He looked at Ma Jianxing with a flick of his eyelids.

"Then... the 5000 head office is okay?"

Jian Xing looked helpless.

Looking at Jian Xing's face, he once again doubted whether this is a regular dojo, and the fee dropped to a quarter in an instant.

But it seems that it is impossible to reduce it, so I can only take out 5000 yen from the wallet and give it to Ma Jianxing.


Ma Jianxing put away the money, and at this moment Meiyu came in with tea.

Liu Xu looked at Meiyu who was going up to the hall, down to the kitchen, and wrestling with him on the bunk, and then glanced at all the martial arts masters, including Meiyu's grandfather Hayato Fenglinsi, and said, "Fortunately, there is Meiyu Otherwise, I don't know how Liang Shanbo can survive?"

"At such a young age, we have to pay for the family, as well as washing clothes, cooking, etc... Without Meiyu, it would be really difficult for Liang Shanbo to operate!"

Fenglin Temple Hayato and several masters looked at each other, and nodded one after another, with a look of sighing.

"Hey, hey, won't you take the initiative to take on a little bit?"

Liu Xu patted his forehead, speechless.

"All right."

Fenglinsi Hayato himself said with his big hand like a casserole, "The next question is who will teach him?"

Kazaka Shigu, who was sitting casually beside him, suddenly said, "I still think it's better for Qiuyu to teach him."

"I think so too. If someone else taught him, maybe he wouldn't survive three days!" Fenglinsi Hayato took a sip of tea: "I really don't know how Yixia survived back then?"


He froze for a moment, and then looked around, only to find that the people around him were treating the phrase that he could not live for three days very casually.

Dan just felt cold all over.

Qiu Yu looked at Ballistic: "Then why did you come here?"

"Um, I'm going to defeat Yixia in a week."

"A week? Why a week?"

"Because he only learned basketball for a week and beat me."

After hearing the strange reason behind the bomb, Qiu Yu frivolously showed a slightly strange face, and then made eye contact with all the masters, and disappeared in the room in an instant, without a trace.

If he wants to surpass the most outstanding disciple trained by all the masters in Liangshanbo in a week, this guy named Bomb really has a bouncy head!

They have already seen that playing is not material for learning martial arts at all, even if they are willing to teach him, he will definitely not be able to become a master.

This kind of thing of smashing signs is of course not willing to be done by Zhongda people, even Apache, who has the simplest thinking, knows this truth.

So he didn't even have the strength to call him an "idiot", and the talented people with great personality just didn't say anything, just patted their butts and flashed others.

"Ahem, Yixia, since you brought it, let you teach it!"

Hayato Fenglinsi coughed and finally made a decision.


Liu Xu pointed at himself, feeling like he was shooting himself in the foot, and said anxiously, "How can I teach?"

"it does not matter."

Hayato Fenglinsi came over and said in a low voice: "You can reduce your training volume by [-]%, and then let him follow suit. Don't worry, as long as you don't kill yourself, it's fine, and there is Qiu Yu here. It's not that easy for him to die, don't worry, he won't die..."

Is this something reassuring to say?

With black lines all over his head, Liu Xu said, "But..."

"Don't worry about it, it's decided."

After eating dinner cooked by Meiyu in Liangshanbo, Liu Xu and Tan bid farewell and left.

At this time, he was still in the fog, and he had no idea why he had paid 5000 yen, but in the end it fell into the hands of the "opponent" he vowed to defeat.

Let Yixia train him, so that he can defeat him?

Is this a nightmare?

Dan decided to go home and have a good night's sleep, and when he woke up the next day, he should wake up from this nightmare.

Liu Xu didn't care about him, anyway, Liu Xu wasn't going to force him when the training started, it was up to him to decide.

Of course, if he doesn't study, Liang Shanbo won't refund the tuition.

After Liu Xu and Tan separated, they received a call from Xiao Zhizhi.

The two kept in weekly phone contact, but generally speaking, Liu Xu took the initiative to call, and Xiao Zhizhi seldom called.

Liu Xu can gradually feel that Xiao Zhijuan's arrogant nature as the number one heroine of IS has slowly awakened.

Xiao Zhizhi took the initiative to call him, Liu Xu felt very surprised, what was she going to tell him?

"Bang bang..."

I remembered the knock on the door.


A clear and pleasant female voice came from the room, but it was a little less forceful and a little more weak than the usual Liu Xu was used to, and a hoarseness could be heard in the voice.


Jinguji Chengmei opened the door and looked at him.

And Liu Xu naturally also looked at Jinguji Chengmei, with long green hair like satin, face as white as jade, and under the slender and sweeping crescent eyebrows, there are a pair of big eyes like ink, which seem to have watery light when they move lightly Ripples are flowing.

"Come in and sit down!"

Liu Xu followed Jingongji Chengmei into the house.

"Yi Xia, why are you here?"

Jinguji Chengmei was surprised that Liu Xuhui came at this time.

"Auntie, you have a cold, so of course I have to come and have a look."

"How do you know that Auntie has a cold?"

"He called and told me."


Jinguji Chengmei gave a nasal hum, and couldn't tell whether she was happy or unhappy.

"Help yourself, Auntie still has work."

It was only then that Liu Xu noticed that there was a mountain of music scores stacked on the table.

The last time Jinguji Chengmei played the score given to her by Liu Xu, the result was a blockbuster. Now she is a celebrity in the music industry, but the more famous she is, the more work she seems to have.

Jinguji Chengmei is already thinking about whether to leave the teacher's job late and concentrate on creation, and also wants to hire an assistant.

"If these are finished, it will be at least midnight."

Liu Xu frowned.

"Cough cough..."

Jinguji Chengmei frowned, feeling very uncomfortable.

"Auntie, have you taken your medicine?"

"No, people who take the medicine will want to sleep very much. Auntie can't sleep now, there are still many things to finish!"

"Auntie, the work can never be done, so take the medicine first, and do something tomorrow."

"No, tomorrow will have tomorrow's affairs, and today's affairs will be completed today."

Jinguji Chengmei concentrated on circling and drawing on the music score in her hand.

Chapter 051 Cute

"Auntie, where are the medicines at home?"

"Auntie said, don't take medicine!" Jinguji Chengmei seemed a little impatient to be interrupted by Liu Xu, and her tone became a little harsh.

Liu Xu sighed. There used to be a saying that strong women are all workaholics. At first he didn't believe it, but now he believes it.

I am afraid of falling asleep after taking medicine, so in order to complete my work, I would rather be sick than take medicine. This kind of attitude is a bit scary.

Liu Xu left and ran downstairs, while Chengmei Jinguji was immersed in her work and didn't pay attention.

Going downstairs to buy medicine, Jingongji Chengmei refused to tell where her medicine was stored. Of course, Liu Xu couldn't find out by himself, so he had to go to the pharmacy to buy it.

After buying the medicine, I went back to Jinguji Chengmei's home, opened the refrigerator, there were quite a lot of things in the refrigerator, and I could cook a bowl of porridge.

The preserved egg and lean meat porridge is cooked, and finally sprinkle with chopped green onion, and you're done.

"Auntie, here is the porridge with preserved egg and lean meat. Auntie, come and taste my cooking." He brought the porridge to Jinguji Chengmei.

Maybe it was because I was hungry, and I smelled the aroma of the preserved egg and lean meat porridge. This time, without Liu Xu's persuasion, I put down my pen and picked up the spoon. After a while, the bowl of preserved egg and lean meat porridge was wiped out.

Putting the bowl aside, he picked up the pen holder and struggled.

It took about twenty minutes to wash the dishes and clean up the kitchen, which was just right.

Use a water dispenser to boil a little hot water, take two medicines in a cup of hot water, and take the medicine thirty minutes after a meal. This time is the best.

"Auntie, take the medicine first and then go to work."

"Don't eat!"

Jinguji Chengmei didn't raise her head but just answered these two words indifferently.

This is not possible, Liu Xu seized the opportunity and snatched the pen from Jingongji Chengmei's hand.

"Yixia, what are you doing? You don't know that my aunt is working, stop playing, and return the pen to my aunt!" Jinguji Chengmei's tone became cold, coupled with the cold expression, if the psychological quality is not good, she will be very attracted Bluffed.

The cold face couldn't hide his fatigue, Liu Xu said firmly in his voice, "Take medicine, and you are not allowed to work if you don't take medicine."

Jinguji Chengmei didn't reply, but stared at Liu Xu with cold eyes. Their eyes met each other. Liu Xu saw a trace of anger in Jinguji Chengmei's eyes.

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