"Miss, you are back."

As Suzuki Ayako walked into the entrance, the middle-aged woman who had already been waiting at the door repeated the greeting without any waves like any other day.

And Suzuki Ayako's face was indifferent.

"Aunt Ida, pour me a cup of coffee and bring it to my room, thank you."

Taking off her black suit jacket, Suzuki Ayako politely said the same repeated and polite request to Suzuki's housekeeper, Aunt Ida.

"Okay, Miss."

Auntie Ida, the housekeeper, took the jacket that Suzuki Ayako had taken off and hung it between her arms, then stepped aside respectfully.

Suzuki Ayako still has a one-shoulder black leather bag hanging on her shoulder, which contains not cosmetics and accessories, but car keys, a large stack of heavy documents, a monotonous light yellow leather bag, and an old-fashioned mobile phone .

Suzuki Ayako slowly went up the escalator, and then walked upstairs to her room.

"Aunt Ida, I want a piece of strawberry ice cream!"

Suddenly, such a clear and pleasant voice came from downstairs behind her, Ayako stopped her steps to climb upstairs, and the voice came again, and there was a hint of joy in it.

"Sister! Are you back?"

There was a smile on Ayako's face, she looked sideways at the sunny girl downstairs wearing a long pink dress and said, "Sonoko, eating ice cream will make you fat!"

"My mother and I are drinking tea in the flower garden, won't you come to accompany us? Dad is still in the company and hasn't come back, why don't you come and accompany us!"

Sunshine is lovely, warm and kind, innocent and simple Yuanzi always has an optimistic and happy attitude towards everything.

Suzuki Ayako pursed her lips, shook her head and replied, "I still have work to do, let's talk!"

After finishing speaking, he stopped stopping and continued to go upstairs.

"My sister looks really tired..."

"Missy really works so hard...Miss[-], I put two spoonfuls of strawberry jam in your strawberry ice cream for you."

"Wow, Aunt Ida, you really love me the most!"

"Second Miss, this is the odd cookie you made, it's baked now."

Another voice came again, but it was another maid.

"Really? I don't know how it tastes like today..."

The sound got farther and farther away, and finally stopped and cut off the moment Suzuki Ayako entered the room.

Leaning against the door panel, she took a breath, raised her head and gently rubbed her sore shoulder and neck.

Taking off the high heels on her feet, letting go of her long hair tied into a bun, and throwing the heavy black leather bag onto her white European-style princess bed, Suzuki Ayako who walked to the bed turned and fell powerlessly on the bed, her long hair Shu sighed.

She felt so tired, her whole body was in pain like being run over by a car, and there was noise everywhere, "Suzuki Ayako, you should rest, you really should rest", but she had so much work to do, she There's so much left undone...

She always reminds herself that she is the eldest lady of the Suzuki consortium, no matter how tired she is, she can only persevere.

Getting up from the bed and going into the bathroom, Suzuki Ayako didn't feel that she had regained some energy until she had a good shower.

Sitting in front of the computer desk with a bath towel on, Ayako Suzuki turned on the computer and entered the password. On the screen was a group photo of a man and a woman.

The girl was herself, she had just graduated from graduate school, she was still wearing her school uniform, her face was still immature, and her eyes were full of youthful and energetic light.

Suzuki Ayako's eyes turned slightly to the man, Tomizawa Yuzo, her fiancé.

Although this man is Suzuki Ayako's fiancé, she doesn't actually like her. In fact, it's hard to say whether she likes her or not. For children of wealthy families, marriages are always decided by the family.

Suzuki Ayako fell asleep unknowingly while lying on the table, and when she woke up again, she was awakened by a knock on the door.

Suzuki Ayako immediately clicked the mouse to open "My Computer" to cover the photos on the computer screen, and then responded softly: "Come in."

Pushing open the door, the head protruding from the crack of the door belonged to Sonoko.

The eccentric Suzuki Sonoko smiled and said, "Sister, why haven't you come downstairs yet? There are already a lot of guests here, and my father and mother are entertaining the guests below."

It was only then that Suzuki Ayako noticed that she had fallen asleep on her stomach, and she was still wearing a bath towel that she hadn't taken off after taking a shower.

"I...I'm a little tired, Sonoko." Suzuki Ayako frowned slightly, she didn't really want to go downstairs to meet those people, she felt... very tired, really tired.

"But today is an important day, how can we be without you at home?"

Sonoko ran in from the door, squatted beside Suzuki Ayako and held Suzuki Ayako's arm, acting like a spoiled child, so well-behaved that no one could bear to refuse.

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Chapter 272 The Blooming Yukiko

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"Sonoko..." Suzuki Ayako sighed helplessly, "Okay, give me twenty minutes."

"Then hurry up! I'll wait for you downstairs! Sister, I love you the most!"

Sonoko quickly kissed Suzuki Ayako on the cheek, then turned around and ran out again.

Suzuki Ayako seldom dresses herself up in a black and low-key evening dress with lace and silk tulle on her shoulders.

The skirt is beautiful, but also very monotonous.

Suzuki Ayako gently pulled her hair back. Although she showed her slender and fair neck, she didn't wear any jewelry, and even though her collarbone was crystal clear, she undoubtedly modified it a little.

Stepping on the same low-key black high-heeled shoes, Suzuki Ayako went downstairs, took a glass of champagne in her hand, and walked slowly among the crowd.


"Miss Ayako!"

"Ayako Suzuki, come down..."

"Miss Ayako, hello..."

Everyone greeted her when they saw her, and the greeting was very warm.

Suzuki Ayako responded with a nod. She was also gentle in the eyes of everyone.

Ayako was looking for Sonoko, but she didn't expect Sonoko to see him.

Standing in the crowd, Tomizawa Yuzo was so conspicuous, so she could easily see his existence at a glance. His skin was a bit dark, and he looked very abrupt among the white and rich beauties.


Ayako walked over lightly, smiled at the man, and the people next to her left consciously when they saw her coming.

Tomizawa Yuzo was slightly taken aback, and then a faint smile spread across his face: "Ayako, you are beautiful tonight!"


At this moment, there was a sudden sound from behind, and Ayako turned her head in shock, and became even more nervous when she saw that it was her father. When did father stand behind?


Ayako stepped back slightly, and looked at her father, Suzuki Shiro, who is also the head of the Suzuki Foundation.

"Ayako, Yuzo is your fiancé, but how did I hear that you haven't seen each other for a long time, young man, please keep in touch."

"Uncle, I've been too busy with work recently, so it's none of Ayako's business."

Yusan helps Ayako to save the siege.

The two men came and went to deal with each other, but Ayako suddenly felt a little guilty. How could this be?

Did Dad discover his own mind?

Ayako became more and more nervous, and she seemed a little uneasy.


Sonoko ran out suddenly and plunged into Shirou's arms.

"Xionzo, you're here."

Mrs. Suzuki, who is Ayako's mother, Tomoko Suzuki, came with Sonoko, looked at Tomizawa Yuzo with a smile on his face, and after a few glances, his eyes were full of satisfaction and admiration.


Ayako smiled slightly at her mother, and Tomoko nodded slightly: "Why did you come down so late? Many wives didn't see you."

"I am a little uncomfortable."

Ayako softly defended herself.

"Yuanzi, today is the company's anniversary. Your summer internship in the company was very good, so whatever you want, Dad will promise you."

Shiro said happily while hugging his beloved second daughter.

"Really? Dad, if I marry someone suddenly, you have to agree!"

Sonoko smiled brightly like an elf, so beautiful, so cute, a white dress and beautiful curly hair made her look like a princess.

She was originally a princess, the princess of the Suzuki family.

Tomoko smiled helplessly at the side: "Girl, why aren't you ashamed?"

Yuanzi was eccentric, so it was not surprising to make such a request.

The ladies and ladies in the surrounding circle all laughed, being infected by Yuanzi's frankness and cuteness.

"Do you agree or not!"

Although Sonoko blushed and had a pretty face, she still hugged Shirou's neck and acted like a baby. This is what Ayako envied her most. She could act like a baby unscrupulously, win everyone's love, and infect everyone to be happy.

"Okay, I promise, let me promise!" Shiro rubbed his second daughter's head helplessly, "But you are still in high school! If you have someone you like, you can get engaged first!"

"Dad, you are the best, I love you the most!"

Sonoko immediately kissed Shirou on the cheek excitedly, which made everyone laugh again.

Tomoko pulled her over and scolded her in a low voice: "How many times have I told you that you are so old that you can no longer kiss your father in front of so many people!"

"Don't talk about her, she is a good boy who makes me feel happy, good girl!"

Shirou slightly blamed Tomoko, she had no choice but to shut up, while Sonoko had a happy and sweet expression on her face.

Suddenly, Sonoko's eyes lit up.

"Xiao Lan, here, I am here!"

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