Suzuki Shiro looked at Sonoko who was going downstairs with Liu Xu's arm in his arms, smiling happily like an old child.

He didn't think about Liu Xu either, and instead nodded kindly at him with a cold eyebrow.

"Traffic jam, traffic jam! You are so rich, if one day you are the mayor at that time, remember to focus on rectifying the current traffic problems!"

Yuanzi glanced at it with his small mouth, but there was a slight redness on his face that couldn't be wiped off.

The reason why they came back so late was because after school, Yuanzi punished Liu Xu with love for his missed appointment last night.

"You girl, do you talk to dad like that?" Suzuki Shiro laughed and cursed, pointing to the sofa and said, "Student, don't stand up, sit down, sit down, the food will be ready soon. Hehe, What's your name?"

Sonoko jumped ahead of Liu Xu and said, "His name is Susuo Yi, my boyfriend! Yi, this is my father, Suzuki Shiro."

Saying that, he dragged Liu Xu to sit on the sofa opposite Suzuki Shiro.

Liu Xu smiled at Suzuki Shiro's father, and said respectfully, "Hello, Uncle!"

He showed an honest and honest look, and he was also happy in his heart. The appearance of being honest is not pretending, it is an instinct, and it is an idiot to put arrogance on his face.

"Are you classmates?"

Suzuki Shiro sat opposite, staring at Liu Xu, looking up and down, and asked casually with a smile.

"Well, I just transferred to Tokyo." Liu Xu answered obediently with his head down, "I used to study in a small county."

"I just transferred here, studying in the county seat? Then you and Yuanzi got on good terms so quickly?"

A gleam flashed in Suzuki Shiro's eyes, but it quickly disappeared without a trace, and even the smile on his face did not change.

Yuanzi murmured, and interjected coquettishly, "Father, you are asking about personal privacy, and I refuse to answer."

She was afraid that if Liu Xu went crazy, she would tell her father that she took the initiative first. How embarrassing the garden would be. Anyway, she is the "boss" at home, so she has to check everything. Don't ask questions that shouldn't be asked. Those who should answer are absolutely not allowed to answer.

Suzuki Shiro looked at Liu Xu with a smile, as if he was waiting for his reply, but Liu Xu lowered his head and shut up obediently. No matter how tough the old man's face is, he can't compare to his wife. Eat, or can it be used as a bed to sleep in?But my wife is different. When I am hungry, I will call to help you go outside. At most, I will ask you to pay. If I am sleepy, I can hug her to sleep.

"Ha ha……"

Suzuki Shiro raised his head and laughed, Sonoko felt a little embarrassed.

She blushed and stomped her feet!Suzuki Shiro suppressed his smile and said, "Then I'll call you Yi from now on, hehe, my daughter sometimes has a temper, so you have to be more patient!"

"Hehe, Yuanzi actually has a pretty good temper."

Liu Xu scratched his head with a smile and said.

"That's right, why is his temper so big!"

Sonoko blushed and muttered softly.

Not long after, Sonoko's little mother, Tomoko, came down from upstairs, sat next to Shiro, and asked with a smile, "What are you talking about?"

"This is Yi, Yuanzi's good friend!"

Suzuki Shiro pointed to Liu Xu on the opposite side and said.

Pengzi looked at Liu Xu with a smile and nodded, and said casually, "That's right, the young man is very energetic!"

Liu Xu rolled his eyes in secret, thinking that you are not in your seventies and eighties, do you need such an old-fashioned one?

After Tomoko came down from upstairs, the smile on Sonoko's face became even sweeter.

Liu Xu stared at the stairs from time to time, but he was disappointed because he didn't find Ayako Suzuki.

The four of them chatted from left to right, and most of the time Du Shilang asked about Liu Xu's family and his own situation.

Not long after, the butler came over and said that dinner was ready.

Suzuki Shiro waved his hands and stood up and said, "Let's eat!"

Yuanzi pulled Liu Xu to stand up from the sofa.

The restaurant of Yuanzi's family is very luxurious. There is a long round table surrounded by exactly twelve chairs. The size of the restaurant alone is probably larger than many houses!

"The table and chairs are made of mahogany, not too expensive, the total is only about six million, sit down!"

Suzuki Shiro looked at Liu Xu, pointed to the chair and said.

Liu Xu was taken aback, nodded with a smile, and said nothing, but both he and Yuanzi knew in their hearts that the old man's attack was coming.

After taking his seat, Suzuki Shiro asked Liu Xu: "Young man, do you drink red wine or white wine?"

Liu Xu thought for a while, then said with a smile, "It's up to the host!"

Suzuki Shiro nodded and said: "Then the wine bar, the butler will go to the wine cellar to get a bottle of [-] Lafite."

For a meal, Liu Xu ate well, at least his stomach must be full. Liu Xu drank half of Shi Lang's bottle of Lafite.

Suzuki Shiro hardly moved his chopsticks, and kept injecting Liu Xu. As for Liu Xu, the dishes in the bowl were all caught by the gardener, and he was strictly ordered to finish eating, and to use "violence" if he didn't eat.

After dinner, Suzuki Shiro said to Sonoko with a smile: "Sonoko, take your friends out to play. Here, this is a gift from Dad. One half is in the garage, and the other half is in the bank safe, which is the password for your birthday."

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Chapter 275 Keys and Cases

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Suzuki Shiro threw something like a diamond-shaped car key to Sonoko, and Sonoko's heart was instantly filled with happiness.

"Thank you dad!"

Yuanzi smiled and took Liu Xu's arm and ran out.

Since going downstairs, Yuanzi never let go of Liu Xu's arm except when he was eating just now.

In the garage, there is a fiery red limited edition Porsche sports car parked.

After Yuanzi and Liu Xu left, Tomoko asked, "What do you want to do, to forcefully separate the two of them? It seems that Yuanzi is very attached to this boyfriend he just met!"

"Hmph, do you think I will agree with Yuanzi to live with a man who has no looks, no skills, no family background for the rest of his life?"

Suzuki Shiro snorted coldly with a straight face.

Tomoko shook her head and said, "I know you won't, but have you thought about Sonoko's feelings? With her personality, will she agree to your arrangement?"

"Whether she agrees or not, my decision will never allow her to change. I have already helped her choose the man Yuanzi will rely on in the future."

"It's useless, you should know your daughter's temper, you can't force her, and you can't stop her!"

After Tomoko finished speaking, he got up and went upstairs.

Suzuki Shiro's face was erratic, and after a long time, he sighed lightly.

Jingdong Hotel.

She knew she was drugged.

She has to get out of here, she has to get out of here now.

There was a fire burning inside her body, she was sweating all over her body, her blood was even flowing countercurrently, it was about to boil in an instant.

So hot!

Getting hotter!

But no, this is a high-end bar club, tonight is the night of make-up, all customers who come in must wear masks and costumes to enter.

She wore a bright red dress with high slits and a red fox mask.

This bar club is very high-end, and customers who come in must go through identity registration.The bar owner usually doesn't allow this kind of thing to happen, so she is so relieved and loses her original vigilance.

Just after drinking that glass of wine, within a minute, she felt unwell.

She longed for something, a vague taste like what a man should have.

There are men around her, men everywhere, but her consciousness is repelling, and she struggles to escape.

When she ran out, she felt that her clothes inside were drenched with sweat.

She panted heavily, resisting the urge to grab her clothes off, and felt footsteps chasing after her, she ran forward with big strides, as if she saw an elevator, she rushed in without thinking.

And the elevator door closed in a second.

She hit a warm wall, a little hard and hot, but comfortable.

She looked up and saw a man's face, which was a little familiar, but her head was already confused, and she couldn't remember where she had seen him.

The smell of a man smells so good, so comfortable...


Liu Xu looked down at her. The woman was wearing a fiery red fox mask. She had a pair of beautiful black eyes with slightly curled eyelashes, which blinked like two small fans, which inexplicably made his heart itch.

She felt her body was getting more and more out of control.

"Help me, please..."

She clings to Liu Xu.

Liu Xu's goosebumps came out from such a kiss.

He came to the hotel to look for You Xizi, and he briefly explained the matter in the morning, and then she told Liu Xu to leave, and separated from Yuanzi just now, the more he thought about it, the more wrong he was, she put herself to sleep, how could she be so irresponsible , so Liu Xu decided to come and have a good chat with her.

"Honey, do you know what you're doing?"

Liu Xu's eyes lit up, and he unconsciously wrapped his arms around her waist.

"It's so comfortable... help me..."

"It's an impossible request to refuse."

Liu Xu met a woman who had been drugged. He reached out to take off her mask, but the woman grabbed his hand very quickly.

"No..." She hadn't completely lost consciousness, maybe she knew what she wanted him to help her with, but she didn't want him to take off her mask, "Only this is not allowed, help me..."

"You won't regret your choice."

The elevator went all the way up and stopped on the 11th floor, with Liu Xu holding her waist.

He didn't want her here, he had to find a comfortable place.

"hurry up……"

"What a goblin!"

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