What's more, they blindly boycotted Liu Xu because of ethnic hatred.

However, most of them are for the goodwill and interests of the Chiba family.

At this moment, the colossus of the Four Leaf family publicly announced its support for Liu Xu, and naturally all these scumbags disappeared.

After understanding this truth, Chiba Shuji's expression suddenly turned cold.

At this moment, Qianye Xiuji, unexpectedly got a blessing in disguise, and completely abandoned the distracting thoughts in his heart!

Seeing this scene, everyone in Chiba's family showed surprise expressions.

"Great achievement! This is the great achievement of Chiba-style swordsmanship! It has been two hundred years, and this is the second descendant of Qianye-style swordsmanship who has achieved great success!"

At this moment, Chiba's family finally showed a rare joy.

Even if Chiba Shuji loses this battle, they will still get benefits that they couldn't get before!

Chiba Shuji looked at Liu Xu coldly.

Liu Xu also looked at Chiba Shuji indifferently.

"It's interesting... Have you broken through the realm at this time? In this way, you really have a bit of capital to aspire to the Japanese magic world, but... It's a pity that you met me today."

Liu Xu smiled.


Chapter 844

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


In this atmosphere that seemed to blow a storm of sharp blades, Patriarch Chiba slowly walked to the middle of the gymnasium.

"I announce that the duel between Chiba Shuji and Liu Xuzhi will begin now!"

The moment the voice fell, Chiba Shuji instantly disappeared in place.

In the next second, Liu Xu appeared in front of Liu Xu with the sound of breaking through the air, and the samurai sword in his hand was unsheathed instantly, and he slashed towards Liu Xu with a white light!

Ninety-nine percent of the people present couldn't see this sword at all!

Facing this lightning-like sword, Liu Xu showed no fear. With a flip of his right hand, a big black sword appeared in his hand.

Hezi Great Sword!

Without using energy magic or sword skills, Liu Xu casually slashed diagonally.

But it was just such a slash that shocked the big figures who were watching the battle.

There is no other reason, just because this is an absolutely clean and neat killing sword!

No frills, no sword moves, everything serves a purpose.


The competition of swordsmen is based on speed, strength, and skill.

Chiba Xiuji's level is actually very high. After comprehending the "Dacheng" realm of Chiba Liujian, Chiba Xiuji's sword at this time is neither happy nor sad. To a certain extent, it is really a bit Killer taste.

It's just that Liu Xu's sword was learned from the real killer, Chi Tong, known as the strongest trump card in the imperial capital!

Absolute killer sword!

The moment Liu Xu's sword light was about to touch Qianye Xiuci, a trace of fear suddenly flashed in Qianye Xiuci's cold eyes.

He could feel that Liu Xu's sword was aimed at his life!

The moment he felt his life was threatened, Chiba Shuji didn't hesitate at all, just rolled around like a lazy donkey and dodged.

Although he is confident that he can defeat Liu Xu with magic, he must know that he is the one who proposed "fair competition with swordsmanship".

Therefore, Chiba Xiuji knew that he could not back down. Once he used magic first, it would be tantamount to admitting cowardice. At that time, his face would have no place to rest!

Thinking of this, Chiba Shuji stood up again.

There was boos around.

Although most people definitely support Chiba Xiuji, the more they support, the less they want to see Chiba Xiuji lose the wind.

So Chiba Shuji's embarrassing action naturally made people very dissatisfied.

On the contrary, those who supported Liu Xu looked proud.

When Chiba Xiuji fell to the ground, Liu Xu didn't pursue him. A ring fight is different from a normal fight. Usually, Liu Xu doesn't mind all kinds of dirty moves, let alone a sneak attack when he is not prepared. Row.

But in the arena, one must have a good image, which is also Liu Xu's way of dealing with people.

This kind of gentlemanly demeanor was naturally well received, and many Japanese who originally supported Chiba Shuji turned their favor to Liu Xu.

Chiba Xiuji didn't attack rashly again, but tried it first. This time Liu Xu didn't use any powerful moves to suppress him, which gave Chiba Xiuji the illusion that he might win.

While everyone was watching, Chiba Shuji moved again.

This time, Chiba Shuji directly used the strongest swordsmanship he could use.

"Qianye Style swordsmanship... thunderbolt slashing iron!"

Thunder Slashing Iron, the strongest sword skill of Chiba-style swordsmanship and Yidao-style, Chiba Shuji's elder brother Chiba Hisawa, relied on this move to become the leader of the Chiba family!

It is said that during the founding period of the Chiba family, the move of Thunder Slashing Iron used to split dozens of humanoid chariots with one sword. The incision was extremely smooth, and he was invincible on the battlefield with only one sword!

Today's Xunlei Iron Slashing, although not as terrifying as back then, can easily split through ordinary steel plates, not to mention the effect on people.

Seeing the sword that seemed to split the air, the people around gasped.

All eyes were on Chiba Shuji's sword!

As for Liu Xu, he just raised the sword in his hand, without even the gesture of accumulating power, and directly used the tip of the big sword to point at Chiba Shuji who was rushing straight.

"Great sword, there is another name called giant sword, and giant sword has never won with speed."

As everyone said, Liu Xu took a deep breath while everyone was watching.

"Break Slash!"

Beng Sao Zhi Slash, the sword skill that Liu Xu started to use at the very beginning.

"There is actually another name for this trick, that is... Power to split Huashan!"

The moment Chiba Xiuji rushed in front of him, Liu Xu's sword also slammed to the ground.

At this moment, in the eyes of others, the confrontation between the two was like a rabbit rushing over, but bumped headfirst into a cannonball!

With a loud bang, Chiba Shuji flew upside down. Amid a series of crashes, Chiba Shuji just lay on the ground, unable to move!

Looking at Chiba Shuji who fell on the ground, Liu Xu's mouth curled up into a playful smile.

Immediately afterwards, the audience let out cries of dissatisfaction.

"This is the Phantom Sword Ghost?! To be beaten like this by a foreigner!"

"Are you kidding me? We didn't come to see you juggling! Hurry up! Magic Sword Ghost!"

Accusations sounded one after another, hearing these words, Chiba Shouhe frowned, but couldn't say anything.

Few of the people who originally supported Chiba's family dared to speak up.

With the several fights between Liu Xu and Chiba Shuji, the mentality of the audience has begun to change quietly.

Chiba Shuji stood up slowly.

The way he looked at Liu Xu finally changed.

"Only relying on swordsmanship... can't win. In this case, even though he will be criticized by others, he must be killed with magic. Otherwise, the Qianye family will suffer endless troubles."

Muttering to himself, Chiba Shuji's eyes suddenly became extremely cold.

"Magic. High frequency sword!"

As soon as the voice fell, the blade in his hand was entangled with the magic power of the crazily humming!

"Using magic?! That's despicable!"

"Is this guy still human?"

Amidst the angry curses of the people around, Chiba Xiuji raised his sword, and an acceleration technique flashed towards Liu Xu like a white light!

Facing Jinghong's sword, Liu Xu sneered, and his right hand was instantly entangled with jet-black color, and he ruthlessly met it.

Partial colonization, gauntlets!


Chapter 845 Absolute Speed

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Swords and armor clashed.


There was another explosion between the two. This time, Liu Xu didn't move at all, but Chiba Shuji was shocked and flew backwards.

Liu Xu followed closely. Although Liu Xu mainly held the mentality of testing in this battle, he would not let the water go casually.

"Since the opponent is floating in the air, there is no reason to let him down before a set of combos."

Smiling and talking, Liu Xu pointed at the direction where Chiba Xiuji fell, and shouted: "Landmine source!"

The ground shook slightly, and then, a roar sounded again, blasting Chiba Shuji into the air again!

Patriarch Chiba's mouth opened wide.

He couldn't believe that his son Chiba Shuji would be hanged and beaten like this!

A trace of surprise also flashed in Hei Yugong's eyes.

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