Seeing that he hadn't made a move yet, several soldiers around frowned and said, "Special Lieutenant, what are you waiting for, if you wait a little longer, you won't know if the major can be saved!"

Hearing this, the big black dragon also silently calculated in his heart.

His reconstruction magic can indeed bring the dying person back to life.

However, Kazama Genshin is dead.

In this way, even if you use it and reconstitute it yourself, at worst you will get a corpse.

Suddenly, the big black dragon also shrank his pupils.

In Kazama Xuanxin's broken brain, there is actually a piece of wire? !

Looking at the electric wires wriggling in the brain tissue, the big black dragon also frowned slightly.

Transform people...

If it is a reformed person, maybe it can really be resurrected.

However, even if it is to transform people, it cannot get rid of the category of human beings.

The big black dragon also reconstitutes the magic. If the reconstituted object is a human being, when the historical records of the target individual are copied, they will feel the pain that the injured person has realized.

Its pain is not read as knowledge, but becomes information directly imprinted on the spirit, and the longer the time interval from injury to infliction, the pain experienced increases exponentially.

If he wants to resurrect Kazama Xuanxin, the pain he has to bear will be very strong. If something happens, he may even die suddenly because of this excessive pain.

Thinking of this possibility, the big black dragon also sighed.

"Special Captain! What are you waiting for?"

"Hurry up, the major is waiting for your rescue!"

The soldiers behind him seemed to vent their tension and dissatisfaction on him.

They worry that they will be punished for failing the mission.

Others worry about losing their backer.

All in all, everyone has their own selfishness.

In the past, I even regarded members of the Self-Defense Force as fighters who defended the country.

At that time, I was indeed a little naive!

Thinking this way, the big black dragon still pointed the muzzle of his gun at Kazama Xuanxin.

Although the soldiers of the Self-Defense Forces may have their own ideas, this man's loyalty to the country is beyond doubt.

Seeing this scene, Liu Xu, who had been lying on the table, frowned slightly.

"...Resurrection? No, this kind of magic already belongs to advanced magic. Even if this little devil is very powerful, he should not be able to use it. Oh, it turns out that it is time tracing and recasting of things, but if it is time reshaping There should be no problem with recasting, even if Kazama Genshin can be revived, he can't remember my affairs."


Chapter 763 The son of the plane is the most annoying...

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Sure enough, as Liu Xu expected, under the light of magic, Kazama Xuanxin quickly reacted.

As if he had never been injured, the man stood up slowly.

Even after knowing the ability of this magic, Liu Xu couldn't help being a little surprised.

"That kid seems to be a difficult guy to deal with, so the son of the plane is the most annoying..."

Looking at the face of the boy called Da Hei Long Ye, Liu Xu smacked his lips inwardly.

Holding his dizzy head, Kazama Xuanxin slowly stood up.

Looking at the young man standing in front of him, Kazama Xuanxin showed a surprised look, and hurried over to support him.

Pushing away the black helmet, the boy's face inside was as pale as paper.

"Special Captain, what happened, why are you like this?"

Seeing Kazama Xuanxin woke up, several soldiers who were hiding behind all rushed up.

"Major! I'm glad you're all right!"

"Congratulations on your survival, Major!"



Regarding these noisy soldiers, Kazama Xuanxin interrupted their words as soon as he frowned. He has always been very helpless for these soldiers who are not good at training their own strength, but only know how to grab their merits.

Turning his head to look at the big black dragon who was supported by him, Kazama Xuanxin frowned even more.

"Can you fall into this state, did I really die just now?"

"...Yes, according to the...pain...pain, your death...death time is not enough, less than...ten...minutes."

The resurrection of Kazama Xuanxin consumed a lot of psions of the big black dragon.

This is irrelevant, anyway, the big black dragon also has too many psions to be used, but more importantly, to revive Kazama Genshin, he needs to bear all the former's pain for ten minutes in an instant.

If this kind of pain is placed on ordinary people, I am afraid that it will directly collapse.

Because of this, the big black dragon would never repair injuries that lasted more than [-] hours, that would definitely cause him to die suddenly due to excessive pain.

"Less than ten minutes..."

Hearing Daiheilongya's words, Kazama Xuanxin quickly recalled the previous situation in his mind.

Although the cause of his death is unknown, he still remembers that the people present at that time included Second Lieutenant Fujibayashi Kyoko, and...

Thinking of this, Kazama Xuanxin's eyes flashed with surprise, he turned his head and began to search in the room.

The moment he saw Liu Xu, Kazama Xuanxin slowly put down the big black dragon, and strode over.

Seeing his expression, the surrounding soldiers immediately surrounded him.

A group of people stood by Liu Xu's table.

While everyone was watching, Xuanxin Kazama slowly helped Liu Xu who had "fainted".

After watching Liu Xu's reaction carefully for a while, Xuanxin Kazama relaxed his brows slightly.

From Liu Xu's reaction, he could tell that Liu Xu was definitely in a coma. Otherwise, unless Liu Xu used magic, it would be impossible to pretend to be unconscious in front of him.

Looking at Liu Xu whose back was supported by Kazama Gentrust, Sibo Tatsu also had neither joy nor sadness in his eyes.

Sibo Tatsuya, one of the members of the Army's 101st Brigade of Independent Magic Equipment Brigade, code-named Daheilongye, and his military rank is Special Lieutenant.

With such an identity on his shoulders, he is naturally not an ordinary person.

And the scariest thing he ever did was killing an entire fleet of warships alone in the Okinawa defense battle two years ago.

Suddenly, Shi Boda was also slightly taken aback.

"...Liu Xu?"

This name, without knowing why, suddenly popped into his mind.

"No... No matter how powerful he is, he shouldn't remain unchanged after two years... What is hidden in this?"

Staring at Liu Xu closely, Si Boda also said something that no one could understand.

At this time, Liu Xu had already been awakened by Kazama Xuanxin.

Slowly opening his eyes, Liu Xu showed a look of surprise the moment he saw Kazama Xuanxin.

"You, you are still alive?!"

That look of surprise didn't seem fake at all.

Even Sibo Tatsuya had to admit that Liu Xu's current reaction was nothing unusual.

Therefore, even though he had doubts about Liu Xu's identity, Si Boda didn't say anything.

Looking at Liu Xu's expression, Kazama Xuanxin showed a hint of disappointment in his eyes.

Although Liu Xu's every reaction conveyed the message "I didn't kill the person", he still felt that Liu Xu had something to do with this incident.

"Liu Xujun, I would like to ask, what happened before, have you seen the cause of my death?"

Upon hearing this, Liu Xu screamed in fright and jumped back a long way.

"Oh, it's terrible. What you said is really scary. What is the cause of your death? Aren't you standing here properly? I am most afraid of ghost stories, so don't scare me."

At this time, some soldiers also ran over.

"Report Major, everyone present has no memory of what happened before!"

Hearing this, a trace of solemnity flashed in Kazama Xuanxin's eyes.

Things have come to this, he can only admit defeat.

The last hope is Liu Xu, whether the murderer is him or not and he sees useful information, or the murderer is him and he shows his flaws, his death is not in vain.

"Liu Xujun, please tell me in detail what happened before? Also, where is Second Lieutenant Fujibayashi Xiangko now?"

Hearing this, Liu Xu scratched his hair nervously.

"To be honest, I can't remember the scene at all... I just remember that there was something flying over behind you, and then your head was hit, and there was a lot of blood... Other, damn, why can't I remember Already?!"

Seeing Liu Xu's reaction, Si Boda also walked slowly to Kazama Genshin's side.

"Probably group memory interference magic, Major. It's useless to ask more questions. I can feel that this person has not used psions during this period of time."

Hearing this, Kazama Xuanxin nodded helplessly.


Chapter 764 These reactions may represent favorability

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