ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Since that's the case, forgive me for going ahead, Liu Xujun. Regarding the scare you received today, I will send someone to make up for it, and I apologize again."

As he said that, Xuanxin Kazama leaned slightly towards Liu Xu.

Then, he left here with his own independent magic outfit brigade.

Looking at their leaving backs, Liu Xu showed a playful smile.

"Is that big black dragon... the son of the plane? Hey, I don't know why he suddenly spoke for me. Could it be that he has some unknown purpose?"

"Other things are easy to talk about, but it's impossible to let Shiba Miyuki off..."

"Forget it... I had a good time today, that's all!"

Not long after leaving here, Kazama Xuanxin led people to stop again.

How could Xuanxin Kazama leave without finding a single subordinate.

Kazama Xuanxin calmly ordered to a soldier beside him: "Take people back to the shop, check the details everywhere, and don't miss any clues."

Hearing this, the soldier was slightly taken aback.

"Didn't the major say that there is no need to check again?"

Then, he was stared at by Kazama Xuanxin's ice-like eyes.

Under this gaze, he just felt like he was in an ice cave!


This time, the soldier didn't ask any more questions, but gave a military salute, and quickly turned back.

Looking at Shiba Tatsuya, Kazama Genshin frowned and asked, "Tatsuya, did you find anything?"

The reason why Liu Xu was let go first and did not ask any further questions was also out of Kazama Xuanxin's consideration.

Liu Xu's identity is very sensitive, he is a foreign student from a hostile country who came here.

Therefore, as long as you don't have sufficient evidence, you can't just keep him.

And, more importantly, Kazama Xuanxin always felt that Liu Xu was very dangerous.

Not memory, not speculation.

Just a gut feeling.

This intuition saved Kazama Genshin's life countless times before, and it is also because of this intuition that Kazama Genshin was able to be transformed into a cyborg when he was on the verge of death.

The most important thing is that if there is any question about Liu Xu's true identity, it's useless to ask him any more. At most, he can only kill him.

Therefore, it would be better to let Shibada, who has large-scale reconnaissance magic, do another reconnaissance.

Hearing this, Si Boda also shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, Major, but no trace of Second Lieutenant Fujibayashi was found."

"...Now, I'm in trouble."

Sighing, Kazama Xuanxin was in a bad mood.

Fujibayashi Kyoko is the best electronic warfare talent in the 101st Brigade. She is known as the Electronic Witch. Because of her presence, the Independent Magic Equipment Brigade has never lagged behind in terms of intelligence.

If I really encountered an attack from an unknown source just now, and the enemy's purpose was to take Fujibayashi Kyoko away, this would definitely be a terrifying thing.

"Is there a way to judge the identity of the enemy by recasting the scene inside the house?"

After thinking about it, Kazama Genshin could only place his hope on Shiba Tatsuya.

"I'm sorry, Major, but that's impossible."

"makes sense."

Soon, several soldiers in charge of the investigation ran back.

"Sorry, Major, nothing of value was found, it was all burned."

"gone back."

With today's magical technology, it is no longer like before that everything has to be investigated slowly, and it is even more meaningless to bring a large group of people back to the police station for questioning.

If magic judgment has no way to get clues, then there is no need to waste effort.

At this time, instead of thinking about how to find clues, it is better to quickly determine the identity of the person who kidnapped Fujibayashi Kyoko.

At the same time, Kazama Xuan silently imprinted his doubts about Liu Xu in his heart.


I don't know that Kazama Xuanxin's side has become a mess, Liu Xu just walked towards the school so slowly, but before he reached the school gate, he saw Nanakusa Mayumi and others rushing towards him in a panic people.

When they saw Liu Xu, all the girls showed expressions of relief.

"Liu Xujun... Thank God, it's great that you're fine."

After looking up and down and confirming that there were no wounds on Liu Xu's body, Nanakusa Mayumi patted her chest and said.

With this movement of hers, the small mountain that had just taken shape in her chest rose and fell.

"Just now I saw an explosion in the store at the door, and Mayumi was frightened, and ran over to see it." Watanabe Moli said with a smile.

Hearing this, Nanakusa Mayumi pursed her lips, and said, "Well, isn't it the same for Moli, who was almost frightened and ran faster than me."

"I, I was afraid that the Chairman of the Disciplinary Committee would die and ask me to pick up this mess again!"

Ichihara Suzune gave a helpless wry smile as she watched the two of them who started to fight again as soon as the atmosphere relaxed.

"Don't talk about it, both of them are running faster than flying, and Huayin is the same, just now they almost caused an explosion to clear the way..."

Chiyoda Hanon opened her mouth and wanted to refute, but before she could speak, Liu Xu smiled and said, "So, Suzune must be very concerned about me for being able to get here at the same speed as them?"

"...You are the only one who will talk poorly."

Regarding Liu Xu's reaction, Lingyin could only smile wryly and shook her head.

Although a little playboy feeling, but not annoying.

Looking at the concerned expressions of several people, Liu Xu smiled and said: "In short, I came back intact, and there is nothing serious there, just a little accident."

As he spoke, Liu Xu reached out and rubbed their little heads one by one.

Suddenly being contacted by Liu Xu with such an intimate gesture, Nanakusa Mayumi and Suzune's expressions were a bit subtle, Watanabe Mori snorted, and Chiyoda Hanon hid away.

Looking at the reactions of several people, Liu Xu suddenly had the illusion that "these reactions may represent favorability".

"Okay, since this bastard is fine, let's all go back! Just now you few high officials ran out suddenly, scaring many students, maybe the student council will remember us as skipping classes..."


Chapter 765 This pot, uh, the task, I took it...

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Speaking of this, Chiyoda Hanon suddenly smiled to herself, and said: "Well, I forgot that there are student council presidents and discipline committee chairmen here. No matter what you do as a group, no one can take care of it. ?”

Nanakusa Mayumi blushed.

Kanon's words are very meaningful. Whether it is a "combination" or an "extraordinary thing", they have intentionally or unintentionally helped Nanakusa Mayumi to play the role of wingman.

However, when helping Nanakusa Mayumi match Liu Xu today, Chiyoda Hanon suddenly had an inexplicable feeling.

It was as if he was resisting this kind of thing.

Thinking of this, Huayin couldn't help but twitch her eyes.

I couldn't be... attracted by that bastard, right?

At this point, the students in the school had finished their freshman ceremony.

I should go back to my own school year to be busy, and I have returned to the place where I should go.

As for the freshmen, they went to apply for ID cards for class placement.

The ID card is not prepared in advance for each individual and distributed, but to enter data into the card used in the school through personal authentication.

Therefore, no matter which window you can go through the formalities, but the crowd is still there, and they are naturally divided into two groups.

As for Liu Xu and Hua Yin, they naturally didn't need to apply for any ID cards. As the chief freshmen, their cards had already been obtained from the student union.

Both are in Class 1-A.

Originally, logically speaking, freshmen should go to the classroom to listen to the teacher's instructions for freshmen, or other things, but Liu Xu has no such plan.

Liu Xu directly refused Huayin's invitation to go to the classroom with him.

While other students were busy getting their cards to report, Liu Xu slowly came to a forest in the college.

Looking at Zimao standing there, Liu Xu's expression was a little subtle.

"It stands to reason that a place like a magic school should be the foundation of a country, right? How could you let a guy like you casually get in here?"

Hearing this, Zhou Gongjin smiled slightly, and said, "The School of Magic Science, in order to instruct practical magic skills, there are indeed many powerful magicians who stay here as teachers."

Speaking of this, Zhou Gongjin showed a mocking look in his eyes.

"However, because of this, the school's vigilance is so poor, let alone me, even some ordinary terrorists can sneak in at will..."

As he said that, Zimao probably suddenly remembered his purpose of coming here, and quickly coughed dryly, interrupting his unrestrained thinking.

"Long time no see, Colonel." Zi Mao said with a casual military salute.

"Fake it, let's do it!"

After waving his hand, Liu Xu directly interrupted Zi Mao's words. Hearing this, Zi Mao smiled softly.

"You are right. This kind of polite talk is meaningless to a pragmatic person like you. Forgive me for getting used to dealing with those corrupt high-level officials."

With that said, Zimao directly took out a terminal.

On it was the picture of Liu Xu walking out of school with Kazama Xuanxin yesterday.

"About this video, I would like to ask the Colonel, the explosion yesterday was caused by you, right?"

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