"Me?" Chifuyu was stunned for a moment, then reacted and exclaimed: "IS?"


"what should I do?"

Although I have trained in a simulation device, it is a spiritual link network, and I fight directly wearing IS, so I don't know how to operate it in reality.

"You walk up to the IS and press your hand up."

Chifuyu immediately walked to the prototype of the IS, and put his hands on the armor.

A burst of white light flashed, and Chifuyu in full armor appeared.

"Time is running out, let's talk about everything after I connect to the communication system!"

Chifuyu found out that there was a communication system on the IS, so he flew directly to the location of the missile without talking nonsense.

"Shu, can you hear me?"

Chifuyu said to the communication device.

"Ah, it's clear, where are you now?"

"Right now...the fog and snow plain is [-] feet above the ground, and there are still five minutes away from the missile's scheduled location..." Chifuyu replied, "But the IS is really convenient, much easier to use than those other powered armors."

"There is no other way, after all, IS was developed by a genius scientist like me..."

"Well, I'm starting to see missiles, and there are enough of them."

Chifuyu looked at a large dense black spot in front of her eyes.

"Well, there are too few missiles, how can you show your ability. The communication has been interrupted, so be careful!"

After finishing speaking, Shu disconnected the communication. Her previous sentence had already admitted in disguise that this incident was instigated by her.

Chifuyu took out the weapon of IS, a long sword.

Japanese military command post.

"Trash, it's all trash!"

"Why did this happen?"

"What should we do now?"

The generals and officials were helpless, and everyone fell into panic and despair.

"Report, there is a situation."

"Quick, quick, what's that?"

All eyes are on the monitor.

On the high-definition monitor imaged by the satellite, a lone figure suddenly appeared at high speed, stopped suddenly, and hovered over the ocean. It was a knight wrapped in white armor.

"This, what is this?"



A scientist ignored the guesses about Gundam and Ultraman made by the two brain-dead officials in front, and said with some hesitation: "Okay, it seems to be IS..."

"IS? It turned out to be true? But, is this thing useful?"

over the ocean.

"Huh... As expected, actual combat and practice are two different things..."

Chifuyu had also tried using an analog device before, so she naturally knew how to control it.

A flash of tenacity flashed in her eyes, and Qiandong flew towards the group of missiles, waving the long sword in her hand continuously, and skillfully used various cutting and killing methods such as upward thrusts, horizontal slashes, straight slashes, curved slashes, and slaps.

With the slash, Chifuyu killed half of the missiles, about 1221 rounds.

"Huhu, it's really easy."

Chifuyu waved the long sword in her hand, this sword seemed to be tailor-made for her, it seemed to become one with her body when she swung it.

"Hmph, you know how powerful a genius scientist is!"

Shu heard Chifuyu's voice, full of complacency.

"Okay, okay, I got it, I got it..."

Chifuyu had no choice but to answer casually.

"Chifuyu, to your right, there are a batch of missiles, the target is the city of Tokyo..."

Shun's communication came in, telling Chifuyu that a batch of long-range missiles was on her right.


For these missiles that were far away, Chifuyu resolutely activated the large-scale charged particle cannon that was a prototype at that time, and accurately collided with those missiles.


The sky was instantly filled with the sound of explosions and thick smoke, leaving only a space for the generals and officials in front of the shield to imagine.

When the smoke cleared, all the missiles were shot down, all exploded, and none slipped through the net.

The IS is still suspended in the air, and there is not even a trace of scorched black on the armor.

Japanese military command post.

After a brief silence, the survivors suddenly burst into cheers.

"This thing is too strong."

"If it is controlled by the country..."

"Get it, gotta get it."

"Order all nearby troops to intercept it at all costs."

Chapter 022 The White Knight Incident

After breaking free from the shadow of death, the Japanese military issued an order to get rid of IS at all costs. Not only Japan, but all major military powers including the United States, Britain, France, Germany, and China are almost This same order was issued at the same time.

At this time, the crisis has been lifted.

"It's time to go back..."

Chifuyu adjusted the position of IS, but at this moment, military groups from all over the world who witnessed the battle launched a battle to capture this super-performance IS.

Chifuyu doesn't have any affection for those guys who dare to prevent her from going home for dinner in time and maintaining her image as a good sister.

The "ultimate mobile weapon" that knocked out 2341 missiles, 207 fighter jets, 7 cruisers, 5 aircraft carriers, and 8 surveillance satellites with just one blow.

IS has established an image of invincibility and invincibility in everyone's mind overnight.

Because the IS color of the unknown driver is white, it was named "White Knight". This sensational event is called "White Knight Incident".

Since the White Knight incident, governments of various countries have expressed their interest in developing it.

IS's simplicity (it can be turned into an ornament), high defense (it ignores attacks until the shield is broken), excellent attack and maneuverability, all kinds of performances have left the skeptical Bricks and Beasts speechless.

However, due to IS restrictions, countries have not carried out mass production after obtaining the right to develop and mass-produce IS.

Because IS requires man-machine cooperation, but only women can drive IS.

Therefore, the scarcity of female soldiers is a major problem for governments everywhere.

Because of this, Xiao Zhishu was annoyed to death by the officials sent by the governments of various places recently. More than ten people came a day.

"Miss Shu, please consider our opinion."

A chubby middle-aged man said to Shu who was sitting opposite.

The governments of all countries hope to draw the top producer of IS into their research institutes, but unfortunately, none of them have succeeded.

Because, with the protection of the white knight behind him, no one dared to use force against Shinozhishu.

The powerful fighting power of the white knight made the whole world tremble, and the number of dead in the whole incident was zero.

The fact that just one aircraft is superior to a country's military power has rapidly accelerated the conclusion, improvement and popularization of IS use restriction treaties around the world.

According to the fact that "Only IS can defeat IS" as Shu said, the world as a loser has unconditionally accepted—or, in other words, had to accept it.

The world was shocked by the overwhelming performance of IS, and finally enacted a treaty to limit the use of IS - "Alaska Treaty".

The IS application restriction treaty jointly formulated by various countries, the following points have been mentioned in the current story: "IS cannot be used for military purposes; the research results of IS are shared data; research (or use) of the Valkyrie Trace System (ValkyrieTraceSystem) is prohibited. )..."

"Sorry, I will not join any government research institute."

Shu said in a flat tone.

"However, with the support of the government, your research will be much faster."

The middle-aged man tried to bully Shu with material goods.

"Sorry, I don't think I'm going to join any government."

Chun, who had been prepared for a long time, easily resolved this problem, and the middle-aged man who had no way to start could only remain silent.

"It's getting late, please go back!"

This is the thirty-first sentence of the same sentence, Shu Xin thought.

"Sorry for disturbing you."

The middle-aged man apologized and left.

Five seconds after the middle-aged man left, the originally serious beam suddenly rolled around on the ground.

"It's disgusting! People don't want to play like this anymore! It's boring!"

Although he is unwilling, because he is the inventor, designer and producer of IS, and because he is in charge of the production technology of IS "nucleus", he is strictly protected and monitored by the state.

Although he did not resort to violence, Shinoyuki Tsukasa was almost annoyed to death, and the countries could barely maintain their sanity, but what about those terrorists?

Therefore, after the White Knight incident, Liu Xu and Xiao Zhizhi are destined to separate, and the time will be six years.

"Yixia, have you finished your homework?"

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