Her legs were clamped tightly together, and she looked like she was in pain.

"Ling, what's wrong with you? Are you uncomfortable?"

Liu Xu ran back after class, and there were only the two of them in the classroom.

Seeing no one, the bell threw herself into Liu Xu's arms and said, "Yixia, I want to go to the bathroom."

Liu Xu almost fainted at the time, and he couldn't help but burst out laughing: "Ling, you can go if you want! It's not like you don't know where the women's toilet is?"

"No, Yixia..." Ling's expression was very difficult, but she finally said it with a blushing face, "But...but mine is here!"



"This is a good thing! Did you come to see you from China?"

Liu Xu asked strangely, and then remembered that aunt had already been used to describe a woman's menstruation.

At that time, he was stunned all of a sudden.

"No! I'm bleeding..."

Bell slapped Liu Xu, and said anxiously: "Yi Xia, help me find a way! I can't hold it anymore!"

"Where's the school store? There must be something for sale there!"

"I've been there, and the boss said it's sold out, but it's only available at night."


"Yixia, what do you think I should do?"

Liu Xu patted Ling on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, I'll go out to the store outside the school to buy it for you right now."

Ling smiled as if looking forward to a savior, and said, "Yixia, you are the best for me, hurry up!"

Liu Xu got up and ran out of the classroom.

Because it was the first time to buy this thing for a girl, Liu Xu blushed when the shop assistant saw it.

However, the clerk was quite smart, he smiled and said: "I bought it for my mother! It's okay, it depends on what you need, don't be shy, there are several types of these things, there are dry ones, winged ones, and cotton ones Ones, mesh ones, scented ones, daily ones, night-safe ones... I don’t know which kind your mother uses?”

Liu Xu didn't know which one to use, so he simply bought the most expensive one.

Back in the classroom, Ling was no longer there, but she left a note for Liu Xu: "I'm in the infirmary."

Liu Xu hurried to the infirmary again.

During dysmenorrhea, she could lie down instead of squatting, could squat instead of sitting, and could sit instead of standing, so Ling lay on the hospital bed in the infirmary.


Seeing Liu Xu enter the room, Ling wanted to get up.

"Ling, lie down quickly, where is the teacher?"

"The teacher went to the teacher's dormitory to help me get... I took sanitary napkins..."

"Oh! I bought them all back."

Liu Xu walked over, put the sanitary napkin aside, and pulled the quilt over Bell's lower abdomen to avoid catching the cold.

He poured a cup of hot water from the warm water bottle and handed it to Lingqian. Liu Xu took a sip first.

He tested the temperature of the water and found it wasn't hot, so he could drink it. Then he handed it to Ling and said, "Drink this water, drink it while it's hot, it won't hurt so much after drinking it."

Ling saw Liu Xu handing her the water she drank. Her mother did this kind of thing too, but why is it the same?

The little girl blushed and recovered a little blood.

Ling hurriedly stood up and reached out to pick it up, but Liu Xu happened to touch her little hand.

The girl's little hands were very soft, Liu Xu shook her hand, and the water in the cup spilled out, splashing onto Ling's bent legs.

Responding instinctively, Liu Xu stretched out his hand to touch the bell and was retreated by the dripping water. He said anxiously, "Yes, I'm sorry, did you get burned?"

Apart from her own parents and a few close female friends, it was the first time that Ling's Otsuki Tui was touched by the opposite sex.

Like the back, there are many nerve endings in the legs.

Therefore, there can be any romantic move imaginable.

The point is, if it was touched by an insignificant person, Ling might not think too much about it, but it was Liu Xu...

At this age, we can't talk about love, but liking is certain. Ling likes the boy in front of him.

Ling's face turned red all of a sudden, and now she looked completely unwell.

She dodged Liu Xu's hand shyly and shyly said, "No...it's okay..."

It was only then that Liu Xu came to his senses that he could touch someone's leg!

ps: Recommend a new book, "Love Apartment: Infinite Players". During the period of the new book, all kinds of data are very important. Please help recommend and collect it, thank you!

Chapter 072 Bleeding

Bell was wearing trousers, and the water temperature was not very hot, but there was only a little water dripping, which was not a serious problem.

Although she was a little flustered, Liu Xu's concern was real, and Ling could feel it. There was a sincere smile on her face, and her rosy little face was extremely cute.

"Ding ding ding..."

When the class bell rang, Liu Xu didn't want to go back to class, but the health care teacher would be back soon, so it was impossible for him to stay forever.

Ling wanted to get up to see him off, but as soon as her delicate buttocks were raised, she noticed something strange.

The delicate buttocks that left the bed were hanging in the air, and Ling only felt that there was a difference between the legs. Could it be that the water dripped from the quilt just now?

No, just a few drops of water, the amount is not that big!

Ling suddenly thought of something, "Ah", her pretty face flushed, and she sat back down again with a "snap", forgetting about the pain.

Liu Xu heard Ling Jiao, who was obviously not burned, exhale, wondering what happened to her, so he hurriedly asked, "Ling, what's wrong with you?"

"No, it's all right..." Xiao Ling's head was shaking like a rattle, her pretty face was blushing, and she hesitated for a long time without saying anything.

"Is it okay? Come on, tell me, what's the matter?" Liu Xu looked at the bell and said solemnly: "Dysmenorrhea is not a trivial matter. If it is serious, you must go to the hospital."

Ling lowered her head, gritted her teeth and said nothing, but her face was so red that water dripped out.

Seeing that there was no response, Liu Xu rang the bell and prepared to go directly to the hospital without further ado.

Although Ling developed early, she was only twelve years old, and she had little strength. Although Liu Xu didn't use much force, she was already pulled off the bed.

"Ah..." Ling screamed, shy and anxious, with no other thoughts in her head, only thinking about breaking free from Liu Xu's hand.

Liu Xu didn't notice for a moment, but Ling shook his hand away forcefully.

She squatted on the ground with a red face and covered her face with her hands, not daring to see anyone.

Liu Xu was very surprised, but when his eyes fell on the bed, he saw the place where Ling was sitting just now, and there was blood red there.

All his questions were answered, but the two words that popped out of his head made his heart beat wildly.

The color of menstrual blood is dark, slightly viscous, and it is not easy to clot...

Liu Xu looked closely and found small and thin fragments, and knew that the red blood was the menstrual blood from the little girl during menstruation.

Seeing that Liu Xu didn't speak, and the room was silent and afraid of people, Ling secretly opened her eyes between her fingers and took a look at him.

Liu Xu stared blankly at the bed, and Ling followed his gaze, and what caught his eyes was a touch of bright red on the bed.

Ling Qiao's face was flushed, and her ears were burning. Seeing that Liu Xu had no idea of ​​her, she quietly turned her head and looked behind her. The crotch was also red, and she felt ashamed.

Mom and Lan's mother said that a woman's menstruation is a very private matter, and men should not be seen, otherwise it will bring bad luck to them.

At that time, Ling saw Lan rolling on the bed in pain, but Lian said: "Girl Ling, don't worry, my Lan is menstruating, hehe, counting the time, yours should be here soon... Hehe, little girl The girl has grown up..."

At that time, Ling asked quickly: "What does stomach pain have to do with growing up?"

"Silly girl, you will know when you grow up, pain is pain, but after menstruation, you are a woman, you can marry and have children." Lian said mysteriously: "You have menstruation and menstruation When the time comes, don't let the men know, they think it's bad luck."

Ling didn't understand why menstruation would make men feel bad, but she didn't ask, because Ling knew that even if she asked, it would be useless. Liandu hadn't told her about the relationship between stomach pain and growing up, so she went home and asked her mother if she had any questions.

In Japan, women depend on men to survive. A family without a man will not only live in a bad life, but also be bullied by others. However, with the emergence of IS, women's social status and family status have improved rapidly.

When a woman is menstruating, men are completely slaves. They can only serve the master's life, and they will be ordered lightly. I believe that in the near future, every time a woman comes to work, a man will be tossed to death. .

Many people even wonder whether human beings will enter the matriarchal society again. It is a nightmare for men, but Liu Xu seems to be different. He is the only man in the world who can drive an IS. In other words, in this world, he is the only equal to women.

"This... I..." Liu Xu, who is so eloquent, felt his tongue was tied at this moment.

Looking at the girl squatting on the ground with a pretty blushing face, and at the dark red menstrual blood pool on the bed, Liu Xu swallowed.

"Ling, don't be afraid, this...it's normal, don't feel embarrassed...I bought sanitary napkins for you...you can change it, and you'll be fine..."

In fact, things like menstruation couldn't be more normal. There are so many women in Liu Xu's Crystal Palace, and everyone comes every month, but Liu Xu has never seen her menstrual blood. His body shivered as if struck by lightning.

Leaving the infirmary as if escaping, Liu Xu skipped class without going to the classroom.

He actually had an unreasonable thought about Ling just now, even if he didn't want to admit it in his heart, his body's reaction would definitely not lie, because his body never lied, and he walked straight and stood upright.

How can you have bad thoughts about such a young girl, but doesn't it mean that every man has a loli in his heart?

Suzu is twelve years old anyway, growing up, immature girls (not children) who are about to mature, I heard that there are many perverts who like younger types, that is, ultra-low-age loli before the age of eight.

Compared with these people, my taste is very light.

Ling gritted her teeth and got up, drank the warm water just now, and put on the sanitary napkin with a blushing pretty face.

ps: Recommend a new book, "Love Apartment: Infinite Players". During the period of the new book, all kinds of data are very important. Please help recommend and collect it, thank you!

Chapter 073 The Perfect Hormone

At this time, in Shun's underground testing ground, Chifuyu and she were both wearing doctor's surgical gowns, on the operating table under the spotlight.

Yamei was lying quietly on the operating table, already under anesthesia, covered with wires of various instruments, and the screens of the instruments next to her displayed various data of her body.

Shu looked at Yami's body and said, "Check again."

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