Qiandong said: "This is already the seventh time."

"Do you know how rare it is to have qualified test subjects? You must make sure that nothing goes wrong."

Chifuyu went to the instrument, looked at each item carefully, and gestured OK to Shu.

Shu picked up a scalpel, made small incisions in several joints of her body, and implanted some small chips.

Then, Shuu pressed the red button on the instrument, and four different colored liquids in the catheter began to inject into Yami's body.

Chifuyu also seemed tense, staring at Masami motionlessly.

Her body trembled slightly, and the instrument showed that her heart rhythm was irregular, but it stabilized after a while.

Both of them breathed a sigh of relief, and Shu took off the gloves.

"After this round, it will be easier in the future."

Qiandong said excitedly: "Another stunning beauty is about to be born."

Shu Xiao joked, "Aren't you afraid that she will steal your limelight?"

"Then I can't wish for it, so that other people's eyes won't focus on me." Qiandong said deeply, "Shu, sometimes I think, what we do is really a blessing or a curse."

"We are making contributions to all mankind. Without IS, human beings can only defend the earth... Now the earth's various resources are almost exhausted, and those short-sighted guys, destructive production, are completely drinking poison to quench their thirst..."

Qianfuyu was thoughtful: "Do you think the current world is really suitable for such a thing?"

"I'm just researching, and I won't launch it on the market right away." Shu looked at Qiandong and said with a smile, "Be prepared, won't you?"

Chifuyu looked at Masami on the operating table, and said to Shu: "Your achievements are too great, IS has almost subverted the entire human society's perception of weapons, it can be called the ultimate force, otherwise you will publish your 'perfect hormone' now As a result, you will definitely get the Nobel Prize in Medicine, but you probably don’t like it! The award will probably be named after you in the future..."

"I'm not interested in those things anymore!" Shu shook his head, and the rabbit's ears moved regularly, "I'm only interested in research and exploration!"

She looked at Chifuyu again: "Speaking of which, I have to praise you, your insight is getting stronger and stronger, and you know that Masami meets the requirements for transformation just by looking at it."

"It's your credit, your training has made me smarter and smarter, but I still don't understand why synthetic drugs have such high requirements for receptors?"

"Let's put it this way, artificially synthesized hormones are not perfecting your original body, but endowing you with a new body, so it needs a carrier. I have done countless experiments to prove that no matter how you adjust it, it is impossible to let It is combined with the body of ordinary people, and the only way is to make it self-produced from the human body."

"In other words, the most important thing is not the drug itself, but the method of producing it?"

"That's right, only by finding this method can everyone produce what I call the 'perfect hormone' from their own bodies, and it can automatically adapt to different human bodies. It is safer and more efficient, and its effect is a hundred times stronger than artificial synthesis. Theoretically, it could even fully exploit the full potential of the human body, including the brain."

Just as she was talking, Yami on the operating table suddenly groaned.

Chifuyu stood up nervously, she heard a rustling sound from Masami's body, like sawing wood.

"Don't be nervous, she's undergoing bone transformation now." Shu waved her to sit down, "Because of her physique, her transformation is external and doesn't involve genetics."

"It worked so quickly?" Chifuyu asked in surprise.

"You reacted faster than her when you accepted the transformation!"

"Is this safe?"

"It's very safe. In fact, it is a simplified version of artificially modified bones. For example, martial arts practitioners will hit sandbags and wooden stakes for ten years to strengthen their bones. During the beating, the trabecular bones will be repeatedly damaged. damage, so that more carbonate and calcium are attached to the bone, making the bone denser and more tolerant. Cell modification actually shortens this process, and its modification method is much more precise .”

Yami on the operating table twisted her body amidst the rustling sound. Through the instrument, it could be seen that her originally somewhat bowed legs began to straighten, her body metabolized at an extremely fast speed, and even the bones of her head began to deform.

"Let her do it slowly." Shu made a move to go out, came to the operating room and looked at her body through the glass, "I will keep an eye on her, don't you still have to participate in the quarter-finals, go to rest first , When she wakes up, remember to arrange exercise and diet for her according to the plan I provided."

"it is good."

The next day.

The first IS World Series, quarter-finals.

Chifuyu Orimura from Japan VS Sophie Marceau from France

Chifuyu, who drives Unit 1, and Sophie Marceau IS, who controls Unit 2, start up almost simultaneously.

The titanium knife is out of its sheath!

A violent stagger of two IS taxiing on the run.


The IS of the two did not lose their balance. They squatted in the air and turned around instantly without any pause.

Sophie Marceau yelled, and held the alloy knife backwards. IS leaned forward slightly at an angle, and his eyes were a little dazzling.

She couldn't be more familiar with Qiandong. Sophie Marceau has conducted the most thorough analysis and research on all Qiandong's battle videos.

Because of the familiarity, Sophie Marceau understands that if she wants to defeat the opponent in front of her, she must not make mistakes.

Of course, don't expect the other party to make mistakes.

She had to attack with all her strength without any reservations from the very beginning, and this was her only chance.

The action of the two IS landing has already shocked most IS drivers. Their usual height is indeed world-class.

Don't make large movements, because it is easy to lose your balance, and you are usually cautious when jumping, and if you don't have a good grasp of ground movements, it is even more impossible to fly into the air.

And the two of them fought their strength almost unreservedly. You must know that it is easy for a person to make this kind of action, but controlling IS with thoughts cannot be done with words.

If it is true that just driving IS is invincible, then what kind of IS academy should be established.

As soon as Sophie Marceau took this pose, she held the alloy knife backwards.

Chifuyu felt a sense of murderousness and oppression, which was a sense of danger.

As well as the current posture, it is quite difficult to defend, and Chifuyu also held the alloy knife backwards.

Sophie Marceau moved, and the No. 2 machine was like a sharp arrow off the string, rushing towards Qianfu with the roar of steel, and the IS leaned forward even more.

And soon the audience discovered that she didn't attack in a straight line, it seemed to be a straight line, but in fact she stepped forward obliquely from left to right, but the slow stepping speed was much faster than the general IS.

ps: Recommend a new book, "Love Apartment: Infinite Players". During the period of the new book, all kinds of data are very important. Please help recommend and collect it, thank you!

Chapter 074 Qianyingliu. Secret Killing

Generally, when IS attacks, they are mostly at a constant speed, accelerating, decelerating, and going straight.

Although Sophie Marceau's forward speed is fast, it can be seen that the rhythm after three or four steps is slightly different, which is obviously different from ordinary attacks.

This makes it difficult to predict the subsequent attacks.

At this time, the No. 2 machine is like a monster that is criss-crossing the wilderness, a monster that wants to tear the prey in front of it.

The attack begins!

Kill me!

The titanium knife cut out suddenly, attacking in the middle and lower positions.

Since it is difficult to predict the attack, all possible attack points must be fully defended.

This also increases the difficulty of defense.

"It's interesting, I finally met a decent opponent."

Chifuyu reacted in an instant, and the titanium knife suddenly stood up to block.

At the same time, she pushed with her left hand to counteract the powerful impact.

The attack was not over, Sophie Marceau had a follow-up attack, and the sweeping titanium knife pulled out a dazzling brilliance.

The real attack has just begun!

The titanium knife tilted sharply, turning the slash into a stab.

With just one move, Sophie Marceau began to dislocate.

It is difficult for most IS to make flexible movements when attacking and defending, but it is obviously not suitable for Sophie Marceau.

Sophie Marceau's movements were coherent and swift, without any pause at all.

There is a time difference between active and passive.

A dislocation, the center of gravity of Chifuyu's defense shifted.


Taking advantage of IS No. 1's step back, Sophie Marceau controlled IS No. 2 to change positions three times in a row, and the titanium knife cut from the direction of the triangle.

Three strikes!

Looking at the attack index displayed on the big screen, Sophie Marceau has gone all out.

In the fight between people, three points should be reserved, and the same is true for the fighting of IS.

Without reserved energy, how to make changes and defenses in an emergency.

But the ferocity and attack range of Sophie Marceau's No. 2 machine did not leave any room at all.

Full energy output!

Three swords down, Chifuyu took two steps back.

Sophie Marceau's IS turned sideways, tilted to [-] degrees, both legs of the IS force at the same time.

The titanium knife on the right hand of machine No. 2 kept making high-density side attacks like a whirlwind.

A titanium knife instantly became two, and two became three...

The audience was dumbfounded, this is...

"My God!"

"Clone Phantom!"

One titanium knife turned into three, this is the limit of what Sophie Marceau can do now.

Under the onslaught, Qiandong had no choice but to retreat again and again.

Under such a stormy attack, it was impossible to even dodge, and there were too few gaps between each attack.

Sophie Marceau attacked frantically, but Qiandong responded calmly.

Although her No. 1 machine kept retreating, every step was very calm.

Chifuyu took the initiative to retreat strategically, so as to buffer the pressure.

The eyes of the audience were all on Sophie Marceau.

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