Taking out his phone, Liu Xu dialed Jinguji Chengmei's number.

"Hello, who is it?"

Jinguji Chengmei's voice is very different from before. Before, it was gentle and loving, but now it is indifferent and lazy, like a cat scratching.

"Is it Teacher Jinguji? I'm Yixia. I found a music manuscript at home yesterday. I want to show it to you. I wonder if Teacher Jinguji is at school?" Liu Xu asked What Shinozhiru said was repeated to Jinguji Narumi, "I went to the office just now and couldn't find you. Your phone number was given to me by Ruin. If you are at school, I will come and find you."

"Teacher, I have something to do today. I didn't come to school. Where are you now, Yixia?"

Jinguji Chengmei didn't think too much about it. She was engaged in music work, so she naturally had a great love for music, and Liu Xu did what she liked, and it was just the right medicine for her.


Chapter 017 Color Psychology

"Me? I'm at the school gate now."

Liu Xu glanced in the direction of the teaching building from time to time, worried that Xiao Zhizhi would follow.

As long as she is willing, she just tickles her fingers, and the boys in the class will line up to help her on duty.

"Oh, then listen to the teacher, you take the No. 111 bus and get off in Chiyoda District, the teacher will wait for you at that stop."

"Okay, then please trouble Master Jinguji."

Liu Xu got on the bus at the bus stop opposite the school. It was the rush hour at five or six o'clock, so the bus was very crowded. He managed to get on the bus. Not only did he not have a seat, but it was also very crowded.

"I finally understand why there are so many tram wolves in Japan. If you are crowded around like this, even if you don't do anything, your body will respond... If you can't control it, you will make mistakes."

Liu Xu stood in the carriage, surrounded by people. He was either attacked by the OL or pushed by the female high school students.

Finally, at the stop, Liu Xu squeezed out of the bus, panting heavily.

As soon as he got off the car, Liu Xu saw Jinguji Chengmei. He missed her all night yesterday, which is why Liu Xu thought of using music scripts to get close to Jinguji Chengmei.

Today, Narumi Jinguji didn't wear black professional attire like she did in school, but a pair of skinny jeans that fully revealed her slender legs, with a cotton upper and long sleeves.

"Yixia, over here."

Jinguji Chengmei beckoned, she was dressed in casual clothes, she had lost her glamorous looks, but she had another shocking feeling.

A head of beautiful long green hair hangs down naturally, which makes Jinguji Chengmei less capable and more tender.

"Teacher Jinguji, I brought the manuscript, it's in the schoolbag."

"Not busy, go to the teacher's house and sit down first."

"Ms. Jinguji lives in Chiyoda District?"


Liu Xu originally thought that Jinguji Chengmei had something to do here, but he didn't expect to live here.

In this way, Liu Xu followed Jingongji Chengmei to her home.

Jinguji Chengmei's home is not big, with one bedroom, one living room, one kitchen and one bathroom, but the decoration is very delicate. It can be seen that the owner of the house has put a lot of thought into it.

The most eye-catching thing is the big wine rack opposite the door, with all kinds of red wine on it.

"Why is it all purple?"

Liu Xu looked around, looking at the decorations and various furniture and appliances in Jinguji Chengmei's home.

"Well, teacher, Ting likes purple, and violet is my favorite flower, so purple is the main tone in my house."

Jinguji Chengmei took out a bottle of Coke from the refrigerator to Liu Xu while talking, while she took a bottle of red wine from the wine rack and poured half a goblet.

"I once read a book on psychology, which said that what color people like is related to their personality, and this subject is called personality color science."

Liu Xu's favorite drink is tea and coffee, followed by freshly squeezed fruit juice and various milk teas. As for carbonated drinks, that is his least favorite.

But since it was given by a beautiful woman, Liu Xu didn't say anything, just unscrewed the bottle cap and put it in his mouth.

"Oh, let's hear it."

Jinguji Chengmei sat on the black leather sofa, crossed her legs lazily, and gently shook the goblet in her hand. Looking at the bright red color in the cup, she was not in a hurry to ask Liu Xu to take out the music manuscript .

"Red is an extroverted optimist. He will not be overwhelmed with trivial things, and he will express his emotions directly. If there is something happy, he will express it clearly. If he has any thoughts, he will act immediately. Not only loves sports, but also likes to be in the limelight. I like enthusiastic, lively and cheerful red, which means that this kind of person is a proactive type, very good at handling interpersonal relationships, and can be said to be smooth and familiar with work, just like a diplomat Capable."

"Green is a realistic type of person. They are very delicate about love and socialize beyond ordinary people, but they will maintain a cautious attitude towards the relationship between superiors and subordinates or sophistication. This kind of person who likes green is definitely an idealist. are critical, critical, and whiny.”

"The next is yellow. This kind of person is more action-oriented and adventurous. He is a positive person who is not easy to be satisfied with the status quo. If he is determined in his heart to achieve something, even if he encounters difficulties, he will fight to the end and complete the task. But because I have many desires, so when the desires cannot be fulfilled, it is easy to have conflicts of opinions with the people around me. People like this kind of people who like yellow color have a lively nature, but they still have a strong subjective consciousness.”

"When you talk about yellow, you have to say blue. Blue is a more imaginative color. It often gives people a feeling of hesitation. People who like blue mean that their requirements for things or money are not higher than their hearts. Satisfaction is important. In terms of emotions, it is easy to fall in love with the opposite sex at first sight, but it is easy to be betrayed. In addition, people who like the blue color show strong curiosity, are very interested in novel things, and have good learning ability, but it does not mean that they are very curious. Know how to read, and have different specialties based on personal interests."

Speaking of things like that, Liu Xu took another sip of Coke.

Putting down the Coke that drank most of the bottle in one gulp, Liu Xu took a look at Jingongji Chengmei.

Red wine remained at the corner of her mouth, and her dark eyes changed from radiant to dreamy, and under the dim light, it was especially easy to make mistakes.

"Yixia, why are you staring at the teacher's face? It's not a gentleman to look at a lady like that!" Jinguji Chengmei raised her mouth, "Is there something on my face?"

"Ah, no!"

If he were an adult, he would definitely blush when he was discovered in this situation, but Liu Xu completely withstood the test.

"Want to drink?"

Jinguji Chengmei held the goblet and shook it gently, and the deep red wine dripped from the glass.

Before Liu Xu had time to answer, he heard Jingongji Chengmei's voice with a slight ending: "The children still want to drink? Hehe... You should drink Coke!"

After finishing speaking, Jinguji Chengmei raised her head and drank the red wine in the goblet in one gulp.

"Yixia, you haven't said what the character of the person who likes purple is?"


Chapter 018 Auntie

"People who like purple are more pursuing artistic or individual tastes, hate ordinary things, and have a strong desire to attract the attention of others. But because they are easy to satisfy, they can't hold on to the same thing. Usually indulgent people are easier I like purple, so this kind of people tend to indulge themselves, tend to be decadent in life, and have high requirements for material things."

"Did you think the teacher was the kind of material person you mentioned that summer?"

Jinguji Chengmei leaned forward, her pretty face was less than half a finger away from him.

She has a pretty face, perfect.

Sure enough, "Women don't get drunk, men have no chance", but what makes Liu Xu depressed is that the opportunity is clearly in front of him, but he can't grasp it!

Liu Xu sighed in his heart, Jinguji Chengmei must be drunk, otherwise, according to her personality, it would be impossible for her to lose her composure in front of people. This is completely different from the usually dignified and beautiful Jinguji Chengmei.

Liu Xu was in a dilemma at this moment, not knowing where to look.


Jinguji Chengmei hiccupped suddenly, and the smell of wine entered Liu Xu's nose.

She swayed.

"Teacher be careful."

Since Jinguji Chengmei was leaning forward, Liu Xu stretched out his hand to hold her waist.

"You and He are childhood sweethearts. It's too strange to call the teacher like that. You are the same as He. Call me aunt!"

"Isn't that good! If Chuan knew..."

"What's wrong, if Yixia says that again, my aunt will get angry."

"Oh, all right! Auntie, are you okay?"


Jinguji Chengmei straightened up, staggered, and finally fell on the sofa.

"Auntie, be careful."

"It's okay, my aunt is a little drunk, just rest for a while, Yixia, do you think the color psychology you just mentioned is accurate?"

"I can't say I'm [-]% prepared for this, but there must be a certain scientific basis." Liu Xu looked at Jinguji Chengmei, this time with eyes, "those who prefer purple have a mysterious temperament and elegant posture. Even when drunk, it still looks the same."

Jinguji Chengmei pursed her lips, but in the end she couldn't hold back, "giggle..." she laughed coquettishly.

"Yixia, my aunt is tired, let's rest for a while."

Saying that, Jinguji Chengmei leaned on the sofa and fell asleep.

"Aren't you afraid of catching a cold sleeping here?"

Liu Xu opened Jingongji Chengmei's bedroom, which was small but neat.

After pulling out the quilt, Liu Xu laid Jinguji Chengmei's body on the sofa, and then took off her shoes.

Liu Xu is only eight or nine years old now, and Jingongji Chengmei is [-] meters tall, which is completely out of proportion.

Therefore, it is really a technical job for Liu Xu to want Jinguji Chengmei, who is nestled on the sofa, to sleep on the sofa.

During this period, some physical contact will inevitably occur.

So, you get the idea.


Liu Xu covered Jingongji Chengmei's cup and cleaned the wine bottle and goblet.


Jinguji Chengmei opened his eyes, his vision was a little blurry.

"Auntie, are you awake?"

Before Jinguji Chengmei could speak, there was a spatula stir frying and Liu Xu's voice from the kitchen: "Wait a minute, the food will be ready soon."

The sleepy-eyed Jinguji Chengmei got up from the sofa, and the quilt slid down, her green hair was messy and disorderly, and her body was full of laziness and coquettishness.

"Okay, Auntie, come and eat, and try my handicrafts."

Liu Xu set the table and chopsticks and waved to Jinguji Chengmei.

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