"It's so powerful... I now understand why the Patriarch takes such care of this kid. This kind of monster-like strength is simply inhuman."

As he said that, Hei Yugong waved to the side, and a servant walked over respectfully.

Hei Yugong bent down and said: "Go, prepare some sports drinks, chocolates and other things for Miss Shenxue."

Seeing Shenxue waiting there so nervously, not even knowing how to prepare for anything, Hei Yugong had no choice but to act as an assist wisely.

You know, just now Liu Xu used the Chiyoda family's magic. Although Kuroyuko was very confident in Miyuki's charm, there was no big mistake in being careful. Who knows who Liu Xu really likes now.

Chiyoda Kosaburo smiled in satisfaction.

Isn't it a metaphor for Liu Xu to use the magic of their Chiyoda family on this occasion? If nothing else, Hei Yugong will definitely look at them with admiration.

After Liu Xu had had enough of the "combo attack", Chiba Shuji finally landed on the ground again.

Staring fixedly at Liu Xu, Chiba Xiuci still had that expression of neither happiness nor sadness on his face.

At the moment when he was completely in despair just now, the strong emotional force finally made Chiba Shuji enter a new realm.


After stepping into the realm of great accomplishment, Chiba Xiuji's swordsmanship was not only elevated to a higher level, it was simply a leap-forward improvement, even Liu Xu had to admit that after the strengthening of the world's will and the bonus of the new realm , Chiba Shuji's strength is already considerable.


Looking at Chiba Shuji's icy expression, Liu Xu raised a dangerous smile at the corner of his mouth.

It seems that Chiba Shuji is very good at speed.

In the game, who is the person who is least afraid of speed-flowing enemies?

Main tank?



Not right either.

The one who is least afraid of speeding enemies is the ice method!

Freeze you, slow you down, and then, endless kite flying!

Qianye Xiuji raised the long sword in his hand high, and rushed towards Liu Xu like lightning.

On the long sword, there was a terrible wave quickly, with unparalleled destructive power at first glance. Even if this wave magic is attached to the bamboo sword, it still has the cutting power of a chain saw. At this time, it is attached to the bamboo sword On Chiba Shuji's extraordinary sword, the effect is self-evident.

Hei Yugong frowned, and was ready to rescue Liu Xu.

At this time, the Four Leaves family will definitely get a big favor for saving Liu Xu's life!

However, Liu Xu's next actions killed his thoughts in the cradle.

Liu Xu rushed forward directly, and stretched out his right hand to meet Chiba Shuji's sword.

In the palm of that hand, a cloud of dark blue mist was enveloping, like a small door to the abyss, full of threats.

Everyone watched this scene with gritted teeth.

What hated Liu Xu was wishing that Liu Xu's move didn't work, and was cut in half by Qianye Xiuci's sword.

Those who supported Liu Xu wanted Liu Xu to slap Chiba Xiuji into pieces with just such a slap, and to destroy the prestige of Chiba's family.

Just a second before the two came into contact, Chiba Shuji moved his hand.

Ever since he rushed towards Liu Xu, his hands hadn't moved, not even trembled at all.

Chiba Shuji swung his sword.

Obviously, he just swung his sword, but it produced countless sword lights.

Although it is still impossible to "swing these swords at the same time" to such a perverted point, these sword lights are so dense that even a bird can hardly pass through this net of sword lights.

Liu Xu smiled slightly, and disappeared in front of Chiba Xiuji in the next moment.

Terrifying speed.

Even such a dense sword light can be avoided directly!

Under everyone's gaze, Liu Xu just disappeared in place.

You know, even for Chiba Shuji, there are traces of his movement, and people can see the shadow he leaves when he moves.

However, this time, Liu Xu really managed to teleport!

There were bursts of gasps from the crowd.


If this magic can really be realized, it will definitely be another century-old pioneering work!

This guy Liu Xu is not only super powerful in combat, he can actually create his own magic!

At this time, everyone felt similar unwillingness in their hearts.

Hei Yugong didn't think so.

He could see that Liu Xu's footwork seemed to pass through the air. Although he couldn't see it clearly, he could know it.

"Liu Xuna, it's not teleportation...but, the absolute speed creates the same effect as teleportation!"

Hei Yugong couldn't help murmuring.

And Liu Xu raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

The cloud of cold air in his hand pressed hard on Chiba Shuji's back, and with a bang, he was pushed directly into the floor!

The people watching the battle all frowned.

This time, even they all felt the pain.

Chiba Shuji stood up again as if nothing happened.

However, his stiff, rusty movements showed that he was not in a good state at all.

Just now, what Liu Xu used was the unfinished version of the magic "Ice Spike".

Ice Spike is a kind of ice magic that uses the magic power of ice to weaken the enemy's speed for a long time.

Originally, with Liu Xu's current understanding of magic, he couldn't use magic other than the fire system very well. However, because the ice spike is a skill that Akafir stuffed, so it can be used in advance.


Chapter 846 Ice Magic

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Seeing Chiba Xiuji's zombie-like movements, Liu Xu smiled.

"Sure enough, the second time I use it, the effect is also very good."

The first time I used it was when I was fighting a general.

At that time, Liu Xu directly smashed Jianghui's "Mobility Interference Field" with the ice spike.

At that time, Liu Xu had already begun to purposefully develop the ability of ice magic.

Ice magic, on the surface, seems to only be able to do things like deceleration and cold damage, but if you dig carefully, you will find that using the characteristic of "temperature affects density" in ice magic, magicians can often do a lot interesting thing.

For example, relying on the powerful magic power to instantly change the psion density in the “Mobility Interference Field” for several times, thus causing the mobility interference field to be broken.

For example, change the density of the ready-to-go ice tip and press it directly into the enemy's body, so as to only affect the speed of the enemy, but it will not kill the enemy all at once.

There are also various interesting applications, which will have to be discovered later.

Chiba Shuji tried to raise the sword in his hand.

However, after trying a few times, Chiba Shuji discovered that his muscles and blood vessels were affected by the ultra-low temperature, and it was no longer possible for him to swing a sword fluently.

In the realm of Dacheng, he is not afraid of being hit. This is a desperate way of fighting.

However, if the sword skills can no longer be used smoothly, they can only be forced to exit this state.

Qianye Xiuji's eyes blurred, and then he saw Liu Xu who was slowly approaching him.

He who ignored everything and only knew to win with the sword in his hand had disappeared.

It was replaced by Chiba Shuji who was proud, conceited, but lacking in courage from the beginning.

Seeing the faint smile on Liu Xu's mouth, Chiba Shuji suddenly remembered what happened just now.

After thinking about it, Chiba Shuji almost sat on the ground directly.

"Impossible... Even the me just now was no match for Liu Xu, how can it be possible for me now..."

As he said that, Qianye Xiuci kept backing away. He had already forgotten his situation and where he was now. All he knew was that he had to escape Liu Xu's attack range now.

"Liu Xu will never let me go...he will kill me, I don't want to die, I don't want to die!"

At the end, Chiba Shuji threw away the sword in front of everyone, and ran out screaming!

This scene was directly broadcast by the live camera.

Electric waves raced through the air.

It didn't take much time, and it was easily spread across the ocean.

The people in Japan, the people in Daya United, all saw the scene on TV where Chiba Xiuji was frightened by Liu Xu and turned around and ran away!

"Ci'ao! Cool! Who the hell is this Liu Xu! You are so proud of us!" A middle-aged man from Daya United shouted excitedly.

Hearing this, a man in military uniform sitting next to him smiled slightly.

"Don't worry, sir, he's our friend."

After finishing speaking, a trace of disdain flashed in the eyes of the man in military uniform.

This person is the commander-in-chief of the Daya United to the Far East, and the orders Liu Xu received in this world were also completely designated by him.

And the person he accompanied was one of the top leaders of the Great Asia United. Without his funds, the Great Asia United would have lost a lot of support for its various actions against Japan.

Therefore, even if it bothered him, the commander had to endure it and protect Liu Xu's identity.

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