Jingongji Chengmei's dining table was similar to a long dining table for eating western food. She sat opposite Liu Xu, with some inexplicable smell on her face.

Jingongji Chengmei suddenly said, "Yixia, Auntie asked you something."

Could it be that something was discovered before?

"Wh...what's the matter?"

Liu Xu was startled, his heart was up and down, a little uneasy, and his natural tone was a little weak.

"Why didn't you leave? It's fine to leave the music manuscript on the table, why do you have to stay to cook?"

It turned out that he was thinking too much, not what he was thinking about. Liu Xu heaved a long sigh of relief. Fortunately, Jingongji Chengmei didn't find out, otherwise he really didn't know how to make things right.

"My aunt is drunk and at home alone, so I naturally want to stay, how can I leave?"

Liu Xu asked back, his tone full of reason.

"Yixia really knows how to take care of people."

Jinguji Chengmei smiled, the iceberg melted, and Baimei was born.

"I only take care of women."

Liu Xu stretched out his hand and scratched his head, muttering something in a low voice.

"What did you say?"

Jinguji Chengmei didn't hear it clearly.

"I said that my aunt is also very beautiful when she just woke up."

Liu Xu let out a haha, ready to fool around.

"Hehe, Yixia's mouth is so sweet, how long has Auntie slept?"

Jinguji Chengmei smiled, and the rainy sky outside seemed to become more beautiful.


Chapter 019 Sleep Together

"It's been three hours, and it's past nine o'clock now."

Liu Xu glanced at the wall clock on the wall, he arrived at six o'clock.

"Sleeping for so long!" Jinguji Chengmei looked out the window, "Is it raining outside?"

"Well, there is a typhoon forecast this morning."

"Oh, then you don't have to go back today, just sleep here with Auntie, and Auntie will drive you to school directly tomorrow."


"Give me the phone."

Chengmei Jinguji interrupted directly.

Liu Xu was taken aback, not knowing what he was going to do, and handed the phone to Jinguji Chengmei in a daze.

Jingongji Chengmei fiddled with Liu Xu's cell phone for a while, then looked up at him, a little speechless.

She originally wanted to find Liu Xu's parents or relatives and call them, but after searching around, she couldn't find it.

"Your phone doesn't save your family's number?"

"Yes, I have!"

"Why did I not see it?"

Jinguji Chengmei flipped through the phone book again.

"The one that starts with the letter N."

"Begins with N? N..."

Jinguji turned to the position beginning with N, and asked in doubt: "Female tyrant?"

"Then what, it's my sister, haha..."

Dial the number of the "female tyrant", that is, Liu Xu's sister Orimura Chifuyu.

Phone calls.

"Hello, I'm Narumi Jinguji, a teacher at Shonhoku Middle School. Are you Ichika's older sister, Miss Orimura?"

"Yes, I am."

"Yixia is here with me now. Today's incident is like this. Yixia came to my house after school. I helped him with his homework. As a result, he suddenly forgot the time. Now it's dark outside and it's raining. Let Yixia I am a little worried about going home alone, so let Yixia live with me today, and tomorrow I will send Yixia to school directly."

"Yes, that's the case, so you don't have to worry, Miss Orimura."

"No, no, no trouble, Yixia is very obedient."


I have to say that Jinguji Chengmei is worthy of being a teacher, she is very good at talking, and she didn't even mention the issue that Liu Xu was most worried about, which was about the music manuscript.

"Okay, you will live here with Auntie today."

Jinguji Chengmei never asked Liu Xu's opinion from the beginning to the end, and it was all about her own arrangements.

"Yi Xia, this piece of music is indeed the work of a great master, but why is it like this?"

"what happened?"

Liu Xu was a little guilty, he didn't have any music manuscripts at home, this manuscript was written by Liu Xu himself.

In terms of music, Liu Xu naturally has no talent, but Lin Mingmei, the first generation singer of "Macros" in the family, is a cosmic goddess singer.

The first singer of the Macross series, compared with other singers, Lin Mingmei is more like a symbol, fighting with singing, expressing feelings with singing, and conveying culture with singing...

Several well-known songs have also been handed down to this day, bringing countless good memories.

As the song says: "Because of you, I am no longer alone."

Liu Xu plagiarized Lin Mingmei's music. Of course, Lin Mingmei must not let Lin Mingmei know about this, otherwise...

No matter how docile the kitten is, if it stays in the Crystal Palace with CC and Yiyuan Yuzi for a long time, it will be attached with the attribute of black belly.

"This music manuscript is obviously newly written."

Jinguji Chengmei lifted the A4 paper in Liu Xu's eyes and shook it.

"The original manuscript was so old, I copied the score and then burned the old manuscript."


Jinguji Chengmei was slightly startled, and wanted to get angry, but finally sighed dejectedly. For those who understand music, this may be a priceless treasure, but for those who don't understand music, even if they are music idiots, they can't change it. fact.

Music knows no boundaries.

"Well, there was a power outage at home last night, so I lit a candle with that manuscript."

Liu Xu relied on being a child, and he opened his mouth to talk nonsense, which also blocked Jinguji Chengmei's desire to read the original manuscript. If she said that she tore it up or threw it away, she would probably go to the trash can.

Liu Xu ate heartily, but Jingongji Chengmei ate very little, and basically didn't move her chopsticks much. It wasn't that the food was not tasty, but that she had no appetite at all.

After the meal, Liu Xu took the initiative to clean up the dishes and wash the dishes, and Chengmei Jinguji did not refuse. She sat on the sofa and watched TV programs with her legs crossed.

Liu Xu is also a guest after all. Generally speaking, cleaning up the dishes is done by the host. I don't know if Jinguji Chengmei regards Liu Xu as his own, or there are other reasons.

In fact, Jinguji Chengmei was just angry. That piece of music was definitely the most beautiful movement she had ever heard in the world, but it was burned by Liu Xu. She wanted to kill people.



Jinguji Chengmei uttered a word in a nasal voice, held the remote control panel, and then stared at the TV intently.


Liu Xu sat on the sofa for about ten minutes, during which Jinguji Chengmei didn't say a word.


Jinguji Chengmei uttered a lazy character in a nasal voice, holding the remote control panel in her hand, she did not turn the channel aimlessly, but just watched the TV intently.

But there are no substantive programs on TV, all of which are advertisements one after another.

The atmosphere in the living room was a bit dull, and Liu Xu felt uncomfortable in his heart. He couldn't sit still, and he felt uncomfortable in such a depressing and boring atmosphere.

Do you want to stay somewhere else?

This suite has one bedroom and one living room. Apart from the living room, there is only Jinguji Chengmei's bedroom. Is it possible to go there?

Of course, there are three options: kitchen, bathroom and balcony.

But if you just stay here like this, it's almost the same unless Jinguji Chengmei taught him the remote control of the TV.

Time is the most valuable and least valuable thing, the two just sat and let time fly by like this.

In the end, Liu Xu couldn't bear it any longer and opened his mouth to break the silence.

"Auntie, you let me stay at your house tonight, am I sleeping on the sofa in the living room?"

"There is no extra quilt in my aunt's house, so you sleep with my aunt."

Liu Xu was dumbfounded by Jingongji Chengmei's words, sleep together?

Could it be that she wanted to push herself against him?

Although she gave Jinguji Chengmei a big gift, which can be called a priceless treasure, but would she choose to give her body as a reward?

Liu Xu couldn't help thinking about it, Jinguji Chengmei said that there are not many guest rooms or guests can't sleep on the sofa.Why do you say that there is no extra quilt...

"Well, Auntie, did you just say we slept together?"

Liu Xu wondered if he was thinking too much, so he had auditory hallucinations, and he couldn't help sticking out his tongue subconsciously and touching his dry lips.

Chapter 020

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