"Yes, why, dislike Auntie?"

Jinguji Chengmei finally looked away from the TV, glanced at Liu Xu, and smiled lightly. When she smiled, she was very beautiful, like melting an iceberg. Hook. People.

"Of course not, no, no, it's just..."

Liu Xu shook his head, and he was about to swear at once to show his innocence.

"Okay, there's nothing else to do. Auntie doesn't have men's pajamas here, so you can wear Auntie's pajamas. If you doze off in the summer, you can take a shower and go to sleep on the bunk. Auntie still needs to study music scores."


Liu Xu agreed, then got up and went to the bathroom.

This bathroom is quite spacious, well-designed and beautifully furnished, and one can feel a special atmosphere of a girl's space when entering it.

Liu Xu looked inside. In addition to the washing machine, there were Xu Rong's bath towels, shampoo, shower gel and other toiletries, as well as a bathtub that was kept very clean.

Thinking that he was going to take a bath in the beautiful woman's private bathroom, Liu Xu couldn't help but feel his heart skip a beat.

Moreover, Liu Xu looked along the bathtub and saw a hanger hanging above it, on which a piece of clothing was hanging alone, or it could not be called clothing, because it was worn in the innermost part.

Liu Xu couldn't help being excited by this situation.

After taking a shower, Liu Xu was wearing Jinguji Chengmei's pajamas, which were plain white. If he was asked to wear colorful pajamas, Liu Xu would not be able to accept it.

When Liu Xu came out of the shower, Jingongji Chengmei had already tidied up her bed, and all those stockings were gone.

Sleeping on Jingongji Chengmei's bed, Liu Xu's nose smelled faintly, whether it was the smell of the pajamas, the bed, or both.

Liu Xu's heart is not peaceful at all now. Although he looks like a child on the outside, he is a normal adult on the inside.

I tossed and turned and couldn't sleep!

Liu Xu is lying on the bunk of Jingongji Chengmei, a mature and beautiful sister, and let him sleep peacefully. How is that possible?

This is sleeping on a bunk, covered with a quilt...

Thinking about messy things in his heart, he tossed and turned for nearly two hours. Liu Xu became more and more energetic and didn't feel sleepy at all.


Suddenly, the door opened, and Chengmei Jinguji entered the room.

Liu Xu immediately lay motionless on the bunk, holding his breath, and secretly observed by the moonlight and the light reflected from the dim street lamp outside the window.

Jinguji Chengmei opened the door and walked into the room lightly. She didn't turn on the light, probably because she was worried about waking Liu Xu up.

Opening the closet, Jinguji Chengmei rummaged for a while. It should be that Liu Xu was worn out by her usual sleepiness, and she was looking for a spare.

And didn't she want to push herself against him?

In general, shouldn't it be the spare sleepiness that is given to others?

Even if not, there is no doubt that she has a good impression of him.

Liu Xu felt extremely excited when he thought that he was wearing the pajamas Jinguji Chengmei usually wore on his body.

Found it, a pair of white jade hands methodically began to take off the clothes, and then changed into pajamas.

There was a sudden torrential rain in the sky, and the weather of this typhoon was naturally covered with dark clouds, and the moon could not be seen.

Therefore, only by the dim light outside the window, Liu Xu could only see the outline of Jingongji Chengmei's body.

However, even such a hazy and unreal figure still made Liu Xu's heart skip a beat.

Jinguji Chengmei is simply a goddess walking in the world, and she is an adult.

Carefully getting on the bunk, Jinguji Chengmei lifted the quilt and covered herself.

"Auntie, are you done?"

In order to conceal the fact that he was not asleep at all, Liu Xu deliberately made his tone sound a little sleepy, giving people the feeling that he was only waking up from a deep sleep.

"I'm sorry I woke you up."

Chengmei Jinguji lay gently on the bunk, her arms touching Liu Xu's.

"It's okay, Auntie, have you finished studying the score?"

"How is it possible? I only studied for a short period of time, but it was relatively smooth."

relatively smooth?

It's been an hour or two, and it's almost [-] or [-] o'clock, so it's relatively smooth?

What if it doesn't go well?

It is because of Jinguji Chengmei's unintentional words, which means that she usually sleeps later.

Liu Xu was aroused to be an otaku, and made him feel a little pity for this beautiful teacher, Jinguji Chengmei, while falling in love with her appearance and body.

After Jinguji Chengmei came up, she didn't have any extra thoughts, and she was exhausted studying the music score, so she fell asleep easily.

Liu Xu couldn't enter the state at all here, he couldn't sleep at all, his arm was next to Jinguji Chengmei's arm, feeling the bursts of temperature.

Liu Xu's attention was all on his hands, and he was worried that if he made a move, Jinguji Chengmei would be awakened.

Therefore, it can be said that Liu Xu has been in this state all night.

I don't know what time it was, until he couldn't hold on anymore, Liu Xu fell asleep in a daze.

The next day.

Jinguji Chengmei stretched her body lazily, and then opened her eyes.

At this time, she suddenly found someone behind her? !


Jinguji Chengmei couldn't help being taken aback, and the remaining trace of drowsiness disappeared immediately.

She found that at some point, the two people who were sleeping on their backs turned to sleep on their sides, and she was hugged by an eight or nine-year-old child.

Jingongji Chengmei moved lightly, moved her body a little, tried to turn her head to look at Liu Xu behind, and saw half of his face.

Liu Xu seemed to be still in a deep sleep, sleeping very peacefully.

Seeing Liu Xu's appearance, Jinguji Chengmei couldn't help smiling. When Liu Xu came up, Jinguji Chengmei didn't know at all, probably because he was studying the music score last night, he was too tired!

In addition, there was another boy sleeping next to her, Jinguji Chengmei was completely unguarded, that's why she was in this state.

After waking up, Jinguji Chengmei felt very uncomfortable when she found that she was sleeping alone.

Although Liu Xu is just a child, he is not an honest child!

But there is one very strange thing, Jingongji Chengmei didn't know whether she didn't notice it, or ignored it on purpose, that is, since Liu Xu was dishonest, why did she keep him at home overnight, and even slept together? The reason is that there are no extra quilts...

Sensing Liu Xu moving, Jinguji Chengmei hurriedly closed her eyes and pretended to be asleep.

Liu Xu woke up, opened his eyes, and found the same thing as Jinguji Chengmei.

Goddess is by my side.

Liu Xu sighed in his heart: "This damn child's body can't do anything."

Chapter 021 Gundam?Ultraman? is!

Time passed quickly, and when Liu Xu came to this world for eight years and eleven months, and was about to turn nine years old in one month, Xiao Zhishu's genius sister Xiao Zhishu published IS on the Internet.

All countries dismiss this, and many scientists are refuting and criticizing it, saying that this is nonsense. If IS is really so powerful with theoretical data, why does the country need the army?

Ninety-nine percent of people think that Shinonosuke is a fan of Gundam. They watch too many anime, otherwise how could they have this kind of hysteria?

But Liu Xu knows very well that the prelude to affecting the whole world has already begun, and IS will soon shock the world, because the White Knight incident will break out in a month.

The IS, officially known as "InfiniteStratos", was originally designed as a multi-crosslink suit for space operations.

However, IS has a fatal flaw, only women can use it.

This machinery only responds to women.

Therefore, without a female operator, the IS is like a dummy in a window.

Nothing was done and could not be done.

It's just an object.

However, the development of the IS did not continue according to the original intention of the "builder" Shinonosuke for entering and exiting the universe, but was transformed into a "weapon" by professionals who had mastered the remaining machinery.

However, various countries have characterized it as a "sportsman (Sports)", which is the so-called high-performance flying device.

Of course, these are things to follow.

From the current point of view, all countries are cautiously paying attention to IS until the day that is destined to be recorded in history.

IS just published a month later.

For some reason, a total of 2341 missiles from various countries that could attack Japan fell into an uncontrollable state and were launched.

Fear gripped the whole of Japan.

The military is helpless and has given up completely.

The missile self-destruct devices of various countries have all failed, and the launch of missile interception plans has also become impossible due to computer viruses.

The Japanese military is helpless and has completely given up.

Is Japan going to perish?

The basement of Shino House.

Chifuyu asked: "Shu, did you do it?"

With two bunny ears on his head, Shinonyuki said without raising his head, "Is the answer to this question still important?"

"Then tell me quickly, how do you plan to end this farce?"

Chifuyu's expression was tense, she grabbed Shun's shoulder and kept shaking it.

"I... am about to faint... let go... let me go..."

Being shaken constantly, her eyes turned into mosquito-repellent coils, Chifuyu saw such a bundle, and let go of the hand that grabbed her shoulder.

"Huh... Qianfu, you are really a strange girl." Shu supported his head, looked at Qiandong and said, "Okay, it's your turn to play next."

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