The four eyes met, and they did not retreat in the slightest.

"Yixia, Auntie must finish this pile of documents today, otherwise tomorrow will be chaotic."

Jinguji Chengmei saw that the hard ones were not good enough, so she came to be soft, and her face softened.

Her soft and weak voice made Liu Xu almost feel relieved. Chengmei was a goddess at Jinguji at school. Although she was very gentle when talking to people, she was polite and gentle.

When did Jingongji Chengmei beg so weakly, Liu Xu's machismo slightly inflated.

"No, no discussion, no pen if you don't take medicine."

"Hmph!" snorting coldly, Jinguji Chengmei got up, "If you don't give it, you won't give it, Auntie has a lot of pens at home."

Liu Xu is in a hurry, it is true that there are so many pens, it is impossible to snatch them all, people will do some bold things when they are in a hurry, just like Liu Xu now, when he is in a hurry, he hugged Jingongsi with both hands into beauty.

"Yixia, why are you eating Auntie's tofu? Let go of Auntie."

Having said that, Liu Xu noticed that his movements were indeed somewhat indecent, hugging and sticking together, even though he was wearing clothes, he could still feel the pressure brought by the two peaks in front of Jingu Temple Chengmeiyuexiong.

So soft and so big!

However, Liu Xu not only did not loosen, but tightened the hoop even more. His strength itself was far greater than that of Jinguji Chengmei. In addition, she was sick and weak, so she couldn't struggle.

"No, don't let go, unless you take medicine first, Auntie."

Liu Xu is determined to make Jinguji Chengmei take medicine.

"Let go of Auntie."

In this way, the two stalemate for a long time, and finally Jinguji Chengmei compromised.

"Auntie, did you agree to take the medicine?" Liu Xu asked happily.

"Yeah!" Jingongji Chengmei's nasal voice hummed softly, fearing that she would regret it, Liu Xu quickly took out two medicines.

Jinguji Chengmei raised her head and threw the small pill into her mouth.

"Okay, it's fine." Jinguji Chengmei's voice was a little strange.

"Auntie, open your mouth and let me see?" Liu Xu suddenly remembered something.

"Okay, it's almost enough, Aunt Yixia will be really angry if she is like this."

"Quick, open your mouth!"

As soon as Liu Xu finished speaking, he felt a little regretful. He spoke loudly, as if he was yelling at Jingongji Chengmei.

But contrary to Liu Xu's expectations, Jinguji Chengmei, who has always been strong, opened her mouth obediently.

"Okay, let's read it!"

"Wait a minute." Holding Jinguji Chengmei's cheeks with both hands, he wanted to move her mouth away with his hands. Naturally, he touched Jinguji Chengmei's red lips, which looked moist.

"It's so dirty, put your finger in Auntie's mouth."

"Then open your mouth."

Jinguji Chengmei opened her mouth, and Liu Xu spotted it with sharp eyes. The small pill was stuck inside, and she didn't swallow it at all.

Children don't like to take medicine because it is very bitter, so Liu Xu also used this method when he was a child.

Just now I heard Jinguji Chengmei's voice was a bit abnormal, so I just said it casually, I didn't expect that she would really use such a child's method to lie to him in order not to take medicine, in fact Jinguji Chengmei is sometimes cute .

"Swallow it quickly."

Jinguji Chengmei's throat moved, as if swallowing the medicine.

"Drink more water!"

She picked up the water glass and raised her head to drink water.


Jinguji Chengmei's mouth was so big that she seemed to be examining Liu Xu.

Although Jinguji Chengmei's tone was cold, but this action is really the same as what Himiko was discovered when he was a child. After swallowing the medicine, he opened his mouth to prove to Liu Xu that he really took the medicine.

"Yixia, it's getting late now, why do you still want to spend the night at my aunt's house?" Jingongji Chengmei asked in vain.

"Ah, no, that auntie, I'm going home first, call me if you have something to do, remember not to work too late."

"Yeah!" The nasal voice answered again. Given Jinguji Chengmei's workaholic personality, he probably didn't listen to him.

Life continues, so the school is still where Liu Xu goes every day. Although he doesn't attend classes, he also enjoys this unfettered campus life.

Suddenly, a hand patted his shoulder, and subconsciously Liu Xu's elbow had already touched the other's crescent.


Then he backed away exaggeratedly while covering Yuexiong's mouth, and shouted in his mouth: "God, are you going to murder, with such great strength!"

Liu Xu hurriedly grabbed the poor bullet, but fortunately he pulled back in time, otherwise the blow would have been enough for the bullet. In fact, after this period of training, or in other words, the physical fitness of the bullet has improved rapidly.

Chapter 052 Training

The body itself is not thin and weak, on the contrary, it is actually quite standard.

There is no way, for the needs of women, a perfect body shape can cause a considerable visual impact on women.

Classmate Dan is complacent about this, even if the restaurant at home closes down one day, he can still live as a cowherd to support his younger sister.

"Damn, have you been playing Infinity Strath recently? I heard that a super master suddenly appeared. He is proficient in oblique jumping and anti-killing, and he also uses the White Knight model..."

"Khan, this happened a long time ago, and you only know now?"

Liu Xu rolled his eyes and despised him in his heart, but he never expected that the culprit who hadn't logged into the world of Infinite Stratos for a long time was Liu Xu.

Although Liu Xu has lowered the intensity of his training again and again, there is no way to lower it, but he is still practiced half to death every day. When he returns home, he is basically in a wandering state after returning home. How can he have the strength to get up and play? game.

At this time, even if the ten most beautiful beauties in the two-dimensional world stood in front of him naked, they would definitely have enough energy to spare.

"Hehe, I can do it too!"

Liu Xu smiled and said, seeing such attention, it's better not to talk nonsense.

After all, he just wanted to lay the foundation for entering the IS Academy in the future, and he hadn't reached the point of exposing his strength yet.

Besides, the first IS competition is about to start now, Chifuyu-san will win the championship, and then his exposure rate will naturally be indispensable.

Liu Xu seemed to have foreseen that those peaceful days were sayingbay to himself.

"You just brag, don't think that the fight is so good that you brag to the sky. But it's okay, don't lose heart, one day you can do it too, that guy may be from the military, God knows, no matter us ordinary people people's affairs.

Liu Xu shrugged, but did not refute, and the two walked towards the classroom shoulder to shoulder.

Liu Xu had never listened to what the teacher was talking about enthusiastically. His playing performance was much better than Liu Xu's, and the recent exercise had also had an effect, and his energy and spirit had improved.

"Jingle bell... Jingle bell..."

As soon as the get out of class bell rang, the students all rushed out at laser speed, the teacher watching shook his head, and Liu Xu and Tan took the lead.

this evening.

Then he continued to practice. From the first day of this nightmare, he knew why Liu Xu was so strong.

As for his saying that Meiyu is good at fighting, even though she has never seen her make a move, he believed it later, because she is the granddaughter of that old man Xiong of Liang Shanbo!

It's not Liang Shanbo's training place, his training volume is only one-fifth of Liu Xu's, and he can't finish it on time every day.

In Liu Xu's words, waste like bombs, let's not say that the combat power is only five, and it's not strong...

If a few expert masters saw that Tan was so unsatisfactory, they would definitely beat him to death, so for the safety of Tan's life, Liu Xu asked him to train in Xiao Zhizhi's gymnasium.

Although Xiao Zhizhi's family has moved away, the kendo hall is still there, and several kendo masters and professors are also there. There are also many disciples, and there are more women than men.

These are not the key points, the key point is that this place is a hundred times safer than Liang Shanbo.

This alone is enough.

"That one summer, that, is it really the least rigorous training?"

Looking at the two wine jugs on his hand, the three tall incense plants under his buttocks, and the wrist stabs under his arm...

Li Xu closed his eyes and took a sip of tea leisurely. In fact, his eyes were squinted, looking at some female kendo students from time to time.

"Of course, this is the easiest and easiest."


Looking at the fingers of his hands and the arms slowly approaching the body with a painful face, the corners of his mouth twitched and said: "But my fingers are about to break!"

"Don't worry, it has been proved by experiments that no one will break their fingers because of this." Liu Xu said to Tan with a smile: "You can see that if you look at me, I also experienced it back then, so I still survived?"

Finally, the limit of playing is almost reached, and the slowly falling arms are finally about to touch the body. There are two wrist stabs under the armpit, and the result is obvious once they go down.

"I, I can't stand it anymore!"

With a shout, he finally stabbed his arms down.


I don't know how long it took, but I felt that the stars were flying out of my eyes, and then I heard Liu Xu say: "Okay, let's take a rest?"

Tan immediately put down the messy things in his hands, sat on the ground and panted.

After glancing at Liu Xu who was reading a book from the corner of his eye, he now felt more and more the insurmountable gap between himself and Liu Xu.

One disciple made me complain endlessly, if it was really taught by a few masters, wouldn't I be fucked to death?

What Liu Xu said is the easiest, but it doesn't count in the eyes of ordinary people!

This is completely a Shura field!

"Okay, the rest is over."

Liu Xu closed the book. The comic book was just a little uncomfortable, and he quickly finished flipping through it.


The muscles in his face twitched. Looking at the wine jar and the wrist stab that had just been put down behind him, he already wanted to die.

Liu Xu seemed to have seen through his heart, and then smiled lightly: "Don't worry, you don't need to do this kind of thing anymore. Let's go to the park for a stroll."


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