enough, it's worthy of practicing yoga and dancing. It's really good to maintain this figure!"

Liu Xu swallowed secretly, then lowered his gaze, and glanced at Nanase Ren's hands supporting his chin. Between the two small hands, there was a big V-shaped collar.

With a "grunt", Liu Xu found himself swallowing saliva again.

Nanase Lianjiao said in a voice: "Yixia, when I woke up early in the morning, my eyes were squinting. What are you looking at?"

Although she was laughing at Liu Xu, she didn't have the consciousness to restrain herself at all, and she even bent down a little imperceptibly.

Orimura Chifuyu, who was standing next to him, saw that Liu Xu had finally woken up, and smiled softly at him, and walked towards the guest room, while whispering: "Okay, okay, Yixia has woken up, godmother Don't tease him anymore, let him come out to eat breakfast! The breakfast is almost cold!"

Liu Xu was laughed at by Nanaseren, his face was a little red, he quickly put away his direct gaze, turned his head to look at the alarm clock, saw that it was already half past seven, and said a little embarrassedly: "Damn... godmother, Chifuyu-san told me to get up quickly!"

After finishing speaking, Liu Xu glanced slightly at Nanase Ren's fiery delicate body, and immediately retracted it, meaning: "You keep lying on me, how can I get up?"


Nanase Lianjiao smiled, seeing Liu Xu's face was as red as blood, and found it even more interesting, then put her head close to his ear, and asked quietly, "How is it?"

Liu Xu smelled the unique fragrance of roses on Nanase Lian's body, but he didn't dare to turn his head, and replied, "What... what about it?"

Seeing Liu Xu's nervous appearance, Qi Lai Lian was even more trembling with laughter, and asked softly, "Of course it's... the godmother's figure, how is it? Let's be hot!"


Liu Xu heard Nanaseren's provocative and teasing words, mixed with the romantic rose powder on her body, and roared in his heart: "God, let me grow up quickly! "

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore, Yixia, get up quickly."

After finishing speaking, Nanase Ren jumped up, punched Liu Xu's chest hard a few times, and then turned around and ran out of the bedroom gracefully.

Ren Nanase's current appearance does not look like a dignified, stable, and generous head nurse, she is simply a little girl who has just begun to fall in love.


Liu Xu let out a long breath, and thought angrily in his heart: "If I had the ability, I would have pushed you away..."

He jumped out of bed angrily, and put on a long coat and trousers.

"Namo Amitabha...Open Sesame...May the Lord bless you, Amen...Long live Grandpa Mao..."

Liu Xu chanted all the slogans he knew as if he was chanting a mantra, but found that the guy was still not stopping. It seemed that he had to go to the toilet to drain the water.

There was no other way, Liu Xu had no choice but to put down his long coat so that Xiao He would not show her sharp corners.

Liu Xu stretched himself, opened the bedroom door, and saw that the guest room was brightly lit with sunlight, and the windows and balconies all around had been opened.

The fresh air in the morning, accompanied by the chirping of birds outside the window, poured into this warm home.

Nanase Lian is nervously arranging the dining table. There are hot breakfasts piled up on the table, including steaming soy milk, smooth, greasy golden fried eggs, and Liu Xu's favorite baked pastries.

Liu Xu looked at Nanase Lian's plain white pajamas, the corners of which hung down long, revealing her snow-white calves. Seeing Liu Xu coming out, he looked up at him.

"I... I'll wash my face first."

After finishing speaking, he hurriedly passed through the restaurant, ran to the bathroom, and kicked open the door of the bathroom with a "bang".

"Ah..." A low voice came from the bathroom.

Liu Xu rushed into the bathroom, only then did he see clearly that Himiko was sitting on the clean white toilet, his blue pajamas were pulled up to his waist, and his thin white shorts fell to the knees.

Chapter 016 Hi, what a coincidence

"Himiko is indeed Nanase Ren's daughter. At such a young age, her advantages are so obvious, far surpassing her peers!"

Liu Xu thought in his head that if Himiko found out, it would definitely destroy his humanity, and he greeted in a strange way: "Hey, what a coincidence!"

Himiko didn't expect Liu Xu to be so reckless, and rushed straight into the bathroom, so that she didn't even have time to say hello.

At this time, Himiko looked up at Liu Xu, and found that he was staring at him dumbfounded, not even looking sideways.

Himiko only felt that the place where Liu Xu's gaze swept over seemed to be on fire.

"Brother... brother, what are you doing?"

Himiko's voice was so low that he could hardly hear him.

Liu Xu was awakened by Himiko, hurriedly waved his hands, apologized and said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Not daring to take another look, turned around and ran out of the bathroom, closed the door, and waited at the door.

After a while, I heard the sound of flushing water inside, and then the door of the bathroom was opened by Himiko.

Himiko opened the bathroom door, and the sky blue pajamas were neatly put on, and the long flowing golden hair was combed behind the ears, but his face was still as if it had been roasted by fire.

She slightly raised her head and gave Liu Xu a look at Liu Xu who bowed his head and pleaded guilty, and walked past him quickly, bringing a burst of fragrant wind.

Liu Xu walked into the bathroom in embarrassment, then turned around and closed the door.

Walking to the washing table, he thought excitedly, "This is really an extraordinary morning!"


Liu Xu couldn't help but sighed at the mirror in front of him, and said cruelly in his heart: "Damn it, if this continues, sooner or later you will be suffocated to death."


Classes are a kind of torture. Fortunately, Liu Xu has found a way to minimize the torture. Anyway, he hasn't woken up yet.

The whole morning class passed in Liu Xu's deep sleep in the dark.

When Liu Xu woke up, to be precise, when he was pushed awake, it was already noon, and the four morning classes had all ended.

The school cafeteria is very large, and the lunch is also very rich.

However, there are not many students eating in the school cafeteria. Except for those like Liu Xu who don't want to bring lunch, everyone else usually eats in the classroom, on the playground, or on the rooftop, with three or five friends.

Typical Japanese two-dimensional features.

After the meal was ready, Liu Xu and Xiao Zhichen who woke him up found a secluded corner to eat quietly.

Xiao Zhizhi eats very elegantly, while Liu Xu is bold and unrestrained.

"Ru Jiang..." Liu Xu called out in his heart, and then coughed dryly: "Ri, where's Auntie? Why didn't you see her come to the cafeteria to eat?"

"That's my aunt, not your aunt."

Xiao Zhirui raised his head and gave Liu Xu a white look, his clear eyes were as pure as water, but he still replied softly: "My aunt is going to Vienna to participate in a music competition, and she may not come to school anytime soon."

Oh, it turned out that I was preparing for the war at home.

"箒, do you know the phone number of Teacher Jinguji?"

Xiao Zhirui was stunned, why does he want my aunt's phone number?

Xiao Zhizhi looked at Liu Xu, his big beautiful eyes were full of puzzlement.

In his mind, Liu Xu said with a smile: "It's like this. When I was preparing the attic at home yesterday, I found a music manuscript. It was a long time ago. It seems very precious. I want to give it to Xiao... um, send it to me. Teacher Jinguji, can you give me her phone number."

"Music manuscript?" Xiaozhirui hesitated for a moment, then said, "Give me the manuscript, and I'll give it to my aunt."

"That's not okay, the manuscript is very precious, what if it is accidentally damaged?"

Liu Xu shook his head resolutely. He was here to see a mature young woman. What is he doing with a oil bottle? Is he embarrassing himself?

"Then, let's go together."

Xiao Zhizhi didn't doubt that there was him, but began to think seriously about the solution to the problem.

"But, aren't you going to be on duty today?"


Xiao Zhirui suddenly understood, but the puzzled look in her eyes still did not dissipate, and she said, "Do you have to send it over today?"

Liu Xu had no choice but to explain: "Give it to Teacher Jingongsi earlier, so she can see the manuscript a day earlier! This way, participating in the music competition will give you greater confidence."


Xiao Zhirui understood, and readily agreed.

At this moment, there was a sweet smile in her eyes, and the corners of her moist lips curled into a beautiful arc, which was very charming.

In Chinese class today, I learned a word: "Love the house and the bird!"

Yixia began to care about her family, isn't this another expression of love?

Thinking of this, Xiao Zhizhi's face flushed slightly, her big beautiful eyes flickered, and she felt happy for no reason.

"You tell me the phone number of Teacher Jinguji, and I will give it to her myself."

"Well, you remember it, 090XXXXXXX..."

Ever since he got Jinguji Chengmei's phone number, Liu Xu was looking forward to the end of get out of class, but he couldn't even sleep well in his favorite class.

It was not long before school was over in the afternoon. As soon as the teacher walked out of the classroom, Liu Xu followed and disappeared.

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