Seeing Xiaolan's family, Yuanzi left his father's embrace and went up to him.

Hey, why didn't he come?

Seeing that even Conan (Heiji) came, Sonoko couldn't help but feel a little disappointed when he didn't see the person he liked to see the most.

"Yuanzi, you look so beautiful today!"

Xiaolan said words of praise, but Yuanzi was obviously absent-minded.

In one room, Yukiko seemed to be sleeping soundly on the sofa. Under the bright light, her pure white face shone with a holy luster, and her slender, curved and gentle eyebrows were slightly frowned. She didn't know what she was thinking. something.

In the room, there were beer bottles and red wine scattered all over the place.

Yukiko was wearing a long black silk dress, and a strap on her shoulders had slipped off.

The corners of the skirt were turned up, revealing a dazzling whiteness.

Yukiko didn't seem to have fallen asleep, she softly let out a dreamlike voice.

"Yusaku, you're back, you know how much I want you to come back!" Yukiko murmured in a coma, "I really wish you could stay by my side and be with me..."

"Honey, don't worry, I won't leave in the future, so I'll stay by your side, okay? You just have to listen to me! Do whatever I tell you to do, okay?" A slightly refreshed said the man's voice.

"Okay, I promise you! I will do whatever you ask me to do, don't leave me..." You Xizi was still unconscious and muttered to herself.

"Very well, come on, honey... I'll help you! Come on..."

As he spoke, Liu Xu slowly unbuttoned Yukiko's clothes from behind.

He swallowed, eyes widening.

"What a fairy woman!"

Liu Xu spoke in a low voice, his voice was a little hoarse because of his excitement, and a wicked smile appeared on his lips.

"I just came here to pick you up for the anniversary reception of the Suzuki Foundation, but I didn't expect to encounter such a thing... Yukiko, you will bloom for me tonight!"

Liu Xu is very familiar with Xizi's lips...

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Chapter 273 Everyone is an adult

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It wasn't until dawn that Dongfang turned out his white belly, and Liu Xu fell into a deep sleep...

He missed the anniversary of the Suzuki consortium, but gained more.

At noon, Liu Xu woke up faintly. The moment he opened his deep eyes, there was a woman who was sleeping soundly and completely unaware of the approaching danger lying beside her.

The passionate scene last night flashed through Liu Xu's mind like a slideshow. Thinking about it now, he still feels endless aftertaste.

Looking at the woman sleeping soundly in front of him, Liu Xu felt inexplicably happy at the moment, his eyes swept to the snow-white bed sheet, there was a red flower in full bloom there, and a playful smile floated on the corner of his mouth.

Of course Yukiko is not a good place, after all Kudo Shinichi is so old, but she still has a place where it is obviously the first time...

The long, smooth, maroon-colored hair was scattered on the bed in a mess, half of the cheeks were covered by the hair, and the other half was as white as jade in front of her eyes.

Like a piece of smooth and delicate white jade, slightly wrinkled eyebrows, curled long eyelashes, pouty lips, even breathing, everything is very attractive.

In a daze, Liu Xu suddenly wanted to get close to this face and kiss her rosy lips again.

He lowered his head and moved closer to those lips, but before he could speak, he stopped suddenly.

Because the eyes that were originally closed suddenly opened at this moment, round and round, with a trace of doubt and confusion, but in the next second, those eyes suddenly widened like copper bells, and then, A scream pierced the sky.


After Youxizi woke up and turned around, when she saw the familiar but extremely unfamiliar face in front of her, she instinctively let out a loud cry.

what happened?Isn't Yusaku back?Where did he go?

He reached out and pinched himself secretly, it hurt so much, it hurt, then it wasn't a dream.

Stiffly and slowly lowering his head, he screamed again when he saw that he and Liu Xu on the opposite side were both naked.

"Ah! Ah!"

Accompanied by the pain in the legs, as well as the weakness of the whole body falling apart, and the pain of tearing below, Yukiko was told a cruel fact.

That is, everything now is not a dream, but something that actually happened.

Everything of last night, like a broken picture, appeared in front of her in pieces, so that her face became more and more ugly.

You Xizi slept with this little man who was only as old as her own son but only met once last night, and it seemed that she didn't stop all night.

God!She wondered what kind of evil Xizi had run into to do such a shameful thing.

Moreover, if I remember correctly, she thought that the other party was her husband, and she approached him proactively last night, and kissed him proactively.

God!She's going crazy, really going crazy, what should I do?How to do?

You Xizi's bewildered, flustered, and bewildered expression was all seen by Liu Xu who was at the side, the corners of his mouth became more and more floating, and his eyes reflected an evil light.

He was full of thoughts, and looked at You Xizi who wanted to commit suicide with a smile on his face.

With a very pleasant, lazy and hoarse voice, he slowly said: "It seems that I didn't have a good time last night, why don't you make up for it now!"


With a loud bang, Youxizi was unlucky enough to have a close contact with Mother Earth, and was thrown so badly that her ass was in pain.

God!Even if you want to play with her, you don't have to play like this, what are these things.

Hangover, in a state of unconsciousness, spending a night with a little man who is not unfamiliar but absolutely unfamiliar, and sacrificed his precious innocence.

Well, that's enough cheating, but what's even more cheating is that she thinks so boldly that all of this is done with her husband who disappeared for two years and came back suddenly...

The tingling pain in her ass stimulated Yukiko's nerves, and it also made her completely wake up from the dizziness.

Wrapped in a quilt, he got up from the ground with a gulp.

And Liu Xu, who was lying on the bed, has already stood up from the bed at this moment. His fair skin, well-textured, well-defined figure, and strong six-pack abs prove that he usually exercises regularly.

This perfect and mouth-watering figure is shown in front of You Xizi without reservation and without any concealment.

He walked gracefully like a proud leopard, and smiled evilly. Yukiko's eyes widened and her mouth opened into an O shape.

Liu Xu stood still in front of You Xizi and looked down at her. Following You Xizi's gaze, he lowered his head and looked down.

"Why do you show such a disappointed expression? Is it because I don't have Yue Dui Guang? Since you hope so, then I will..."

He wasn't drunk last night, and he didn't want to find any excuses. After all, Xizi took the initiative. At most, he didn't resist, and he wasn't afraid to call the police.

"Wait a moment!"

Liu Xu didn't continue anymore, just raised his eyebrows, his smile deepened, and his eyes slowly moved from Yukiko's fingers to her face.

"Oh? You're so active, I really can't see it!"

You Xizi immediately withdrew her hand in fright, gave Liu Xu a hard look, and quickly lowered her head, wishing that there would be a hole in the ground so she could jump down.

"You... hurry up and put on your clothes!"

"Wear clothes? Why do you need clothes?"

Liu Xu seems to think that wearing clothes is a very strange thing.

Liu Xu seemed to have reacted suddenly, and spoke with great interest.

"Oh... do you think I wear too little, are you shy?"

With a smile on his lips, Liu Xu approached You Xizi, narrowing his eyes slightly.

"Ah...cough cough, Youxizi, don't be afraid, everyone is an adult."

Liu Xu knew that You Xizi was a beautiful but immature woman who didn't want others to call her "auntie", a bit childish.

Moreover, the two had an intimate relationship, and it was inappropriate to call her Auntie again, and they were not outside.

"Are you an adult?"

You Xizi looked at Liu Xu with a surprised face, he had grown up at the age of eighteen.

Liu Xu's momentum stagnated, and he said with a firm voice: "My body has grown up!"


"Besides, I don't know who was begging me there last night...don't stop..."

When he stretched out his hand, You Xizi backed away in fright, and pushed against the corner of the wall, there was no way to retreat.

Yesterday, Yuxizi regarded him as her husband, but now she has turned into a devil with two horns on her head and a wicked smile on her face.

You Xizi didn't know where the strength came from, and pushed Liu Xu away violently. Before he could react, he quickly grabbed the clothes on the ground and rushed out like lightning.

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Chapter 274 Seeing the Parents

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Liu Xu got up and got dressed slowly. When he left the room, You Xizi was already fully dressed and waiting for him in the living room.

Facing You Xizi who regained his composure, Liu Xu's idea of ​​continuing to take advantage of it was like a bubble that just popped, and it was over.

In the evening, Liu Xu brought a gift and went to the door to plead guilty.

At Yuanzi's house, he finally saw the face of the old man.

The appearance is very ordinary, the two pairs of eyes are quite small, not as big as Sonoko at all, but they are very similar to Ayako when she smiles.

He is a little over [-] meters tall, almost half a head shorter than Liu Xu, but his temperament is very sharp, and his gestures are full of oppressive momentum.

This kind of momentum is difficult to develop without long-term decisiveness in the business world.

Don't look round and look like a ball, but if you really want to treat him as a ball, you are the one with a head full of balls, and even the mustache around the mouth is full of murderousness.

"Baby girl, why is it so late after school today?"

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